
    545. Andy, Matt Graham & DJ CTI: Trump Special Prosecutor Spent Over $9M, US Providing Cluster Bombs To Ukraine & Sound Of Freedom Exceeds Expectations

    enJuly 11, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Consistent Action and VisualizationFocusing on daily tasks and consistent action, rather than comfort and convenience, can lead to personal growth and the understanding of the power of momentum.

      Visualization and consistent action are key to personal growth and overcoming negative patterns. Matt Graham, a guest on the podcast, shared his story of becoming disillusioned with modern society and finding success through the 75 Hard program. He emphasized that focusing on daily tasks and consistent action, rather than comfort and convenience, led him to make progress and understand the power of momentum. Matt's absence from social media highlights the impact of his content, demonstrating that his message resonates with many. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of taking action and maintaining focus to make meaningful improvements in one's life.

    • Consistent actions lead to progress in lifeCompleting challenges like 75 Hard builds skills and discipline, leading to progress in various areas of life. Repeating the program helps continue improvement.

      Progress in life comes from consistent and consecutive action. As shared by Matt Graham, completing challenges like 75 Hard can help map skills to various areas of life, from fitness to business to content creation. The power of the program lies in teaching the importance of momentum, compounding actions, and discipline. Matt's personal experience of living on both sides of the fence underscores the significance of choosing the hard path and sticking to it. The free program, available in audio platforms, offers a year-long commitment designed to help individuals build and compound the skill set for adhering to plans. By repeating the program throughout life, individuals can continue to improve and get better each year.

    • Focus on controllable actions to win the dayConsistently following through on commitments builds discipline, increases confidence, reduces anxiety, and empowers you to achieve anything in life.

      Developing the discipline to consistently follow through on your commitments is the ultimate superpower that can help you achieve anything in life. This skill is not innate, but rather something that can be learned and built over time. By focusing on the controllable actions you can take each day, you can win the day and make progress towards your goals. This mindset can lead to increased confidence, reduced anxiety, and a sense of empowerment over your life. The 75 Hard program is an example of a program that encourages this disciplined approach by focusing on controllable actions rather than specific goals.

    • Embrace self-discipline for personal freedomFocus on one day at a time to tackle big challenges, break free from societal dependencies, and achieve true freedom through self-discipline

      Developing self-discipline is the key to achieving personal freedom and living a fulfilling life. The speaker emphasizes that putting off addressing big challenges only makes them grow larger. He encourages high-achievers and those driven to change to focus on one day at a time and maintain discipline. This discipline allows individuals to break free from societal dependencies and external forces, ultimately leading to true freedom. The speaker's perspective challenges the common belief that external factors dictate personal freedom and encourages individuals to take control of their lives through self-discipline.

    • Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg's public feud escalates on TwitterCorporate disputes in the digital age can become highly public and personal, involving accusations, legal threats, and even a literal dick measuring contest.

      Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg have engaged in a public feud on Twitter, with Musk challenging Zuckerberg to a literal dick measuring contest and accusing him of being a "cuck." The feud has also involved legal threats and allegations of intellectual property theft, as Musk's lawyers accused Meta, the tech conglomerate that owns Facebook and Instagram, of misappropriating Twitter's trade secrets. The feud has gained significant attention on social media, with many users weighing in on the situation. The incident highlights the increasingly public and personal nature of corporate disputes in the digital age.

    • Control and censorship of speech on social mediaTech giants' compliance with government requests for censorship raises concerns, impacting free speech and elections. Consumers must be more thoughtful and critical in their adoption of new technologies.

      The control and censorship of speech on social media platforms, particularly by those who have a history of complying with government requests, should be a concern for consumers. The discussion highlighted the case of Elon Musk buying Twitter to protect free speech and compared it to Mark Zuckerberg's admission of Facebook and Instagram's censorship based on government demands. The conversation also touched upon the potential impact of these tech giants on elections and the importance of consumers being more thoughtful and critical in their adoption of new technologies. The Amish community's approach of analyzing new technologies as a community before adoption was suggested as a potential solution to the issue of blindly gravitating towards new, shiny technologies.

    • The Cost of Abandoning Controversial PlatformsDespite concerns over censorship, some abandon controversial platforms for attention and control, while investigations into political figures raise questions about responsible use of taxpayer dollars.

      The consequences of abandoning platforms like Twitter, despite their problematic censorship history, are significant. As discussed, these companies have demonstrated a willingness to censor important information and deplatform individuals, as seen with the censorship of Ivermectin as a COVID treatment. Despite this, many people continue to join new platforms due to the allure of attention and control. Meanwhile, the cost of investigations into political figures, such as the $9 million spent on the Trump special counsel investigation, raises questions about the responsible use of taxpayer dollars.

