
    549: Building a $2M Portfolio While Raising 2 Kids w/ Maria Friström

    enDecember 26, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Making every expense work for youConsider how every purchase or investment can bring a return for personal growth and financial freedom.

      Finding ways to invest your time, energy, and money in things that will earn you a return is a key principle for personal growth and financial freedom. This was highlighted in today's episode of the Bigger Pockets Podcast, where Brandon Turner shared a quick tip from David Green about looking for ways to make every expense work for you. Maria Fristrom's inspirational story of getting into real estate from a long distance also emphasized the importance of persistence and finding opportunities that bring a positive return. Whether it's investing in yourself, a business, or a rental property, the goal is to make every effort count towards your ideal life. So next time you're considering a purchase or investment, ask yourself how it can bring a return, and you may be surprised by the possibilities.

    • Passive Real Estate Investing: Earning Consistent Income Without Property ManagementExplore private real estate funds, new construction investments, or unique friendships for passive real estate investing and wealth building

      There are various ways to invest in real estate passively and earn consistent income without the hassle of property management. This includes investing in private real estate funds, such as PPR Capital Management, which has a strong track record and has provided individuals with passive income since 2007. Another option is to invest in new construction properties at a discount with no money down through Rent to Retirement. Additionally, some people may find vulnerability and humor in unexpected situations, as demonstrated by the story of Maria Freestrom and Brandon Turner, who started their friendship after exchanging playful insults. Regardless of the investment strategy or personal connections, the key takeaway is that there are opportunities for passive real estate investing and building wealth through various means.

    • From challenging experiences come life-changing decisionsPersonal experiences and circumstances can inspire significant life changes. Taking calculated risks and trusting instincts can lead to financial freedom and a better future.

      Personal experiences and circumstances can inspire significant life changes. In the speaker's case, the challenging experience of balancing work and motherhood led her to make a bold decision to invest in real estate for financial freedom. This decision was influenced by her background, savings, and advice from a financial advisor. The location she chose, Fort Collins, Colorado, was based on research and personal connections. The process took several years, but the tax benefits and potential growth made it worthwhile for her. Ultimately, this experience demonstrates the power of taking calculated risks and trusting one's instincts to create a better future.

    • Real Estate as a Tax StrategyInvesting in real estate can help minimize taxable income through depreciation, but it requires effort and risk. The speaker shares his experience of transitioning from online income to real estate to optimize taxes, and emphasizes the importance of balancing financial gains with personal fulfillment.

      Some investors strategically use real estate to offset their taxes, allowing them to pay less or even no taxes. This strategy involves buying enough real estate to cover taxable income through depreciation. The speaker shares his personal experience of transitioning from making money online to real estate investing to minimize his tax bill. He emphasizes that this strategy requires effort and risk but can lead to financial gains. Additionally, the speaker mentions that even though he tries to optimize his taxes, he still appreciates paying them due to the benefits of public services like education and healthcare. After experiencing a personal epiphany, the speaker moved back to Finland, quit his job, and started a real estate investing company to make up for his lost income. Despite building a successful portfolio, he felt unfulfilled and lost his identity, leading him to reevaluate his approach. Stay tuned to find out how he addressed this issue.

    • Tailor communication to investor's preferencesUnderstanding investor's love languages and presenting data effectively can increase investment chances

      Effective communication and understanding the investor's preferences, or love languages, can significantly increase the chances of securing an investment. The speaker shares her experience of buying properties in Finland and pitching her investment opportunity to her brother and husband. She realized that they, as engineers, responded best to data and numbers. So, she presented her proposal in an Excel spreadsheet, comparing the potential returns from investing in the stock market versus investing in her real estate business. By framing the investment as a business acquisition rather than a loan request, she was able to change their perception and ultimately secure their financial support. This story underscores the importance of tailoring communication to the audience and using data and numbers to build a compelling case.

    • Tailor your pitch to audience preferencesUnderstanding audience needs increases chances of successful collaborations. Adapt approach to resonate with different people.

