
    About this Episode

    Who is in your network? What is a network anyway? We humans have needs for closeness, intimacy, connection, communication, expression, touch, love... And so many of us on the planet have been living in a way that does not help us meet those needs. Maybe this crazy pandemic time, painful as it is, is also a gift that’s helping us evaluate what’s most important. A network is like a circuit… when it’s complete, it lights us up. In this solo episode, we’ll explore how we can build a sustainable, thriving, abundant network that provides us with everything we need.

    Listen now, and for show notes and to join the Voice Body Connection Membership Community visit www.voicebodyconnection.com/podcast.

    Recent Episodes from Find Your Voice, Speak Your Truth

    90. About winter solstice 2021, with Virginia Rosenberg

    90. About winter solstice 2021, with Virginia Rosenberg

    Fall is ending. 2021 is ending. The podcast season is ending. (The pandemic does not seem to be ending.) And our resident astrologer Virginia Rosenberg is back on the podcast to share about many things of note going on in the cosmos. The big highlights: there’s Pluto/Venus conjunction in Capricorn this month, a Venus Retrograde, and Saturn and Uranus are directly square again too. If all this sounds like mumbo-jumbo - but you’re curious - Virginia explains it with incredible clarity. The basic idea is that our life as we’ve known it is ending. And it’s time to sow seeds for something new. Sending you so much love and an air kiss on this last episode before my sabbatical.

    89. About harmony (and why I’m taking a sabbatical), with Elissa

    89. About harmony (and why I’m taking a sabbatical), with Elissa

    What does harmony mean to you? For me, it’s about living in alignment with and acceptance of all that’s going on. In this last solo episode of the season, I share how - slowly but surely - over the past six months I’ve started really listening to the voice inside of me that’s letting me know I need a big break. I’ll explain my plans to take a sabbatical and reflect on the uncertainty of not knowing what comes next. Here’s what I can trust: I know that by taking this step, I’m living in harmony with my inner truth. This episode is a vulnerable share and a pep talk to encourage you to do the same.

    88. About looking out for each other, with Harper Spero

    88. About looking out for each other, with Harper Spero

    In 2012, Harper Spero learned she had a tumor in her lungs the size of a golf ball. After her subsequent surgery and that transformational experience, Harper began taking radically good care of herself. This included changing her health routines, and also starting her own business so she could be in charge of her work habits. When the pandemic hit, Harper became outspoken about her experience as an immunocompromised person, and the importance of making personal decisions that support the collective. In this heartfelt episode, Harper shares her story and speaks to the resistance many feel about getting vaccines and wearing masks. We may not like having to take these measures, but they’re the way we look out for each other.

    87. About grit and redemption, with Coss Marte

    87. About grit and redemption, with Coss Marte

    When he was 23 years old, Coss Marte was removed from the streets of the Lower East Side and sentenced to 7 years in prison. In jail, Coss quickly learned that he was in extremely poor health. So he started working out in his cell and in the prison yard. Soon other inmates joined him. Then, an organization called Defy Ventures showed up at the facility and helped him learn how to turn his passion for fitness into a business venture. When Coss was released, he returned to the Lower East Side and opened CONBODY, a prison-style Bootcamp. Coss’ story is an incredible journey of grit and redemption and highlights the importance of caring for our body and our voice.

    86. About talking to people you disagree with, with Josh Trent

    86. About talking to people you disagree with, with Josh Trent

    One day this fall, I was scrolling through my Instagram feed, when I saw a post from my friend Josh. It was a screenshot of Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s response to President Biden’s mask mandate. Gov. Abbott wrote “Biden’s vaccine mandate is an assault on private businesses” and below in the caption Josh wrote “I DO NOT comply.” My first thought was “Eesh, I need to unfollow my friend Josh.” But as my finger moved to hover over the button my second thought was: “Elissa Weinzimmer... you’ve got one person in your feed who’s not in your silo of agreement. This is an actual chance to practice Conversation Culture.” In his comment, Josh had also said that he really wanted responses, especially from people who disagreed. So I took him at his word and instead of unfollowing, I commented. A real conversation ensued, and now we’ve brought that conversation to this podcast. Thank you so much Josh Trent, CEO of Wellness Force, for opening your heart to speak with me in a way that most of us avoid. Josh and I agree that these conversations - that really hearing each other - are the keys to creating change in our world. We hope this conversation is helpful to you, and if it ignites something that you want to share please reach out to either or both of us... we genuinely want to hear from you.

    85. About resistance, with Elissa

    85. About resistance, with Elissa

    When you think of the word resistance, what comes up for you? My guess is that you (and most of us) think of resistance as something bad; as something to be avoided. But let’s ask a different question: What is resistance good for? I would argue that resistance - which I’ll define as the experience of feeling pressure between ourselves and something outside of us - is good for helping us understand and define who we are. In this solo episode that sets the month’s theme, join me to do a somatic experiment around the feeling of resistance, and explore why it can indeed be a very useful experience.

    84. About elevating disability pride, with Tiffany Yu

    84. About elevating disability pride, with Tiffany Yu

    Tiffany Yu is on a mission to elevate disability pride. Through the work of her social enterprise Diversability, as well as her social media platforms, speaking, and writing, Tiffany is working not just to lift the stigma about disability, but to celebrate it. In this episode, Tiffany shares her own disability origin story, and together we discuss what it would look like to go from living in a supremacist society (where a certain way of being is the “right” way to be”) to truly living the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. And it’s not as pie-in-the-sky impossible as you might think… sometimes it just involves stepping up to cut someone’s steak.

    83. About staying creative and inspired, with Sean Brennan

    83. About staying creative and inspired, with Sean Brennan

    Sean Brennan is my friend and collaborator, an incredible musician, and the editor of this podcast. And today I’m bringing him in front of the mic to share with us about his creative process. A lot of us have been taught that being creative and making art requires diligence and routine. Sean’s here to argue that routine can often be the enemy of creativity. So instead, what can you do today to mix things up? To change your perspective? I’ll say, this is all stuff I really needed to hear! And for a special treat, listen all the way to the end of the episode and you’ll get to hear the latest song from his band Strange Weather. 

    82. About fall (equinox) 2021, with Virginia Rosenberg

    82. About fall (equinox) 2021, with Virginia Rosenberg

    Virginia Rosenberg is back for her quarterly visit as the resident astrologer of the Find Your Voice, Speak Your Truth podcast. This episode comes to you in the middle of Mercury Retrograde, and also includes a discussion of the major 2021 transit of Saturn square Uranus, plus entering the Age of Air. These major movements in the sky lead us to ask: How do we achieve balance during this time? How do we take care of both ourselves and others? How do we allow independence and interdependence to co-exist? Join us to explore and prepare for the coming season.

    81. About balance, with Elissa

    81. About balance, with Elissa

    When you hear the word ‘balance,’ what do you think of? Work-life balance? Balancing on one leg? Balancing your checkbook? Welcome back to a new season of the podcast... this month our theme is Balance, and in this episode, I want to encourage you to examine your understanding of that idea. You may think balance is a fixed, perfect center point that you have to strive for. But in reality, balance is dynamic and spacious. And falling or failing are important parts of continuing to find balance. We’re living in a world where a new normal is unfolding, and it’s important to examine our idea of what it means to be in balance.