
    50: The Truth Behind Molly Bloom’s High-Stakes Underground Poker Games for Hollywood's Elites and Wall Street’s Billionaires

    enMay 02, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • From Olympic hopeful to poker game runner: Molly Bloom's inspiring story of resilienceDespite setbacks, maintaining mental agility and focusing on the present can help individuals adapt and overcome adversity

      Resilience and the ability to adapt to unexpected circumstances are crucial for overcoming adversity. Molly Bloom, a former Olympic hopeful skiier turned poker game runner, shared her inspiring story of how she turned her life around after a devastating skiing accident. Despite the challenges she faced, including financial struggles and family disapproval, she managed to reframe her mindset and restart in a new direction. Her experience demonstrates the importance of mental agility and the power of letting go of the past to focus on the present and future. When faced with setbacks, it's essential to have the determination and flexibility to adapt and keep moving forward.

    • Unexpected opportunities from stepping out of comfort zoneStay open to new experiences, networking and building relationships can lead to unexpected opportunities and growth

      Opportunities can arise in unexpected places, even for those with modest means. Tara's experience of serving drinks at an underground poker game for the wealthy and influential opened up a world of possibilities for her, including access to powerful networks and financial opportunities. Her initial curiosity and willingness to learn transformed into a valuable experience, ultimately leading her to reconsider her plans for law school. This story illustrates the importance of staying open to new experiences and the potential rewards that can come from stepping out of one's comfort zone. Additionally, it highlights the significance of networking and building relationships, as these connections can lead to unexpected opportunities and growth.

    • Embracing unexpected experiencesEven in unglamorous situations, there's potential for growth and opportunity. Embrace new experiences and see the value in seemingly insignificant situations.

      Even in the most unexpected or intimidating situations, there's potential for growth and opportunity. The speaker, Molly, shares her experience of serving drinks at a high-stakes poker game attended by celebrities and powerful figures. At first, she felt small and insignificant. However, she soon realized that the experience was valuable, and she even made money from it. The game was held in an underground location, which was far from glamorous, but the people playing were worth a fortune. The game had a high buy-in of $10,000 and was cash only, with no limit hold'em as the game of choice. When Molly took over the game, she changed the aesthetic to make it feel more James Bond-like. Overall, Molly's story highlights the importance of embracing new experiences and seeing potential in seemingly unremarkable situations.

    • Leveraging Relationships for Personal and Financial GrowthMemorizing favorite orders, helping with reservations, and collecting debts can lead to valuable connections and financial opportunities. Building strong relationships can lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth.

      Building strong relationships can lead to significant personal and financial growth, even in unexpected situations. Molly shared her experience of working in an underground poker game, where she started as a server and tried to become indispensable to the players by memorizing their favorite orders, helping them with reservations, and even collecting debts. Her dedication paid off, as she made more in one night than in a month from her day job. However, her boss grew suspicious and eventually fired her, believing she was more invested in the poker game than her assistant role. Seizing the opportunity, Molly started her own game the following week and thrived in her new venture. The skills she learned in the poker game, such as forging relationships and solving problems, proved invaluable and taught her the importance of cultivating connections to succeed in various aspects of life.

    • Designing an exceptional experienceCreating a unique, memorable event requires attention to detail and a willingness to assert oneself, even when faced with criticism or opposition.

      Creating an exceptional experience involves attention to detail and setting high standards. The speaker described designing an exclusive game event with luxurious surroundings and high entry fees to create a unique and memorable experience for attendees. However, this approach raised concerns from some individuals and resulted in a confrontation with her boss. Despite the fear, she stood her ground and ultimately earned his respect, demonstrating her growth and ability to assert herself. This experience taught her the importance of delivering an extraordinary experience and the confidence that comes with standing behind it, even in the face of criticism or opposition.

    • Creating a Memorable Experience for High-Profile IndividualsGoing the extra mile to tailor experiences to high-profile individuals' unique needs and preferences can lead to a successful and exclusive event. Communication, location, and overall experience should be individualized and cater to their desires for secrecy, luxury, and exclusivity.

