
    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering transformative books for a successful real estate investing mindsetTwo hosts shared how influential books changed their perspectives, emphasizing self-worth and action to overcome self-doubt. They recommend finding books that resonate with your mindset for real estate investing success.

      Our mindset plays a significant role in our real estate investing journey. Two hosts of the BiggerPockets podcast, Brandon Turner and David Greene, discussed their "pivot books" that transformed their perspectives and influenced their path to building wealth through real estate. They emphasized the importance of recognizing self-worth and taking action to overcome self-doubt. Brandon highlighted a book that helped him question whether there was something missing in his life and encouraged him to take steps towards getting what he needed. They both believe that real estate investing is an effective way for average people to build wealth, and they aim to teach listeners through their podcast and books. For those starting out, they recommend finding books that align with their mindset and help them develop the necessary mindset for success. Additionally, they mentioned a book sale in the BiggerPockets bookstore for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

    • Exploring valuable tools for real estate investorsLeverage platforms like Rent to Retirement, DealMachine, Integra Development Group, and 'Pitch Anything' to streamline lead generation, access off-market deals, and build credibility in relationships.

      There are valuable tools and resources available for real estate investors to streamline their lead generation and deal-making processes. Rent to Retirement and DealMachine are two such platforms that offer access to high-quality contact information and filters to help investors find off-market deals. Meanwhile, Integra Development Group simplifies real estate investing through their rent to own strategy, offering immediate cash flow, above-average rent, and built-in equity. Additionally, the book "Pitch Anything" provides insights on developing the ability to get people to see things from your perspective and establish credibility in relationships. By utilizing these resources and applying the concepts from the book, investors can enhance their strategies and achieve greater success in their real estate endeavors.

    • Understanding and addressing both logical and emotional aspects of communicationEffective communication in real estate investing requires acknowledging and validating fears and concerns while providing logical reasons and evidence to support your perspective.

      Effective communication in various aspects of life, including real estate investing, requires understanding and addressing both the logical (neocortex) and emotional (limbic system or "croc brain") aspects of the other person's brain. This means acknowledging and validating their fears and concerns while providing logical reasons and evidence to support your perspective. The book discussed in the conversation, "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion," provided valuable insights into this concept. In real estate investing, this understanding can help investors overcome their own fears and doubts, as well as effectively communicate with employees, clients, and other stakeholders. For instance, during the Minneapolis riots, the speaker identified a lucrative investment opportunity but was held back by his "croc brain" fearing the financial burden of a large mortgage payment. By acknowledging and addressing these fears through logical reasoning and external validation (in this case, a supportive lender), the investor was able to move forward with the investment. This concept can be applied to various aspects of real estate investing, such as identifying and mitigating risks, negotiating deals, and building strong relationships with partners and tenants. By understanding and addressing both the logical and emotional aspects of real estate investing, investors can make more informed decisions and build stronger, more successful careers.

    • Heed the advice of experts to avoid financial lossesTrusting experts' advice and focusing on macroeconomic factors can save you from potential losses. Don't micromanage every deal and consider spiritual growth for a broader perspective.

      Listening to the expertise and advice of others, particularly in the realm of financing, can save you from potential losses. The speaker shared a personal experience of pushing forward with a deal despite a hard money lender's denial, resulting in a financial loss. Additionally, as individuals progress in their careers, it's essential to trust your judgment and focus on macroeconomic factors, rather than micromanaging every deal. The books "Life in Air" by Steve Cook and Sean McCloskey and "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" by John Mark Comer, which the speaker plans to combine in a future discussion, emphasize the importance of spiritual growth and taking a step back to consider the bigger picture.

    • Exploring the importance of living intentionallyConsider alternative ways to prioritize well-being over societal expectations, like simplifying life, questioning goals, and reflecting on priorities.