    • Costs of political investigations differ greatlyThe cost of investigations varies, with some costing thousands while others cost millions, potentially reflecting a biased system that targets those who challenge the status quo

      The cost of political investigations in the United States can vary greatly depending on the case. For instance, Durham's investigation into election interference in Durham, Connecticut, cost approximately $59,000 during its final stages. In contrast, Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian influence on the 2016 presidential campaign cost a staggering $31.45 million. The speaker also mentioned the case of Eric Greitens, a Republican candidate for US Senate in Missouri, who faced allegations of being a child abuser in ads funded by opponents, despite these allegations being proven false shortly after the primary. The speaker argues that these massive spending disparities highlight a biased and weaponized legal system that targets those who threaten the status quo. The speaker encourages unity among those on the political right and reasonable Democrats to focus on electing qualified individuals to office, rather than expecting perfection from human beings.

    • Focusing on progress instead of past mistakesWe should prioritize getting essential jobs done instead of attacking and canceling individuals based on their past mistakes. Everyone has flaws, and progress is key.

      The continuous attacking and canceling of individuals based on their past mistakes is not productive for society. Both the left and the right have adopted this divisive tactic, but the difference lies in the fact that the left currently holds power. This culture of unrealistic expectations and hypocrisy keeps the country from moving forward. Instead of focusing on perfection, we should prioritize getting essential jobs done. The further we are from our goals, the simpler the solution. It's time for a shift towards understanding that everyone has flaws and that we should focus on progress rather than dwelling on past mistakes.

    • Focus on fundamental issuesPrioritize economy, individual freedoms, education, and other above the line issues, and collaborate to address real threats to civilization like population decline and encroachment of tyranny.

      In order to make progress and save our country from impending issues, it's essential to focus on the fundamental issues that align us, rather than getting bogged down in the minutiae and arguing about divisive topics. We must prioritize the economy, individual freedoms, and education, among other "above the line" issues, and come together to address the real threats to our civilization, such as population decline and the encroachment of tyranny. It's crucial to recognize that the media and power structures often try to distract us with below the line issues to incite hatred and division. While topics like abortion, race, and gender are important, they should not be our primary focus at this moment. Instead, we need to collaborate and find common ground to tackle the significant challenges facing our nation.

    • Impactful People Without ChildrenChoosing not to have children doesn't limit one's ability to make a positive impact on the world. Influential figures without kids have shaped the speaker's perspective significantly.

      Not everyone is meant to have children, and those who choose not to can still make a significant impact on the world. The speaker emphasized that some of the most influential people in his life don't have kids, yet they have played crucial roles in shaping his perspective. He also highlighted the importance of raising good people to change the course of the world, especially when faced with the argument that the world is going to ruin. Meanwhile, in news, President Biden defended the decision to provide cluster bombs to Ukraine, despite international criticism and concerns over civilian casualties. During the same interview, Biden inadvertently revealed sensitive military information about the US being low on ammunition. This revelation sparked criticism and concerns over the security of sharing such information publicly.

    • Threats to US National SecurityThe US is under attack from external forces, with concerns over open borders, military depletion, inner city destruction, and foreign influence on policy decisions. To address these threats, support a leader with a strong record in trade, immigration, and military strength.

      The current political climate and events suggest that the United States is under intentional attack from external forces, leading to significant threats to national security. This is evidenced by the open southern border allowing millions of undocumented immigrants from potentially dangerous regions, the depletion of military resources, and the intentional destruction of inner cities. Additionally, there are concerns about the Biden administration's connections to foreign powers like China, and the potential for policy decisions being influenced by foreign interests. The speaker argues that these threats are deliberate and could lead to the country being put on a "silver platter" for enemies to take away. The best option for addressing these issues, according to the speaker, is to support a leader with a proven track record of success in the areas of trade, immigration, and military strength, such as Donald Trump.

    • A Call to Action for Personal Excellence and AccountabilityThe speaker urges individuals to prioritize personal excellence and accountability to address political leadership and national security issues, while also criticizing the current state of education and masculinity.

      The speaker is deeply concerned about the current state of affairs in the country, specifically regarding political leadership and national security. He believes that the country is in grave danger and that drastic action is required to hold those in power accountable. He emphasizes that personal excellence and accountability are crucial in addressing these issues and raising the next generation of capable leaders. The speaker also criticizes the current state of education and masculinity, which he believes is eroding the competitive nature and effectiveness of young people. Overall, the speaker's message is one of urgency and a call to action for individuals to step up and take responsibility for the future of the country.

    • Film inspires personal growth and positive impactDespite criticism, a film inspiring personal growth and making a positive impact exceeded expectations and received positive reviews from audiences.

      Personal growth and making a positive impact on the world go hand in hand. The success of the film "Sound of Freedom," which tells the true story of a former federal agent risking his life to save children from slavery, serves as an inspiration. However, the film has faced criticism from some liberal outlets, labeling it as "QAnon adjacent." Despite this, the film has exceeded expectations at the box office, grossing over $40 million, and has received positive reviews from audiences. This shows that creating a meaningful impact can be challenging, but worthwhile, and that it's essential to focus on the substance of a message rather than labels or prejudices.

