
    543. Andy, John Burk & DJ CTI: Ben & Jerry Customers Calling For Boycott, Missouri Vs. Biden Admin & Cocaine In White House

    enJuly 07, 2023
    What challenges does John Burke face online?
    Why is a strong online presence important for content creators?
    How do different historical narratives impact perceptions of war?
    What heroic act did Deputy William Hollingsworth perform?
    What is the significance of selfless heroism in communities?

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Online Censorship and AttacksMaintain a strong online presence, adhere to platform guidelines, and consistently deliver content, even during personal crises. Understand different perspectives and be open to switching roles for a more inclusive online community.

      The internet can be a challenging environment, especially for those who express unpopular opinions. John Burke, a guest on the show, shared his experiences with being censored and attacked online, despite adhering to the platform's guidelines. The conversation also touched upon the importance of having a strong online presence and the responsibility of content creators to deliver content consistently, even in personal crises. The episode ended with a reminder to check out AndyFessoa.com for related links and to never be a "hoe" (hoder in this context means someone who doesn't engage with content). The show concluded with a discussion about diversity and inclusion, emphasizing the importance of understanding different perspectives and being open to switching roles.

    • Ben & Jerry's tweet sparks debate on indigenous land rights and colonialismAcknowledging historical wrongs and taking action towards reconciliation is crucial for progress, but the complexities of indigenous land rights and colonialism require thoughtful and respectful engagement.

      The Ben and Jerry's tweet about recognizing that the US was founded on stolen indigenous land and committing to returning it sparked intense debate on social media. Some criticized the statement for being unrealistic and ignoring the historical context of conquest and advancements made by Europeans. Others argued that acknowledging past wrongs and taking action to rectify them is an essential step towards reconciliation and healing. The discussion highlights the complex and nuanced nature of historical truths and the importance of ongoing dialogue and education to foster understanding and progress. Ultimately, it's clear that the issue of indigenous land rights and the legacy of colonialism is a deeply contested and complex issue that requires thoughtful and respectful engagement.

    • Understanding the Complexity of White IdentityWhite people have a diverse sense of self, but it's crucial to recognize the intentional use of race as a distraction from larger issues and to focus on the root causes of division and inequality.

      While discussions about race and identity may make sense to some, it's important to remember that not all cultures and races have the same experiences or accept the same expressions of pride. White people historically have not been encouraged to base their identity on their race, leading to a more complex and diverse sense of self. However, it's crucial to recognize that divisions based on race are often intentionally propagated to distract from larger issues and to compromise collective power. Recent boycotts, such as those against Ben & Jerry's, have shown that consumers have significant buying power and can make a difference. But it's essential to understand that these actions are part of larger, organized plays, and not just the doing of individual companies. Ultimately, it's important to move beyond labeling issues as race-related and instead focus on the bigger picture and the true sources of division and inequality.

    • Attempts to erase iconic brands and push for change through forceful meansSome entities manipulate language and use 'useful idiots' to erase American iconic brands, encouraging consumers to embrace new, patriotic alternatives. Entrepreneurs can seize this opportunity to establish businesses, as America supports apolitical companies celebrating American culture and freedom.

      Certain entities are attempting to erase American iconic brands from people's minds and push for change through forceful means, which some critics argue is reminiscent of communist tactics. This includes the manipulation of language and the use of "useful idiots" to carry out their agenda. The ongoing debate around ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) initiatives is an example of this. Instead of supporting these brands, consumers are encouraged to embrace new, patriotic alternatives, fostering a more competitive marketplace. Entrepreneurs, in particular, should seize this opportunity to establish their businesses, despite the lingering fear of cancel culture. America is reportedly returning to the idea of supporting apolitical companies that celebrate American culture and freedom. A notable example is Frontier Coffee Company, led by a green beret CEO who took a stand against cancel culture and saw success as a result.

    • Staying true to your beliefs leads to successRefusing to bend to customer demands and protecting free speech can lead to a growing consumer base and individual freedoms.

      Standing firm on your beliefs and not apologizing for them, even in the face of criticism or potential backlash, can lead to success. This was seen in the story of a business owner who refused to bend to customer demands and was rewarded with a growing consumer base. Additionally, the importance of protecting free speech and preventing government collusion with private companies to suppress it was highlighted in a recent court ruling in the United States. Senator Eric Schmidt, a Republican from Missouri, pledged to keep a close eye on the Biden administration to ensure they respect individuals' First Amendment rights. Overall, the discussions emphasized the importance of staying true to your values and fighting for individual freedoms.