      The way we approach life and the goals we pursue can significantly impact how we live it. The books "Man's Search for Meaning" and "Voluntary Simplicity" share a common theme that life is more than just accumulating wealth or constantly hustling. They encourage us to step back and consider what truly matters, and to live a life that is fulfilling and meaningful. The analogy of a relief valve on a hot water heater is a powerful metaphor for these books - they serve as a release from the pressure of societal expectations and a reminder to prioritize our well-being. The authors of these books challenge us to question the goal of life and consider alternative ways to play the game. For instance, if the goal is to be secure, then paying off debts may be a better choice than leveraging them for wealth. Similarly, the ruthless elimination of hurry can be achieved through practices like morning routines or extended breaks from the busyness of life. Ultimately, these books invite us to reflect on our priorities and live intentionally, rather than being swept up in the rush of modern life.

    • Evaluating Priorities and Focusing on What MattersConsider if there are things in your life that may be slowing down progress towards important goals, and make decisions to focus on what truly matters.

      Sometimes it's important to evaluate our priorities and make decisions that allow us to focus on what truly matters most in our lives. The speaker, who has been hosting the Bigger Pockets podcast for a decade, has decided to step away for an indefinite period, realizing that he wants more relaxation and balance. He feels a deep connection with his co-host, David, and values their partnership and trust. The speaker encourages listeners to consider if there are things in their lives that they love but that may be slowing them down or diminishing their chances of success in areas that matter more. This can be likened to building a bridge, where adding too many things can slow down progress towards a goal. The speaker is currently focused on growing his real estate company and ensuring its success.

    • Understanding the rules of life's games for successAwareness of life's rules in various aspects leads to informed decisions, personal growth, and better outcomes.

      Understanding the rules of the games we play in life is essential for success. These games can be in various aspects of life such as investing, work, or personal growth. The rules can change, and being aware of them allows us to adapt and thrive. For instance, in real estate, knowing the tax code and government policies can help investors make informed decisions. Similarly, in personal development, understanding the rules of happiness and confidence can lead to significant improvements. The book "Life in a Nutshell" emphasizes this concept, stating that we are all playing someone else's game, and it's crucial to ensure we're playing under rules that align with our goals. Additionally, being aware of the rules helps us conserve emotional energy and avoid bitterness when the rules change. Another book that illustrates this idea is "Who Moved My Cheese?" which encourages adaptability in the face of change. Overall, being mindful of the rules in our games can lead to better outcomes and personal growth.

    • The impact of past experiences and relationships on self-perception and confidenceReflecting on past experiences and relationships can help identify the root causes of self-doubt and lead to intentional growth, ultimately increasing confidence.

      Our past experiences and relationships can significantly impact our self-perception and confidence. The speaker shared how he struggled with feelings of inadequacy and assumed he would always fail, attributing his successes to luck. He linked this issue to his strained relationship with his father and lack of positive male role models. The book he mentioned helped him realize that his feelings of weakness stemmed from an absence of guidance and support. This revelation was freeing for him and led him on a journey of intentional growth, ultimately leading to a career in law enforcement and increased confidence. The speaker emphasized that many men face similar struggles and encouraged listeners to reflect on their own experiences and consider whether they may be missing something essential. He suggested that this book, while not a cure-all, could help individuals identify and address the root causes of their self-doubt.

    • Focus on 'Who' instead of 'How' for successIdentify tasks to delegate and build a team for optimal success, focusing on strengths and maximizing potential.

      Shifting your mindset from focusing on "how" you can do something yourself to identifying and delegating tasks to those who are better equipped to do them is a game-changer for personal and business success. This concept, known as "Who Not How," was popularized in the book of the same name and reinforces the idea that life and business are team sports, not solo endeavors. Instead of asking "how" to accomplish a task, ask "who" can do it. This mindset shift can elevate your thinking and lead to incredible success, as evidenced by the authors' experiences at Opendoor Capital and in their respective businesses. By recognizing your strengths and weaknesses and building a team or delegating tasks to those who excel in areas where you don't, you can focus on what you do best and maximize your potential. This concept can be applied to various aspects of life, from entrepreneurship to personal projects, and can lead to increased productivity, growth, and overall success.

    • The Power of Collaborating with the Right PeopleFocusing on who to collaborate with, rather than how to do it yourself, can lead to significant benefits and growth. Finding the right people takes time and patience, but their impact can be profound.