      Creating an exclusive and memorable experience for high-profile individuals requires making them feel special and catering to their unique needs. This was demonstrated in the story of a high-stakes poker game, where the organizer went to great lengths to ensure the game's location, communication, and overall experience were tailored to each player. The game grew from a small gathering to a large event with big stakes, attracting high-profile attendees. The communication was individual, ensuring secrecy and exclusivity. The games were held in luxury hotels, providing additional perks like security and convenience. The players began playing on credit, with the game serving as the initial bank. The element of surprise and change in location added to the overall experience. This story highlights the importance of making people feel seen, heard, and remembered in creating a successful and exclusive experience.

    • Molly Bloom's High-Stakes Poker Games: Handshake Agreements and Millions in TipsMolly Bloom made millions from high-stakes poker games through handshake agreements and tips, but faced significant risks like cheating and non-payment when moving the game to New York City, where stakes reached $250,000. Despite these risks, players lost fortunes, with one losing $100,000,000 in a single game and another losing a total of $1,000,000,000.

      Molly Bloom's high-stakes poker games were based on handshake agreements, where winners paid the bank (Molly) in tips. For seven and a half years, she made millions from these tips, with an average of $10,000 to $20,000 per night from 9 players with a $50,000 buy-in. However, when she moved the game to New York City and the stakes became much higher, reaching $250,000, she encountered significant risks such as being stiffed on payments and dealing with cheating. The threat of social and career suicide for those who tried to cheat or stiff the game kept the games secure. Bloom's reputation and the security of her MDB Inc. checks also helped ensure she was paid. Despite the risks, one player once lost a staggering $100,000,000 in a single game, and another lost a total of $1,000,000,000. The games were a roller coaster of wins and losses.

    • The allure of high-stakes gambling and quick wealth can lead to reckless decisions and downward spirals.Gambling can lead to substance abuse and legal troubles, even for those from high-achieving backgrounds. Reflection and rebuilding are necessary after hitting rock bottom.

      The allure of high-stakes gambling and the potential for quick wealth can be intoxicating, leading some to lose sight of their values and make reckless decisions. The speaker's experience of making large sums of money and then losing it all, combined with the pressures and temptations of the lifestyle, eventually led to a downward spiral of substance abuse and legal troubles. Despite coming from a high-achieving background, the speaker found that it took hitting rock bottom for him to truly reflect on his choices and work on rebuilding his life.

    • Focusing on inner growth for true happinessTrue happiness comes from within through personal growth, integrity, and treating others well, not solely from external accomplishments or material possessions.

      True happiness, peace, and fulfillment come from within and cannot be achieved solely through external accomplishments or material possessions. The speaker, who grew up surrounded by successful siblings and influential friends, discovered this after realizing that even the wealthiest and most powerful people were not necessarily content or at peace. Instead, they found that focusing on personal growth, integrity, and treating others well are essential for true happiness. The speaker's advice for those feeling the pressure to keep up with the rat race is to prioritize inner work before seeking external validation. Success and wealth can create a need for more, but true happiness is found from within.

    • From material wealth to inner fulfillmentBelieving wealth brings happiness is a misconception. Fulfillment comes from within, not from external possessions or success.

      Material wealth does not equate to fulfillment or happiness. The speaker shares his personal experience of running illegal gambling businesses and the consequences he faced. He mentions that he believed those with material wealth lived the best lives, but his experiences proved that assumption wrong. He learned that many people who had achieved great wealth and success felt empty and unfulfilled. The turning point came when the FBI stormed his apartment, and he was faced with the reality of his actions and their consequences. He was fined, faced restitution, and lost all his money. He was given an opportunity to wear a wire and inform on politicians, celebrities, and people from Wall Street, but he ultimately declined. The speaker learned that the way back from rock bottom required a return to his core values and an honest look at who he was in the world. This experience taught him that true fulfillment comes from within and not from external wealth or success.

    • Embracing redemption and self-forgivenessAcknowledge mistakes, take responsibility, and forgive oneself to move forward in life, even after severe consequences.

      Accepting responsibility for your actions and learning to forgive yourself are crucial steps towards moving forward in life, even if the consequences are severe. Molly Bloom, a former Olympic hopeful turned high-stakes poker runner, shared her personal journey of redemption after serving time in prison for her involvement in a criminal enterprise. She emphasized the importance of acknowledging mistakes and taking responsibility, while also finding a way to forgive oneself. Despite facing adversity from the mafia to the wealthy elite, Molly remains unphased and continues to thrive, with upcoming projects including a second book, a docuseries, and a podcast. Her unique trading secret for financial management and career navigation is the importance of cultivating inner power to overcome life's challenges, a lesson she learned through her own experiences.