    • Challenging the status quo: A figure to admireEmbrace individuals who disrupt power dynamics, but also tackle systemic issues like censorship and media manipulation. Promote independent journalism and challenge censorship to uphold free speech and press principles.

      The power dynamics in society can be complex and challenging, especially when it comes to issues of identity, media, and government. The speaker shares their admiration for a figure who disrupts these power dynamics and challenges the status quo, but also acknowledges the importance of addressing larger systemic issues, such as censorship and media manipulation. They argue that the line between private entities and government involvement can be blurred, and that individual citizens have a role to play in promoting independent journalism and challenging censorship. Ultimately, they call for a more critical and informed approach to media consumption and a greater commitment to upholding the principles of free speech and press.

    • Powerful entities shape social media discourseStrive for independent, fact-based journalism and open dialogue to avoid distorted reality and lack of trust in information sources. Avoid identifying too strongly with political parties or viewpoints for critical thinking and noncompliance.

      The media landscape, particularly social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, is increasingly controlled by powerful entities that use censorship and manipulation to shape public discourse. This can lead to a distorted view of reality and a lack of trust in information sources. It's important to be aware of this and to strive for independent, fact-based journalism and open dialogue. Additionally, it's crucial to avoid identifying too strongly with political parties or viewpoints, as this can make us more susceptible to manipulation and less likely to question information presented to us. Instead, we should aim for critical thinking and noncompliance when faced with potentially manipulative situations.

    • Challenging Authority and Preserving Individual FreedomIndividuals must not comply with unjust mandates or deceitful actions, even during times of perceived injustice, to preserve individual freedom and challenge tyranny.

      Mass non-compliance during times of perceived injustice or manipulation is crucial in standing up against tyranny and preserving individual freedom. The discussion touched upon the importance of not complying with unjust mandates or deceitful actions, no matter the circumstances. The speakers also shared their thoughts on various topics, including politics, cocaine use, and the Hunter Biden laptop controversy. While some parts of the conversation were lighthearted, the overall message was clear: individuals must not be afraid to challenge authority and demand transparency. The speakers urged listeners to remain vigilant and resist any attempts to infringe upon their rights.

    • Desecrating Institutions for PropagandaThe current administration is intentionally disrespecting historic institutions and the American people want accountability. Politicians who don't act risk being voted out or primaried.

      According to the speaker, the current administration is intentionally desecrating historic and meaningful institutions in the United States, including the White House, and is using this as propaganda to show that the people have no power. They believe that politicians, including those who remain quiet, are making a mistake by not being aggressive enough in calling for accountability. The speaker argues that the American people want and will reward those who do, and that those who don't risk being primaried or voted out. The speaker also points out that the security at the White House is top-notch and that if a bag of cocaine were found, it would be easily traced. They express frustration that some scandals, such as those involving Hunter Biden, are being downplayed, and that the administration seems to be getting away with it.

    • Revival of the Constitutional Republic and Shift Away from Government DependenceMany people are becoming more aware and engaged in US politics due to recent damages and challenges. Speakers believe that issues like identity politics and government overreach call for a revival of the constitutional republic and less dependence on the government as a safety net, especially for young people.

      The political landscape and societal issues in the US have reached a critical point where many people are becoming more aware and engaged due to the significant damages and challenges faced in recent years. This awakening includes individuals who were previously apathetic or supportive of the status quo. The speakers in this conversation believe that these issues, including identity politics and government overreach, have exposed the need for a revival of the constitutional republic and a shift away from reliance on the government as a safety net. They argue that young people, in particular, have been hindered by the nanny state and need to be more involved and less dependent on the government for solutions. The speakers also criticize politicians like Lindsey Graham for appearing to support certain agendas for political gain, while also acknowledging that individuals have a responsibility to be informed and involved in their communities and country.

    • Manipulation of information and individual freedomsDisappointment with government response to COVID-19, importance of critical thinking, and protecting individual freedoms against manipulation

      The current situation in society involves important issues being overlooked due to the manipulation of information through media and government. The discussion highlighted the importance of individual freedoms and the dangers of giving too much power to the government. The speakers expressed their disappointment in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, believing that stronger leadership and less government intervention could have led to better outcomes. They also emphasized the need for critical thinking and open conversations about important topics, such as gun control and censorship. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of being aware of the manipulation of information and the need to protect individual freedoms.