    • Downplaying Human Trafficking RealityReluctance to acknowledge human trafficking's severity and association with conspiracy theories undermines efforts to combat this global issue and hold perpetrators accountable.

      Certain individuals and media outlets are downplaying or dismissing the issue of human trafficking, particularly as depicted in a film, due to potential implication of powerful individuals as customers. This reluctance to acknowledge the reality of human trafficking, which is at an all-time high with millions of children being sex slaves, is concerning. Efforts to associate the issue with conspiracy theories, like QAnon, are intended to discredit the serious nature of the problem. It's crucial to recognize and address the reality of human trafficking and hold those responsible accountable.

    • Allegations of a Global Pedophilia Ring and Culture of SecrecyAllegations claim a powerful underground network uses child exploitation to blackmail and control elites, creating a culture of secrecy. Speaking out risks silencing or blackballing.

      There is a widespread belief that a powerful underground network of elite individuals are involved in a global phenomenon of pedophilia and child exploitation. This network allegedly uses evidence of participation to blackmail and control powerful people, creating a culture of secrecy. Those who speak out against it risk being silenced or blackballed from their industries. The disappearance or silence of prominent figures like Ashton Kutcher, Mark Wahlberg, and Mel Gibson are seen as potential evidence of this phenomenon. Those who question the existence of this network face aggressive opposition, making it a controversial and contentious issue.

    • Frustration with societal acceptance of controversial issuesSpeak out against morally wrong issues, despite personal consequences, and encourage awareness and critical thinking on societal issues.

      There's a growing concern over the acceptance and normalization of certain controversial issues in society, such as human trafficking and gender identity. The speaker expresses frustration over the unwillingness of people to acknowledge and address these issues, instead focusing on less significant matters. The speaker also criticizes the media and political environment for not addressing fundamental moral issues and instead focusing on superficial debates. Additionally, the speaker expresses a strong belief in standing up for what is right and speaking out against wrongdoing, even if it comes with personal consequences. Overall, the speaker encourages others to be more aware and critical of the issues facing society and to take a stand against what they believe is morally wrong.

    • Embrace discomfort to make a differenceTo create change, sacrifice comfort and face uncomfortable realities. Authenticity, bravery, and commitment are essential for making a positive impact.

      In order to bring about change and make a difference in the world, one must be willing to face uncomfortable realities and make sacrifices, even if it means sacrificing comfort and convenience. The speaker expresses frustration with the current state of society and the lack of action being taken against issues that matter. He urges people to stop living in illusion and to take a stand, no matter the cost. He also criticizes those who claim to be revolutionaries but fail to act when faced with real-life challenges. In essence, the speaker encourages everyone to be authentic, brave, and committed to making a positive impact in the world.

    • The Dark Side of Wealth and FameFame and wealth come with sacrifices and challenges, including constant security issues, hate from the internet, and even physical attacks. People in the limelight are often paid to be genuine, rather than truly authentic.

      Being wealthy or famous comes with significant sacrifices and challenges that are often overlooked by the public. The speaker in this conversation has had to deal with constant security issues, hate from the internet, and even physical attacks. He also expressed his disdain for the trend of fans throwing objects at pop stars during their performances. Despite these challenges, he remains unimpressed by celebrity culture and believes that people in the limelight are paid to do and say things, rather than being genuine. The speaker's experiences highlight the darker side of fame and wealth, and serve as a reminder that there is often more to the story than what meets the eye.

    • Admiring Elite Figures' Marketing SkillsSome people may find elite figures' marketing abilities impressive, even if they don't respect the individuals themselves. Viral moments can generate buzz and publicity, creating a spectacle that some find amusing.

      Some individuals, despite having little respect for certain elite figures, acknowledge their marketing prowess and ability to captivate audiences. The speaker expresses indifference towards these individuals, but admires their skill in generating buzz and publicity. An example given is the Logon Paul situation, where fans threw prime bottles at him, creating a viral moment. Ultimately, the speaker finds the situation amusing and appreciates the spectacle, even if they don't care for the individuals involved. The conversation also touched upon Adele and the speaker's desire to see the interviewee perform for them, but the tone remained lighthearted and irreverent throughout.

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    About the host:

    Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of a financial services firm and the creator of Valuetainment, the #1 YouTube channel for entrepreneurship with more than 3 million subscribers. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller Your Next Five Moves (Simon & Schuster) and a keynote speaker. Bet-David is passionate about shaping the next generation of leaders by teaching the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and personal development while inspiring people to break free from limiting beliefs to achieve their dreams. 

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    Jedediah Bila: https://bit.ly/3Gje8xg

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