
    548. Andy, Dean Stott & DJ CTI: Racism After Switching Parties, Muslim Council Fires HR For Pride Flag & RFK Jr. Covid May Have Been "Ethnically Targeted"

    enJuly 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Motherfucking Reality Show: Insights, Interviews, and Real TalkThe show provides valuable content through various formats, including current events, viewer questions, real talk, and interviews with individuals who have completed the 75 Hard program. It relies on viewers sharing it to expand its reach.

      The Motherfucking Reality show, hosted by Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz, offers various formats with valuable content. The show covers current events, answers viewer questions, provides real talk, and features interviews with individuals who have completed the 75 Hard program. The show's success relies on viewers sharing it to expand its reach. Guest, Dean Stott, shared his busy life, including his wife's recent MBE award and his upcoming special forces show. The show also touched on unusual topics like kilts and the connection between Scotland and golf. The fee for the show is simple: if it brings value, share it.

    • In-N-Out Burger's new mask policy sparks controversyThe debate over mask mandates in workplaces continues, with In-N-Out Burger's new policy requiring medical notes causing controversy and frustration among some, highlighting inconsistencies and hypocrisy in mask policies.

      The debate over mask mandates in the workplace continues to be a contentious issue. In this discussion, In-N-Out Burger's new policy requiring employees to provide a medical note to wear masks sparked controversy, with some seeing it as discriminatory. The company's stance on mask mandates has been a point of contention with California authorities in the past. The conversation also touched on the pendulum swinging back and forth regarding COVID-19 restrictions and the importance of customer service. Some participants expressed frustration with the hypocrisy they've observed regarding mask wearing and the inconsistency of mask policies. Ultimately, it's clear that the issue of mask mandates in the workplace will continue to be a topic of debate and controversy.

    • Mask Debate: Safety or Virtue Signaling?The mask debate has shifted from safety to virtue signaling, causing division and unnecessary harm. Focusing on protecting the vulnerable could have yielded better results.

      The debate around wearing masks during the COVID-19 pandemic has become less about safety and more about virtue signaling and political statements. The speaker expresses frustration towards those who continued to wear masks despite contradictory information from authorities, leading to a divided society. They argue that had people focused on quarantining the vulnerable instead, the situation would have been different. The speaker also criticizes the use of masks as a way to hide unattractive appearances, further fueling the controversy. Ultimately, the speaker believes that the mask mandate has caused more harm than good, and those who still cling to it are the primary cause of the ongoing division.

    • Actions have societal consequencesIndividual actions, like wearing masks during a pandemic, can create a false sense of agreement and lead to unnecessary restrictions, causing financial hardships for some. Take responsibility for your health and challenge misinformation.

      Individual actions, such as wearing masks during the pandemic, can have far-reaching consequences on society. The speaker argues that some people's unwillingness to question the narrative and their insistence on wearing masks, even if they didn't believe in it, gave the false impression of widespread agreement and led to unnecessary restrictions and financial hardships for many. The speaker also expresses frustration with those who refuse to take responsibility for their own health and instead blame external factors, and calls for standing up to those who spread misinformation and disrupt society.

    • Impact of COVID-19 restrictions on children's learning and growing frustration towards mask mandatesThe COVID-19 pandemic and resulting restrictions have negatively impacted children's learning and sparked frustration towards those enforcing mask mandates, with some expressing hypocritical behavior towards political figures.

      The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting restrictions have disproportionately affected children more than adults, with many experiencing difficulties in learning due to mask mandates and social distancing measures. Additionally, there is a growing frustration towards individuals who continue to enforce these restrictions despite mounting evidence of their negative impact on society. This frustration was exemplified in a conversation between two individuals, where they expressed their anger towards those who continue to enforce mask mandates and their belief that the weakest and least informed members of society should not dictate the direction of society. The conversation also touched upon the hypocrisy of some individuals, particularly those who claim to be tolerant, who have sent racist hate mail to a Black lawmaker after she switched political parties.

    • Politician Misha Mayner speaks out about leaving her former partyPolitician Misha Mayner advocates for issues like education, workforce training, victim rights, and small business support from the Republican perspective, highlighting the need for genuine policy solutions and representation for all communities.

      Political discourse can often devolve into hateful and derogatory language, as evidenced by the emails and tweets discussed in this conversation. However, despite the hate and abuse, some individuals choose to leave their former political party and speak out about their reasons for doing so, highlighting the need for genuine policy solutions and representation for all communities. Misha Mayner, an elected politician, is an example of someone who has made this decision and is advocating for issues like education, workforce training, victim rights, and small business support, among others, from the Republican perspective. Her experiences and perspective provide a unique perspective on the political landscape and the importance of authentic representation and action.