    • The public and media are to blame for polarized politicsPeople should question their political beliefs, hold reps accountable, focus on merit, and ban lobbyists to reduce political polarization.

      The blame for the polarized state of American politics lies with the public, who have elevated politicians to untouchable status, and the media, which fails to report factual news without bias. The speaker believes that people should question their political allegiances and hold their representatives accountable, and that the focus should be on putting the best and brightest in political office, rather than relying on popularity contests. Additionally, the speaker criticizes the influence of money in politics and the need to ban lobbyists. Ultimately, the public needs to wake up to the reality of the situation and demand change.

    • Skepticism towards 2020 election results and voter turnoutThe speaker questions the validity of the 2020 election results in certain states, expresses skepticism towards large voter turnout for Joe Biden, and advocates for unity and fair elections.

      The validity of the 2020 election results in certain states, particularly Pennsylvania, has been questioned due to perceived corruption. Some believe that the GOP should focus on appealing to fringe Democrat voters instead of putting forward seemingly unqualified candidates. The speaker expresses skepticism towards the large voter turnout reported for Joe Biden, comparing it to his own ability to fill seats at events despite having fewer followers. However, the speaker also acknowledges that not every election is rigged and that there are key areas where irregularities are suspected. The speaker expresses a desire for unity and a good faith effort to ensure fair elections. The conversation also touches upon the comparison of voter turnout between past elections and the 2020 election, as well as the speaker's personal experiences in the entrepreneur and event planning space.

    • Mobilizing Younger Generations and the Need for a Strong CandidateThe left effectively mobilizes younger voters, leaving the right at a disadvantage if they continue with the same approach. Unity behind a strong candidate is crucial to counteract this trend and maintain democratic integrity.

      The current political climate raises concerns about the validity of elections and the need for unity behind a strong candidate. The left has effectively mobilized younger generations to vote, leaving the right at a disadvantage if they continue with the same approach. The right must unite, exploit Biden's weaknesses, and focus on viable candidates. The electoral system's integrity is questionable, with compromised processes in certain areas, and the potential for tyranny by the majority if individual popular votes are prioritized. The best course of action is for the people to rally behind a strong candidate and vote to expose any corruption.

    • Election integrity and democratic processesStay informed by evaluating multiple sources of information, remain vigilant to potential election manipulation, and participate in elections to uphold democratic processes while being mindful of censorship and suppression of dissenting voices.

      The speaker expresses concerns about the integrity of elections and the potential for authoritarian rule, citing past perceived election manipulation and the possibility of future crises being used to suspend elections. They believe that independent thinking and scrutiny of multiple sources of information are crucial to discerning truth from manipulation. The speaker also expresses skepticism towards mainstream media and calls for critical evaluation of their reporting. Despite these concerns, the speaker emphasizes the importance of participating in elections. They also touch upon the topic of censorship and the potential for suppression of dissenting voices. Overall, the speaker's perspective can be summarized as a call for vigilance and critical thinking in the face of perceived threats to democratic processes and individual freedoms.

    • Politicians who ask tough questions and hold others accountable are appreciated, but focusing on issues is crucial.People value accountability, but it's essential to prioritize improving America and understanding its political system, while holding politicians honest and transparent.

      People appreciate politicians who ask tough questions and hold others accountable, as seen in the case of Bret Baer's interviewing style and Donald Trump's actions in 2015. However, it's crucial to focus on the issues at hand, such as improving America rather than fixating on past political figures or ideologies. The population needs to understand the political system and its limitations, and politicians should lead with honesty and transparency. The ongoing issue of political corruption, as demonstrated by Joe Biden's attempt to forgive student loans without Congressional approval, highlights the importance of holding politicians accountable and recognizing the consequences of their actions. Ultimately, the focus should be on the people and their needs, rather than the political teams and their agendas.

    • Frustration with the political system and inconsistencies in justiceChallenge the status quo by striving for personal excellence and freedom, question those in power, and promote mass noncompliance.

      The distrust in political systems and institutions has reached a boiling point, and the solution may lie in shrinking the government and promoting mass noncompliance at a top-level. The speaker expresses frustration with the inconsistencies in how the justice system is applied and the influence of powerful figures on politics. He believes that individuals should strive for personal excellence and freedom as a means of pushing back against the status quo. The speaker also questions the motives of those in power and challenges the notion that voters continue to support certain politicians. Ultimately, the call to action is for individuals to take a stand and become the opposite of what they're being told to be, in areas such as health, wealth, intelligence, and social influence.

