
    5/7/24: Israel Launches Rafah Invasion, ICC Warns Senators After Threats, Trump Fined Over Gag Order, DeSantis Bans Lab Grown Meat, Columbia Cancels Commencement, Jerry Seinfeld Faceplants On PC Culture, Gaza Doc Details Rafah Horrors

    enMay 07, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • New seasons and topics for popular podcastsPopular podcasts like TMI, The General, Climbing in Heels, The Daily Show Ears Edition, and Breaking Points are back with new seasons and episodes, covering topics from social and civil rights issues to fashion, beauty, politics, news, and elections.

      Several popular podcasts, including TMI with Tamika D. Mallory and The General, Climbing in Heels with Rachel Zoe, The Daily Show Ears Edition with Jon Stewart, and Breaking Points, are back with new seasons and episodes. These podcasts cover a range of topics from social and civil rights issues to fashion, beauty, politics, and news. Some podcasts, like Breaking Points, are focusing on critical elections and expanding their coverage with the support of premium subscribers. Another key takeaway is the ongoing developments in Israel and Gaza, where the Rafah ground invasion has begun, and there are updates on the ceasefire deal and Trump's trial. Additionally, there are debates on free speech, lab-grown meat, and serious discussions on the conditions in Gaza with a doctor who recently returned from the region.

    • Israel's Ground Invasion of Rafah Despite Ceasefire AgreementIsrael rejected Hamas' ceasefire proposal, launched a ground invasion of Rafah, and worsened the humanitarian crisis in Gaza despite international efforts to broker peace.

      Despite international efforts to broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, the situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate with significant humanitarian implications. Hamas had accepted a ceasefire proposal, which included the release of all hostages, but Israel rejected it and launched a ground invasion of Rafah. This invasion came after Hamas had already agreed to release all hostages, and the US and Egypt had been involved in negotiating the deal. The Israeli media claimed the deal was softened or one-sided, but the details showed otherwise. The major point of contention is that Hamas wants the war to end while Israel wants it to continue. The humanitarian situation in Gaza is dire, with many Palestinians already displaced and in need of aid, and the closure of entry points into Gaza only worsens the situation. The invasion of Rafah has major implications for military strategy and the humanitarian situation on the ground.

    • Israel-Hamas conflict: Differences over hostages and ceasefireDespite international efforts, Israel and Hamas' irreconcilable differences over hostages and ceasefire continue to complicate the ongoing conflict, with both sides holding captives and pleading for their release.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas over the release of hostages and the ceasefire is complicated and contentious. While Hamas demands an end to Israel's war and the release of all hostages, Israel insists on continuing the war and quibbles over the number of alive versus dead hostages. The international community, specifically the US, has been trying to broker a deal but has faced challenges due to the irreconcilable differences between the two parties. There have been reports of American assurances to Hamas that the war will end once the stages of the deal are implemented, but Israel's leadership has rejected the deal and continued military operations. It's important to note that both sides are holding hostages, with Palestinians enduring abhorrent conditions in Israeli custody. The families of the Israeli hostages have been pleading for their release and have staged massive protests. The situation is complex, and it's unclear if Netanyahu and the Israeli war cabinet truly want the remaining hostages to be released and to hear their stories of their experiences during the conflict.

    • Israeli government's actions contradict population's desire for ceasefireThe Israeli government's unanimous vote to invade Rafa, despite public support for a ceasefire, exposes insincere concerns and damages trust in negotiations.

      Despite a widespread desire for a ceasefire among both Palestinian and Israeli populations, the Israeli government, including moderate members, have voted unanimously to invade Rafa, leading to consternation and protests. The Israeli government's actions have exposed their prior concerns about hostages and the war as insincere, as evidenced by Simon Beaucher's statements on Israeli news. Hamas, seeing the Israeli government's lack of good faith in negotiations, may have seen the ceasefire as a PR move. Biden had previously warned against a ground invasion into Rafa as a potential red line, but the Israeli government proceeded regardless. The situation highlights the disconnect between the Israeli government's actions and the desires of its population.