    • Contrasting experiences of racism and supportThe left's rhetoric and use of 'racist' label may not align with reality as individuals share experiences of support from the right. Social media comments demonstrate this contrast, and questioning the validity of these accusations is increasing.

      The labels and accusations of racism from the left and media matrix may not always align with reality. The speaker shared personal experiences of receiving overwhelming support and love from the right, despite the common narrative. The comments on social media, such as those on a black woman's Instagram post, demonstrate this contrast. The left's rhetoric and use of the term "racist" as a label have lost their impact, and individuals are increasingly questioning the validity of these accusations. The speaker also acknowledged the existence of secret racism and the need for open dialogue and compromise in politics. The bravery and power of speaking out against the status quo, as seen in the case of a black woman and Tulsi Gabbard, can lead to panic and resistance from the left.

    • The overuse and dilution of terms like racism and sexism make it difficult to identify and address real instances of discriminationThe overuse and loss of meaning of terms like racism and sexism can hinder our ability to understand and address genuine issues, emphasizing the importance of open and respectful debate and accurate information.

      The overuse and dilution of terms like racism and sexism have made it difficult to identify and address real instances of discrimination. This phenomenon, as discussed, is comparable to how the meaning of "racism" has been trivialized among some liberal white women, much like how the term "Me Too" has been overused and lost its original meaning in the context of sexual harassment. This dilution of meaning can lead to a lack of understanding and a failure to address genuine issues. It also highlights the importance of open and respectful debate, which has become increasingly rare in today's society. The loss of this valuable skill further hinders our ability to identify and address complex issues effectively. Additionally, the reliance on social media as a primary source of information can contribute to the spread of misinformation and the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes.

    • The art of debate: humility, open-mindedness, and respectEngage in respectful debates to foster understanding and progress, requiring humility, open-mindedness, and a willingness to learn from others.

      The ability to engage in meaningful debates has been diminished due to the societal trend of canceling opposing views and a lack of humility and open-mindedness. Many people are unwilling to defend their positions because they don't truly understand them or are afraid of backlash. Additionally, the rise of social media has led to a culture of echo chambers where people only engage with like-minded individuals, preventing the exchange of diverse perspectives. It's crucial for individuals to speak up, listen to others, and engage in respectful debates to foster understanding and progress. The art of debate requires humility, open-mindedness, and a willingness to learn from others, even if they come from different backgrounds or hold opposing views.

    • Challenging Extremist Views in a Polarized SocietyIn a polarized society, it's crucial for individuals to challenge extremist views and promote open dialogue to prevent further polarization and potential violence.

      Society is currently facing complex issues where extreme views are becoming more prevalent and entrenched, fueled by technology and propaganda. These views, although held by a minority, have gained significant attention and have created a dangerous situation. Many people are reluctant to speak out against these views due to fear of backlash or social unrest. The situation is reaching a critical point where inaction could lead to further escalation and potential violence. It's crucial for individuals to stand up for the truth and challenge extremist views, rather than remaining passive or allowing themselves to be silenced. The consequences of inaction could be severe and long-lasting. It's essential to encourage open dialogue and promote understanding and tolerance to prevent further polarization and potential violence.

    • US Military Morale and Recruitment Impacted by Perceived WeaknessThe US military's strength and morale are being undermined, emboldening enemies and requiring effective leadership and a strong military to maintain global power.

      The US military's morale and recruitment are being negatively impacted due to perceived weakness and demoralization from external forces. This intentional or unintentional weakening of the US military is emboldening enemies like Russia and China. The US, as the global superpower, needs to use its military resources effectively and demonstrate strong leadership. Additionally, public property should only display the American flag, as seen in Michigan where two HR commissioners were fired for flying the LGBTQ pride flag in violation of a new law. These events highlight the importance of upholding common sense and national pride. The US, with its allies, has the power to shape the world, but it requires competent leadership and a strong military.

    • LGBTQ Rights and Education: A Contentious Issue for Muslims in CanadaDespite cultural differences, it's crucial for Muslims and Christians to understand each other's perspectives on LGBTQ rights and education.

