
    517. Q&AF: Being Hard On Yourself, Organizing Your Goals & Becoming A Great Intrapreneur

    enMay 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Balancing Self-Improvement and Self-CriticismStrive for self-improvement, but avoid becoming overly critical and enjoy the process. Seek support and share experiences, and be open to learning and growth.

      Striving for self-improvement and setting high standards for oneself can be beneficial, but becoming overly hard on oneself, perfectionistic, competitive, obsessive, or compulsive can lead to negative consequences. It's important to find a balance between pushing oneself to be the best version of oneself and enjoying the process, rather than becoming consumed by self-criticism and self-judgment. The speaker encourages individuals to seek support and share their experiences, as well as to be open to learning and growth. The show offers various segments, including Q&A, Real Talk, and interviews, to provide value and facilitate these conversations.

    • Consider the source of criticism about ambition, drive, and commitmentCriticism of ambition, drive, and commitment may come from those lacking in these traits. Stay focused on your goals and surround yourself with supportive individuals.

      When evaluating opinions about the importance of ambition, drive, and commitment in building something, it's crucial to consider the source of the message. Many people who criticize these traits may be doing so as a justification for their own lack of capability or drive. Moreover, being obsessed, driven, and ambitious are necessary components of building something great, and it's essential to stay focused on your goals despite opposition. Remember, success and greatness are not for everyone, and it's essential to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who support and understand your journey.

    • The danger of focusing too much on short-term happinessInstead of labeling everyday struggles as trauma, commit to personal growth and focus on long-term goals to avoid regret.

      The current cultural narrative of focusing on being happy in the moment and labeling everyday struggles as trauma is unhealthy and can lead to a life of regret. The speaker argues that true trauma is something severe, like losing a limb or experiencing war, and that minor issues should be dealt with as part of life. Instead, people should commit to becoming the best version of themselves and focus on long-term goals, rather than falling into the trap of victim culture and short-term happiness. The pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment through hard work and dedication is key to avoiding regret in the future.

    • Embrace personal growth for societal changeFocusing on personal excellence and inspiring others to do the same, can create a ripple effect leading to societal transformation.

      Personal excellence and the relentless pursuit of greatness, despite societal pressures and the opinions of others, is an obligation for individuals to create positive change in the world. The speaker argues that focusing on external issues, such as politics, while neglecting personal growth, won't bring about meaningful improvement. Instead, each person's commitment to becoming the best version of themselves and inspiring others to do the same, can create a ripple effect that ultimately transforms society. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes that individuals hold the power to change their lives and the world around them.

    • Setting and achieving goals: Decide on a big vision and daily actionsDecide on a big life goal, work backwards to daily tasks, use a tool like the power list, and stay focused on long-term vision

      Setting and achieving goals requires a clear vision of where you want to go in life, and then breaking down the steps to get there on a daily basis. Start by deciding on a big, ambitious vision for your future, and then work backwards to identify the daily actions required to make progress towards that goal. Use a tool like the power list, as described in episode 16, to keep track of your daily progress and stay focused on the tasks that will move you closer to your goal. Remember, achieving your goals requires consistent effort and execution on a daily basis. Don't get distracted by short-term distractions, and stay focused on the long-term vision you have for your life.

    • Consistent daily actions are key to building a successful lifeFocus on learning from those who have built significant things and can provide proven methods, consistently execute critical tasks, and remember that the little things matter.

      Consistent daily actions, even if they seem monotonous or boring, are essential for building a successful life. Following the right guidance from credible sources is crucial to achieving your goals. Many people promote easy, small goals, but it's important to consider the source and their actual accomplishments. To maximize your chances of success, focus on learning from those who have built significant things and can provide proven methods. Don't be misled by those who may sound credible but lack real experience. Consistently executing critical tasks and replacing them with new ones after 21 days is a proven method for achieving your goals. Remember, the little things matter and doing them every day is what it takes to build the life you desire.