      Understanding your audience and tailoring your pitch to their preferences can significantly increase your chances of securing investments or partnerships. This concept applies to various situations, not just in real estate. For instance, engineers and math nerds might prefer detailed data, while others may respond better to visuals like charts and graphs. Treating potential partners with respect and understanding their needs can lead to successful collaborations, whether they are family members, friends, or strangers. Additionally, using indirect or non-confrontational methods to ask for investments can be an effective fundraising strategy. Overall, the key is to adapt your approach to connect with people in a way that resonates with them.

    • Understanding personality traits in real estate investingEffective communication and DISC assessment can help identify clashes and conflicts in real estate investing relationships, leading to better communication, increased empathy, and stronger partnerships.

      Effective communication and understanding of personality traits are crucial in personal and professional relationships, especially when it comes to real estate investing. The DISC assessment, which measures dominant, interactive, stable, and conscientiousness traits, can help individuals identify and navigate potential clashes and conflicts. For instance, high D individuals, who are decisive and dominant, may clash with high S individuals, who are stable and consistent, due to differing approaches to decision-making and handling change. Understanding these traits can lead to better communication, increased empathy, and stronger partnerships. Additionally, recognizing one's own strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of their partners, can lead to more successful real estate investing ventures.

    • Embracing Change During Difficult TimesFear of giving up control can hinder personal growth. Letting go and embracing change, even during hardships, can lead to new opportunities and appreciation for life's beauty.

      Fear of giving up control can hinder personal growth and prevent us from embracing change, even during difficult times. The speaker's high-risk pregnancy and the stillbirth of her daughter, Millie, forced her to let go of her DIY projects and hire help, allowing her to focus on her family during a challenging period. Millie, who was meant to be a "rainbow baby" after several losses, ended up being a reminder for the speaker to pause and appreciate the beauty in life, even during hardships. After Millie's passing, the speaker found solace in art and design, leading her and her family to make a bold move and relocate to pursue their dreams. Through this experience, the speaker learned the importance of being brave, embracing change, and finding joy in the present moment.

    • Appreciating your team and offering valueBe kind and appreciative to your team and offer value to build successful partnerships in real estate investing. Utilize resources like Integra Development Group, Vacasa, and 1031 exchanges from First American Exchange Company to increase profits and minimize taxes.

      Being kind and appreciative goes a long way, even in business. This was evident when JJ Abrams took the time to thank his team members before going on stage, despite being delayed due to technical difficulties. For those starting in real estate with limited resources, the first step should be to offer value and be pleasant to work with. In the world of real estate investing, it's essential to have a solid foundation, whether it's through knowledge, time, hustle, or money. If you don't have all of these, make sure you're an enjoyable person to work with. Additionally, partnerships with companies like Integra Development Group or Vacasa can simplify the investment process and increase profits, while services like 1031 exchanges from First American Exchange Company can help minimize taxes. Overall, being kind, knowledgeable, and resourceful are keys to success in real estate investing.

    • The Power of Kindness and UnderstandingExtending kindness and understanding, even in small moments, can leave a lasting impression and lead to meaningful connections. Effective communication and constructive feedback are crucial in fostering positive interactions.

      Kindness and understanding can make a significant impact, even in seemingly insignificant situations. In the story shared, David forgot meeting Maria at a conference, but when she reached out to him with constructive feedback on his keynote presentation, he was touched by her kindness, especially during a difficult time when she lost her baby. Despite his forgetfulness, the interaction left a lasting impression on both parties. This experience highlights the importance of extending kindness and understanding, even when it seems unlikely to be remembered. Additionally, the story emphasizes the significance of effective communication and providing constructive feedback in a thoughtful and considerate manner.

    • Connect with audience through contrast and empathyUnderstand audience needs and tailor message with relatable elements and solutions to build rapport and increase chances of success

      Effective communication involves grabbing and holding the audience's attention through contrast and empathy. Begin by making a strong first impression, then slow down and connect with your audience on a personal level. Understand who you're speaking to and what concerns keep them up at night. Use this knowledge to tailor your message and offer solutions to their problems. In the context of securing a loan, this means bringing a relatable element to the table, such as a baby, while also presenting a well-prepared business plan that addresses their risk mitigation concerns. By understanding your audience and speaking to their needs, you can build a strong rapport and increase your chances of success.

    • Understanding investor concerns and tailoring your approachPresent a solid risk mitigation plan, connect emotionally, and use visual aids to demonstrate financial expertise.

