
    #514 - Peter Zeihan - The Old World Order Is About To Collapse

    enAugust 18, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Demographic shifts and geopolitical changes shaping the futureChina's population may halve by 2050, globalization may end due to demographics, Americans withdrawing support, and demographic, geopolitical shifts impact future, requiring preparation and positive solutions

      The world is undergoing significant changes that will shape the next 50 years in unprecedented ways. Peter Zayon, a geopolitical analyst, believes that China's population will decrease by half by 2050 due to demographic shifts. Globalization, which has brought prosperity and interconnectedness, may be coming to an end as consumption-based economic models are no longer sustainable due to population demographics. The Americans, who have historically supported globalization as a bribe for joining forces against external threats, are increasingly withdrawing their support. These demographic and geopolitical shifts, along with other factors like automation and food shortages, will significantly impact the future. Despite the challenges, Zayon and other experts remain optimistic that humanity can navigate these changes and find solutions. The conversation between Zayon, Nate Hagans, and Alex Epstein paints a complex picture of the future, one that requires preparation and a positive, solutions-oriented approach.

    • Demographic Shift and Global EconomyThe aging population is leading to a loss of consumers, investors, and workers, potentially causing an economic slowdown. Countries with younger populations may not be enough to replace the retiring generation, and the developing world is also losing its productive workforce and skills.

      The global economy is facing significant challenges due to the aging population and retirement of the large post-war generation in the Western world, and the faster aging process in the developing world. This demographic shift is leading to a loss of consumers, investors, and workers, all of whom are essential for driving economic growth and technological progress. The situation is further complicated by political events such as Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic. While some countries, like the United States, have a younger population to replace the retiring generation, others do not, leading to a potential economic slowdown. The developing world, which is aging faster, is also losing its productive workforce and skills, exacerbating the problem. Additionally, even when older people retire and pass on their wealth, they often live for decades, and their money may not be injected back into the economy as quickly as it was before. Overall, the global economy is facing a significant demographic shift that could lead to a decrease in economic activity and growth.

    • China's Demographic Crisis: More Retirees Than Workers by 2030China's population decline due to past policies and lack of a young workforce may lead to economic collapse by 2030

      China's population is facing a significant decline due to its past population policies, leading to a demographic imbalance with more retirees than workers by 2030. This situation, which could result in China's economic collapse, is a consequence of the country's rapid industrialization and the implementation of the one-child policy. The lack of a sufficient young workforce and a shrinking population will impact China's economic future, as it currently has few people under the age of 45. This demographic shift, similar to an R0 population growth concept, can lead to a nosedive when the reverse is happening. Countries like New Zealand, France, and the United States, with more physical space and a more balanced demographic distribution, have a better demographic outlook due to their ability to accommodate larger families and a more even distribution of age groups.

    • Urbanization, education, and development lead to fewer childrenUrbanization, education, and development contribute to reduced birth rates, but countries must ensure sustainable systems to weather potential disruptions

      Urbanization, education, and development lead to a reduction in birth rates due to various factors. As countries urbanize, people have less room, children become less valuable as free labor, and women gain more opportunities for education and employment, leading to fewer children. However, the transition to urbanization and development can be risky for countries that have only taken the first step, as they may rely heavily on imported technologies and resources that could be disrupted, potentially leading to food shortages and economic instability. For instance, the ongoing disruptions to the fertilizer sector due to the Ukraine war and Chinese policies could result in a third of global fertilizer supply being lost, causing long-term issues. Urbanization and development are crucial for economic growth and improving living standards, but countries must also focus on building sustainable systems to ensure they can weather potential disruptions.

    • China's Vulnerabilities in Food and Resource MarketsChina's strict control over info, reliance on imported resources, and demographic challenges make it vulnerable to disruptions in global food and resource markets. The African Swine Fever outbreak and China's phosphate fertilizer ban caused significant problems for agricultural producers in Asia.

      China's strict control over information and its reliance on imported resources for food production, particularly nitrogen fertilizer, make it highly vulnerable to disruptions in global markets. The African Swine Fever outbreak led to the collapse of China's pork industry, leaving rice as the primary food source. China's ban on phosphate fertilizer exports has caused significant problems for agricultural producers in Asia, particularly in Australia and Brazil. China's military capabilities are not as strong as perceived, and its dependence on reaching other countries for markets and resources makes it a potentially dangerous actor in global affairs. The demographic and food sustainability challenges, coupled with globalization, increase the urgency for China to secure its access to essential resources and markets.

    • Countries reliant on globalization and U.S. role in maintaining freedom of seasThe U.S. withdrawal from its traditional role as the 'police of the sea' could lead to increased instability and fragility in global trade systems, potentially causing significant financial losses for countries heavily reliant on energy trade and globalization.