      Focusing on who to collaborate with, rather than how to do something yourself, can lead to significant benefits and growth. This approach, known as the "who not how" model, is common in various aspects of life, from music to business. It may involve outsourcing tasks to professionals or finding the right team members to build a successful venture. While it may take longer to find the right people and scale up, the rewards can be substantial. Many successful businesses and individuals have used this approach, and it's essential to remember that giving credit isn't as important as the value gained. The process of finding the right collaborators can be challenging, but their impact on your life and projects can be profound. So, be patient and persistent in your search for the right who's. BetterHelp and Airbnb are sponsors of this podcast. BetterHelp offers online therapy to help you make time for what matters most, and Airbnb allows you to travel and experience new places while saving money. Visit their websites to learn more.

    • Taking responsibility leads to growthEmbrace self-management, start small, extend ownership to relationships for continuous learning and improvement

      Taking responsibility for your circumstances, whether in business or personal life, can lead to significant growth and improvement. The speaker shared how hosting on Airbnb provided him with the extra income and confidence to start his own real estate business. He emphasized that anyone can get started with self-management, even while working a full-time job. He also highlighted the importance of extreme ownership in business, where leaders take responsibility for all outcomes, enabling continuous learning and growth. This mindset can extend to personal relationships as well, where taking ownership leads to better communication and mutual improvement.

    • Avoiding the trap of selfishness and blame-shiftingEach partner should aim to give more than 50% and take ownership of their actions and mistakes to create a stronger connection in relationships. Reading books like 'Extreme Ownership', 'Traction', and 'The Four Disciplines of Execution' can provide valuable insights and tools for implementing these principles.

      In relationships, it's essential to avoid the trap of selfishness and blame-shifting. Instead, each partner should aim to give more than 50% and take ownership of their actions and mistakes. This principle, known as the extreme ownership model, can help bridge gaps and create a stronger connection between two people. It's also important to set an example by taking responsibility for your own actions and encouraging your partner to do the same. By doing so, you can foster a healthier, more fulfilling relationship. Additionally, reading books like "Extreme Ownership" by David J. Greene, "Traction" by Gino Wickman, and "The Four Disciplines of Execution" by Chris McChesney can provide valuable insights and tools for implementing these principles in your own life.

    • Implementing structured business systems for efficiency and productivityCommitting to principles in 'Traction' and 'Four Disciplines of Execution' leads to reduced workload, better decisions, and long-term success in business, while preventing burnout.

      Implementing structured business systems, like the ones outlined in the books "Traction" and "Four Disciplines of Execution," can lead to significant increases in efficiency, productivity, and overall success in business. By committing to these principles and making them a part of your daily operations, you can reduce your workload, free up time, and condition yourself and your team to make better decisions with less energy and effort. These books aren't just theoretical or a beach read, but a practical guide to running a successful business. The authors' advice has had a transformative impact on the speaker's life, and they encourage others to fully commit to the principles and put them into practice, rather than just reading about them. The long-term benefits include not only increased success but also the prevention of burnout.

    • Timeless Principles for Personal Finance and Wealth BuildingConsistently apply lessons from books like 'The Richest Man in Babylon' and 'The Total Money Makeover' for personal and financial growth.

      There are various business models to choose from, but consistency is key. A simple and effective book that David recommends for personal finance and wealth building is "The Richest Man in Babylon." This book, with its timeless principles, has significantly influenced both him and Josh Dorkin. Its simple stories and lessons, such as only investing in things you understand and never taking on someone else's debt, have helped David make better decisions. Another influential book, "The Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey, focuses on getting out of debt and living frugally. Although David disagrees with Ramsey's stance on using debt for real estate, he appreciates the advice on financial responsibility. Both books offer valuable insights for personal and financial growth.

    • Learning from multiple financial expertsConsider various perspectives and apply valuable insights from financial experts, even if their approaches differ.