      When pitching to potential investors or lenders, it's essential to understand their concerns, particularly when it comes to risk. Banks, for instance, make money by lending out money, so they're on your side if you can present a solid risk mitigation plan. Tailoring your approach to the values of the person you're talking to is also crucial. While data may be important to some, decisions are ultimately made through emotional connections. To transform the audience's perception of you, consider how they think and feel about you when you enter the room. Prepare visual aids, such as Excel spreadsheets, to demonstrate your financial savvy and ability to manage risk. By addressing their concerns and presenting yourself as a capable and experienced investor, you'll increase your chances of securing the funding you need.

    • Be authentic and find common ground with your bankerAuthenticity and shared interests/experiences help build strong banker relationships. Unique perspectives and dedication to goals also stand out.

      Building a successful relationship with a banker involves being authentic and finding common ground. Authenticity means being true to yourself and showcasing who you really are, rather than hiding behind a professional facade. Finding common ground can be achieved by choosing a banker who shares your interests or experiences, and having shared goals. Additionally, standing out from the crowd is essential. This can be achieved by having a unique perspective or approach, and being passionate about what you do. As Maria shared, her success in securing funding came from her authenticity and the shared experiences she had with her banker. Another important aspect is the "poo sandwich" concept, which means putting in the necessary effort and dedication to achieve your goals. By applying these principles, you can build a strong and productive relationship with your banker, leading to successful investments.

    • Endure challenges to discover true passionsTo identify what truly matters, embrace the struggles and ask insightful questions, as found in 'Atomic Habits' and 'Retire Early with Real Estate'.

      To identify and pursue what truly matters in life or in a specific field like real estate, one must be willing to endure the challenges and suffering that come with it. This idea was emphasized by the speaker, drawing parallels to the concept of passion and the root meaning of the word "suffer." The speaker also recommended asking insightful questions to help discover what brings enjoyment and fulfillment, as suggested in the book "Atomic Habits." A favorite real estate-related book mentioned was "Retire Early with Real Estate" by Chad Carson, which encourages enjoying the journey and the plateaus instead of constantly striving for the next goal.

    • Meaningful connections lead to valuable experiencesEmbrace fear and vulnerability to grow, open to new experiences and connections, and learn from valuable encounters

      Making meaningful connections with others can lead to valuable experiences and insights. Brandon's chance encounter with Chad Carson at Disney World resulted in a deep conversation about living a good life and finding fulfillment through real estate investing. Nancy Duarte's book "Resonate" was recommended for its insights on effective communication and making genuine connections with audiences. Both speakers emphasized the importance of embracing fear and vulnerability in order to grow and take action. David shared his personal experiences of facing fears and self-criticism, and the importance of acknowledging and addressing them in order to move forward. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of being open to new experiences and connections, and the value of embracing fear and vulnerability in order to grow and learn.

    • The power of Sisu in real estate investingCultivate curiosity, openness, creativity, and grit, immerse in nature, engage in hobbies, and practice bonding traditions for success in real estate investing

      The key to success in real estate investing, as well as in life, is the combination of curiosity, openness, creativity, and grit, represented by the Finnish concept of Sisu. Sisu goes beyond momentary courage and is the sustained inner strength to persevere through challenges. Nature and immersing oneself in it, such as forest bathing, can also contribute to focus, healing, and finding potential. Hobbies, like thrifting and writing, can provide inspiration and personal growth. Fika, a cultural coffee break tradition in Sweden and Finland, symbolizes bonding and forming meaningful connections. These elements, when practiced together, can help real estate investors overcome obstacles and thrive in their endeavors.

    • Taking breaks for connection and reflection can boost productivity and well-beingRegular breaks for connection and reflection, like Swedish fika, can enhance productivity and overall well-being in the workplace. Rebrand moments to make them more appealing, and use tools like BiggerPockets Agent Finder for investor-friendly real estate agents.