      Many countries, such as those surrounding the Persian Gulf, are heavily reliant on globalization and the security it provides, specifically the U.S.'s role in maintaining freedom of the seas. This is evident in the ongoing situation between Russia and Ukraine, which has disrupted the energy trade from Russia to China. The potential disruption of this trade could result in significant financial losses for Russia, potentially freezing their energy production for decades. The U.S.'s withdrawal from its traditional role as the "police of the sea" could lead to increased instability and fragility in global trade systems. The U.S. has been reducing its military presence overseas since 1992, shifting from a focus on patrol and security to a focus on power projection. This shift could have serious consequences for countries that rely on the security and stability provided by globalization.

    • Global economy's reliance on secure seas and international laws at riskThe global economy's stability could be threatened by weakening sea protection and international law enforcement, potentially leading to regional powers, piracy, and economic fragmentation.

      The current globalized economy, which relies on the security of global commerce and free movement of goods, could face significant challenges if the ability to protect seas and enforce international laws weakens. This could lead to a fragmented world with regional powers and uncertain trade between these regions. The potential return of piracy, state-sponsored theft, and privateering are possibilities. The consequences of this would ripple through various sectors of the economy, including transport, finance, energy, industrial commodities, agriculture, and manufacturing. The structures that hold the global economy together would be at risk of unwinding, and the current belief in a more peaceful and virtuous human nature may be a facade of global policing.

    • Global Energy Crisis: Impacts and OpportunitiesA potential loss of Russian crude due to geopolitical tensions could cause a global energy crisis, leading to price increases and economic consequences for various countries.

      Energy has been a crucial component of globalization, enabling the movement of resources from production to consumption around the world. The past 70 years have seen the majority of energy coming from the Middle East to Europe and East Asia, with North America being more self-sufficient. However, the current geopolitical situation, specifically the potential loss of Russian crude due to the Ukraine war, could lead to a global energy-induced depression and significant price increases. This is due to energy demand being inelastic, meaning a 5% loss in crude could easily result in a tripling in price. The implications of this energy crisis would vary for different countries, with some potentially seeing it as an opportunity to wean themselves off Russian crude and others suffering from the loss of both Russian and American crude. The situation is complex, and each country must consider the potential consequences for their own economy and alliances.

    • German economy's reliance on Russian gas creates a dilemmaCountries like Turkey, France, UK, US, Mexico, and Canada will shape the future global economy through geopolitical shifts and economic dependencies.

      The German economy is heavily reliant on Russian gas for its manufacturing sector, creating a difficult decision for the country regarding its coalition and energy sources. Meanwhile, countries like Turkey and France, with positive demographics and manufacturing bases, could potentially expand their influence in their regions. The UK, still dealing with Brexit, risks weaker negotiating power and may ultimately rely on a trade deal with the US. The US, with its net energy exporting status and established manufacturing links in North America, is well-positioned for the future. Mexico and Canada, due to their proximity and different skill sets, are already contributing to America's manufacturing strength. Overall, geopolitical shifts and economic dependencies will significantly impact the future of various global powers.

    • Strengthening relationships and economic ties among US, Australia, and JapanThe US, Australia, and Japan are forming a closer alliance, providing opportunities for strategic and economic growth, but US political instability and navy neglect could hinder progress, while demographic and societal trends may lead to unpredictable outcomes.

      The United States, Australia, and Japan are strengthening their relationships and economic ties, creating a greater American cooperative sphere. This presents opportunities for strategic and economic growth in the long run, especially as Europe, particularly France, becomes more dominant in certain regions. However, the United States' current political instability and neglect of its navy could put it at a disadvantage. The demographic trends in the United States, with a large and young population, could lead to economic and financial changes, including a potential capital crunch and boom in the future. Additionally, societal trends among younger generations, such as increased social anxiety and delayed childbearing, could have broader implications for the future. The United States' unique demographic situation and political instability could lead to unpredictable outcomes and influence global trends.

    • Demographic Uncertainty: Population Peaks and DeclinesThe future demographic landscape is uncertain, with global population projected to peak below 9 billion and potentially experience a sharper drop due to millennials' and Zoomers' birth rate trends and deglobalization. Automation and AI may offer partial solutions but come with high costs.

      The current demographic trends suggest an hourglass shape population structure, but we're in uncharted territory as the world has never experienced a population bust without a massive event like a war or disease. The millennials are expected to have higher birth rates due to their social nature, but the Zoomers, who are more insular and competitive, may have lower birth rates. The global population is projected to peak below 9 billion and may experience a sharper drop if deglobalization occurs. Automation and AI may offer some solutions, but they come with high costs and may not move the needle significantly in addressing population decline. The future demographic landscape is uncertain, and it's crucial to monitor these trends closely.

    • Challenges in Agriculture and Global EconomyAutomation in agriculture could improve yield and efficiency, but it's only economically viable for large-scale farms. China's role as a tech components supplier could be problematic due to demographic changes, and the loss of its manufacturing hub status could impact the global economy, particularly electronics industry.

