
    525. Andy, Michael Seifert & DJ CTI: Hunter Biden Laptop Photos, Budweiser/Harley-Davidson Ad & Biden Bribery Scheme Confirmed

    enJune 02, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • A Parallel Economy for Patriots: Public SquarePublic Square is a thriving community and marketplace of over 50,000 vendors standing for America, offering consumers an alternate place to shop and transact, countering corporations' implementation of social initiatives like DEI and ESG.

      Public Square is a community and marketplace of over 50,000 vendors, all standing for the country, Constitution, and values it protects. They have over a million consumer members who know their support is not funding companies against America. Public Square, launched July 4th, 2022, is a parallel economy and patriotic alternative to businesses that have bowed to ESG and DEI philosophies, which many believe are destroying the economy. Michael Seifert, its CEO, recognized the need for such an economy after witnessing companies slap Americans in the face and started Public Square to give consumers an alternate place to shop and transact. It's been an unreal journey, and you can join the movement at Publicisq.com. This ties into the conversation about DI, ESG, and CI, where big corporations have massive lines of credit and are financially beholden to renew these funds with new guidelines each year, leading to the implementation of social initiatives.

    • Creating an alternate economy through consumer choicesEmpower consumers by speaking up against objectionable practices and reallocating dollars to values-aligned companies to counterbalance corporate influence and build a balanced economy

      The current economic system is leveraging corporations in ways that can leave individuals and communities vulnerable. Michael's work, as discussed, aims to create an alternate economy by supporting companies that uphold freedom and common sense values. It's important for individuals to speak up against practices they find objectionable and reallocate their dollars to companies that align with their values. This not only empowers consumers but also counterbalances the influence of corporations that prioritize external stakeholders over their consumers. The ultimate goal is to build a more balanced economy where small businesses aren't left behind.

    • Economic Shift: A War Between Selling Out vs. Building on American ValuesSupport businesses that align with American values to foster a prosperous future, transitioning takes time and patience.

      The economic landscape is undergoing a significant shift, with large corporations like Walmart staying open while small businesses were forced to close during the pandemic. This has resulted in a massive wealth transfer and an economic war between those who want to sell out the country and values that built America versus those who want to build an economy based on American values. The hope lies in consumers actively supporting businesses that align with these values and bring manufacturing back to the US, fostering a long-term prosperous future. The process requires aggressive support for alternative companies and patience as they transition. Public Square, a platform Michael Cox is building, vets new businesses based on core values, including love for the country, protection of the family unit, support for small businesses, and belief in individual rights and freedom.

    • A new platform prioritizing values and trust sees businesses sign up and consumers validate themBusinesses join a values-driven platform, consumers validate them, leading to better traffic and sales, and companies prioritize it over other ads despite resource diversion, reflecting consumer shift towards local businesses and values.

      Businesses are eagerly signing up to join a new platform that prioritizes values and trust, with the vetting process serving as a means to ensure authenticity. This platform, which is experiencing significant growth, allows consumers to share their experiences and validate businesses, resulting in better traffic and sales for them. The mission of this platform resonates deeply with businesses, leading them to prioritize it over other advertising channels, even if it means diverting resources from larger corporations. The consumer shift towards supporting local businesses and those aligned with their values is a powerful trend, with significant financial implications for companies like Target that have lost market cap value. This new platform is just getting started, and its consumers are helping shape its direction by identifying the jobs they want it to do and the values they want it to represent. The long-term goal is to build a thriving parallel economy that keeps money within communities and supports local businesses.

    • Social Media Confusion: AOC vs. A Parody AccountHigh-profile individuals' social media accounts can be impersonated, leading to confusion and potential misinformation. Twitter's new guidelines for government profiles have made it easier for fake accounts to mimic the real ones, emphasizing the need for critical thinking and fact-checking.

      The use of social media, particularly Twitter, can lead to confusion and misinformation, even when it comes from high-profile individuals like Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. In a recent incident, a parody account impersonating AOC went viral, leading to a public back-and-forth between the real AOC and the fake account. Twitter's new guidelines for identifying government profiles have made it easier for fake accounts to mimic the real ones, leading to potential misinformation and chaos. The incident highlights the importance of being discerning when consuming information on social media and the need for platforms to do more to prevent the spread of fake accounts and misinformation. The incident also underscores the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking in today's digital age.