      Taking regular breaks for connection and reflection, like a Swedish fika, can be beneficial for productivity and overall well-being in the workplace. Maria, a real estate expert, shared her dislike for the practice but acknowledged its importance. She encouraged listeners to rebrand such moments to make them more appealing, like "Beardy Bonding Brew." Maria was also open about her social media presence, revealing she is most active on Instagram under the handle "Maria loves real estate." She shared that the word "feisty" comes to mind when others think of her. To find an investor-friendly real estate agent, listeners can use BiggerPockets Agent Finder, a free resource available at biggerpockets.com/deals. This tool can help navigate neighborhoods, analyze numbers, and take confident action in the real estate market. Remember, the goal is financial freedom, and it's not about timing the market but rather time in the market.

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    982: How Military Members Can Use Real Estate Investing to Fast-Track Their Financial Freedom
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    How to Buy Your First, Second, or Third Rental Property!

    How to Buy Your First, Second, or Third Rental Property!
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    978: How to Build Your Real Estate Investing Team (Agents, Contractors, Lenders)

    978: How to Build Your Real Estate Investing Team (Agents, Contractors, Lenders)
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    977: Seeing Greene: Exiting Bad Deals, Going Over Budget, & the BEST First Rental

    977: Seeing Greene: Exiting Bad Deals, Going Over Budget, & the BEST First Rental
    Every investor would love some extra cash flow…but at what cost? Does it make sense to go all in on a large down payment so that more money trickles in each month? If you want minimal debt, have no plans to scale, and are confident that your new property will appreciate, perhaps. But if your goal is to buy more rental properties and build your portfolio as quickly as possible, there are much better ways to leverage your cash position. In this Seeing Greene, we help a new investor navigate this exact scenario when buying his first property!   Next, we hear from someone whose earnest money deposit (EMD) is wrapped up in a failed medium-term rental. Should she cut her losses and walk away from the deal or weather the storm until the property can cash flow? Stick around to find out! Finally, we chat with an investor who has gone over his rehab budget and finds himself knee-deep in high-interest credit card debt. David and Rob walk him through the steps that will allow him to consolidate his bad debt and turn a ROUGH situation into MORE rentals! Get a BIG incentive on turnkey rentals from today's show sponsor, Rent to Retirement. Visit them at RentToRetirement.com or text "REI" to 33777!   In This Episode We Cover Whether you should ever force cash flow with a larger down payment The BEST first rental property to buy (and how much money you’ll need) Saving up for ONE property versus buying multiple rentals Creative ways to get out of a BAD deal (and when to ride it out instead!) How to get back in the green after overshooting your rehab budget And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (01:30) Which Rental Should I Buy? (07:34) The Medium-Term Rental Fiasco (15:23) Comment Section Callout (19:06) Help, I’ve Gone OVER Budget! (33:05) Ask Us Your Question! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-977 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    976: How to Start Mobile Home Investing (The Right Way) for Just $15,000

    976: How to Start Mobile Home Investing (The Right Way) for Just $15,000
    Can you start investing in real estate with just $15,000? Yep, and mobile home investing is how you do it. We know what you’re thinking, “I don’t want to own trailers! I want to invest in “real” houses where the “real” money is at!” That’s what today’s guest John Fedro thought too some twenty years ago when he stumbled into mobile home investing, which, at the time, was even too embarrassing for him to share. But, over the past two decades, this at-first “embarrassing” investment has made him wealthy, and if you follow his lead, it can do the same for you. John has successfully made money with mobile homes in various ways: buying and flipping, wholesaling, renting, and seller financing, the main topic of today’s episode. He provides a masterclass on how to make money buying and selling mobile homes, where you essentially take on the role of the bank. However, it’s crucial to be cautious. Mishandling this could lead you into an ethical gray area and potentially harm your buyer. On the other hand, getting it right can create a win-win situation for both the buyer and seller while making you wealthy.  John shares his whole strategy, plus how he’s getting into deals for $15,000 and often making DOUBLE his money and $400 per month (or more) cash flow per door when he seller finances these properties. If you want a way to get into real estate investing without a ton of cash but with the potential to make a serious return on your money, this may be your winning strategy. In This Episode We Cover The three “levels” of mobile home investing and how much each costs to get into The danger of seller financing the wrong way and how it can hurt your buyer Why you MUST background check EVERYONE you seller-finance a mobile home to One thing that new mobile home investors overlook that can ruin your properties The exit strategies you must know about to avoid losing money on your next deal Whether or not we would invest in mobile homes (and our concerns with seller financing)  And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (02:32) Seller Financing...Mobile Homes? (11:18) Win-Win Seller Financing  (16:52) 3 "Levels" of Mobile Home Investing (22:08) How Much to Invest?  (23:53) Cash Flow and Profit Numbers (26:51) What to Look Out For (32:38) New Investors, Do THIS!  (33:52) Would WE Invest In It? Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-976 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    975: BiggerNews: Rent Price Updates and Why Landlords Are Optimistic About 2024 w/Zumper’s Anthemos Georgiades