      It's important to learn from various financial experts, even if they have flaws, rather than dismissing them entirely. Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and Dave Ramsey's advice have different focuses and target audiences. While Kiyosaki encourages using debt as a tool for building wealth, Ramsey advises against it for those who are not financially educated. Both have valuable insights to offer, and it's beneficial to consider their perspectives and apply them in a way that suits your individual situation. Additionally, it's natural for our opinions and understanding to evolve over time, and growth often means changing our minds. So, instead of attacking or defending specific financial gurus, focus on what you can learn from each of them and create a well-rounded approach to wealth building.

    • Changes to the BiggerPockets PodcastNew hosts, formats, and topics based on audience feedback. Brandon continues involvement through year-end. Influential books: Who Not How, Traction, The Millionaire Fast Lane. Continues to provide valuable content through interviews, market analysis, and coaching scenarios. Audience feedback encouraged.

      The BiggerPockets podcast is undergoing some changes with Brandon taking a break to focus on family and business, while continuing to be involved through the end of the year. The show will feature new hosts, formats, and topics based on audience feedback. Brandon also shared a list of influential books that have impacted him in his personal and professional life, including "Who Not How," "Traction," and "The Millionaire Fast Lane" by MJ DeMarco. The podcast will continue to provide valuable content through interviews, market analysis, and coaching scenarios. Audience feedback is encouraged to help shape the direction of the show.

    • Finding an Investor-Friendly Agent for Long-Term Real Estate SuccessConnect with local market experts through BiggerPockets Agent Finder for guidance, deal analysis, and valuable insights to achieve financial freedom in real estate investing, while managing risks with the help of qualified advisors.

      Navigating the changing real estate market can be challenging, but the goal of financial freedom remains the same. It's not about timing the market perfectly, but rather having a long-term presence in it. If you're looking to get started or advance in real estate investing, finding an investor-friendly agent is a crucial step. With BiggerPockets Agent Finder, you can quickly connect with local market experts who can help guide you through the process, analyze potential deals, and provide valuable insights. This free resource is available at biggerpockets.com/deals, and it's an essential tool for anyone serious about achieving financial freedom through real estate investing. Remember, investing in real estate, or any asset, involves risk, so always consult with qualified advisors before making any decisions.

    Recent Episodes from BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast

    982: How Military Members Can Use Real Estate Investing to Fast-Track Their Financial Freedom

    982: How Military Members Can Use Real Estate Investing to Fast-Track Their Financial Freedom
    Military real estate investing is perhaps the easiest way for veterans to reach financial freedom. Today’s guest is a prime example, going from broke recruiter to “military millionaire” in just FIVE years. And get this—military real estate isn’t just for service members. Everyday investors can take advantage of certain perks, too!   During his first seven years in the U.S. Marine Corps, David Pere was a serial spender, blowing each paycheck and saving very little money. But when a friend recommended the personal finance classic, Rich Dad Poor Dad, things finally clicked, and David realized the unique investing opportunities the military provided. Within four months, he had taken advantage of the favorable VA loan and bought his first house hack!   In today’s episode, you’ll learn how the military puts you in a great position to take financial risks early in your career. David takes a deep dive into VA loans, their benefits, their requirements, and what buyers and sellers should know. He even shares the best-kept secret in military investing—the Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan (IRRRL) program—which makes it EASY for investors to score a better interest rate! In This Episode We Cover How veterans can build wealth through military real estate investing Why the VA loan is the “best primary residence mortgage in the world” What YOU should know about VA loans (even if you’re not a service member!) What sellers and buyers need to know about assuming VA loans How to find a lender that specializes in military loan products Refinancing with the Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan (IRRRL) program And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (01:14) Buying His First House Hack (05:57) Military Real Estate Investing 101 (09:11) VA Loan Benefits & Requirements (14:57) Reusing VA Loans & Finding Lenders (18:24) Assuming VA Loans & the “IRRRL” (23:14) HUGE Military Investing Advantages (26:21) Connect with David! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-982 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    981: Seeing Greene: Investing with High Rates, Recession Prepping, & RVs vs. ADUs