      The debate over LGBTQ rights and education is a contentious issue that extends beyond American borders. In the video discussed, LGBT supporters were met with opposition from a large crowd, primarily made up of Muslims, at a Calgary Mosque in Canada. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attributed this opposition to the influence of the American right wing. The protesters, however, insisted they just wanted to be left alone to practice their beliefs. Trudeau denied accusations of aggressive teaching or conversion of children into being LGBT. The speaker in the video noted the irony of the situation, as the right wing was once advocating for violence against Muslims. He also criticized the use of the LGBTQ community as a weapon by communists to demoralize society. Despite the controversy, the speaker believed it was important for Muslims and Christians to come together and understand each other's perspectives. The debate highlights the complexities and tensions surrounding issues of morality, education, and cultural differences.

    • Fueling division and hatred for gainExternal forces exploit differences among groups, causing harmful consequences. Focus on character, not superficial differences, for unity and understanding.

      Division and hatred among different groups in society, including Muslims, Christians, whites, and blacks, have been intentionally fueled by external forces for their own gain. This manipulation has led to harmful consequences, such as the 20-year war following 9-11, which achieved little but caused much destruction and death. It is crucial for individuals to have humble and honest examinations of their beliefs, question social pressures, and avoid being manipulated into hating one another. By focusing on the content of each other's character rather than superficial differences, we can realize that we're all on the same team and work towards unity and understanding.

    • Manipulation of Societal DivisionsHistorically, societal divisions have been used to maintain control and power, causing harm to various communities through polarization and misdirection.

      The current societal divisions are not natural but manufactured to keep people distracted and prevent them from questioning those in power. The speaker believes that the fear of unity and the need for division have been used throughout history to maintain control and power. The discussion touched upon the LGBT movement and its potential regression due to polarizing issues and the impact on the gay community. The speaker expressed concern for the damage caused to both the gay and women's communities due to their advocacy for certain social initiatives. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of recognizing the manipulation of societal divisions and the need for unity and understanding among different groups.

    • Gender identity and feminism: A complex conversationApproach gender and feminism discussions with nuance and factual information to empower all individuals and combat harmful stereotypes and misunderstandings. Ground COVID-19 discussions in scientific evidence to combat misinformation.

      The ongoing debate surrounding gender identity and feminism has led to confusion and misunderstanding, with some individuals erasing the existence of women and reducing feminism to a weapon used against masculine men. Additionally, conspiracy theories surrounding COVID-19 and ethnic targeting continue to circulate, with RFK Jr.'s comments sparking controversy. It's essential to approach these complex issues with nuance and factual information to avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes and misunderstandings. The conversation around gender and feminism should focus on empowering all individuals, while the discussion on COVID-19 should be grounded in scientific evidence to combat misinformation.

    • RFK's Focus on COVID-19 DataRFK is using his platform to discuss demographic data related to COVID-19 production, emphasizing problem-solving and acknowledging the presence of evil in all backgrounds.

      RFK, a prominent figure, is using his platform to bring attention to demographic data related to the production of COVID-19, despite facing criticism and accusations of conspiracy theories. He is doing this in a tactful way, acknowledging the presence of evil individuals in every racial and ethnic background, and emphasizing the importance of examining data to solve problems. Some argue that his focus on this issue is a smart campaign of exposure, given his stance on vaccines and his perceived lack of chance to win the election. Despite criticism, RFK's approach to starting conversations on important issues, rather than attacking opponents or focusing on personal matters, has gained him attention and respect from some.

    • Kanye West's political stance sheds light on establishment politicsKanye West's criticisms of the political system may expose its underlying unity and challenges the status quo, but it's crucial to avoid stereotyping based on ethnicity or religion.

      Kanye West's political stance, regardless of his true intentions, could potentially expose the perceived unity within the American political system. His vocal criticisms, while not definitively damaging one party over the other, may shed light on the establishment politics that dominate the political landscape. Additionally, it's essential to avoid generalizing entire groups of people based on their ethnic or religious backgrounds, as it is a form of low-level thinking. An intriguing survival story emerged during the conversation, with an Australian man and his dog surviving for two months in the Pacific on rainwater and raw fish. Despite the challenges they faced, their resilience and knowledge of survival techniques ultimately led to their successful rescue.

    • Importance of preparation and communication in survival situationsProper preparation and communication are vital in survival situations to ensure safety and reduce length of ordeal. Ethical considerations also matter.