    • Impact of Humor in PoliticsHumor in politics can generate massive attention, but using it wisely can also have advantages. Suppressing humor can have negative consequences, and historical examples of humor suppression in political ideologies raise concerns.

      The use of humor, particularly in political contexts, can have significant impacts. In the discussed example, a parody account of a political figure, AOC, made humorous tweets that gained massive attention. Some of these tweets were perceived as controversial, leading to discussions about the role of humor in politics and the potential consequences of suppressing it. It was noted that certain political ideologies, such as communism, have historically suppressed humor and criticism, raising concerns about the potential for similar trends in modern society. The speaker suggested that AOC could have used the attention to her advantage by showing a sense of humor, but instead, she faced criticism and negative publicity. Ultimately, the discussion highlighted the importance of maintaining a sense of humor and the potential risks of suppressing it in political discourse.

    • The importance of transparency and truth in understanding eventsThe Hunter Biden laptop photos release highlights the need for truth and transparency, and the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking in navigating information dissemination.

      Transparency and truth are essential in understanding the events that shape our world. The recent release of nearly 10,000 photos from Hunter Biden's laptop, made available through a new website, has sparked controversy and debate. Some argue that this information is crucial for the American people to know, while others dismiss it as Russian disinformation. Regardless of one's perspective, the incident serves as a reminder that truth and transparency are fundamental values that should not be ignored. Furthermore, the response to the release of these photos demonstrates the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking in navigating the complexities of modern information dissemination. The incident also highlights the power of the internet and the potential for it to be used as a tool for transparency or manipulation. Ultimately, it is up to each of us to seek out the truth and critically evaluate the information we encounter.

    • Powerful figures flout rules while general public faces harsh enforcementDouble standard in enforcing laws during pandemic, with those in power exempt and potential suppression of COVID treatments leading to accusations of crimes against humanity

      There is a perceived double standard when it comes to enforcing laws and regulations, with those in power seemingly exempt from accountability. This was highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic, where restrictions were enforced harshly on the general public while those in power flouted them. Additionally, there have been allegations of suppression of information regarding potential COVID treatments, leading to accusations of crimes against humanity due to the economic and human toll of the pandemic. The speaker expresses a deep frustration with this state of affairs and calls for genuine accountability for those responsible.

    • Those in power seek control and weaken populationFocus on unity, common values, and holding power accountable for individual rights and freedoms

      Those in power seek to control and weaken the population for their own gain. They use propaganda and manipulation to keep people divided and reliant on them. The closure of gyms during the pandemic is an example of this, as it goes against promoting health and self-sufficiency. Our focus should be on coming together, recognizing our common values and obligations to make America the greatest it can be, rather than getting bogged down in divisive social issues and political disagreements. We must hold those in power accountable and remember that our rights and freedoms come from the Constitution, not from them.

    • America's Potential and the Need for ChangeAmerica's future requires recognition of current issues, individual action, and commitment to progress, despite apathy and opposition.

      America, as it currently stands, has not reached its full potential and is in a state of oppression towards all people, not just certain classes. The mental health of the population is suffering due to constant emotional stirring from those who are supposed to unite and progress the country. There is a potential for America to build a better future, but it requires recognition of the current situation and a commitment to securing another 250 years for this great nation. This will require individuals to make different choices, communicate differently, and prioritize health and well-being for themselves and their communities. The apathy of the population has allowed the major CEOs, government politicians, and corrupt justice system to stand against the American people. To save the country, individuals must fight for a future that may not even be good for their opponents, but promise it will be better than the current state of affairs. The revolution, even with less than a third of the country in support, ultimately succeeded, and the same can be done today. The black pill mentality of "nothing's gonna happen" is a major obstacle, but individuals who care about the future can make a difference.

    • Importance of Taking Action and Not Giving Up HopeDon't let apathy or negative attitudes hinder progress. Take action, stay hopeful, and be authentic to drive positive change.

      Apathy and negative attitudes can hinder progress and prevent positive change. In the first part of the discussion, the speaker emphasizes the importance of taking action and not giving up hope, even when it seems like nothing is happening. In the second part, the speaker critiques a Budweiser commercial and argues that the company is trying to hide its mistakes and appease certain audiences in an inauthentic way. Overall, the message is that individuals and organizations must take responsibility for their actions, be authentic, and not let cynicism or apathy hold them back.