    981: Seeing Greene: Investing with High Rates, Recession Prepping, & RVs vs. ADUs
    High interest rates are stopping you from investing, so what do you do? Wondering how to prepare for a recession if one hits soon? Should you sell your rentals and pocket some cash, or will you regret dumping your performing properties to secure some short-term safety? These tough questions can’t be answered by just anyone, so we have our expert investors David Greene and Rob Abasolo on to help you navigate through the most financially puzzling parts of real estate investing. In this Seeing Greene, we’re tackling topics like how to prepare for a recession as a landlord, what to do when high interest rates kill your deals, and whether you should build an ADU (accessory dwelling unit) or simply park an RV on your land and rent it out instead. But that’s not all; a contractor wants to know how to work with investors while making even more money. Is he barking up the wrong tree, or is going the investor instead of the residential route a better choice for those trying to grow their contracting business?  Plus, how long a tenant turnover should take and whether your property manager is moving too slowly. All that, and much more, is coming up in this Seeing Greene show! In This Episode We Cover How to invest in real estate during a high interest rate environment (and find lenders!) Whether or not to sell your rentals if a recession hits in the near future  Renting out an ADU vs. an RV and which will make you more money and come with a lower cost  The power of compound interest and David’s genius method to pay off properties fast Tenant turnover times and how long it should take for your property manager to find new renters  How contractors can get consistent work from investors by doing this  And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (01:37) How to Invest with High Rates (07:24) Renting Out an RV? (14:00) Questions from the Comment Section (15:41) Sell Rentals to Recession Prep? (23:56) What Contractors Must Know (33:58) Subscribe for More Seeing Greene! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-981 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    980: Does Buying a Business Beat Real Estate Investing in 2024?

    980: Does Buying a Business Beat Real Estate Investing in 2024?
    Today’s guest makes up to $100,000 per year, PER investment, by buying businesses. Yep, you heard that right. We’re not talking about a few hundred bucks a month in cash flow like most rental properties get you. Instead, you can make a living by buying a business “no one wants,” which is exactly what Matt DeBoth is doing. Matt saw the writing on the wall after building up a sizable real estate portfolio. Low interest rates flooded buyers into the housing market, putting those with properties to sell in a great position. So, Matt sold many of his rental properties and wondered where he should put the money into. Over the next year, he spent his days researching businesses to buy, talking to business brokers, and eventually landed on a local pizza franchise. Matt was able to turn it around, and after months of hard work, he’s collecting serious cash flow from a business that only takes a few hours a week to manage! If you want to buy yourself a six-figure income stream and feel like now is the perfect time to take a pause from real estate investing, Matt’s story may be just what you need to get started. He shares how much it costs to buy a small business, how to manage it, what to look for in business investment opportunities, and what you can do TODAY to get started! In This Episode We Cover How to create a six-figure income stream by buying small business franchises  Buying the businesses “no one wants” and how to easily spot an investing opportunity Why a poorly run business can mean tremendous potential for you to make more money The low-money-down small business loans that Matt is using to buy businesses  How to manage your business the right way so you only need to work a few hours a week  Who should (and shouldn’t) buy businesses, and how to pick one  And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (01:34) Buying When No One Else Would (04:02) House Hacking an Apartment? (06:09) Selling Off His Rentals?! (13:06) Ditching Rentals to Buy Businesses  (15:32) Buying His First Business (17:45) Finding Investment Opportunities  (21:07) $100K/Year Income Streams?  (24:55) Managing the Businesses  (28:28) Who Should Buy Businesses?  (30:58) How to Get Started Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-980 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    979: BiggerNews: What Happens to The Housing Market if Mortgage Rates Stay High?

