
    About this Episode

    Welcome to another inspiring episode of the Next Brave Step Podcast, where we delve into the power of understanding and embracing your core purpose – your ‘why’. This episode, titled “Unlocking Success: How Finding Your ‘Why’ Transforms Your Life & Business,” is not just a conversation; it’s a journey into the heart of what drives us.


    • The Concept of ‘Finding Your Why’: We explore the transformative concept of ‘Finding Your Why’ and how it serves as a compass for both personal growth and business success.
    • Personal Stories and Insights: I share my own experiences of discovering my ‘why’ and how it led me to take brave steps in life and my career. You’ll hear stories that resonate with your journey and inspire you to dig deeper into your own motivations.
    • Practical Tips and Strategies: Learn practical ways to uncover your ‘why’ and how to apply this understanding to make impactful decisions in your life and business.


    Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a dreamer, or someone seeking clarity in your personal and professional life, understanding your ‘why’ can be a game-changer. This episode is packed with actionable advice, heartfelt stories, and insights that will empower you to embrace your journey with confidence and purpose.


    Join Podcast Insiders Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenextbravesteppodcast 

    Chelsy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chelsyweisz/ 

    Next Brave Step Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nextbravesteppodcast 

    Trello for Photography: https://trello-for-photography.chelsyweisz.com/ 

    Hand-crafted templates & resources to grow your photography business: https://chelsyweisz.com/shop-index 

    Recent Episodes from Next Brave Step Podcast

    60. Overcoming Procrastination: Unlocking Productivity for Entrepreneurs and Busy Moms

    60. Overcoming Procrastination: Unlocking Productivity for Entrepreneurs and Busy Moms

    In this episode, Chelsy explores the topic of procrastination and its impact on personal and professional lives. The conversation delves into the underlying reasons behind procrastination and provides a powerful tool to overcome it. The host also introduces the Brave Step Collective, a membership for female creative entrepreneurs that offers support and accountability in conquering procrastination. The episode concludes with a reminder of the importance of facing avoidance head-on and taking action. 

    • Procrastination is deeply rooted in psychology and often a response to fear.
    • Creating an avoidance list can help confront tasks that are being avoided and boost productivity.
    • The Brave Step Collective provides support and accountability for overcoming procrastination.
    • Taking small steps to tackle avoidance can lead to significant changes.
    00:00 Introduction to Procrastination
    03:57 The Impact of Procrastination
    06:18 Understanding Procrastination
    07:16 The Power of the Avoidance List
    10:04 Taking Action and Wrapping Up

    Links and Resources

    Learn about The Brave Step Collective: https://collective.chelsyweisz.com/ 

    Watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/MUN9VxzhOkw 

    Show Notes for this episode: https://chelsyweisz.com/overcoming-procrastination-entrepreneurs-moms/

    Free Resouces and Tools for Running your Business: https://bit.ly/3U6v7wB 

    Join Podcast Insiders Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenextbravesteppodcast 

    1:1 Coaching with Chelsy: https://chelsyweisz.com/coaching 

    Chelsy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chelsyweisz/ 

    Next Brave Step Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nextbravesteppodcast 

    Hand-crafted templates & resources to grow your business: https://chelsyweisz.com/shop-index

    59. Unlocking Email Marketing: The Key to Amplifying Your Profits

    59. Unlocking Email Marketing: The Key to Amplifying Your Profits

    Register for free training


    In this episode, Chelsy discusses the often overlooked marketing medium of email marketing. She announces a free workshop on email marketing and highlights the importance of diversifying marketing efforts. Chelsy shares her personal experience of being locked out of Instagram and realizing the power of email marketing. She emphasizes the benefits of email marketing, such as higher conversion rates and direct communication with the audience. Chelsy encourages starting an email list early in business and promotes the free workshop and joining the Brave Step Collective. The episode concludes with a summary and call to action.


    Email marketing is an important and often overlooked marketing medium.
    Diversifying marketing efforts is crucial to avoid relying solely on social media platforms.
    Email marketing provides direct communication with the audience and higher conversion rates.
    Starting an email list early in business is essential for long-term success.


