
    5 Tips To Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

    enDecember 28, 2022

    About this Episode

    Only 8 percent of us will stick to our New Year's resolutions before the end of the year. Guest Amy Morin says that's because our goals are often too lofty or not specific enough. She offers some smart strategies for making and not breaking resolutions this year that will make you feel better about yourself. Amy is the editor-in-chief of VeryWellMind.com and the author of a series of bestselling books on strategies mentally strong people use. Her TedTalk is one of the most listened to of all time. 

    Recent Episodes from Write About Now

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    There's Hope for Journalists Amidst the Mass Layoffs

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    Watch the interview @ https://bit.ly/WriteAboutNowYouTube


    Write About Now
    enMarch 05, 2024

    A Victim of Domestic Abuse Was Sentenced to Prison for Killing Her Husband. Now She Wants Her Freedom.

    A Victim of Domestic Abuse Was Sentenced to Prison for Killing Her Husband. Now She Wants Her Freedom.

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    Read her Globe & Mail story here

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    Write About Now
    enFebruary 22, 2024

    Kristin Hannah's New Novel Focuses on the Forgotten Heroes of the Vietnam War

    Kristin Hannah's New Novel Focuses on the Forgotten Heroes of the Vietnam War

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    Write About Now listeners are invited to take an online masterclass with host Jonathan Small called Proven Formulas for Writing Stories that Sell on Feb 18 at 1 pm ET. Experienced and first-time writers can sign up @ https://pandemicuniversity.com/product/articles-that-sell/

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    A Former FBI Agent Explains Serial Killer Profiling

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    Sign up for my article writing masterclass @ https://pandemicuniversity.com/product/articles-that-sell/

    Sign up for my substack newsletter @ https://jonathan856.substack.com.

    She Was Kidnapped Then Accused of Staging a Hoax

    She Was Kidnapped Then Accused of Staging a Hoax

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    Breaking news: Jonathan is teaching an online masterclass on how to write an article that sells. For more information visit: https://pandemicuniversity.com/product/articles-that-sell/

    These Brain Exercises That Will Improve Your Focus

    These Brain Exercises That Will Improve Your Focus

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    Watch the interview on YouTube @writeaboutnowpodcast111

    Subscribe to my Substack @Small Talk

    Write About Now
    enJanuary 17, 2024

    7 Ways to Be More Productive in 2024

    7 Ways to Be More Productive in 2024

    Time is the great equalizer. Everyone of us only has 24 hours each day to get things done. How we use that time constructively separates the productive from the procratinators. Guest Laura Vanderkam is a time management expert and the author of six books on the topic, including her latest, Tranquility by Tuesday: 9 Ways to Calm the Chaos and Make Time for What Matters. In this episode, she offers smart strategies for getting stuff done more efficiently while also enjoying your life. 

    Subscribe to my substack @ https://jonathan856.substack.com

    Watch the interview @ https://bit.ly/WriteAboutNowYouTube

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    Write About Now
    enJanuary 02, 2024

    How One Woman Took Down a Cryptocurrency Cult

    How One Woman Took Down a Cryptocurrency Cult

    Jennifer McAdam is a Scottish coal miner's daughter who lost her life's savings to a multimillion-dollar cryptocurrency scam called OneCoin. She even convinced many of her friends to invest before she realized it was all a big lie. But rather than wither away in shame, McAdam fought back, creating an online Victims’ Support Group and taking legal action. Her incredible story is captured in her new book Devil’s Coin: My Battle to Take Down the Notorious OneCoin Cryptoqueen. I interviewed Jennifer on my other podcast "Dirty Money" with my fearless co-host Dan Bova. If you like what you hear, please follow the show for more juicy tales of financial true crime. 

    Follow Dirty Money @ https://bit.ly/3v1S2yt

    Order Devil's Coin @ https://amzn.to/3toaUY9

    Write About Now
    enDecember 19, 2023

    A NYC Dating Coach Untangles the Web of Modern Romance

    A NYC Dating Coach Untangles the Web of Modern Romance

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    Subscribe to my substack @ https://jonathan856.substack.com/

    Check out Connell's new book @ https://jonathan856.substack.com/

    Write About Now
    enDecember 12, 2023

    What You Think You Know About Story Is Wrong

    What You Think You Know About Story Is Wrong

    Guest Lisa Cron is a story coach and author of Wired for Story, Story Genius, and Story or Die. Cron combines her wisdom of working with writers in the publishing and TV business with her fascination in the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience. She says that all humans are hardwired for story; we think in story. When writers tap into this, it triggers a dopamine rush that tells us to pay attention. The problem is too many writers don't know what makes a good story. They're stuck more in "writing well" than in writing in a way that triggers the brain to want more. In this interview, she untaps the the hidden source of great storytelling, with practical tips on how to apply it to your own work. 

    Write About Now
    enDecember 05, 2023