    979: BiggerNews: What Happens to The Housing Market if Mortgage Rates Stay High?
    Mortgage rates were supposed to be going down by now, but what happened? Even in late 2023, many housing market experts predicted that we’d be seeing high to mid six percent mortgage rates at this point and hovering around the high five percent rate mark by the end of the year, but the Fed isn’t showing any sign of lowering rates soon. Some experts even believe rates could go UP again this year as the job market stays hot and the economy sees unprecedented strength. This begs the question: What IF mortgage rates remain high? It’s a reality many of us don’t want to see, but 2024 could end with minor, if any, rate cuts, keeping monthly mortgage payments high and affordability low. So, what should an investor do in this situation? Sit on the sidelines? Invest in a different asset class? Pray to Jerome Powell? While that last option may be worthwhile, top real estate investors are saying that NOW is the time to buy BEFORE rates fall. What do we mean? We’ve got the entire expert investor panel from On the Market here to give their take on what investors should do IF rates don’t fall. From house flipping to long-term buy and hold rentals, our nationwide panel of investors shares exactly what they’re doing to make money even with high interest rates. Plus, we’ll give our predictions on when rates could fall, what will happen to housing inventory, what young people should do NOW to get their first house, and why investors need to “reset” if they want to thrive in this high rate housing market.  Support today’s show sponsor, Rent App: the free and easy way to collect rent! In This Episode We Cover Mortgage rate predictions and when interest rates could finally start falling  What should investors do IF mortgage rates stay high throughout 2024 The “lock-in effect” and whether or not high rates are leading to lower inventory  The homes that are flying off the market in many areas (and the ones that are sitting) How young people can creatively get into their first home or investment property Why investors MUST “reset” their expectations if they’re to build wealth in this housing market  And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (04:45) When Could Mortgage Rates Fall? (13:48) Inventory is Getting Gobbled Up (19:56) Can Young People Make It?  (24:19) Investors Must "Reset"  Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-979 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    How to Buy Your First, Second, or Third Rental Property!

    How to Buy Your First, Second, or Third Rental Property!
    “The stack” method is how to buy rental property faster than you thought possible. With so many real estate investing beginners wondering how to build a real estate portfolio, especially in today’s market, Dave Meyer, VP of Market Intelligence at BiggerPockets, decided to reintroduce “the stack” on today’s podcast. In it, he’ll show you exactly how someone with zero real estate investing experience can go from one to two to three rentals and beyond by following this simple framework. If you’ve struggled to buy your first rental property or never made it past the first deal, this is the episode to watch. Dave walks through how you can use “the stack” method to explode your real estate portfolio, the three simple steps to start buying rental properties today, and the one tool top real estate investors use to buy more real estate and find financial freedom faster. Beginner or investing veteran, if you’re feeling stuck but want to reach your financial goals, this might be just what you need. Sign up for BiggerPockets Pro to get unlimited access to the rental property calculator and all the tools from today’s video. Use code “FIRSTPOD24” to receive 20% off!  In This Episode We Cover How to buy your first, second, or third rental property using “the stack” method The easiest way to find real estate deals in today’s market, even if you have no experience  How to analyze a rental property in just minutes with the BiggerPockets Rental Property Calculator Financing and funding your first/next deal and why it’s not as hard as you think The best real estate investing tool for those who want to explode their portfolios  Why real estate is the perfect investment for financial freedom  And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (00:35) How to Buy Your First Rental Property (02:53) Achieving Financial Freedom (05:03) Scared to Invest? (09:44) "The Stack" Method (12:11) 1. Finding Deals (14:20) How to Analyze a Rental Property  (25:36) 2. Finding Financing/Funding  (28:34) 3. Finding Direction (31:14) 3-Step Recap (32:40) What Pro Investors Do Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-no-number-2 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    978: How to Build Your Real Estate Investing Team (Agents, Contractors, Lenders)