    00:00 Introduction and Announcement of Email Marketing Workshop
    03:08 The Importance of Email Marketing and the Brave Step Collective
    04:07 The Panic of Being Locked Out of Instagram and the Power of Email Marketing
    05:53 Diversifying Marketing Efforts and the Significance of Email Marketing
    08:09 Facts and Benefits of Email Marketing
    09:49 Email Marketing as a Direct Communication Strategy
    11:00 The Importance of Starting an Email List Early in Business
    13:03 Free Workshop on Getting Started with Email Marketing and Joining the Brave Step Collective
    13:59 Summary and Call to Action

    Links and Resources

    Watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/51odXW4ut40 

    Show Notes for this episode: https://chelsyweisz.com/unlocking-email-marketing/

    Free Resouces and Tools for Running your Business: https://bit.ly/3U6v7wB 

    Join Podcast Insiders Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenextbravesteppodcast 

    1:1 Coaching with Chelsy: https://chelsyweisz.com/coaching 

    Chelsy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chelsyweisz/ 

    Next Brave Step Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nextbravesteppodcast 

    Hand-crafted templates & resources to grow your business: https://chelsyweisz.com/shop-index

    58. Marketing in the Age of Authenticity: Tips for Personal Connection on Instagram

    58. Marketing in the Age of Authenticity: Tips for Personal Connection on Instagram
    In this episode, Chelsy discusses the trends and benefits of face-to-face interactions on social media, particularly through the use of video. She highlights the influence of TikTok on Instagram and the importance of authenticity in content creation. The host provides tips for getting started with face-to-face videos, including the use of good lighting and planning out what to say. She emphasizes the power of video in establishing authority and building connections with the audience. The episode concludes with a call for podcast guest nominations and a reminder to download the Creative Sparks resource.
    • Face-to-face interactions on social media, particularly through video, are becoming increasingly popular.
    • TikTok has influenced the trend of more authentic and less polished content on platforms like Instagram.
    • Good lighting and camera cleanliness are important for creating high-quality face-to-face videos.
    • Face-to-face videos help establish authority, build connections, and create a two-way conversation with the audience.
    00:00Introduction to the episode
    00:57Trends in face-to-face interactions on social media
    03:44The power of video in marketing
    04:13TikTok influence on Instagram
    05:11The importance of talking directly to the camera
    06:38The trend towards authenticity in social media
    08:02Tips for getting started with face-to-face videos
    10:00Importance of good lighting and camera cleanliness
    11:25Using face-to-face videos to establish authority
    12:52The power of video in podcasting
    13:22Trimming videos and engaging with the audience
    16:15Sharing personal stories and building connections
    17:10Using face-to-face videos for two-way communication
    18:07Promoting the Creative Sparks download
    19:07Call for podcast guest nominations
    20:03Summary and conclusion

    57. Rewriting Our Stories: How Words Can Change Our Destiny

    57. Rewriting Our Stories: How Words Can Change Our Destiny

    In this enlightening episode of "The Next Brave Step," the host, Chelsy Weisz, explores the profound impact of words on our lives. She shares her journey of overcoming negative self-talk and breaking free from limiting beliefs. The episode delves into the importance of replacing old programming with new, empowering beliefs, with a special focus on transforming our relationship with money. Chelsy highlights practical exercises for changing limiting beliefs and the significance of using positive, encouraging words, especially with children. She shares her personal experience of writing sticky notes of encouragement for her daughter, emphasizing the power of words in instilling confidence and an abundance mindset. The episode concludes with a call to action to transform the words that shape our lives, illustrated through Chelsy's engaging anecdotes and practical advice, from changing habitual thinking to writing empowering affirmations.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. The impact of internal dialogue on life areas.
    2. Challenging and replacing limiting beliefs.
    3. Transforming money mindset through new beliefs.
    4. The influence of words on others, especially children.
    5. Creating positive affirmations for daily reinforcement.


    00:00 Introduction
    00:31 The Power of Words
    01:57 The Stories We Tell Ourselves
    03:19 Breaking Old Programming
    04:43 Changing Habits
    05:36 Limiting Beliefs About Money
    07:32 Writing a Letter to Money
    08:59 Taking Action and Doing the Work
    09:29 The Impact of Words on Others
    10:55 Instilling Confidence in Children
    12:49 Writing Sticky Notes of Encouragement
    16:48 Creating New Records and Playlists
    17:19 Summary
    20:37 Closing Remarks

    Links and Resources

    Watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/6i2QVIE1RxE 

    Show Notes for this episode: https://chelsyweisz.com/rewriting-our-stories-words-destiny/

    Free Resouces and Tools for Running your Business: https://bit.ly/3U6v7wB 

    Join Podcast Insiders Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenextbravesteppodcast 

    1:1 Coaching with Chelsy: https://chelsyweisz.com/coaching 

    Chelsy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chelsyweisz/ 

    Next Brave Step Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nextbravesteppodcast 

    Hand-crafted templates & resources to grow your business: https://chelsyweisz.com/shop-index 


    56. Harnessing the Power of Morning & Evening Routines for Success

    56. Harnessing the Power of Morning & Evening Routines for Success

    Grab your customizable morning + evening routine printable!- https://bit.ly/48Vq0Uh

    This episode discusses the power of routines, specifically morning and evening routines. Chelsy Weisz shares her personal experiences and how her routines have evolved throughout different seasons of life. Chelsy emphasizes the importance of flexibility and adaptability in creating routines that serve you in the present moment. She provides insights into her own morning and evening routines, including practices such as journaling, gratitude, skincare, and EFT tapping. Chelsy also offers tips for staying motivated, establishing routines, and balancing routines with young children. Overall, she highlights the benefits of having consistent routines to set the tone for the day and promote self-care and well-being.

    Grab your customizable morning + evening routine printable!- https://bit.ly/48Vq0Uh


    • Morning and evening routines can significantly impact overall well-being and productivity.
    • Routines should be flexible and adaptable to serve you in the current season of life.
    • Incorporating practices such as journaling, gratitude, skincare, and EFT tapping can enhance the effectiveness of routines.
    • Setting realistic expectations, visualizing the benefits, and creating accountability can help maintain motivation to follow routines.
    • Consistency, rather than perfection, is key in establishing and maintaining routines.


    00:00 Introduction

    00:57 Importance of Morning and Evening Routines

    05:21 Morning Routine

    19:45 Evening Routine

    26:20 Staying Motivated to Follow a Routine

    32:35 Struggling to Establish an Evening Routine

    41:37 Balancing Routines with Young Children

    47:17 Morning Routine for Non-Morning People

    49:50 Conclusion

    Show Notes for this episode: 


    Join Podcast Insiders Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenextbravesteppodcast 

    1:1 Coaching with Chelsy: https://chelsyweisz.com/coaching 

    Chelsy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chelsyweisz/ 

    Next Brave Step Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nextbravesteppodcast 

    Hand-crafted templates & resources to grow your business: https://chelsyweisz.com/shop-index

    Next Brave Step Podcast
    enJanuary 15, 2024

    55. Embracing the Chaos: My Journey Through Limiting Beliefs and Upper Limits

    55. Embracing the Chaos: My Journey Through Limiting Beliefs and Upper Limits
    In this episode, Chelsy discusses her experience with upper limits and the challenges she faces as she launches her podcast and other ventures. She shares her struggles with self-doubt, perfectionism, and procrastination, as well as technical issues and budget constraints. Chelsy emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and having a support system to overcome these upper limits. She encourages listeners to take action and push through their own upper limits in order to create the life they want.
    • Upper limits are self-imposed barriers that prevent us from reaching our full potential.
    • Self-awareness is key to recognizing and overcoming upper limits.
    • Having a support system can provide encouragement and accountability.
    • Taking action and pushing through upper limits is essential for personal growth and success.
    00:00 Introduction and Setting the Stage
    00:49 Understanding Upper Limits
    03:13 Challenges in Podcast Promotion
    05:10 Success in Investments and Business
    06:10 Launching a Blogging Course
    06:39 Technical Issues with Email Access
    07:36 Negative Self-Talk and Doubts
    09:03 Avoiding Important Tasks
    10:01 Procrastination and Missed Opportunities
    11:25 Overcomplicated Things
    13:14 Support System and Self-Awareness
    14:30 Taking Action and Overcoming Upper Limits
    17:42 Gratitude and Reflection
    19:08 Message to Listeners
    20:57 Empowering Yourself to Create the Life You Want


    Show Notes for this episode: https://chelsyweisz.com/embracing-chaos-limiting-beliefs/


    Join Podcast Insiders Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenextbravesteppodcast 

    1:1 Coaching with Chelsy: https://chelsyweisz.com/coaching 

    Chelsy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chelsyweisz/ 

    Next Brave Step Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nextbravesteppodcast 

    Hand-crafted templates & resources to grow your business: https://chelsyweisz.com/shop-index

    54. Embracing the Power of Vision Boards to Manifest Dreams

    54. Embracing the Power of Vision Boards to Manifest Dreams

    In this inspiring episode, Chelsy Weisz delves into the power of vision boards as tools for manifesting dreams. The conversation covers the concept of vision boards, the science of visualization, and practical tips for creating effective vision boards, both physically and digitally.

    Key Points:

    1. Introduction to Vision Boards [00:01:00]:
      • Exploring vision boards as visual representations of dreams and goals.
      • Importance of vision boards in providing inspiration and motivation.
    2. Scientific Backing of Manifestation Concepts [00:02:00]:
      • Discussion of growth mindset and self-fulfilling prophecies in achieving goals.
      • Role of positive outlook in attracting positive experiences.
    3. The Power of Visualization [00:09:00]:
      • How visualization engages the brain similarly to actual experience.
      • Benefits of regular visualization in focus, motivation, and stress reduction.
    4. Creating a Vision Board [00:16:00]:
      • Tips for gathering materials and selecting images and quotes.
      • Advantages of having both a physical and a digital vision board.
      • Importance of reflecting on and updating the vision board.
    5. Integrating Vision Boards into Daily Life [00:21:00]:
      • How regular interaction with vision boards reinforces goals and aspirations.
      • Suggestions for integrating vision board viewing into daily routines.
    6. Recommended Resources [00:24:00]:

    Conclusion [00:28:00]: Chelsy emphasizes the transformative journey of creating and interacting with vision boards. She encourages listeners to start their vision board today and join the podcast’s Facebook group to share and discuss their progress.


    Show Notes for this episode: https://chelsyweisz.com/power-of-vision-boards/


    Join Podcast Insiders Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenextbravesteppodcast 

    Chelsy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chelsyweisz/ 

    Next Brave Step Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nextbravesteppodcast 

    Trello for Photography: https://trello-for-photography.chelsyweisz.com/ 

    Hand-crafted templates & resources to grow your business: https://chelsyweisz.com/shop-index

    53. Breaking Barriers: Conquering Fear in the Pursuit of Dreams

    53. Breaking Barriers: Conquering Fear in the Pursuit of Dreams

    Key Highlights:

    1. Journey Beyond Fear: Learn how to identify and confront the fears that hold you back, unlocking your full potential in both personal and professional realms.
    2. Chelsy's Personal Insights: Chelsy shares her own experiences with overcoming fear, especially in the context of her recent transitions in life and career, offering a relatable and authentic perspective.
    3. Action Over Perfection: Discover the power of taking action, even when it's imperfect, and how this mindset can lead to significant breakthroughs and success.
    4. Mindset Shift for Success: Understand the importance of a growth mindset in overcoming fear and how it can drastically change your approach to life's challenges.
    5. Tangible Strategies for Change: Gain access to practical strategies and tips to break through your personal barriers and start your journey towards your dreams.
    6. Inspiration from the Brave: Be inspired by stories of individuals, like Taylor Swift, who have navigated fear and doubt to reach remarkable heights in their careers.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to break through their personal barriers of fear and doubt. Join us in this journey of transformation and empowerment.

    Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite platform, and join our Facebook group, The Next Brave Step Podcast Insiders, for more inspiring content and community support.

    Resources Mentioned

    Join Podcast Insiders Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenextbravesteppodcast 

    Chelsy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chelsyweisz/ 

    Next Brave Step Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nextbravesteppodcast 

    Trello for Photography: https://trello-for-photography.chelsyweisz.com/ 

    Hand-crafted templates & resources to grow your business: https://chelsyweisz.com/shop-index

    53. Breaking Barriers: Conquering Fear in the Pursuit of Dreams (Audio)

    53. Breaking Barriers: Conquering Fear in the Pursuit of Dreams (Audio)

    Welcome to a powerful episode of The Next Brave Step Podcast, titled "Breaking Barriers: Conquering Fear in the Pursuit of Dreams". Hosted by Chelsy Weisz, this episode delves into the transformative journey of overcoming internal barriers and fear to achieve your wildest dreams.

    Key Highlights:

    1. Journey Beyond Fear: Learn how to identify and confront the fears that hold you back, unlocking your full potential in both personal and professional realms.
    2. Chelsy's Personal Insights: Chelsy shares her own experiences with overcoming fear, especially in the context of her recent transitions in life and career, offering a relatable and authentic perspective.
    3. Action Over Perfection: Discover the power of taking action, even when it's imperfect, and how this mindset can lead to significant breakthroughs and success.
    4. Mindset Shift for Success: Understand the importance of a growth mindset in overcoming fear and how it can drastically change your approach to life's challenges.
    5. Tangible Strategies for Change: Gain access to practical strategies and tips to break through your personal barriers and start your journey towards your dreams.
    6. Inspiration from the Brave: Be inspired by stories of individuals, like Taylor Swift, who have navigated fear and doubt to reach remarkable heights in their careers.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to break through their personal barriers of fear and doubt. Join us in this journey of transformation and empowerment.

    Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite platform, and join our Facebook group, The Next Brave Step Podcast Insiders, for more inspiring content and community support.

    Resources Mentioned

    Join Podcast Insiders Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenextbravesteppodcast 

    Chelsy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chelsyweisz/ 

    Next Brave Step Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nextbravesteppodcast 

    Trello for Photography: https://trello-for-photography.chelsyweisz.com/ 

    Hand-crafted templates & resources to grow your business: https://chelsyweisz.com/shop-index

    52. Unlocking Success: How Finding Your 'Why' Transforms Your Life & Business (Video)

    52. Unlocking Success: How Finding Your 'Why' Transforms Your Life & Business (Video)

    Welcome to another inspiring episode of the Next Brave Step Podcast, where we delve into the power of understanding and embracing your core purpose – your ‘why’. This episode, titled “Unlocking Success: How Finding Your ‘Why’ Transforms Your Life & Business,” is not just a conversation; it’s a journey into the heart of what drives us.


    • The Concept of ‘Finding Your Why’: We explore the transformative concept of ‘Finding Your Why’ and how it serves as a compass for both personal growth and business success.
    • Personal Stories and Insights: I share my own experiences of discovering my ‘why’ and how it led me to take brave steps in life and my career. You’ll hear stories that resonate with your journey and inspire you to dig deeper into your own motivations.
    • Practical Tips and Strategies: Learn practical ways to uncover your ‘why’ and how to apply this understanding to make impactful decisions in your life and business.


    Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a dreamer, or someone seeking clarity in your personal and professional life, understanding your ‘why’ can be a game-changer. This episode is packed with actionable advice, heartfelt stories, and insights that will empower you to embrace your journey with confidence and purpose.


    Join Podcast Insiders Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenextbravesteppodcast 

    Chelsy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chelsyweisz/ 

    Next Brave Step Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nextbravesteppodcast 

    Trello for Photography: https://trello-for-photography.chelsyweisz.com/ 

    Hand-crafted templates & resources to grow your photography business: https://chelsyweisz.com/shop-index