
    5 Things You Need to Invest In to Build Wealth (That Aren't Stocks) with Jeff Rose

    en-usOctober 12, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Alternative Ways to Build WealthReal estate through Fundrise and life insurance through Policygenius are two alternative ways to build wealth beyond stocks. Consider these options for financial security and income acceleration.

      There are various ways to build wealth beyond investing in stocks. Real estate through Fundrise is one option, which is currently expanding its portfolio during a time of dropping demand and falling prices. Another income accelerator discussed is life insurance through Policygenius, providing financial security for your loved ones in case of unforeseen events. Listen to the full interview with Jeff Rose on the Personal Finance Podcast as he shares more insights on the five things you can invest in to boost your income and wealth. Remember, always consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses before investing.

    • From financial instability to building wealthDespite a challenging upbringing, Jeff became a successful financial advisor and entrepreneur, proving it's never too late to start saving and investing for a better financial future

      No matter what your financial background is, it's never too late to start building wealth. Jeff's story is a powerful reminder of this. Growing up, he was surrounded by financial instability, with both of his parents filing for bankruptcy multiple times. Despite this, Jeff went on to become a financial advisor and eventually build a multimillion-dollar online business. He became passionate about investing and saving early, after realizing the regret many people expressed about not having done so sooner. This podcast aims to help anyone, regardless of their current financial situation, to start building wealth and change their family's financial trajectory. Jeff's inspiring journey demonstrates that anyone can do it.

    • Learning from Others: A Key to Financial SuccessInvesting in financial education through accelerated learning can significantly improve your financial future. Start young, read books, listen to podcasts, and take courses to expand your knowledge and mindset.

      Investing in your financial education through accelerated learning is a game-changer. Jeff's story highlights how starting young and learning from others can significantly improve your financial future. Accelerated learning can be achieved through various means like books, podcasts, and courses. It may seem like an investment, but the ROI in terms of financial knowledge and growth is invaluable. Jeff emphasized the importance of this early in his career, reading one business or personal finance book per week. Some of his favorite life-changing books include "Rich Dad Poor Dad," "Millionaire Messenger," and "The 4-Hour Workweek." These books helped shift his mindset and provided practical strategies for financial success.

    • Transformative impact of books and coursesReading transformative books and taking courses can unlock new opportunities, shift mindsets, and accelerate personal and professional growth.

      Transformative books and courses have significantly impacted the speaker's personal and professional growth. Early on, books like "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and "4 Hour Workweek" shifted mindsets and provided actionable steps towards wealth creation and time management. Virtual assistants were a game-changer, freeing up hours for more productive activities. Courses, despite initial resistance, proved to be valuable investments, with specific examples leading to growth in YouTube following and subscribers. Whether focusing on business, finances, or personal development, the right book or course at the right time can unlock new opportunities and accelerate progress.

    • Investing in personal growth and business toolsInvesting in courses, standing desks, Shopify, business coaches, and hiring tools can boost productivity, creativity, career advancement, and business growth.

      Investing in personal growth and business tools can significantly accelerate learning and business success. Whether it's taking courses to advance your career, using a standing desk to boost productivity and creativity, or partnering with platforms like Shopify to grow your business, these investments can make a huge difference. Another key takeaway is the importance of finding the right business partners, such as Shopify, and the right business coaches, like the speaker did in his career. Lastly, utilizing tools like Indeed for hiring can save time and ensure high-quality candidates. Overall, these investments and partnerships can help individuals and businesses thrive and reach new heights.

    • Investing in a Business Coach: A Personal and Professional Game ChangerExploring a business coaching program can lead to significant personal and professional growth, even if it seems like a risk or an intangible expense at first. Research, consider the potential value, and seek referrals before making a decision.

      Investing in a business coach can lead to significant personal and professional growth, even if it seems like a risk or an intangible expense at first. The speaker shares his own experience of feeling unfulfilled despite financial success, and how joining a coaching program called Strategic Coach transformed his approach to business and life. He emphasizes that it's important to avoid making hasty decisions based on fear of missing out, and instead take the time to research and consider the potential value of a coaching program before making an investment. The speaker also suggests seeking referrals and talking to others who have had positive experiences with coaches or coaching programs. Ultimately, the speaker's experience underscores the idea that investing in personal and professional development can lead to long-term benefits that are worth the initial investment.

    • Considering a Coach or Coaching Program?Take time to research, build trust, avoid FOMO, and consider group sessions or masterminds for added benefits before making a decision on hiring a coach or joining a coaching program.

      Making a thoughtful and well-considered decision is crucial when it comes to hiring a coach or joining a coaching program. Building a trusting relationship with the coach through their content is a good way to ensure a good fit. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) can cloud judgment and lead to unnecessary expenses and regret. Group coaching sessions can offer additional benefits, such as learning from and connecting with individuals from diverse industries and backgrounds. Mastermind groups can also be valuable for gaining new perspectives and overcoming feelings of isolation. It's important to take the time to research, discuss with loved ones, and consider the potential benefits and drawbacks before making a decision.

    • Joining forces with like-minded individuals for growthMasterminds and mentorship provide valuable tools for personal and business growth. Masterminds offer a supportive community for sharing ideas, receiving feedback, and solving problems. Mentorship is a one-on-one relationship for guidance, support, and skill development. Seek out opportunities for both to progress and reach goals.

      Masterminds and mentorship are valuable tools for personal and business growth. A mastermind is a group of like-minded individuals with similar goals, typically from different industries, who come together to share ideas, receive honest feedback, and help each other solve problems. It's a supportive community where members can grow and learn together. Masterminds can be free or paid, and the format can vary from weekly calls to in-person meetings. Mentorship, on the other hand, is a one-on-one relationship with an experienced and knowledgeable individual who can provide guidance, support, and advice. Mentors can help mentees overcome fears, gain new perspectives, and develop skills. Both masterminds and mentorship can be invaluable in helping individuals progress and reach their goals. If you're looking for a mentor, don't wait for permission – take the first step and reach out to someone you admire and respect. And if you're considering joining a mastermind, look for a group that aligns with your goals and growth stage, and be committed to showing up and contributing.

    • Learning from mentors through diverse resourcesSeek mentorship from various sources like books, podcasts, and videos to gain valuable insights and knowledge.

      Mentorship comes in various forms and doesn't always require direct interaction with the mentor. The speaker shared his personal experiences of having mentors like his first junior broker, Robert Kiyosaki, David Bach, and Gary Vaynerchuk, whom he never met in person but learned greatly from their books, podcasts, and YouTube videos. These mentors provided him valuable insights and knowledge, often more than what he could have gained through face-to-face interactions due to their busy schedules. The speaker emphasized the importance of seeking mentorship from diverse sources and making the most of available resources like books, podcasts, and videos.

    • Provide value and build relationships in networkingPrepare specific questions, demonstrate admiration, and appreciate the professional's work to add value and initiate productive conversations in networking.

      When reaching out to potential mentors or networking with professionals, it's essential to provide value and build relationships rather than just asking to pick their brain. This approach not only shows respect for their time but also increases the likelihood of receiving valuable insights and establishing a meaningful connection. Preparing specific questions and demonstrating admiration and appreciation for their work are effective ways to add value and initiate a productive conversation. Building relationships is crucial in networking, as it fosters a positive and mutually beneficial exchange, ultimately leading to the most valuable outcomes.

    • Forming relationships at conferencesEffectively networking at conferences requires identifying goals, focusing on income accelerators, and valuing relationships

      Building meaningful relationships and serving with a heart are powerful ways to accelerate learning and growth in any industry. Attending conferences is an excellent opportunity to meet new people and potentially form these types of relationships. Introverts and extroverts alike may feel nervous about introducing themselves, but the benefits of making connections can lead to mutual help and collaboration. To effectively implement this strategy, identify your goals and reverse engineer the steps needed to achieve them. Start with the income accelerator that will have the most impact and convenience for you, and focus on it before moving on to others. Remember, the relationships you build are just as valuable as the opportunities they may bring.

    • The power of personal growth through podcasts and educationInvesting in personal development through podcasts, education, and coaching can lead to significant returns, including improved finances, successful businesses, and long-term benefits, even if the financial gains are not immediate.

      Consuming new information through podcasts and educational resources can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and motivation. Hearing stories of how this information has positively impacted the lives of others, from helping them get out of debt to starting successful businesses, serves as a reminder of the potential impact one can have on others. Additionally, investing in personal development, such as education and coaching, can lead to significant returns, even if the financial gain is not immediate. The best advice received is to view oneself as the best investment and prioritize personal growth. This mindset shift can lead to long-term benefits, even if the financial rewards are not immediate. Overall, continually seeking out new knowledge and investing in oneself can lead to life-changing outcomes.