    • Israeli officials face arrest warrants from ICC, US senators threaten ICC prosecutorUS senators threatening ICC prosecutor undermines ICC's independence and impartiality, potentially interfering with administration of justice

      Netanyahu and other Israeli officials are facing potential arrest warrants from the International Criminal Court (ICC), and in response, high-profile Republican senators have threatened the ICC prosecutor and her family members. This is an unprecedented move that undermines the independence and impartiality of the ICC. The ICC has issued a warning against such threats and has explicitly prohibited retaliation and intimidation of its officials under Article 70 of the Rome Statute. This situation highlights the complex geopolitical tensions between Israel, the US, and the ICC, and the potential consequences of interfering with the administration of justice.

    • Republican Senators Threaten ICC with SanctionsA group of Republican senators issued threats of sanctions and family bans against the ICC for investigating potential war crimes in Gaza involving Israeli leaders.

      A group of 12 Republican senators, including Tom Cotton, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz, have issued a direct threat to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and its employees, warning of sanctions and family member bans if the ICC attempts to hold Israeli leaders accountable for actions in Gaza. This comes after the ICC expressed interest in investigating potential war crimes committed during the 2014 Gaza conflict. Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen criticized the threats, comparing them to mafia tactics. The situation is further complicated by the Hague Invasion Act, signed into law by George W. Bush in 2002, which authorizes military action if US or allied personnel are detained or if US sovereignty is threatened. The Israeli government, which has received significant military aid from the US, has taken a defiant stance, with Prime Minister Netanyahu declaring that Israel will defend itself even if it must stand alone. However, the US's involvement in the situation and the significant support for Israel in the US make the threats against the ICC more significant than they might seem at first glance.

    • Israel's underdog perception and the ICCIsrael views the ICC as biased due to its self-perception as a victim and underdog, believing it undermines its right to self-defense

      Israel's self-perception as an underdog and legitimate victim, rooted in its foundational myth and the Holocaust, influences its interactions with international institutions like the ICC. This perception grants Israel a free pass to act without being held accountable for potential human rights violations. The ICC's founding in response to the Holocaust further reinforces this belief, leading Israel to view the institution as biased and an attempt to undermine its fundamental right to self-defense. This perspective, shared by some world leaders and organizations, highlights the complexities and emotional underpinnings of international relations.

    • Testimony from Hope Hicks in Trump trialHope Hicks, a former close Trump adviser, testified about handling damaging stories, revealing campaign's efforts to suppress negative news and potential consequences for gag order violations.

      The ongoing trial against Donald Trump has seen significant developments, including testimony from Hope Hicks, a former close adviser. Hicks, who was once integral to Trump's campaign and inner circle, testified for over two hours about her role in handling negative media stories, including the Access Hollywood tape and the Stormy Daniels hush money payment. Her emotional testimony provided insights into the campaign's reaction to damaging stories and the efforts made to mitigate their impact. The judge's stern warning to Trump for contempt, along with the fine, highlighted the importance of the trial itself and the potential consequences for future gag order violations. Overall, Hicks' testimony added context to the case, emphasizing the campaign's understanding of the damaging nature of negative stories and their attempts to suppress them.

    • Trump's Legal Woes Could Benefit Him PoliticallyTrump believes getting arrested could rally support, but repeated criticisms of the legal process may harm his image and case

      Former President Trump's legal situation, including his recent arrest and fine, could potentially benefit him politically. He seems to believe that getting arrested could create a "Mar-a-Lago moment," rallying support from Republicans and framing the situation as a free speech issue. Trump's strategy, whether intentional or not, of repeatedly violating the gag order and criticizing the jury and judge, however, may not be a wise one, as it could negatively impact his image and potentially harm his legal case. The latest fine was levied due to Trump's comments about the jury. Despite the legal challenges, Trump does have some evidence that could help create reasonable doubt, such as testimony from Hope Hicks regarding his concern for Melania's opinion. Overall, the situation presents a complex dynamic, with potential political gains and legal risks for Trump.

    • Polls show Biden leading among registered and likely votersBiden holds a significant lead over Trump among registered and likely voters, while the overall poll numbers can be misleading.