    978: How to Build Your Real Estate Investing Team (Agents, Contractors, Lenders)
    If you want to grow your real estate portfolio faster, make more money with less headache, and achieve whatever financial dreams you desire, you need one thing—a real estate team. Most people don’t realize that the top real estate investors rarely do everything themselves. Instead, they’ve hand-picked real estate investing rockstars to grow their businesses FOR them. We’re talking investor-friendly agents, lenders, contractors, property managers, and more. If you can find the right people to fill those roles, you’ll be able to grow your passive income faster than you thought possible. So, where do you find them? Dave Meyer and Henry Washington are back to give a masterclass on building your real estate team. They’ll walk you through each role—real estate agents, lenders and brokers, insurance agents, property managers, and contractors—describing what to look for, red flags to run from, and exactly where you can find the best of the best in your market. Get this right, and you’re on a fast track to real estate riches, but get it wrong, and you could delay your financial freedom! Ready to build your investor-friendly real estate team? Check out BiggerPockets’ free team-builder to find agents, lenders, and more in your area!  In This Episode We Cover How to build an investor-friendly real estate team from scratch  The sign of a great investor-friendly agent and clear red flags experienced investors notice Why some lenders will lend to you much more easily than others  Why Henry ALWAYS uses an insurance broker (NOT an agent) to find policies  How to incentivize your property manager to make you more money (NOT just collect fees!) A unique way to find quality contractors in your area and how to inspect their work BEFORE you hire them  And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (02:24) Real Estate Agents  (12:15) Lenders and Brokers  (22:08) Insurance  (25:27) Property Managers (34:26) Contractors  (44:07) Where to Find Your Team Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-978 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    977: Seeing Greene: Exiting Bad Deals, Going Over Budget, & the BEST First Rental

    977: Seeing Greene: Exiting Bad Deals, Going Over Budget, & the BEST First Rental
    Every investor would love some extra cash flow…but at what cost? Does it make sense to go all in on a large down payment so that more money trickles in each month? If you want minimal debt, have no plans to scale, and are confident that your new property will appreciate, perhaps. But if your goal is to buy more rental properties and build your portfolio as quickly as possible, there are much better ways to leverage your cash position. In this Seeing Greene, we help a new investor navigate this exact scenario when buying his first property!   Next, we hear from someone whose earnest money deposit (EMD) is wrapped up in a failed medium-term rental. Should she cut her losses and walk away from the deal or weather the storm until the property can cash flow? Stick around to find out! Finally, we chat with an investor who has gone over his rehab budget and finds himself knee-deep in high-interest credit card debt. David and Rob walk him through the steps that will allow him to consolidate his bad debt and turn a ROUGH situation into MORE rentals! Get a BIG incentive on turnkey rentals from today's show sponsor, Rent to Retirement. Visit them at RentToRetirement.com or text "REI" to 33777!   In This Episode We Cover Whether you should ever force cash flow with a larger down payment The BEST first rental property to buy (and how much money you’ll need) Saving up for ONE property versus buying multiple rentals Creative ways to get out of a BAD deal (and when to ride it out instead!) How to get back in the green after overshooting your rehab budget And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (01:30) Which Rental Should I Buy? (07:34) The Medium-Term Rental Fiasco (15:23) Comment Section Callout (19:06) Help, I’ve Gone OVER Budget! (33:05) Ask Us Your Question! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-977 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    976: How to Start Mobile Home Investing (The Right Way) for Just $15,000

    976: How to Start Mobile Home Investing (The Right Way) for Just $15,000
    Can you start investing in real estate with just $15,000? Yep, and mobile home investing is how you do it. We know what you’re thinking, “I don’t want to own trailers! I want to invest in “real” houses where the “real” money is at!” That’s what today’s guest John Fedro thought too some twenty years ago when he stumbled into mobile home investing, which, at the time, was even too embarrassing for him to share. But, over the past two decades, this at-first “embarrassing” investment has made him wealthy, and if you follow his lead, it can do the same for you. John has successfully made money with mobile homes in various ways: buying and flipping, wholesaling, renting, and seller financing, the main topic of today’s episode. He provides a masterclass on how to make money buying and selling mobile homes, where you essentially take on the role of the bank. However, it’s crucial to be cautious. Mishandling this could lead you into an ethical gray area and potentially harm your buyer. On the other hand, getting it right can create a win-win situation for both the buyer and seller while making you wealthy.  John shares his whole strategy, plus how he’s getting into deals for $15,000 and often making DOUBLE his money and $400 per month (or more) cash flow per door when he seller finances these properties. If you want a way to get into real estate investing without a ton of cash but with the potential to make a serious return on your money, this may be your winning strategy. In This Episode We Cover The three “levels” of mobile home investing and how much each costs to get into The danger of seller financing the wrong way and how it can hurt your buyer Why you MUST background check EVERYONE you seller-finance a mobile home to One thing that new mobile home investors overlook that can ruin your properties The exit strategies you must know about to avoid losing money on your next deal Whether or not we would invest in mobile homes (and our concerns with seller financing)  And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (02:32) Seller Financing...Mobile Homes? (11:18) Win-Win Seller Financing  (16:52) 3 "Levels" of Mobile Home Investing (22:08) How Much to Invest?  (23:53) Cash Flow and Profit Numbers (26:51) What to Look Out For (32:38) New Investors, Do THIS!  (33:52) Would WE Invest In It? Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-976 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    975: BiggerNews: Rent Price Updates and Why Landlords Are Optimistic About 2024 w/Zumper’s Anthemos Georgiades

