
    About this Episode

    Unconscious beliefs are agreements we have in our mind that we have no awareness we are holding. In spite of not having any intellectual knowledge of our own beliefs, they can still cause us to have emotional reactions and sabotaging behaviors.

    Recent Episodes from Awareness and Consciousness

    #86 Beliefs and Attention

    #86 Beliefs and Attention
    When you use your attention to control your beliefs, you can identify the assumptions you live by, and consciously choose another thought, interpretation, belief, or behavior about what is happening. There is a lot of great advice about not letting others bother you, or "don't take anything personally." What needs to be known to follow this advice is that you need control over your attention to follow it.

    #83 How To Change a Belief

    #83 How To Change a Belief
    In this session, I guide Greg, a Self Mastery subscriber, through changing a belief.  The narrative of the belief is "I'm not ready."  However, the roots of that narrative story are based in the emotional experiences of a young child who was pushed to do things before he was ready. The belief is actually an energetic memory formed in the mind of a young child, with emotion, perspective, fear, several stories, and a need for protection.