      The presidential race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is tightening up, but the numbers can be deceiving. According to various polls, the race is close when looking at all adults, but when narrowing down to registered and likely voters, Biden holds a significant lead. For example, in the ABC News/Ipsos poll, Biden leads Trump 46% to 44% among all adults, but among registered voters, the lead expands to 46% to 45%, and among likely voters, it's even larger at 49% to 45%. This trend continues in the NPR poll, where Biden's lead among definite voters is 5 points, 52% to 47%. The demographic groups that are more likely to turn out to vote, such as older voters and college-educated whites, are favoring Biden. Therefore, the outcome of the election could depend on voter turnout. If there is a high turnout, it could benefit Trump, but if it's a normal or low turnout, it could favor Biden.

    • 2024 Presidential Election: Uncertain OutcomeHistorical voter demographics, Trump's voter mobilization, poll unreliability, swing states, economy, abortion, voter engagement, and apathy could all impact the 2024 presidential election outcome.

      The 2024 presidential election is still uncertain despite some trends favoring Joe Biden. Democrats have historically performed better with certain voter demographics, but Trump's ability to mobilize low-propensity voters is a wildcard. The polls, which have underestimated Democratic support in the past, are an unreliable indicator due to the increasing number of third-party candidates. Swing states appear to favor Trump in polls, but midterm turnout data suggests a higher voter participation rate could swing the outcome. The economy, abortion, and voter engagement are key issues that could impact the election. Overall, the election could go either way, with Biden potentially securing a landslide victory or Trump pulling off an upset. The apathy and disengagement of voters towards the election are also significant factors to consider.

    • 2022 Presidential Election: Less Interest, More ComplexityDespite a lack of compelling primary races and general apathy, the 2022 election still holds significant consequences. Unexpected factors and complex issues will impact the outcome.

      The 2022 presidential election is experiencing significantly lower interest and engagement compared to previous elections. The reasons for this include a lack of compelling primary races, limited choices for voters who dislike both major party candidates, and a general sense of apathy towards politics due to ongoing dissatisfaction with the political system. Additionally, ratings for political coverage are down across the board, while interest in sports and pop culture is at an all-time high. The election also faces challenges from unexpected factors like the popularity of RFK Junior among certain voter demographics. These factors combined are contributing to a potential lower turnout than in 2020. The situation echoes the 1996 election, which was considered less important despite its policy consequences. However, it's important to note that even in a low-interest election, the choices made will still have significant impacts. The recent ban on lab-grown meat in Florida is just one example of the complex issues at play in the current political landscape.

    • The Debate Over Lab-Grown Meat in Florida: Tech vs. PoliticsSome politicians oppose lab-grown meat due to the 'Lindy Principle' and concerns over industrialization, while critics argue it's a culture war fueled by money in factory farming. The future remains uncertain.

      The debate over lab-grown meat in Florida has become a contentious issue, with some venture capitalists and tech companies, like Jeff Bezos, supporting it, while politicians like Ron DeSantis and John Fetterman are opposing it. The opposition argues that the principle of "the longer it's been around, the better it is" (Lindy Principle) and concerns over the potential industrialization and ownership of food production by tech companies are reasons for their stance. However, critics argue that this is a culture war issue fueled by money in the factory farming industry and that lab-grown meat could potentially address issues with industrial farming, such as animal welfare, antibiotic resistance, and climate impact. The debate is complex, with valid points on both sides, and the future of lab-grown meat remains uncertain.

    • Cultural concerns vs. actual health issues with lab-grown meatWhile cultural concerns around lab-grown meat exist, they may not be based on solid evidence or actual health concerns. Instead, focusing on reducing the carbon footprint and improving food production through sustainable options like lab-grown meat could be more effective.

      While the discussion around a ban on lab-grown meat raises cultural concerns, it may not be based on solid evidence or actual health concerns. The speaker argues that the food system has bigger issues, such as factory farming, which receives federal subsidies and contributes significantly to climate change. Lab-grown meat, on the other hand, could potentially reduce the carbon footprint and offer more sustainable options. The speaker also expresses skepticism towards the idea of synthesizing amino acids as a replacement for animal protein, citing the limitations of Western medicine and the importance of understanding the evolutionary process. The speaker encourages a nuanced approach to technology and its role in addressing climate change and improving food production. Ultimately, a ban on lab-grown meat based on cultural signaling rather than actual concerns may not be the most effective solution.