    • The divisive political climate and erosion of societal valuesPeople are concerned about the normalization of harmful narratives and the erosion of societal values, leading to a call for greater awareness, critical thinking, and engagement to hold those in power accountable.

      The current political climate is deeply divisive, with many people unwilling to acknowledge common ground or challenge harmful narratives. Some believe that certain issues, such as child mutilation and pedophilia, are being normalized by certain political figures and the media, leading to a dangerous erosion of morality and societal values. There's a growing distrust of institutions and a sense that accountability is lacking, leading to frustration and a feeling of powerlessness among many people. The January 6th events are a source of ongoing controversy, with some seeing it as an insurrection and others as a false narrative used to manipulate and divide the population. Ultimately, there's a call for greater awareness, critical thinking, and engagement from citizens to challenge harmful narratives and hold those in power accountable.

    • Instigating Wars for ControlHistorically, wars have been used as tools for control, and understanding the reasons behind specific conflicts requires careful examination of political agendas and the military industrial complex.

      Throughout history, there have been instances where wars have been instigated for reasons that are not always clear or truthful. Some argue that powerful figures intentionally send their strongest men to war to weaken societal opposition and maintain control. While it's essential to question historical narratives, it's also important to differentiate between specific conflicts and approach them individually. For instance, the reasons for going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan were not the same, and we were lied to about the former. However, it's also crucial to acknowledge that the military industrial complex and political agendas have played significant roles in shaping our country's involvement in conflicts. Ultimately, the importance of questioning everything is evident, especially given the potential for manipulation and deceit. Yet, it's also essential to recognize that much of our history remains untold or distorted, and those in power have often used this to their advantage.

    • Questioning the authenticity of informationContinue questioning and seeking the truth, despite potential biases and challenges, as demonstrated by RFK's commitment and the actions of individuals like the Florida deputy.

      The authenticity and accuracy of information we receive, especially regarding historical events, can be questioned due to potential manipulation or biased perspectives. RFK's growing popularity stems from his commitment to revealing the full truth. However, it's essential to understand that complete transparency might not be achievable, and we must rely on physical documentation and questioning everything. The rise of social media has given us the power to challenge information, but it also comes with its challenges. While we can't know everything, we should continue to question and seek the truth, as demonstrated by the efforts of individuals like the Florida deputy in the thumbs up headline, who risked his life to save another.

    • Deputy William Hollingsworth's selfless act of heroismIn dangerous circumstances, focus on what unites us and help others, demonstrating the best of human nature

      Selfless heroism was on full display when a sheriff's deputy in Pensacola, Florida, risked his own life to save a man trapped in floodwaters. The deputy, William Hollingsworth, was swept underwater along with the man they were trying to rescue. The harrowing experience left both men shaken, but alive. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of appreciating life and helping others, even in the most dangerous circumstances. The deputy's quick thinking and bravery demonstrate the best of human nature and the importance of putting others before oneself. It's a powerful reminder that in times of crisis, we should focus on what unites us rather than our differences. The deputy's actions are a testament to the selflessness and courage that make our communities stronger.

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    770. Andy, Duke Gomez & DJ CTI: Armed Venezuelan Gang Storms Colorado Apartment, Trump ‘Respectfully’ Honored Fallen Troops At Arlington Cemetery & Bud Light Back To Basics After Culture Wars Backlash

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    769. Andy & DJ CTI: Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Suppressed Hunter Laptop Story, Chicago City-Run Grocery Store & Voluntary Lockdown At Four Massachusetts Towns

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    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Tucker Carlson’s Keynote address at The Heritage Foundation: https://www.youtube.com/live/ebG2POkoHgU

    CFI on ESG: https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/esg/esg-environmental-social-governance/

    The Domestication of City Dwellers (on 15 Minute Cities): https://open.substack.com/pub/naturalselections/p/domestication

     ***** Timestamps:

    (00:00) Welcome

    (07:17) Sponsors

    (17:55) Dyslexia

    (20:40) Tucker Carlson

    (43:57) Goliath and trans rights

    (51:12) Twitter, YouTube and Goliath

    (55:45) ESG

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    (01:12:50) Something is on the march

    (01:18:00) RFK Jr on Tucker Carlson

    (01:29:00) Wrap up

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