    975: BiggerNews: Rent Price Updates and Why Landlords Are Optimistic About 2024 w/Zumper’s Anthemos Georgiades
    The rental market could finally be returning to stability after a wild past four years. Since 2020, we’ve seen rent prices skyrocket almost overnight, with huge asking price increases for single-family homes, multifamily apartments, and everything in between. But that trend quickly reversed as the fight against inflation began, mortgage rates rose, and would-be homebuyers sat still, not knowing whether to stay renting or search for a home. But, a return to “equilibrium” may be coming soon, and that’s good news for landlords and renters alike. To break it all down, Zumper’s Anthemos Georgiades joins the show to share his team’s latest rent data. Anthemos brings some surprisingly good news for landlords, from new month-over-month rent growth data to consumer preferences shifting to a more renter-focused lifestyle; now may be the moment landlords have been waiting for as renter demand looks promising and rates stay high. We’ll also discuss the inflation lag effect our rental market has caused and how to stay on top of current rent prices.  Has the dream of homeownership died? And if so, how do YOU attract the long-term renters who want to make a home out of your house (while paying YOU rent!)? Stick around for this rental market update every landlord needs to know about. Support today’s show sponsor, Rent App: the free and easy way to collect rent! In This Episode We Cover Rent growth updates and why rents for some units are starting to climb Single-family vs. multifamily demand and which asset is seeing the most strength  Why Anthemos is predicting a return to “equilibrium” for landlords this summer  The massive effect rent has on inflation and how housing shifts the economy  Is the “American Dream” dead? Why young Americans are ditching homeownership Where to find free, up-to-date rent price data so YOU can make the most from your rental  And So Much More! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-975 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    974: Maximalism: The New Renter-Friendly Trend Landlords Can’t Overlook w/Tay “BeepBoop” Nakamoto

    974: Maximalism: The New Renter-Friendly Trend Landlords Can’t Overlook w/Tay “BeepBoop” Nakamoto
    Want to really stand out in your market? A few renter-friendly interior design ideas can make a world of difference, elevating a run-of-the-mill property into one that attracts tenants and guests and stays occupied year-round. Today’s guest has some affordable, do-it-yourself (DIY) design hacks centered around “maximalism,” the design trend you can’t afford to not know about.   Welcome back to the BiggerPockets Real Estate podcast! If you want to boost your property’s value, keep renters happy, and get even MORE cash flow from your portfolio, you’ve come to the right place. Today, interior designer Tay “BeepBoop” Nakamoto joins the show to share some of her most popular rental design tips. Regardless of your investing strategy, whether you own short-term rentals or are flipping houses for a profit, you won’t want to miss out on these enormous value-adds. The best part? They are extremely cost-effective, easy to implement, and, most importantly, reversible!   In this episode, Tay delves into maximalism—the interior design trend that is taking the world by storm in 2024—and shares how you can seamlessly integrate this popular style with your rental properties. She even shares some of the best places to find furniture, décor, and materials, as well as some common pitfalls to avoid when tackling your own home renovation projects! In This Episode We Cover The best renter-friendly, do-it-yourself (DIY) design hacks for rentals How to implement maximalism throughout your rental properties Why you must know your limits when making design changes Where to find budget-friendly furniture and décor for your property How landlords can benefit from keeping up with the latest design trends Common pitfalls to avoid when tackling your own home design projects And So Much More! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-974 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.