    • Mental Discipline: The Key to SuccessMeditate for mental calmness and focus, overcome fear, ego, and greed, and become the most rational and fearless competitor.

      Mental discipline is crucial for success in business, finance, and life. Molly Bloom, a successful businesswoman and former high-stakes poker player, emphasized the importance of disciplining one's mind to overcome natural tendencies towards fear, ego, and greed. She recommended meditation as a tool to achieve mental calmness and focus. By practicing mental discipline and meditation, individuals can become the most rational and fearless person in the room, making them dangerous competitors. Bloom also mentioned that she is writing a book and can be followed on social media under the handle @MollyBloom. Additionally, the speaker expressed interest in creating content on gambling, given its relevance with legalization in many states. The speaker also shared a nostalgic moment about a past experience at Standard Bingo in New York City.

    • Understanding Buy-ins in PokerBuy-ins in poker can be cash or tournament style, with cash games allowing players to reload or rebuy, while tournament style games have set buy-ins and winnings distributed based on rank. Poor poker etiquette includes leaving the table after a big win, known as a hit and run.

      Molly's Game podcast episode was an engaging and thrilling experience, akin to an action movie, with valuable insights into entrepreneurship and the poker industry. A key concept discussed was the buy-in, which is the amount of cash a player puts into a poker game in exchange for chips. Buy-ins can be cash or tournament style, with the latter involving a set buy-in amount for all players, and the winnings distributed based on rank. Molly's games were cash games, allowing players to reload or rebuy in throughout the night. However, as more money accumulates on the table, players may be required to rebuy in for larger amounts to keep up with the competition. Leaving the table after a big win, known as a hit and run, is considered poor poker etiquette. Overall, this episode was an impressive and memorable one, showcasing Molly's unique experiences and the complexities of the poker world.

    • Understanding Blinds, No-Limit, and the Rake in PokerBlinds are mandatory contributions to the pot, with small and big blinds establishing the minimum. No-limit games allow any bet amount, while the rake is the percentage taken by the dealer or house.

      In poker, blinds are mandatory contributions to the pot made before receiving one's cards. These contributions, consisting of a small blind and a big blind, establish the minimum amount in the pot. The small blind is typically a lower amount, while the big blind is a larger contribution. Players then have the option to match the big blind or fold. The rake, which is the percentage taken by the dealer or house from the pot, is how they make money from the game. In contrast, no-limit games allow players to bet any amount up to their chips. Understanding blinds, no-limit, and the rake is crucial for poker strategy and success.

    • From zero to high-stakes poker mogulDedication, curiosity, and a positive attitude can help anyone master a new skill or field, even in illegal or underground scenes.

      Anyone can master a new skill or field, even if they start with no knowledge or experience. The woman in this story went from knowing nothing about poker to running her own high-stakes games in New York City, attracting celebrities like Ben Affleck, Leo DiCaprio, and Phil Ivey. She did this by immersing herself in the game, learning everything she could, and making her guests feel special. Even in illegal or underground scenes, such as the one she found herself in, she stood out by providing an exceptional experience. The podcast episode also highlighted the importance of background checks and security measures in such settings. Overall, the story is a reminder that with dedication, curiosity, and a positive attitude, anyone can achieve great things.

    • Encountering an eclectic mix of individuals in underground poker gamesPlaying in underground poker games can bring various professionals and backgrounds together, but the risk of illegality is minimal if consistent and not involving large sums. Molly Bloom's success and freedom came from refusing to cooperate with authorities and focusing on providing a service.

      The underground poker scene can bring together an eclectic mix of individuals, from various professions and backgrounds. The speaker shared his experience of playing in such games during his MBA days, where he encountered lawyers, CPAs, drug dealers, and even bankers. Despite the illegality of these games, the risk seemed minimal if the games were consistent and not involving large sums of money. The speaker also discussed the infamous case of Molly Bloom, who ran high-stakes poker games for the rich and powerful, and despite being caught, wasn't heavily penalized. The speaker's opinion is that Molly's refusal to wear a wire and her focus on providing a service contributed to her success and freedom. The speaker then related this to the listener's situation and encouraged him to consider cooperating with authorities if he owes them money.