      The world is facing challenges in various sectors due to demographic changes and economic shifts. In agriculture, the use of automation and precision technology could lead to significant improvements in yield and resource efficiency, but it's only economically viable for large-scale farms. Meanwhile, the world's reliance on China for technological components, particularly semiconductors, could be problematic if China experiences demographic collapse and can no longer produce these parts in large quantities. The loss of China's role as a manufacturing hub could have major implications for the global economy, particularly in the electronics industry, where differentiated labor forces are crucial. The potential solutions to these challenges include investing in research and development, rebuilding manufacturing ecosystems, and having a global conversation about the future of the world economy. However, there are risks that globalization may persist despite these challenges, and that demographic changes may not be reversible.

    • China's Assumptions About Winning Wars Challenged by Ukraine ConflictThe Ukraine conflict has shown China that wars are not easy to win and that interference from other countries is a possibility, making the potential invasion of Taiwan a complex and risky proposition with severe consequences.

      The ongoing geopolitical situation, specifically the Ukraine war, has significantly challenged China's assumptions and military planning, particularly regarding Taiwan. The Chinese government had assumed that wars would be easy to win and that no one would interfere, but the situation in Ukraine has shown that this is not the case. Taiwan, which shares a much closer relationship with the West and is better prepared for potential conflict, is a much more complex situation for China. The potential consequences of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, including economic sanctions, loss of global manufacturing, investment, energy, and food, would be devastating. Additionally, the current political climate in China, with power concentrated in the hands of one individual, increases the likelihood of costly mistakes and unintended consequences. For people in the UK, US, and other Western countries, the next few years are expected to be challenging, with a need to rebuild manufacturing capabilities and prepare for potential conflicts.

    • Instability and competition for resources leading to potential inflation and increased costs of livingSeek alliances or find ways to survive without powerful economic networks as the world becomes increasingly unstable and competitive for resources, leading to potential inflation and increased costs of living

      The world is heading towards a period of great instability and competition for resources, leading to potential inflation and increased costs of living for those not part of powerful economic networks like the Americans. This instability could result in the collapse of governments and civil strife in some areas. The best course of action for those outside of these networks is to seek alliances or find ways to survive without them. The current political transitions and conflicts, such as the Ukraine war, present opportunities for countries to make deals and shift towards more sustainable directions. For updates and insights on these developments, visit zeihan.com and sign up for the free newsletter and video logs.

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    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 15, 2024

    #796 - Rob Kurzban - The Evolutionary Psychology Of Human Morality

    #796 - Rob Kurzban - The Evolutionary Psychology Of Human Morality
    Rob Kurzban is a psychologist and an author. What is morality? Why did it come about? Have humans always had it? Is it universal or temporary? Does it exist as a truth independent of humanity or is it entirely contingent on our culture? Expect to learn the evolutionary psychology of abortion policy, where the evolution of morality came from, the best examples of modern moral rules you might not think about, the biggest issues with being a moral hypocrite, the role that reputation plays in judging someone’s morality, how wisdom can help us overcome our biological hardware and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period from Shopify at https://www.shopify.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get $150 discount on Plunge’s amazing sauna or cold plunge at https://plunge.com (use code MW150) Get 5 Free Travel Packs, Free Liquid Vitamin D and more from AG1 at https://drinkag1.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 13, 2024

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    This video is for entertainment purposes ONLY & designed to help your thinking, not direct it. These videos shall NOT be construed as tax, legal or financial advice and may be outdated or inaccurate; all decisions made as a result of viewing are yours alone. 

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    Sponsorships: Neil McCoy-Ward may earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus from any product or service listed or discussed.

    Trading/Liability: Neil McCoy-Ward operates/trades under a private Ltd company within the Isle Of Man.

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    🇺🇸 This is where I Buy Silver/Gold in the USA - https://bit.ly/3drNR2F
    🇬🇧 This is where I Buy Silver/Gold in the UK region: https://bit.ly/46q5RUy 

    This video is for entertainment purposes ONLY & designed to help your thinking, not direct it. These videos shall NOT be construed as tax, legal or financial advice and may be outdated or inaccurate; all decisions made as a result of viewing are yours alone. 

    Scammers: There are scammers who have cloned my YouTube account (and pretend to be me) talking to you in the comments. I will never provide you with a Telegram/WhatsApp number - this is a scammer, DO NOT reply & simply report them to YT. I accept no responsibility for any losses due to you being scammed. Always look for the tick next to my name! If in doubt, click the profile and it will confirm your suspicions when it takes you to a fake page.

    Sponsorships: Neil McCoy-Ward may earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus from any product or service listed or discussed.

    Trading/Liability: Neil McCoy-Ward operates/trades under a private Ltd company within the Isle Of Man.

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