    • Critics question motives behind push for lab-grown meat and potential food system consolidationFocusing on lab-grown meat oversimplifies food system issues; addressing agricultural subsidies and promoting whole foods is a more effective approach.

      The debate surrounding lab-grown meat raises cultural and skepticism-based arguments, with some questioning the motives of those pushing for its adoption and the potential consolidation of the food system. Critics argue that focusing on banning lab-grown meat overlooks more pressing issues, such as agricultural subsidies and the promotion of whole foods. The speaker suggests that a more effective approach would be to address these underlying issues rather than focusing on lab-grown meat, which is still in development. The speaker also expresses concerns about the potential monopolization of the food system by large corporations and billionaires, and questions whether the new competitors are truly beneficial or just a different form of the same issue. Ultimately, the speaker believes that a more holistic approach to food system reform is necessary, rather than focusing on individual components like lab-grown meat.

    • Columbia University cancels graduation to avoid protests and embarrassmentOlder demographics and Republicans oppose college protests, but a plurality of younger adults and Democrats support them, highlighting the tension between free speech and control in education.

      The cancellation of Columbia University's commencement ceremony was not due to security concerns, but rather a desire to avoid potential embarrassment and maintain control. The decision was influenced by the fear of widespread protests and the potential backlash from donors and parents. The polling data shows a significant age and political divide in public opinion towards these pro-Palestinian college protests, with older demographics and Republicans being more opposed. Despite this, a plurality of younger adults and Democrats support the protests. Overall, the controversy highlights the ongoing tension between free speech and the desire for order and control in educational institutions.

    • American opinions on college campus protests and law enforcement responseA majority of Americans are unsure or believe the response to college campus protests is about right, but older adults and college graduates express concerns about insufficient harshness. Free speech vs stopping hate speech is a concern for Americans, and protests are seen as a lower priority compared to past events.

      While there is a significant divide among Americans regarding their views on college campus protests and the response from law enforcement, a majority are unsure or believe the response is about right. The numbers are not as negative as feared, but there are warning signs, particularly among older adults and college graduates who believe the response has not been harsh enough. The issue of free speech versus stopping hate speech is seen as equally important to Americans. The Vietnam War protests, which had much higher levels of engagement and certainty among the population, were a top priority for many, while college protests are seen as a lower priority, with many expressing indifference or uncertainty. The polling suggests that the issue may not have a significant impact on the larger political landscape.

    • Biden's handling of college protests and student activismBiden's approach to college protests and student activism has divided his coalition, alienated some young voters, and created an impression of chaos, potentially leading to a conservative backlash. The impact on his presidency remains uncertain.

      Joe Biden's handling of college protests and his stance on student activism has potentially divided his political coalition, alienated some young voters, and created an impression of chaos that could lead to a conservative backlash. This is despite Biden's rhetorical support for the core issues behind the protests and his condemnation of violence. Some argue that Biden's attempts to split the difference and distance himself from the protests were necessary to win over moderate voters, but others believe that embracing the movement could have solidified his base and prevented a political price. Ultimately, the impact of Biden's approach on his presidency remains to be seen.

    • Impact of protests on public opinion and politicsProtests can lead to political fallout for leaders, but the long-term impact on public opinion and politics is complex and depends on historical context

      The response to protests and their impact on public opinion can depend on the specific historical context. Using the examples of protests against the Vietnam War and the current college student protests, it's clear that there can be a separation between support for the issue and opposition to the protests themselves. In the case of the Vietnam War protests, the backlash against the protests led to Republican rule from 1968 until 1992. However, the political fallout from the protests didn't prevent the eventual shift in public opinion towards the protesters' cause. In the current context, Joe Biden's handling of protests could create chaos and potentially harm his image as a peacemaker. But the impact on his presidency will depend on how the situation unfolds and how the public perceives his response. The historical context of the Vietnam War protests shows that the political fallout from protests can take decades to fully understand.