    • Reflecting on Calmness in CrisisCultivating calmness and resilience in the face of adversity is crucial. Protecting assets and being prepared for potential threats can help mitigate financial crises.

      Resilience and calmness in the face of adversity are valuable traits, especially when dealing with financial or personal crises. The speaker shared an experience of anxiety when someone close to him faced a significant financial issue, but the person seemed unfazed. This incident made the speaker reflect on the importance of being unruffled and composed, which he aspires to cultivate as a future parent. The discussion also touched upon the importance of protecting one's assets and being prepared for potential threats, especially when dealing with high-risk situations. The speakers encouraged listeners to share their thoughts and feedback on the podcast, and recommended watching the movie "Molly's Game" for an engaging and informative experience.

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    181. Charity Lawson & Dotun Olubeko: Life post Bachelorette and DWTS, pursuing careers in the mental health & wellness space, and finding ways to make money with your passions!
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    Audio: John Gurney
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    180. More Than Money: Celebrating the 4th of July with Jason and David!

    180. More Than Money: Celebrating the 4th of July with Jason and David!
    This week, Jason is joined by the Curious Canadian, David Arduin!

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    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

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    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
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    Trading Secrets
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    179. Howie Mandel bought his first house thanks to a glove?! The BTS of his illustrious career from standup comedy to advocating for mental health & the $$$ behind it

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    This week, Jason is joined by standup comedian, actor, TV Host, and executive producer Howie Mandel! 

    Having remained a constant force in showbiz for decades,  he has diversified his skillset by wearing as many different hats as possible in TV, film, and even the podcast space hosting his own show with his daughter, Jacqueline, Howie Mandel does stuff. Throughout his illustrious career, Howie has notably been very open about his mental health, including his diagnosis with ADHD, OCD, and misophonia. Although there have been many difficulties that come along with those diagnoses, Howie has continued to remain an advocate for mental health awareness and strives to be an example for those struggling with their mental health in any capacity. 

    Howie reveals why he believes that thinking can be the downfall, why he never says “no,” how he ended up starting stand up comedy thanks to a dare, the importance of finding at least one thing in life to be excited about, why he is always investing with his money philosophy, his interest in real estate and learning from Monopoly, how he was making hundreds of thousands of dollars in the 80s, and working as his own agent to bring in extra income. Howie also gives insight to why he would negotiate IP over more money which evolved into creating his own company, the need to adopt and adapt, how he wishes he said yes to more movies, developing coping skills, and podcasting with his daughter.

    Howie reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guests: Howie Mandel

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    Trading Secrets
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    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

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    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Robert Pagliarini

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    Trading Secrets
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    Jesse reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guests: Jesse Solomon

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    Trading Secrets
    enJune 24, 2024

    176. More Than Money: Breaking down how to succeed in branding, finding your niche, and navigating the world of PR with business coach Julie Solomon

    176. More Than Money: Breaking down how to succeed in branding, finding your niche, and navigating the world of PR with business coach Julie Solomon
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur, business coach, public speaker, bestselling author, podcast host and working mom of two, Julie Solomon!

    For more than 15 years, Julie has been empowering lives, including her own, and has launched several successful online programs and masterminds including, Pitch It Perfect, The Influencer Academy and Shine Mastermind. She was recently named one of the top 100 leaders in influencer marketing. Julie breaks down the importance of PR and branding, the steps to building your brand, when to bring in a publicist, how media and PR work in regards to ROI, how niching down is key, what the diamond method is, why she finds selling a $3,000 course is easier than selling a $30 book, how a huge following is not critical to monetizing, secret to negotiation, and finding your anchor price.

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    To get access to Julie’s FREE class: juliesolomon.net/trading

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Julie Solomon

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
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    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    Cort Furniture:
    Get furniture on your terms with CORT. Rent or Buy furniture that flexes to fit any situation, style and budget and to get 50% off your first month’s furniture rental head over to cort.com/podcast

    Farmer’s Dog:
    Brighten up your dog’s bowl with fresh, healthy food. Get 50% off your first box, delivered to your door here

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 20, 2024

    176. More Than Money: Breaking down how to succeed in branding, finding your niche, and navigating the world of PR with business coach Julie Solomon

    176. More Than Money: Breaking down how to succeed in branding, finding your niche, and navigating the world of PR with business coach Julie Solomon
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur, business coach, public speaker, bestselling author, podcast host and working mom of two, Julie Solomon!