    • Handling Brand Crises: The Importance of Authenticity and AccountabilityFailing to acknowledge mistakes and apologize during a brand crisis can damage reputation. Redeeming oneself involves owning up to past decisions, committing to audience, and making immediate changes. Transparency and responsiveness are crucial in managing crises.

      Authenticity and accountability are crucial for brands in handling crises. The Bud Light controversy serves as a cautionary tale of how failing to acknowledge mistakes and apologize can lead to a damaged reputation. The speaker suggests that Anheuser-Busch could redeem itself by owning up to their past marketing decisions, committing to their audience, and making immediate changes. However, the speaker expresses skepticism about whether the company will take this approach, as they see the leadership as weak and out of touch with their customer base. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of solidarity among businesses and employees in pressuring companies to make things right. Overall, the discussion underscores the need for transparency and responsiveness in managing brand crises.

    • Companies destroying American identity through controversial stancesSome corporations, like Anheuser-Busch, face criticism for opposing unionization and taking controversial stands on social issues, damaging emotional connections to their brands as part of American identity

      Some people believe that certain companies, including Anheuser-Busch, are intentionally destroying their own brands and American identity by taking controversial stances on social issues. This destruction goes beyond economics and also targets the emotional connection people have with these brands as part of their American identity. These companies, despite professing to support workers and unions, often oppose unionization efforts. The speaker expresses deep sadness and anger towards this situation, urging for more thoughtful consideration and action.

    • Consumers push back against forceful social issue marketingConsumers dislike intrusive marketing on social issues, preferring brands to respect their values and boundaries.

      Consumers are not taking kindly to brands forcefully promoting controversial social issues, particularly when it comes to gender identity and sexual orientation. A family business owner's passionate plea against such intrusive marketing resonated with many, as they feel their values and preferences are being disregarded. The hope is that brands will eventually respect consumer autonomy and avoid pushing controversial agendas to the point of saturation. However, the fear is that this could lead to a normalization of such marketing, making it even more difficult for those who prefer a more traditional, non-politicized consumer experience to opt out. Ultimately, the issue boils down to respect for consumer choice and boundaries.

    • Pride Month Controversy: Shift from Celebration to DivisionThe evolution of societal attitudes towards homosexuality and the commercialization of Pride Month have sparked controversy, with concerns about negative impacts on societal norms and values. Critics argue that Pride Month has shifted from a celebration to a divisive issue, highlighting the importance of ongoing dialogue and critical thinking.

      The current push for extensive recognition and commercialization of Pride Month has become a source of controversy and division, with some individuals and organizations expressing concerns about its potential negative impacts on societal norms and values. This discussion highlighted the evolution of societal attitudes towards homosexuality, the perceived commercial exploitation of Pride Month, and the inconsistency and disingenuousness of some companies in their public stances. Critics argue that Pride Month has shifted from a celebration of the LGBTQ+ community to a divisive issue, with some even denouncing it due to its perceived focus on sexuality and anti-family themes. The debate also touched on the hypocrisy of certain companies, who change their logos and messaging for Pride Month but fail to address human rights issues in other parts of the world. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of considering the potential unintended consequences of well-intentioned initiatives and the need for ongoing dialogue and critical thinking.

    • Co-opting causes: Frustration with commercialization and politicizationThe blurred line between resistance and mainstream culture can trivialize the struggles of marginalized communities, but authenticity and normalcy are yearned for.

      The line between resistance and mainstream culture has blurred, leaving some feeling disillusioned by the commercialization and politicization of various movements. The speaker expresses frustration with corporations and individuals co-opting causes like Rage Against the Machine and Pride Month, reducing complex issues to simplistic symbols. The speaker feels that these actions trivialize the struggles and achievements of marginalized communities and can even be dangerous, particularly when it comes to issues involving children. Ultimately, the speaker yearns for a return to normalcy and authenticity, while acknowledging the positive impact these movements have had on their lives and communities.

    • Budweiser Employment Practices and Biden AllegationsOngoing controversies surround Budweiser's employment practices and allegations of a Biden bribery scheme. The House Oversight Committee is seeking an FBI file, but the FBI has not yet committed to releasing it. Contempt proceedings may begin if they fail to comply with the subpoena.