    • Learn from successful people and develop essential skillsFocus on mental toughness, discipline, grit, and other valuable skills to set yourself up for career success

      It's important to learn from successful people and develop essential skills to contribute to a company or mission, rather than idolizing those who make excuses for their lack of success. Mental toughness, which includes discipline, grit, and the ability to endure pain, is crucial for following through on plans and achieving success. Most failures stem from an inability to adhere to set goals, not a lack of skills or intelligence. By focusing on mental toughness and other valuable skills, individuals can set themselves up for success in their careers.

    • Focus on mental toughness and sales for entrepreneurial successGain mental toughness through commitment and following a program, master sales through retail jobs, and lead effectively by practicing peer leadership.

      To become a successful high earning entrepreneur, it's essential to focus on developing mental toughness and mastering sales. Mental toughness, as the speaker emphasizes, can be gained through commitment and following a program. Sales, on the other hand, is a valuable skill set that leads to higher earnings. To learn sales effectively, the speaker suggests getting a retail job, which provides practical experience in dealing with people and understanding the sales process. Mastering sales is crucial, regardless of the entrepreneurial role, as it contributes to the company's success. Additionally, learning to manage a team is a vital skill, and it's recommended to practice peer leadership, even without an official team, to develop the necessary skills and lead by example.

    • Mastering leadership skills and team buildingEffective leadership involves mental toughness, sales skills, and a strong team. Personal excellence requires intervening in loved ones' lives if living up to high standards. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team book offers insights on collaborative team environments.

      Effective leadership involves mental toughness, mastering sales skills, and building a strong team. These core skills, if executed correctly, can significantly impact one's success. Additionally, personal excellence requires intervening in the lives of loved ones when necessary, but only if the intervenor is living up to their own high standards. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team book is a valuable resource for learning how to foster a collaborative team environment. Ultimately, success comes down to the individual's willingness to put in the effort and execute on these essential skills.

    • Hold yourself and others to high standards, but recognize when it's necessary to let goAssess honestly if you and those around you are living up to the highest standards. If not, consider letting go of those who hinder growth to focus on personal progress and inspiring others.

      It's important to hold yourself and those around you to high standards, but not everyone may be able to keep up. You may encounter resistance and even be disliked by some, but it's crucial to recognize that not everyone can row the boat with you. It's essential to assess honestly whether you and the people in your life are living up to the highest standards possible, and if not, it may be necessary to let go of those who are holding you back. Remember, it's not about being unkind or uncaring, but rather about recognizing that growth and progress may require letting go of certain relationships. It's important to take care of your own growth first, and then help others see the potential for their own growth. By living your best life, you can inspire and motivate those around you to do the same.

    • Actions speak louder than wordsAuthentic actions and results build credibility and influence, while empty words fall on deaf ears.

      Actions and results are more important than words when it comes to influencing and being credible to others. The speaker emphasizes that people will not listen to your words until they see your undeniable actions and results. He uses the analogy of putting the cart before the horse, meaning that trying to get people to listen to you before you have achieved significant results is not effective. Instead, documenting and sharing the process and progress is a better approach to build credibility and attract an audience. The speaker also shares his own experience of having been in the internet industry since 2000 and having a large following due to his documented journey and results. In essence, authenticity and demonstrating value through actions and results are key to building a credible and influential presence.

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    • Importance of intentional relationships
    • Redefining success with a Designed Peer Group
    • Crafting a Future Friends list for goal achievement
    • Overcoming challenges through peer influence
    • Achieving personal growth and self-improvement
    • Networking strategies for success

    Tune in to the full episode for practical steps to elevate your life and achieve your goals. 


    Want help with your Goals and Productivity?

    Interested in learning more about crushing Goals and Procrastination - getting more done in less time? Would you like to connect with April live? We are hosting a live FREE virtual event. You should be there, all the cool kids are and so should you. www.pivot-me.com/event

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