    For more than 15 years, Julie has been empowering lives, including her own, and has launched several successful online programs and masterminds including, Pitch It Perfect, The Influencer Academy and Shine Mastermind. She was recently named one of the top 100 leaders in influencer marketing. Julie breaks down the importance of PR and branding, the steps to building your brand, when to bring in a publicist, how media and PR work in regards to ROI, how niching down is key, what the diamond method is, why she finds selling a $3,000 course is easier than selling a $30 book, how a huge following is not critical to monetizing, secret to negotiation, and finding your anchor price.

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    To get access to Julie’s FREE class: juliesolomon.net/trading

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Julie Solomon

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    Cort Furniture:
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    Farmer’s Dog:
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    Trading Secrets
    enJune 20, 2024

    175. Micah Lussier: From making $130k in tech to reality TV star. BTS of Love is Blind & Perfect Match, landing brand deals, and finding her core audience revealed!

    175.  Micah Lussier: From making $130k in tech to reality TV star. BTS of Love is Blind & Perfect Match, landing brand deals, and finding her core audience revealed!
    This week, Jason is joined by Love is Blind Season 4 and Perfect Match’s Micah Lussier! 

    Although Micah’s time on the show did not end in marriage, she most certainly got the full experience of the experiment, having split from her partner Paul on their wedding day. After her time on the show, Micah has leveraged her newly generated platform into various brand partnership opportunities.

    Micah gives insight to the two sides of her life in reality TV and previously working in tech, how the Love is Blind reunion was, what she thinks makes a season thrive or flop, a teaser about her time on Perfect Match, how she would describe her brand, how success can be defined in the tech space, and how she ended up on Love is Blind. Micah also reveals the behind the scenes of the timeline for Love is Blind, the departure process for her job in tech, how they talk about money on the show, and what she enjoys about going on reality shows. What other reality shows would she consider? When did she tell her job that she was on a hit reality TV show? 

    Micah reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guests: Micah Lussier

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    Monarch Money:
    Unlike other personal finance apps, Monarch’s simple, intuitive design makes it so easy to set up, customize, and use. Monarch is the most customizable budgeting app. Change the layout of your dashboard, toggle between light and dark mode, create custom budgets and notifications, set up automatic rules for transactions and notifications, and more. For an extended thirty-day free trial when you go to monarchmoney.com/SECRETS

    ASPCA Pet Health Insurance:
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    Bilt Rewards:
    With the Bilt Card, earn extra points on rent days and get exclusive travel and fitness rewards and the best part is that even if your landlord requires a check or a specific payment portal, Bilt can handle it all. The card is a no-brainer in my opinion. Earn points by paying rent right now when you go to joinbilt.com/TRADINGSECRETS *Terms apply.

    If you’re thinking of starting therapy, give BetterHelp a try. It’s entirely online. Designed to be convenient, flexible, and suited to your schedule. Just fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist, and switch therapists any time for no additional charge. Take a moment and visit BetterHelp.com/tradingsecrets today to get 10% off your first month 

    Trading Secrets is sponsored by BetterHelp

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 17, 2024

    174. More Than Money: Unlocking the inner workings of the recruitment industry with The Linchpin Co. founder and CEO, Colleen Pelly

    174. More Than Money: Unlocking the inner workings of the recruitment industry with The Linchpin Co. founder and CEO, Colleen Pelly
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur in talent acquisition professional, Colleen Pelly!

    Colleen is the founder and CEO of the Linchpin Company, a full service people operations group offering custom recruitment and consulting services. Having worked for major brands such as Tesla and Lululemon, she gained experience in full cycle recruitment from entry level to executive level roles in developing and executing training programs. Colleen gives insight to what people don’t know about the recruitment industry, how she came up with the idea for Linchpin Co, and the difference between in house and external recruiting. Colleen also reveals the grant application process,  how connections are a key element to successful recruiting, how she keeps track of her mistakes in business, what can give you an edge over other applicants, what a recruitment scorecard is, and so much more. 

    If you're looking to make passive income, this is a way to do it. You will get 10 percent off your first invoice with the first role that The Linchpin Co places when you go to https://www.thelinchpinco.com/contact and tell them Trading Secrets sent you! 

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: The Linchpin Co CEO and Founder Colleen Pelly 

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!
    Cort Furniture:
    Get furniture on your terms with CORT. Rent or Buy furniture that flexes to fit any situation, style and budget and to get 50% off your first month’s furniture rental head over to cort.com/podcast

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 13, 2024

    173.  Joey Graziadei & Kelsey Anderson, Bachelor Nation’s newly engaged couple reveal the $$$ behind their careers pre show, navigating the spotlight, and making major moves professionally and personally

    173.  Joey Graziadei & Kelsey Anderson, Bachelor Nation’s newly engaged couple reveal the $$$ behind their careers pre show, navigating the spotlight, and making major moves professionally and personally
    Episode Description:
    This week, Jason is joined by Bachelor Nation’s newly engaged couple and fan favorites Joey Graziadei and Kelsey Anderson! 

    Joey walked away from his lead role on The Bachelor this past season after asking Kelsey to marry him. Since their season wrapped, Joey and Kelsey have spent their time traveling and spending as much time together as an engaged couple. Having come from two different career paths and geographical locations (Joey a tennis pro in Hawaii and Kelsey a project manager in New Orleans), they are now faced with the deciding factor of what is next for them personally and professionally. 

    Joey and Kelsey reflect on meeting fans at CMAfest and their impact on their audience, what goes into teaching tennis, where they saw their careers going prior to the show, how Kelsey and Joey ended up on the show, what role Jason played in Joey’s journey, and having important conversations in the fantasy suite. Kelsey and Joey also dive into the decision for Joey to move in with Kelsey in New Orleans, where they see their careers moving post show, discussing the influencer space and navigating other people being worried about their finances, and a few rapid fire questions. How many times has Kelsey been nominated for The Bachelor? Where do they plan on moving after the lease ends? What other reality show would they love to do? 

    Kelsey & Joey reveal all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guests: Joey Graziadei and Kelsey Anderson

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!
    The Washington Post:
    The Washington Post helps you go deeper on the news that matters most to you. Their journalists bring you the facts and provide clarity about what’s happening in the industry, revealing the role tech giants and regulators play in our lives, the dangers and wonders of breakthrough technological developments and the national conversation around artificial intelligence. Go to WashingtonPost.com/SECRETS to subscribe for just 50 cents per week for your first year. That’s 80% off their typical offer, so this is truly a steal. 

    Zocdoc is a FREE app and website where you can search and compare highly-rated, in-network doctors near you and instantly book appointments with them online. Once you find the doc you want, you can book them immediately —no more waiting awkwardly on hold with a receptionist and these docs all have verified reviews from actual, real patients.  Go to Zocdoc.com/TRADINGSECRETS and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. 

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    Trading Secrets
    enJune 10, 2024

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    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

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    “I believe that successful people need to have a set of disciplines.”

    “There is no such thing as I may or may not do this.”

    “When there is no purpose, you die.”

    “We all know, inherently, what we need to do.”

    - Michael Gelfgot


    Here’s what you’ll discover:

    06:30 - How Michael and Bedros met

    19:17 - When Michael decided he wanted to go all in on his business

    22:39 - Do you have non negotiables throughout your day?

    27:14 - Why Michael didn’t retire

    33:29 - Michael’s journey from Uzbekistan to America

    38:03 - Get leverage

    39:22 - Michael’s morning routine


    “You must learn how to ruthlessly manage your people and your profits.”

    - Bedros Keuilian




    ► Follow me on Instagram: @bedroskeuilian


    ► Connect with Michael by shooting him an email at → mike.gelfgot@gmail.com


    ► Buy Man Up and get Bedros’s High Performance Leadership Course for FREE: https://manup.com/


    ► Listen on iTunes and leave us a review: http://bedrosmedia.com/itunes131


    ► Subscribe to My Channel for weekly videos: http://www.youtube.com/bedroskeuilian/?sub_confirmation=1


    Youtube: https://youtu.be/pYiXyFtIDNw

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    Another Q&A From Instagram In The Back Of A Car

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    For All Access Content - join our networking group for less than 30 cents a day!

    Host: Jason Tartick

    Voice of Viewer: David Arduin

    Executive Producer: Evan Sahr

    Produced by Dear Media.