    • Protests and Social Movements: Shaping HistoryProtests and social movements, despite initial backlash, have significantly contributed to societal progress throughout history.

      While individual leaders play a crucial role in shaping history, social movements and protests are essential in bringing about change. The 1961 poll questioning the impact of sit-ins on Negroes' integration in the South might suggest that protests are ineffective and even harmful in the moment. However, history proves otherwise. Movements like the abolitionists' push for the Emancipation Proclamation, the suffragettes' fight for women's rights, and the anti-apartheid protests all contributed significantly to societal progress. The students protesting against human rights abuses in today's world are not misguided or seeking clout; they are passionately trying to create change. It's important to remember that the success of a protest movement is not determined by initial public opinion or backlash but by its long-term impact.

    • Politics and Public Sentiment: Unpredictable OutcomesProtests and public sentiment can create pressure for change, but outcomes are not always straightforward or predictable. Progress often comes with challenges and sacrifices.

      While public sentiment and protests can influence political decisions, they may not always lead to immediate or desired outcomes. The speaker shares his experience with the US Congress passing Ukraine aid despite public opposition, and how disruptions and protests can create pressure and bring about change, but not always in a straightforward or predictable way. He also references historical examples, such as the Civil Rights Movement in the US, to illustrate that progress often comes with challenges and sacrifices. Ultimately, the speaker argues that the goal should be to bring about meaningful change, even if it comes with political costs or electoral consequences.

    • Protests during political unrest can bring changeDespite opposition and propaganda, nonviolent protests can lead to change and inspire personal growth.

      During times of political and social unrest, nonviolent protests have the potential to bring about change, even when faced with intense propaganda campaigns and opposition. This was evident in the Palestinian protests, where despite media backlash and political division, a significant number of Democrats expressed support for the protesters and called for a ceasefire. The persistence and discipline of these protesters, who have primarily engaged in nonviolent tactics, offer a contrast to past protests and movements. This is not a guaranteed solution, but it's one that has a chance of making a difference. It's important to remember that every experience, no matter how seemingly insignificant, contributes to our personal growth and development. This is the essence of the She Pivots podcast, where women share their inspiring stories of change and the mindset shifts that come with it.

    • Impact of Political Correctness on ComedyThe pendulum may be swinging back towards more edgy and uncensored comedy as political correctness and the 'woke' left's influence wanes, with recent comedy events receiving little backlash and controversial comedians gaining popularity.

      The debate over the impact of political correctness and the "woke" left on comedy is far from settled. Jerry Seinfeld's criticism of the current state of comedy being stifled by these forces was put into question when his own production, "Unfrosted," was criticized for being dull and unfunny. However, the recent Tom Brady roast on Netflix, which included offensive jokes about various groups, was met with little backlash and even praise. This suggests that the pendulum may be swinging back towards more edgy and uncensored comedy. Additionally, the recent invitations of controversial comedians like Shane Gillis and Andrew Schultz to host shows and sell out arenas for Netflix further supports this notion. Ultimately, it seems that while political correctness and the "woke" left may have had an impact on comedy in the past, they may no longer be the driving force behind the genre's evolution.

    • Comedy Pioneering Media Trends, Healthcare Professionals' Compassionate Care in GazaComedy podcasts innovate formats and engage audiences, while healthcare workers in Gaza deliver care with compassion amidst resource scarcity.

      Comedy, particularly podcasts, have been pioneers in media trends, leading the way in format innovation and audience engagement. This was evident during the fall of established comedy and the rise of YouTube and podcasts. Recently, even traditional media is embracing these trends. Meanwhile, in a different context, Doctor Moira Lang shared her experiences in Gaza, where healthcare facilities and staff have been severely impacted, resulting in a lack of pain relief and basic resources for patients. Despite these challenges, healthcare professionals continue to provide care with compassion and resilience.

    • Unimaginable suffering in Gaza: healthcare and nutrition crisisDoctors perform procedures without anesthetic, cancer patients cry in pain due to lack of painkillers, ongoing displacement and lack of access to aid leads to malnutrition, pressure sores, and even death, violation of basic human rights, access to essential resources like food and water increasingly difficult, pushing some areas towards famine.

      The situation in Gaza involves unimaginable suffering, particularly in the areas of healthcare and nutrition. Doctors and healthcare workers are performing procedures without anesthetic, and cancer patients, both children and adults, are crying in pain due to the lack of access to painkillers. The situation is further compounded by the ongoing displacement and lack of access to humanitarian aid, leading to malnutrition, pressure sores, and even death. The situation is not only devastating but also a violation of basic human rights. The ongoing conflict and closure of borders have made access to essential resources like food and water increasingly difficult, pushing some areas towards famine. The situation in Gaza is not just a distant crisis but a pressing humanitarian issue that requires immediate attention and action.

    • Discussing the urgent need for international protection and respect for civilians in GazaWitnesses shared experiences of panic, displacement, fear, and despair towards the international community amidst attacks on hospitals and detention of healthcare workers. Calls for independent journalism and investigation to document alleged war crimes and uphold human rights.

      Urgent need for international protection and respect for the dignity and humanity of civilians in Gaza. Witnesses shared their experiences of panic, displacement, and fear, with many expressing a sense of despair towards the international community. Reports of hospitals being attacked, and healthcare workers being detained and tortured, were also shared. The speaker emphasized that she saw no evidence of Hamas operatives in hospitals during her decade-long tenure, and called for independent journalism and investigation to document alleged war crimes. Overall, the discussion underscores the critical importance of upholding human rights and providing safety and security for civilians in times of conflict.

    Recent Episodes from Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

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    7/1/24: NYT Says Biden Drop Out, Kamala Implodes Defending Debate, Biden Donor Revolt, 72% Say Biden Mentally Unfit, Far Right Stuns Macron In French Elections, Glenn Greenwald Sounds Off On Biden Age

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    6/29/24: Dave Smith VS Vaush: Did NATO Expansion Push Ukraine Invasion?

    6/29/24: Dave Smith VS Vaush: Did NATO Expansion Push Ukraine Invasion?

    Libertarian comedian Dave Smith and politics streamer Vaush join Counterpoints Fridays for a debate on the Ukraine war.

    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    Ryan and Emily discuss Hillary warning Biden that debating Trump is impossible, Bowman crushed by AIPAC in New York election, Kenya parliament on fire as troops occupy Haiti, Ryan exposes pro-Israel group lying about campaign funding, MIT nuclear expert dire warning on Russia Ukraine war. 


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    Merch Store: https://shop.breakingpoints.com/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    Merch Store: https://shop.breakingpoints.com/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show AD FREE, uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/


    Merch Store: https://shop.breakingpoints.com/

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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show AD FREE, uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/


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    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump flips on immigration green cards, Trump to reveal VP at debate, GenZ rages at boomer economic nightmare, and corporate greed screws Americans. 


    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show AD FREE, uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/


    Merch Store: https://shop.breakingpoints.com/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    6/20/24: Nvidea Surge Exposes DotCom Bubble, Putin North Korea Screw You To Biden, Zyn Online Sales Shutdown

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Nvidea surge exposes possible dotcom bust, Putin North Korea screw you to Biden, Zyn online sales shutdown. 


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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show AD FREE, uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.supercast.com/


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    Episode Title: Till Death Do Us Part
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    Find more info about Bill and his podcasts here: https://www.carnivalofgleecreations.com/
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    Artist Spotlight - Big Zay Mack | @BigZayMack662
    In this episode of PoPolitickin, we politick with Big Zay Mack.

    Big Zay Mack hails from Columbus, MS. Growing up in "America's Birthplace of Music", as the state's motto alludes to, music came naturally to him. Freestyles turned into writing songs. A thing about Zay that stands out is that he is an Active Duty Sailor in the United States Navy. He has deployed to Iraq and deployed twice on the USS John C Stennis. While on the John C Stennis, he recorded songs for his mixtape, "Undrafted All Star". As time progressed, his skills improved learning different cadences and song structures. He has notable bodies of work including "The Dangers Of Sleeping", "S.H.O.T.S.", "Last Call" and his first debut album, King of Trunk Muzik. He has worked with the likes of Project Pat, DeLorean, L.E.$., Dolla Black, Fiend, and Tito Lopez.