    • Investing in yourself is the best investmentFocus on self-improvement for recurring high returns, live a life of freedom with time and energy

      Investing in yourself is the highest return investment one can make. Jeff Rose shared his personal experience of investing $16,000 in a program and seeing a recurring half a million dollar return each year. Wealth, according to Jeff, means having control of time, enabling one to be present for their children and live the life they want without worrying about affordability. Jeff encourages everyone to focus on the gratitude aspect of wealth and live a life of freedom with time and energy. To learn more about Jeff and his resources, check out GoodFinancialCents.com, Wealth Hacker on YouTube, or find him on Twitter @jjeffrose.

    • Shift from net worth to net fulfillmentLiving a purposeful life and improving well-being through new tactics from 'All the Hacks' podcast

      There's a top-ranked podcast called "All the Hacks," hosted by financial optimizer and entrepreneur Chris Hutchins. In episode 91, Chris interviews Bill Perkins about the importance of optimizing for net fulfillment instead of net worth and striving to die with zero. This show offers valuable money hacks and productivity tips for everyone. Listen to "All the Hacks" on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts, and prepare for your wallet to thank you later. This shift in focus from net worth to net fulfillment encourages living a life of purpose and meaning, rather than just accumulating wealth. By applying new tactics from this podcast to your own life, you can increase your net worth and improve your overall well-being.

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    The BEST AI Stocks to Invest In (Money Q&A)
    In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast, we are going to do a Money Q&A about the best AI stocks to invest in.   Today we are going to answer these questions!  Question 1: The BEST AI Stocks to Invest in  Question 2: How to Make Sure Your Kids Don’t Blow Their Investment Money Early  Question 3: How to Tell Your Advisor You Want to Break UP  How Andrew Can Help You:  Don't let another year pass by without making significant strides toward your dreams. "Master Your Money Goals" is your pathway to a future where your aspirations are not just wishes but realities. Enroll now and make this year count! Join The Master Money Newsletter where you will become smarter with your money in 5 minutes or less per week Here! Learn to invest by joining  Index Fund Pro! This is Andrew’s course teaching you how to invest!  Watch The Master Money Youtube Channel! , Ask Andrew a question on Instagram or TikTok.  Learn how to get out of Debt by joining our Free Course  Leave Feedback or Episode Requests here.  Thanks to Our Amazing Sponsors for supporting The Personal Finance Podcast. Shopify: Shopify makes it so easy to sell. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at  shopify.com/pfp Monarch Money: Get an extended 30 day free trial at monarchmoney/pfp Thanks to Fundrise for Sponsoring the show! Invest in real estate going to fundrise.com/pfp Indeed: Start hiring NOW with a SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLAR SPONSORED JOB CREDIT to upgrade your job post at Indeed.com/personalfinance Thanks to Policy Genius for Sponsoring the show! Go to policygenius.com to get your free life insurance quote. Chime: Start your credit journey with Chime. Sign-up takes only two minutes and doesn’t affect your credit score. Get started at chime.com/ Delete Me: Use Promo Code PFP for 20% off!   Links Mentioned in This Episode:  A Masterclass on Investing in Individual Stocks with Brian Feroldi Why YOU Have an Advantage as a Small Investor with Brian Feroldi Connect With Andrew on Social Media:  Instagram  TikTok Twitter  Master Money Website  Master Money Youtube Channel   Free Guides:   The Stairway to Wealth: The Order of Operations for your Money  How to Negotiate Your Salary  The 75 Day Money Challenge  Get out Of Debt Fast  Take the Money Personality Quiz Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Million Dollar Money Decisions You Should Focus On (PFP VAULT)

    The Million Dollar Money Decisions You Should Focus On (PFP VAULT)
    In this episode of The Personal Finance Podcast, we’re gonna talk about the 1 million dollar money decisions you should be focusing on.  How Andrew Can Help You:  Don't let another year pass by without making significant strides toward your dreams. "Master Your Money Goals" is your pathway to a future where your aspirations are not just wishes but realities. Enroll now and make this year count! Join The Master Money Newsletter where you will become smarter with your money in 5 minutes or less per week Here! Learn to invest by joining  Index Fund Pro! This is Andrew’s course teaching you how to invest!  Watch The Master Money Youtube Channel! , Ask Andrew a question on Instagram or TikTok.  Learn how to get out of Debt by joining our Free Course  Leave Feedback or Episode Requests here.  Thanks to Our Amazing Sponsors for supporting The Personal Finance Podcast. Shopify: Shopify makes it so easy to sell. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at  shopify.com/pfp Monarch Money: Get an extended 30 day free trial at monarchmoney/pfp Thanks to Fundrise for Sponsoring the show! Invest in real estate going to fundrise.com/pfp Indeed: Start hiring NOW with a SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLAR SPONSORED JOB CREDIT to upgrade your job post at Indeed.com/personalfinance Thanks to Policy Genius for Sponsoring the show! Go to policygenius.com to get your free life insurance quote. Chime: Start your credit journey with Chime. Sign-up takes only two minutes and doesn’t affect your credit score. Get started at chime.com/ Delete Me: Use Promo Code PFP for 20% off!  Checklist of relevant episodes:  5 Things You Need to Invest In to Build Wealth (That Aren't Stocks) with Jeff Rose The Great Wealth Transfer Has STARTED (Here is How to Take Advantage of It) How You Can Create Life Changing Money Routines (Copy Mine!) The 2 Things You Must to Know Before Making an Investment With David Meltzer How to Build Your Index Fund Portfolio (Choose The Best Asset Allocation for You) Connect With Andrew on Social Media:  Instagram  TikTok Twitter  Master Money Website  Master Money Youtube Channel   Free Guides:   The Stairway to Wealth: The Order of Operations for your Money  How to Negotiate Your Salary  The 75 Day Money Challenge  Get out Of Debt Fast  Take the Money Personality Quiz Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    How Do I Set-Up My Finances As A New Couple?! - Money Q&A