      Adventure and survival can push people to extreme lengths, but proper preparation and communication are crucial. The case of Shaddak, a retired IT professional who embarked on a solo voyage in the Pacific and survived for two months with only a dog for company, highlights the importance of having a backup plan and informing others of one's whereabouts. Despite his ability to fast and survive, his lack of communication and preparation led to a longer ordeal than necessary. Additionally, the discussion underscores the human capacity to adapt and find resources in unexpected situations, but also the importance of considering ethical dilemmas, such as using a pet as food, in survival scenarios.

    • The Importance of Personal Motivation and Setting GoalsSetting goals and staying motivated are crucial for continuous growth and engagement in life. A team and proper planning help achieve big goals, while calculated risks and self-awareness are important. Everyone has unique objectives and ways of being motivated.

      Personal motivation and setting goals are essential for continuous growth and engagement in life. The speaker shares his perspective on the importance of having a purpose and keeping oneself physically and mentally engaged. He emphasizes the need for a team and proper planning to achieve big goals. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of taking calculated risks and being aware of personal limitations. Despite having achieved great feats, he remains curious about the drive that pushes others to undertake even bigger challenges. Ultimately, the speaker believes that everyone has unique objectives and ways of being motivated, and appreciates the diversity of human experiences.

    • Embracing Challenges After 40It's never too late to start new challenges, embrace the journey, learn from experiences, help others, and find personal fulfillment, regardless of age or perceived limitations.

      It's never too late to start a new challenge or hobby, no matter your age or perceived limitations. The speaker shares his personal experience of starting cycling at the age of 40 and breaking records despite being an "underdog" and a "outcast." He emphasizes the importance of having the right mindset, learning from experiences, and helping others. The speaker also highlights the mental and physical benefits of taking on challenges, and how they can vary in size and complexity for different people. He encourages embracing the journey and finding personal fulfillment in the process, rather than focusing on external validation or comparisons. Ultimately, the speaker's message is about the importance of self-belief, growth, and making a positive impact on others.

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    The US pandemic numbers were grounding. People got the vaccines and most recovered.

    Then 180K asylum seekers/ PER MONTH suddenly appeared.  A lot of them with COVID-19 infections, over the US Southern border.  

    Biden's ICE showed no comprehensive method of testing these new masses and indicated a policy of positive case "removal hesitancy" for people trafficked into the US during this time period. 

    3 - 4 months later, Texas, a state with almost no COVID 19 administrative mandate or positive cases, is now overrun with artificially inflated case numbers from asylum seekers diagnosed with COVID-19 infection. To cover up for their 'mistake', Biden now wants to force US citizens to take a vaccine he failed to require of migrants passing through. 

    Why inflate the national numbers with permissive infected migratory numbers?  Why allow this to happen?
    National Emergency rules expire if there is no active pandemic.  The dawn breaks.  I hope you see the light. 

    Vaccination mandates under unconstitutional force or coercion should be met with equal and opposite reaction, by US citizens who won't return to COV 2 jail at home. Get your lawyers ready. We aren't blaming migrants. We are calling out the Biden Administration for trouncing US civil rights and liberties to hang onto temporary medical emergency powers. 


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    “The fact that you're feeling that distress and despair is a good sign. It's a sign that you care. It's only when we care, that we want to repair.” - Dr. Wendy Greenspun


    Meet the Co-host and Experts:

    Jacob Morrison is the Executive Producer of this series, and directed the award-winning feature-length documentary “River’s End: California’s Latest Water War” which can be viewed on streaming platforms and premieres around the country on PBS in April. To read more, click here.

    Erika Kessler is a doctoral candidate at the Teachers College in Columbia University with a focus on climate change education.

    Dr. Wendy Greenspun, PhD is a New York State licensed clinical psychologist and certified psychoanalyst who works in Climate Psychology. In addition to teaching and training mental health professionals in climate-informed practices, she became part of the board and steering committee of the Climate Psychology Alliance- North America, where she provides workshops, training, and leadership to support climate-aware therapists and those facilitating climate cafes. To read more, click here.

    Dr. Peter T. Coleman, PhD is a professor of Psychology and Education at Columbia University where he holds a joint-appointment at Teachers College and The Earth Institute. Dr. Coleman is a renowned expert on constructive conflict resolution and sustainable peace. His current research focuses on conflict intelligence and systemic wisdom as meta-competencies for navigating conflict constructively across all levels. To read more, click here.


    ⁠Coming Back Better is brought to you by Psych Hub and HCA Healthcare in collaboration with Columbia University’s Department of Psychiatry. Coming Back Better is a Psych Hub Podcast and is for educational purposes only. Visit https://psychhub.com to dig deeper and access the world’s most comprehensive platform for behavioral health education.

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