    975: BiggerNews: Rent Price Updates and Why Landlords Are Optimistic About 2024 w/Zumper’s Anthemos Georgiades
    The rental market could finally be returning to stability after a wild past four years. Since 2020, we’ve seen rent prices skyrocket almost overnight, with huge asking price increases for single-family homes, multifamily apartments, and everything in between. But that trend quickly reversed as the fight against inflation began, mortgage rates rose, and would-be homebuyers sat still, not knowing whether to stay renting or search for a home. But, a return to “equilibrium” may be coming soon, and that’s good news for landlords and renters alike. To break it all down, Zumper’s Anthemos Georgiades joins the show to share his team’s latest rent data. Anthemos brings some surprisingly good news for landlords, from new month-over-month rent growth data to consumer preferences shifting to a more renter-focused lifestyle; now may be the moment landlords have been waiting for as renter demand looks promising and rates stay high. We’ll also discuss the inflation lag effect our rental market has caused and how to stay on top of current rent prices.  Has the dream of homeownership died? And if so, how do YOU attract the long-term renters who want to make a home out of your house (while paying YOU rent!)? Stick around for this rental market update every landlord needs to know about. Support today’s show sponsor, Rent App: the free and easy way to collect rent! In This Episode We Cover Rent growth updates and why rents for some units are starting to climb Single-family vs. multifamily demand and which asset is seeing the most strength  Why Anthemos is predicting a return to “equilibrium” for landlords this summer  The massive effect rent has on inflation and how housing shifts the economy  Is the “American Dream” dead? Why young Americans are ditching homeownership Where to find free, up-to-date rent price data so YOU can make the most from your rental  And So Much More! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-975 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    974: Maximalism: The New Renter-Friendly Trend Landlords Can’t Overlook w/Tay “BeepBoop” Nakamoto

    974: Maximalism: The New Renter-Friendly Trend Landlords Can’t Overlook w/Tay “BeepBoop” Nakamoto
    Want to really stand out in your market? A few renter-friendly interior design ideas can make a world of difference, elevating a run-of-the-mill property into one that attracts tenants and guests and stays occupied year-round. Today’s guest has some affordable, do-it-yourself (DIY) design hacks centered around “maximalism,” the design trend you can’t afford to not know about.   Welcome back to the BiggerPockets Real Estate podcast! If you want to boost your property’s value, keep renters happy, and get even MORE cash flow from your portfolio, you’ve come to the right place. Today, interior designer Tay “BeepBoop” Nakamoto joins the show to share some of her most popular rental design tips. Regardless of your investing strategy, whether you own short-term rentals or are flipping houses for a profit, you won’t want to miss out on these enormous value-adds. The best part? They are extremely cost-effective, easy to implement, and, most importantly, reversible!   In this episode, Tay delves into maximalism—the interior design trend that is taking the world by storm in 2024—and shares how you can seamlessly integrate this popular style with your rental properties. She even shares some of the best places to find furniture, décor, and materials, as well as some common pitfalls to avoid when tackling your own home renovation projects! In This Episode We Cover The best renter-friendly, do-it-yourself (DIY) design hacks for rentals How to implement maximalism throughout your rental properties Why you must know your limits when making design changes Where to find budget-friendly furniture and décor for your property How landlords can benefit from keeping up with the latest design trends Common pitfalls to avoid when tackling your own home design projects And So Much More! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-974 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    On this episode of The Empire Podcast, Dr.Aaron LeBauer gives us an episode full of insight when it comes to high converting sequences for their business, that they both have been putting into practice over the past 15-20 years generating millions of dollars. 