      There are ongoing controversies surrounding Budweiser's employment practices and the existence of an alleged bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden. The speaker expresses frustration towards Budweiser executives for not taking accountability and adjusting their policies to address the suffering of those employed in the beer industry. Additionally, there is ongoing tension between House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer and the White House regarding the release of an FBI file that allegedly links Biden to a $5 million bribery scheme. The FBI has confirmed the file's existence but has not yet committed to producing it for the House Oversight Committee. If the FBI fails to comply with the subpoena, contempt of Congress proceedings may begin. The speaker also criticizes the FBI for not taking a more active role in investigating these matters.

    • Understanding the Disconnect Between Reality and Political BeliefsRecognize the shift in political ideologies, question values, and stand for truth, regardless of labels.

      There is a disconnect between people's understanding of political issues and the reality of the situation. Some individuals defend politicians who have made decisions detrimental to their own lives, showing signs of Stockholm syndrome. These individuals need to acknowledge the shift in political ideologies and consider their true beliefs, which may no longer align with their current party label. The current political climate is not about right versus left, but good versus evil, and it's essential to understand the difference. The call for unity should not mean letting everyone in without questioning their values or actions. Instead, it's about recognizing the importance of truth and standing up for what's right, regardless of political labels.

    • Understanding and supporting each other during the pandemicDespite differences, it's crucial to unite and support individuals and businesses standing up for freedom and individual rights during the pandemic, recognizing that behaviors were often driven by fear and manipulation.

      Despite differences and misunderstandings, we are all on the same side. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding that people's behaviors during the pandemic were often driven by fear and manipulation. He encourages unity and support for those who have stood up for individual rights and freedoms, even if they have faced backlash. The speaker also highlights the opportunity for those in positions of power to create a better America by upholding values of freedom and individual rights. He emphasizes the importance of standing together and not getting bogged down in the extremes or nuances of various issues. The speaker also shares stories of individuals and businesses who have taken a stand for their beliefs and faced consequences, but were supported by the speaker and his community.

    • Xavier's determination leads to a full scholarshipA young boy's dedication to his education despite facing challenges leads to a full scholarship

      Determination and perseverance can lead to great opportunities. Xavier Jones, an eighth grader in St. Louis, walked six miles to attend his graduation ceremony when he didn't have a way to get there. His dedication to his education impressed the faculty at Ferris Stowe University, who offered him a full scholarship. This story is a reminder that no obstacle is too great if one is willing to put in the effort. The journey may be long and difficult, but the reward can be worth it. It's important for communities to recognize and support the potential in young people, especially when they face adversity. Xavier's story is a beacon of hope and a testament to the human spirit.

    • Exploring the Power of Technology in Local Communities with Michael SyphThe Public Square app facilitates commerce and fosters connection in local communities, encouraging listeners to join the parallel economy and stay engaged in their community.

      The use of technology, specifically through the Public Square app, can bring about significant positive change in local communities by facilitating commerce and fostering connection. Michael Syph, a guest on the show, passionately discussed the impact of this platform on the community, expressing his frustration with the negative attention it sometimes receives. He encouraged listeners to join the Public Square community and be a part of the parallel economy. To connect with Michael, listeners can find him on Twitter and Instagram under the handle "real Michael Syph," or visit publicsq.com to learn more and download the app. The show concluded with a reminder to share the podcast and not to be at home, emphasizing the importance of staying engaged and involved in one's community.

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    Mr. Steve Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who has been researching adverse reactions to COVID vaccines. 
    Dr. Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist. 
    Bret talks to Robert and Steve about the pandemic, treatment and the COVID vaccines. 

    Steve's paper on COVID vaccine reactions: https://trialsitenews.com/should-you-get-vaccinated/ 

    Steve's Twitter: @stkirsch 
    COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund: https://www.treatearly.org/team/steve-kirsch 
    Dr. Malone's website: https://www.rwmalonemd.com/mrna-vaccine-inventor 
    Robert's LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rwmalonemd 
    Robert's Twitter: @RWMaloneMD 


    Find Bret Weinstein on Twitter: @BretWeinstein, and on Patreon. 

    Please subscribe to this channel for more long form content like this, and subscribe to the clips channel @DarkHorse Podcast Clips for short clips of all our podcasts. 

    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music. 

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