    How Do I Set-Up My Finances As A New Couple?! - Money Q&A
    In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast, we are going to do a Money Q&A about how do I set up finances as a newlywed couple.  Today we are going to answer these questions: Question 1: How do I set up Finances as a Newlywed? Question 2: How do I move my Roth IRA?  Question 3: Do You Need an LLC with Rental Properties and Businesses?  How Andrew Can Help You:  Don't let another year pass by without making significant strides toward your dreams. "Master Your Money Goals" is your pathway to a future where your aspirations are not just wishes but realities. Enroll now and make this year count! Join The Master Money Newsletter where you will become smarter with your money in 5 minutes or less per week Here! Learn to invest by joining  Index Fund Pro! This is Andrew’s course teaching you how to invest!  Watch The Master Money Youtube Channel! , Ask Andrew a question on Instagram or TikTok.  Learn how to get out of Debt by joining our Free Course  Leave Feedback or Episode Requests here.  Thanks to Our Amazing Sponsors for supporting The Personal Finance Podcast. Shopify: Shopify makes it so easy to sell. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at  shopify.com/pfp Monarch Money: Get an extended 30 day free trial at monarchmoney/pfp Thanks to Fundrise for Sponsoring the show! Invest in real estate going to fundrise.com/pfp Indeed: Start hiring NOW with a SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLAR SPONSORED JOB CREDIT to upgrade your job post at Indeed.com/personalfinance Thanks to Policy Genius for Sponsoring the show! Go to policygenius.com to get your free life insurance quote. Chime: Start your credit journey with Chime. Sign-up takes only two minutes and doesn’t affect your credit score. Get started at chime.com/ Delete Me: Use Promo Code PFP for 20% off!   Links Mentioned in This Episode:  The Year End Money Checklist! (Make Sure You do This!) The Complete Breakdown of The 2-Fund Portfolio (The Warren Buffett Portfolio) Connect With Andrew on Social Media:  Instagram  TikTok Twitter  Master Money Website  Master Money Youtube Channel   Free Guides:   The Stairway to Wealth: The Order of Operations for your Money  How to Negotiate Your Salary  The 75 Day Money Challenge  Get out Of Debt Fast  Take the Money Personality Quiz Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Julian Maurice: Superstar DJ turned Designer

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    A warm welcome to the Property & Investor Podcast. The podcast where we speak to some of the most interesting, inspiring and resilient people in property, investing and beyond.  With your host Paul Lanfear.


    To discuss property, investing, resilience and much more … please join me at the next Property & Investor Breakfast:




    In particular please do join us a the first ZOOM Breakfast of 2023 Discovery Day: Goals, Direction of Travel & Road Map:




    Please subscribe/follow, give it a 5 star rating and review the podcast if you can.   It really helps people find the podcast.   And of course share it with a friend. 


    Please connect with me on social media: Facebook, Insta, Twitter and Linked In.












    Show Notes:


    Julian is an Interior Designer who has worked with property investors and developers for over 20-years. 


    Julian set up Icon Living to pass on his design expertise after seeing countless developers becoming involved in property renovation with little or no experience. 

    He passes on his experience and skills via training days, consultancy services and his new, innovative design guides. 


    Anyone, from first-time landlords to letting agents, can follow his tried-and- 

    tested approach to make their investments work harder. 


    Julian has worked for various investor clients from small portfolio builders to large asset management companies. 


    His own portfolio of work includes numerous student and HMO refurbishments, commercial office space, renovation projects, apartment block furnishing contracts and show home installations for both local and national developers. This vast expertise ensures he is able to help every client, regardless of portfolio size. 



    Contact Details for Julian:


    Facebook: Julian Maurice
    Web site: www.iconliving.co.uk
    Email: julian@iconliving.co.uk
    Mobile: 07939 540364 

    Mike Stenhouse of Inside Property Investing: High Yield Houses to the High Seas!

    Mike Stenhouse of Inside Property Investing:  High Yield Houses to the High Seas!

    Please note Mike was broadcasting the podcast from his boat in Spain and we lost signal at one stage for about 30 seconds however we do come back so please bear with us and apologies for the technical issue.  First world problems!  


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    A warm welcome to the Property & Investor Podcast. The podcast where we speak to some of the most interesting, inspiring and resilient people in property, investing and beyond.  With your host Paul Lanfear.


    To discuss property, investing, resilience and much more … please join me at the next Property & Investor Breakfast:




    In particular please do join us a the first ZOOM Breakfast of 2023 Discovery Day: Goals, Direction of Travel & Road Map:




    Please subscribe/follow, give it a 5 star rating and review the podcast if you can.   It really helps people find the podcast.   And of course share it with a friend. 


    Please connect with me on social media: Facebook, Insta, Twitter and Linked In.












    Show Notes:

    A warm welcome to the Property & Investor Podcast. The podcast where we speak to some of the most interesting, inspiring and resilient people in property, investing and beyond.  With your host Paul Lanfear.


    To discuss property, investing, resilience and much more … please join me at the next Property & Investor Breakfast:




    In particular please do join us a the first ZOOM Breakfast of 2023 Discovery Day: Goals, Direction of Travel & Road Map:




    Please subscribe/follow, give it a 5 star rating and review the podcast if you can.   It really helps people find the podcast.   And of course share it with a friend. 


    Please connect with me on social media: Facebook, Insta, Twitter and Linked In.












    Show Notes:

    Mike Stenhouse of Inside Property Investing.

    Background details:

    ●  Investing for over a decade

    ●  Focuson commercial to residential conversions in and around South


    ●  Currently workingon 4 projects totalling 22units

    ●  Haves pentthe past 4years trying to grow our business in the UK whilst travelling/sailing the world; recently had a baby to add to the challenge!


    Contact Details:


    Website - https://www.insidepropertyinvesting.com/
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/insidepropertyinvesting/


    Book Recommendation:  

    Will it Make the Boat Go Faster?: Olympic-winning Strategies for Everyday Success Paperback – 1 Jun. 2011 by Harriet Beveridge (Author), Ben Hunt-Davis (Author)

    How to Systemize Your Real Estate Business - Tips from Vinney Chopra [Abundance Mindset]

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    How to Systemize Your Real Estate Business - Tips from Vinney Chopra [Abundance Mindset]

    Abundance Thursdays with Vinney Chopra and Gualter Amarelo 👨‍💼

    👨‍💼 - Learn about achieving abundance in business and life

    🌟 - Sit back and gain valuable insights from two successful real estate entrepreneurs 🏡

    💵 - Topics cover self-development, positivity, and handling & growing your business

    📈 - Weekly episodes unpack the 52 Wealth Principles by Vinney Chopra

    📚 - Gain specific tactics and mindsets for real estate investing success 💡

    🏘️ Episode Highlights: - The importance of abundance, gratitude, and living meaningfully

    🙏 - Strategies for systematizing your business to run without you

    🤖 - Creating SOPs, automating with software, hiring the right people 👩‍💻

    👨‍💻 - Protecting your investor lists and portal software 🗒️

    🔐 - Monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for business health

    📊 - Personal development fuels business success 🧠

    💡 - Vineny’s top apps for productivity and business

    📱 Subscribe and share! See you next Thursday 9am PST

    🌟 Opening Introduction. (0:01)

    Systemize your business or it runs without you. (3:51)

    Software and automation. (8:44)

    What software do you use as a capital raiser? (14:37)

    How to protect your list. (18:32)

    Vinney’s top five apps. (28:08) 

    #AbundanceMindset #WealthPrinciples #VinneyChopra #GualterAmarelo #RealEstateInvesting #BusinessTips #SelfDevelopment #Positivity #EntrepreneurLife #InvestorMindset

    🙋‍♂️ If you are an accredited investor - for investing or learning from Vinney, click here: https://vinneyscalendar.com/vinneysyoutube

    #positivity #multifamilycoachingprograms #multifamilysyndication

    Get Vinney's book, Positivity Brings Profitability here - https://amzn.to/4444kSJ