    “ Focusing on perfection, as an entrepreneur, will kill your business.. ”

    - Dr.Aaron LeBauer

    0:00 - Intro

    02:15 - Dr.Aaron almost dropped everything to become a professional… cyclist?

    08:43 - Why and how did Aaron LeBauer choose to get into Physical Therapy? 

    12:58 - Aaron tells us where he got his start, and his background in Marketing

    15:04 - Bedros and Aaron give a breakdown of Direct Response Marketing and Funnels (TAKE NOTES!)

    • Identifying a NEED and becoming the SOLUTION
    • Coming with a giving hand
    • Selling a Course
    • Webinars
    • Bonuses


    26:30 - Aaron pieces together a high converting Webinars

    • Must haves for an awesome landing page
    • When to turn a webinar into an “Evergreen” Webinar
    • Automated Emails
    • Testing your conversions


    40:29 - Aaron and Bedros gives us insight on how his ability to solve problems, has outshined conventional knowledge on paper

    47:20 - Bedros asks Aaron to give us access to one of his best highest converting funnels for us to take notes on 

    48:20 - Aaron gives closing remarks answering the question : What stops people from making forward progress on their business?


    *Bonus Offer from Aaron* - https://www.cashptblueprint.com/start-a-cash-based-practice


    Connect with Aaron LeBauer here :

    Follow him on Instagram 


    Check out his Website 


    Watch his Youtube Videos 


    764: Making $200K/Year in JUST 3 Years with This High-Cash Flow Strategy w/Brittany Swait

    764: Making $200K/Year in JUST 3 Years with This High-Cash Flow Strategy w/Brittany Swait
    For real estate investors, passive income is almost always the goal. You may be making good money at your job, but the long days, longer nights, lack of sleep, and limited time off is probably leaving you feeling fatigued. This is exactly how Brittany Swait felt after a severe diagnosis put her life in danger. She was working harder than ever, but the time with her family was slowly slipping away. That was until she started investing. Brittany was able to build a fifty-nine-unit rental property portfolio in just three years. These properties bring in a staggering $200,000 per year passive paycheck, allowing Brittany to focus on her family, not take tasks from a boss. But this portfolio wasn’t easy to build, even though it happened quickly. Brittany had to learn the BRRRR method, take considerable risks (like draining her retirement accounts), and put herself in an entirely new position. Now, just a few years later, Brittany is building her rental property portfolio at a fast pace, but she loves every minute of it. In this episode, she’ll walk through the exact strategy she uses to make such high cash flow, her five tips for remodeling and renovating that will save you TONS of time, and how she’s been able to pull her cash out of the deals she’s doing. If you want to scale your real estate portfolio, Brittany is the person to listen to.   In This Episode We Cover: The one skill that allowed Brittany to scale from zero to fifty-nine rentals in three years Medium-term rental investing and how to triple your rent with one strategic move Using Facebook to find off-market deals and the one factor that matters MUCH more than you’d think How to estimate rehab costs and five tips you MUST follow when doing a renovation  BRRRRing in 2023 and how to get around the one-year seasoning requirement for a cash-out refinance  Being more than your job and how to build a life that YOU are in control of  And So Much More! Links from the Show Find an Agent Find a Lender BiggerPockets Youtube Channel BiggerPockets Forums BiggerPockets Pro Membership BiggerPockets Bookstore BiggerPockets Bootcamps BiggerPockets Podcast BiggerPockets Merch BPCON2023 Listen to All Your Favorite BiggerPockets Podcasts in One Place Learn About Real Estate, The Housing Market, and Money Management with The BiggerPockets Podcasts Get More Deals Done with The BiggerPockets Investing Tools Find a BiggerPockets Real Estate Meetup in Your Area David's BiggerPockets Profile David's Instagram David’s YouTube Channel Work with David Rob's BiggerPockets Profile Rob's Instagram Rob's TikTok Rob's Twitter Rob's YouTube Hear Our Episode with Rick Morin on Making $300K/Year with 11 Rental Properties Medium-Term Rentals: How to Get BIG Cash Flow Out of Small Properties Book Mentioned in the Show: BRRRR by David Greene Connect with Brittany: Brittany's Instagram Click here to listen to the full episode: https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-764 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices