
    #52 Creating Accidental Activists to Improve Health in a Post Pandemic World with George Monbiot

    enMay 13, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Celebrate Mother's Day at Whole Foods, Rent out your home, Listen to 'Your Momma's Kitchen' and Read 'Out of the Wreckage'Celebrate Mother's Day with Whole Foods deals, rent out unused homes on Airbnb, listen to 'Your Momma's Kitchen' for kindness and reform, and read 'Out of the Wreckage' for political change.

      Mother's Day is a special occasion to show love and appreciation to moms, and Whole Foods Market is an ideal destination for finding high-quality gifts, flowers, and desserts with unbeatable savings. Prime members can enjoy discounts on body care and candles, as well as a 15-stem bunch of tulips for just $9.99. Additionally, consider renting out your home on Airbnb when you're not using it to earn extra income. Meanwhile, in the realm of politics and activism, the podcast "Your Momma's Kitchen" with Michelle Norris discusses the importance of kindness and community in society, and the opportunities to reform political systems in a post-pandemic world. George Monbiot's book "Out of the Wreckage" is recommended for rethinking the narrative around our political landscape and fostering collective action towards a better future.

    • Politics is about people and their participationRecognize the political nature of actions, engage in democratic processes to shape communities and societies, and see politics as a means to build richer communities and create a new politics from the ground up.

      Politics is not just about parties and governments, but also about people and their active participation in creating solutions for common problems. George Monbiot, the author of "Out of the Wreckage," believes that we need a hybrid system of representative and participatory democracy to address the complex issues of our time, such as healthcare and systems change. Monbiot argues that people are not passive recipients of top-down politics, but active agents of change. He encourages everyone to recognize the political nature of their actions and to engage in democratic processes to shape their communities and societies. Monbiot's perspective challenges the notion that politics is something distant and irrelevant to everyday life. Instead, he invites us to see politics as a means to build richer communities and create a new politics from the ground up. For those who feel apathetic or disengaged from politics, Monbiot urges us to reframe our understanding of politics and recognize the power we have to make a difference through our actions and relationships.

    • Recognizing the importance of local community action in politicsEmpowering individuals and communities to participate in shaping the nation through local decision making and narrative change

      Politics is not just about top-down decision making through political parties, but also about individuals and communities taking action to improve things. Society is a complex system, and trying to govern it as a simple system through crude legislation can be ineffective. Instead, we need a politics that recognizes the importance of local community action and decision making, where individuals and communities have equal participation in shaping the nation. Changing the narrative that something is outside of our control and we have no influence is crucial. Recognizing the power of narrative in politics and telling a compelling story can empower people to realize the impact they can have.

    • The Power of a Compelling Restoration NarrativeSuccessful political and religious movements use a restoration narrative to present the world as disordered and present themselves as heroes restoring harmony.

      Successful political and religious movements throughout history have relied on the power of a compelling restoration narrative. This narrative structure, which can be found in various forms across different ideologies, presents the world as being in disarray due to harmful forces, with the hero or heroes rising up to overcome these forces and restore harmony. Examples of this narrative can be seen in the Christian and Muslim religions, as well as in political movements like Keynesianism and neoliberalism. The ability to tell a convincing restoration narrative is essential for political success, and those who have been able to do so have often done so deliberately and consciously. However, when a dominant narrative falls apart, as neoliberalism did in 2008, the lack of a new and compelling alternative can leave a power vacuum, making it difficult for opposing movements to gain traction.

    • A new story is needed to overthrow powerful forcesIn a post-pandemic world, we can realign values towards attachment, community, and cooperation, emphasizing good government and empathy.

      The current consumption levels, driven by neoliberalism, are unsustainable and damaging to our life support systems. However, attempts at neoliberalism lite or a return to the old system don't inspire people. Instead, we need a new story that emphasizes community, solidarity, and participatory politics to overthrow the powerful forces that have destroyed our capacity to solve problems. In a post-pandemic world, there's an opportunity to realign our values towards attachment, community, and cooperation, rather than inequality and selfishness. The pandemic has exposed the weaknesses of the system and highlighted the need for good, empathetic government. Contrary to the dominant narrative, our true values are not selfishness and greed, but togetherness, cooperation, and kindness. We've been told a lie about who we are. Our job is to tell the new restoration story.

    • Political System Controlled by Psychopaths and EliteExplore participatory budgeting and grassroots democracy for more inclusive and participatory political systems

      The current political system, governed by psychopaths and those who do not resonate with the values of the community, breeds apathy and alienation among the people. The system, which is often controlled by the rich and elite, is remote and difficult for the average person to understand or access, leading to a sense of disconnection and distrust. Solutions, such as participatory budgeting and grassroots democracy, which allow people to have a direct say in how their cities are run, have been successful in other parts of the world. It's time to reconsider the outdated and alienating systems in place and explore more inclusive and participatory alternatives.

    • Challenging traditional political structures for deeper engagementEmpowering volunteers and creating devolved systems can lead to deeper democratic engagement and meaningful change, as seen in the Sanders and Corbyn campaigns.

      The current political systems, both in micro and macro levels, need significant reforms to make them more inclusive and representative of the diverse population. The traditional political structures, which are often seen as elitist and out of touch with everyday life, need to be challenged and transformed. Instead of relying on professional politicians or parties to lead change, the concept of "big organizing" can be an effective alternative. This approach empowers volunteers and creates devolved systems based on radical trust. The Sanders campaign in America and the Corbyn campaign in the UK are examples of successful implementation of this method, despite starting from disadvantaged positions. By shifting the focus from centralized control to grassroots involvement, we can foster deeper engagement and bring about meaningful democratic change.

    • Decentralized networks and the donut economyDecentralized networks, like Extinction Rebellion, can bring about social change and the donut economy model ensures needs are met while respecting planetary boundaries.

      A decentralized, volunteer-driven network has the potential to bring about significant social change and even surpass the capabilities of traditional, centrally organized political structures. This model, which is still in development, was effectively used by Extinction Rebellion and has the potential to revolutionize the way we instigate social change, especially in a post-crisis world. The concept of a "donut economy," as introduced by economist Kate Raworth, is another important idea that can help ensure everyone's needs are met without exceeding planetary boundaries. This model, represented by a donut diagram, sets the social floor as the inner ring, with essential needs such as shelter, food, education, and good health care, and the planetary boundaries as the outer ring, which sets limits on greenhouse gas production, nitrogen use, and biodiversity loss. The goal is to live within the safe space between these two rings, where human well-being can thrive alongside a healthy environment.

    • Doughnut Economics: Prioritizing Social and Environmental Well-BeingAmidst pandemic challenges, focusing on self-care, community, and progressive economic models can lead to positive change.

      The concept of "doughnut economics," which prioritizes social and environmental well-being over endless growth, is gaining traction and being adopted by cities around the world, including Amsterdam. This shift towards progressive politics and recognizing social values is exciting, and individuals have more power to effect change than they might realize. On a personal note, the speaker shares that she has been coping during the pandemic by focusing on her self-care, including managing her allotment, teaching her child, and researching for a book on soil ecology. Despite the challenges of balancing parenting and teaching, she finds solace in the community she has built and the educational opportunities that have arisen during this time. Overall, the discussion highlights the potential for positive change through the adoption of new economic models and the importance of self-care and community during uncertain times.

    • Exploring the World of Soil Ecology: Mind-Blowing DiscoveriesDelving into soil ecology reveals the importance of various organisms in maintaining healthy soil structure. Regenerative farming practices are crucial to prevent antibiotic resistance and preserve this precious resource for future generations.

      The health of our soil is crucial for our own nutrition and overall wellbeing, yet it's often overlooked and neglected. The speaker shares his personal experience of delving into the world of soil ecology and the mind-blowing discoveries he's made about the various soil organisms and their roles in maintaining a healthy soil structure. He emphasizes the importance of regenerative farming practices, as the misuse and overuse of antibiotics in industrial farming contributes significantly to the growing issue of antibiotic resistance. The speaker urges for more attention and discussion on this topic, as the loss of antibiotics could have devastating consequences for our health and food production systems. He also highlights the need for collective intelligence and the reformation of institutions to prioritize sustainable farming practices and preserve this precious resource.

    • Impact of deforestation on wildlife and diseasesConsider post-pandemic priorities: community building and fostering relationships over material wealth or social influence. Explore opportunities to be accidental activists in your community.

      The current state of wildlife markets, while problematic, is not unique as intensive farming practices also serve as reservoirs for disease and cruelty to animals. Rupert Murdoch shared his personal experience with the impact of deforestation on wildlife and the spread of diseases like rabies. He emphasized the importance of recognizing our own role in these issues and encouraged listeners to consider what we want to reward in a post-pandemic era – community building and fostering relationships rather than material wealth or social influence. Murdoch also encouraged listeners to explore his writings on various topics, including environmental activism and investigative journalism, and look for opportunities to be accidental activists within their own communities.

    • Shopping for Mother's Day at Whole FoodsSave 33% on body care and candles with Prime, buy tulips for $9.99 each with Prime, and find festive roses, cake, and other treats for Mom.

      Whole Foods Market is an ideal destination for shopping for Mother's Day gifts and treats. With unbeatable savings, you can find premium gifts, show-stopping flowers, and irresistible desserts for Mom. Start by taking advantage of the 33% discount on all body care and candles with a Prime membership. Then, consider purchasing a 15 stem bunch of tulips for just $9.99 each with Prime. To complete Mom's menu, add festive roses, berry chantilly cake, and other special treats. Overall, Whole Foods Market offers excellent value and a wide range of options to make Mother's Day special.

    Recent Episodes from The Doctor's Kitchen Podcast

    BONUS: Habits to Relieve Hayfever, Seasonal Allergies and why we need to avoid taking antihistamines regularly with Dr Rupy Aujla

    BONUS: Habits to Relieve Hayfever, Seasonal Allergies and why we need to avoid taking antihistamines regularly with Dr Rupy Aujla

    With more of us suffering with seasonal allergies, myself included, we need better strategies to prevent the symptoms without relying on medications. The reason why is because there may be potential side effects with antihistamines that people pop every single day for months on end.

    On today's episode I dive into preventive measures to mitigate our use of these products & keep them for when we really need them. I also touch on the potential harms of commonly used, over the counter medications to make you more aware of the issues and how to avoid potential side effects and longer term impacts on your health.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

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    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    Snacksize 25: PCOS and Anti-inflammatory diets

    Snacksize 25: PCOS and Anti-inflammatory diets

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about an anti-inflammatory diet  for PCOS with Dr Nitu Bajekal who is a Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Author and Board-Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician in the UK with over 35 years of clinical experience in women’s health. 

    Nitu describes the epidemic of PCOS and how more women need to be aware of the symptoms and to be proactive about diagnosis as well as the lifestyle practices that can help symptoms and better manage the condition. Find the full episode on episode #195 Fix your PCOS with Dr Nitu Bajekal. 

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    #253 Sensational Spices and Healing Herbs and with Simon Mills

    #253 Sensational Spices and Healing Herbs and with Simon Mills

    I love chatting with Simon Mills, he has a wonderful breadth of knowledge across the huge spectrum of different herbs and spices. And he can talk eloquently and sensitively about them, in a manner respectful of both the traditional beliefs and uses of them, as well as the science that may or may not support their claims.

    Today we talk about the use of spices and what extra benefits they may be adding to our diets beyond simply “antioxidants”.

    We talk about bitters and tonics and why they may work.

    We explore how spices may impact our gut microbiota and potentially influence their health benefits.

    Rosemary and sage on the brain, ginger for colds and how traditional antiseptics worked.

    Simon Mills is a University of Cambridge graduate in medical sciences who has been a herbal practitioner in Exeter UK since 1977. He has been a complementary health pioneer from the inception of the term in 1979, and later in the fields of integrated health, selfcare and social prescription. He is now focusing on education through the public websites herbalreality.com and for professionals working with co-author Prof Kerry Bone at millsandboneacademy.com

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    📱 Download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free*

    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode

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    Snacksize 24: South Asian Menopause Experiences

    Snacksize 24: South Asian Menopause Experiences

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about how a woman of south asian origin bravely dealt and shared her experiences of menopause.

    Chef Romy Gill MBE, is a dear friend, and not only shares her culinary wisdom,  her energy and passion for food on episode #220, but also her voice for women of colour and the stigma that still surrounds the menopause.

    We talk about her lived experience of the menopause, how changing her training from mostly running based to include strength training completely shifted her weight.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    #252 Why you need to eat these 4 foods every day

    #252 Why you need to eat these 4 foods every day

    If I had to name 4 foods to get in your meals most days to support your gut, heart, brain and reduce your risk of disease…what would they be?

    To me, they are my daily BBGS - Beans, berries, greens and seeds.

    Todays podcast is a deep dive into the observational and interventional studies looking at these powerful additions to our diet. 

    You’ll get to know the doses, and how to consume them everyday and hopefully this is a nudge in the right direction for you and your family members to look after your health.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    📱 Download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free*

    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Snacksize 23: Dealing with ADHD

    Snacksize 23: Dealing with ADHD

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about how neurodiversity can affect people in different ways.

    Dr Miguel Toribio-Mateas is the Neurodiversity Lead of the Primary Care & Community Neurology Society and he supports youth mental health programmes at the London-based Body & Soul charity.

    In the full episode, we do a deep dive into the science of food and neurodiversity (spanning a spectrum of disorders), the interaction with drugs and we also talk about Miguel’s personal experience in more depth.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    #251 Problem Periods with Dr Anita Mitra

    #251 Problem Periods with Dr Anita Mitra

    Dr Anita Mitra is back on the podcast today. She’s an NHS doctor working in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, with experience in both clinical medicine and research. She completed her PhD on the vaginal microbiome in cervical precancer and the reproductive complications of treatment for cervical precancer.

    She’s author of the fantastic book, “Gynae Geek”, and her new book “Dealing with Problem Periods” in which she details what normal and abnormal looks like and the various conditions that cause problems.

    On todays discussion we talk about what exactly normal means for periods and how to personalise this to your own cycle. What her current day job entails in her gynaecology cancer speciality, as well as the reason why problem periods can arise and the investigations she recommends. We also have a frank discussion about why it’s important to monitor periods and how to track them.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    📱 Download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free*

    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Snacksize 22: A day in the life of a Brain Surgeon

    Snacksize 22: A day in the life of a Brain Surgeon

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about the day to day life of a neurosurgeon. I think it’s quite easy to forget about just how traumatic it can be for frontline doctors to deal with the daily reality of death and how to maintain a sane, let alone positive, outlook.

    I sat down with medical Dr Sheri Dewan on episode #204 to talk about her strategies for coping and I wonder if this inspires you to think about how you might take onboard some of these ideas in your week?

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    #250 Health Statistics Everyone Should Know

    #250 Health Statistics Everyone Should Know

    Today I’m talking about statistics to do with food and health that everyone should know.

    How much it costs us every year, where it sits on the list of the biggest contributors to ill health and death globally, what the impact of good food actually is and how bad people are currently eating according to current guidelines.

    I don’t think many people appreciate these numbers. I get a lot of glossed looks whenever I talk about the impact of poor food on health outcomes, particularly with certain medical professionals. It’s often seen as an inevitability and the nonchalant nature in which we address the foundations of ill health is seen within these statistics. We all need to do better.

    There is huge potential for improved health if we simply encourage and empower people to eat well everyday and that will have a knock on effect on productivity, wealth, happiness, relationships and so on. I don’t present this idea as a panacea, but just a huge tool in our aspiration for improving wellbeing.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    📱 Download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free*

    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Snacksize 21: The “Mediterr-Asian” diet

    Snacksize 21: The “Mediterr-Asian” diet

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about the beauty of Brassica vegetables and the MediterrAsian diet. I sat down with medical Dr William Li on episode #235 to talk about food as medicine from coffee, to alcohol to herbs and spices. In this segment we talk about the MediterrAsian diet and what that means to William Li.

    Can simply changing your diet affect your metabolism to prevent weight gain and prevent type 2 diabetes? We talk about this and more on the full episode that you can listen to or watch on YouTube.

    Can we add these to each pod caption with the links as we've done previously?

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    Finding Land and Evolving a Farm Business with Laura Beth Resnick of Butterbee Farm

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    Covered in this episode are:

    - Finding land to farm
    - Pros and cons of renting versus buying farm land
    - Funding sources for land and infrastructure
    - Making infrastructure decisions
    - Bringing goats to a flower farm
    - Finding peach of mind and courage in the face of big change and wintertime

    Mentioned in this episode are: 

    The Regenerative Flower Farmers Network

    Jennie's upcoming virtual farming cohort where she'll coach a small group of flower farmers throgh the spring. 

    Laura Beth's previous episode here on No-Till Flowers.

    Laura Beth's online class about building a farm, including more details about funding. 

    past episode on farmer burnout and mental well-being with Amelia Ihlo.

    The "goat moat" fig guy, Three Fold Farm in Mechanicsburg PA (they have an earth battery green house too). 

    Farm Service Agency (FSA) for farm loans

    Please take a moment to rate and review this podcast wherever you are listening.  

    Find No-Till Flowers on Instagram @notillflowers


    Part 2: Beneficial Insects and Natural Pest Control with Margaret Parks of Evergreen Growers Supply

    Part 2: Beneficial Insects and Natural Pest Control with Margaret Parks of Evergreen Growers Supply

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    Some important links to go along with this conversation: 
    Evergreen Growers Supply

    Cucumber Beetle Trap
    Japanese Beetle Trap


    JOIN ME for a FIELD DAY AT MY FARM in Philadelphia THIS SEASON.  

    Register for the April 14th Field Day here.  


    If you liked this episode, you'll want to also listen to: 

    Episode 21: The Magical BRIX Number That Stops Pests with Dr. Tom Dykstra

    Episode 25: The Power of Pusle Watering with Emma Horswill of Earthenry Farm

    Episode 29:  Nutrient Balancing in Living Soils with Bryant Mason, the Soil Doctor


    Join the Regenerative Flower Farmers Network for more resources and Q&As with podcast guests.  


    HAVE IDEAS AND FEEDBACK ABOUT THE PODCAST?  Share your opinions in this brief survey.  

    As always, if you appreciate this podcast and all the education it provides, please take a moment out of your day to rate and write a review for it on Apple Podcasts or wherever you are listening to it. 

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    Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or on Twitter @trustlessstate

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    0:00 Intro
    6:30 Backgrounds
    11:05 Why Anon?
    12:25 What is Treasure its History
    17:40 Why $MAGIC Won
    22:00 The Bull Case for Treasure
    26:40 The Nintendo of the Metaverse
    31:45 Bridgeworld
    39:40 Harvesting $MAGIC
    52:30 Smolverse
    1:02:10 Treasure Community Video
    1:07:05 How TreasureDAO is Structured
    1:14:05 Treasure's NFT Marketplace
    1:19:38 Treasure's L1 Blockchain
    1:28:10 David's Summary





    John Patten



    Not financial or tax advice. This channel is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This video is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

    Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here: