
    Podcast Summary

    • Enhancing everyday experiences with convenient and affordable solutionsFrom lab-grown diamonds to plant-based meals, companies are offering innovative and accessible solutions to make everyday experiences more enjoyable and affordable

      There are companies out there making it easier for us to enhance our everyday experiences. Blunile.com offers beautiful, independently graded lab-grown diamonds for special moments, while Olive and June provides a high-quality manicure system for an affordable price at home. Additionally, the food we consume is one area we can control for our health. The duo Henry Firth and Ian Theesby, also known as Bosch, are leading the way in promoting plant-based eating through their viral videos, bestselling books, and TV series. Their mission is to make plant-based living more accessible and enjoyable for all. These examples show that there are solutions available to make life's moments brighter, nails more polished, and meals healthier, all with a focus on convenience and affordability.

    • Discovering Unique Ingredients for Vegan DishesBOSH's new cookbook introduces unique ingredients like banana blossom and offers nutritious, flavorful vegan recipes, with a focus on healthy living.

      The new cookbook by BOSH, named "BOSH Healthy Vegan," introduces a variety of unique and interesting ingredients, such as banana blossom, which can be used to create delicious and healthy vegan dishes. The authors have put a lot of effort into researching and developing their recipes, resulting in a diverse range of flavors and textures. The book also includes a focus on healthy living beyond just the recipes, with an emphasis on attitude and philosophy towards good health. The inspiration for using banana blossom in a Goan-style curry came from trying a vegan "fish and chips" dish that mimicked the texture of fish using this ingredient. The authors worked with an NHS registered dietitian to ensure the recipes in the book are nutritious and beneficial for overall health. They met through a mutual friend, Nish, who had previously mentioned their vegan cooking endeavors to Henry. An amusing anecdote about Nish is that, despite being a highly intelligent and knowledgeable urologist, he was very nervous during their initial meeting.

    • Two friends turned vegan activists open the world's biggest vegan cafe on FacebookTwo friends, driven by concern for planetary health and social justice, left their startup background to open a vegan cafe, teaching themselves cooking skills and inspiring others with their passion for veganism and its benefits for animals, environment, and personal health.

      Henry and Ian, two friends with a background in startups, discovered a passion for veganism and decided to create the world's biggest vegan cafe, Bosch, on Facebook, around four years ago. They were driven by their concern for planetary health and the negative impact of animal agriculture on the environment, animals, and human health, as well as social justice. Before starting Bosch, they came from the startup world and had founded Ping Tune, a messaging app. However, they felt a lack of purpose in their work and sought something more meaningful. They both discovered veganism separately and decided to open a cafe to show people that vegan food is delicious. Their journey began with no cooking background, and they taught themselves on the job. Their book, "How to Live Vegan," is a guide to implementing these principles in daily life. They were inspired by the three pillars of veganism: animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and personal health, as well as the social justice aspect. Their transition from their previous startup experiences to their vegan activism was motivated by a desire to create positive change.

    • Identifying market gaps and pursuing unconventional ideasStarting a business with a clear vision and adaptability can lead to success, even without a formal plan

      Starting a successful business often begins with identifying a gap in the market and pursuing an idea with passion, even if it seems unconventional at first. This was the case for the founders of BOSH!, who started as friends looking to open a vegan cafe in Sheffield, but ended up creating the world's first online vegan cooking channel instead. They didn't have a formal business plan at the outset, but focused on building an audience and then setting long-term goals as they gained traction. Their success includes a popular YouTube channel, cookbooks, a TV show, and even products in supermarkets. The lesson here is that having a clear vision and a willingness to adapt and evolve can lead to great things, even if the path forward isn't perfectly mapped out at the start.

    • Define clear intentions and goals for personal and professional growthSetting clear objectives and measurable key results can significantly impact the direction of your actions and outcomes, promoting inclusivity and encouraging plant-based meals for personal and planetary health.

      Setting clear intentions and goals, whether personal or professional, can significantly influence the direction of your actions and outcomes. The discussion highlighted the importance of having a well-defined objective and measurable key results, which can help make the general direction of your endeavors more transparent. This approach, often used in businesses through OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), can also be applied to individual life. The speakers also emphasized the importance of inclusivity and rebranding the vegan lifestyle to make it more approachable to a wider audience. They are not about converting people to veganism but encouraging more plant-based meals to improve the health of the planet and individuals. The power of goal setting was also emphasized as a way to manifest desired outcomes through the mind's subconscious processing.

    • Plant-based Diet: Myths and FactsA well-planned plant-based diet can provide all essential nutrients, but B12 and Vitamin D may need supplementation. Focus on fiber intake and nutrient-dense foods, not specific proteins. The food industry is promoting more plant-based options, and misconceptions about vegan diets are changing.

      A plant-based diet, when properly planned, can provide all the necessary nutrients for optimal health. However, some nutrients like B12 and Vitamin D may require supplementation. The focus should be on fiber intake and the nutrient density of foods, rather than fixating on specific proteins. The food industry is shifting towards more plant-based options, with an increasing number of new products hitting the market. The misconception that vegan diets are deficient is changing as more people become educated about plant-based eating through various influencers and documentaries. The speakers shared their personal experiences and emphasized the importance of a diverse and colorful plant-based diet. They also discussed their recipe and cooking process for a delicious vegan dish.

    • Focusing on progress in veganism, not perfectionEmbrace veganism as a journey towards reducing animal cruelty and avoiding animal ingredients, recognizing that everyone's interpretation and implementation may differ. Encourage progress, not perfection, in plant-based eating.

      The definition and perception of veganism are evolving, and it's important to focus on progress rather than perfection. Veganism is about avoiding animal cruelty and animal ingredients as much as possible and practicable. This means that everyone's interpretation and implementation of veganism may differ, and it's essential to be welcoming and accepting of people's efforts towards plant-based eating. The rise in plant-based food sales is a more measurable indicator of the shift towards veganism than focusing on individuals' veganism. It's crucial to remember that being vegan is not an unattainable ideal, and progress, not perfection, is what we should aim for. The term vegan is not just for those who follow a strict vegan lifestyle; Veganuary encourages people to try veganism for a month. However, outside of urban areas, old-fashioned perspectives on the word may still exist. Ultimately, the focus should be on encouraging more plant-based eating and reducing animal cruelty rather than judging individuals based on their veganism. As one speaker noted, "we shouldn't be looking for perfection, we should be looking for progress."

    • Focus on progress and small changesCelebrate intentions, make conscious choices, and focus on small changes to contribute to a better world.

      It's important to focus on the efforts people make towards making the world a better place, rather than criticizing them for not being perfect. Vegans, for example, should not be labeled as hypocrites for not living a completely self-sustainable life while promoting vegan food. Instead, we should celebrate their intentions and strive for continuous improvement in our own ways. The discussion also highlighted the overwhelming amount of choices we face in our daily lives, which can negatively impact the environment and our brains. By making conscious choices, such as eating plant-based meals, we can make a significant impact on both our personal health and the environment. Additionally, small changes, like reducing the amount of choices we make, can lead to big improvements. As David Attenborough once said, we can all start with the one thing we can control, which is our food choices. So, in summary, let's focus on the progress we're making and the small changes we can make every day to contribute to a better world.

    • The state of industrial farming: animal welfare, environmental impact, and societal inequalitiesConsumer preferences for plant-based options drive market responses, reducing environmental impact, improving animal welfare, and addressing societal inequalities.

      The current state of industrial farming, particularly animal agriculture, is shocking in terms of animal welfare, environmental impact, and societal inequalities. The inhumane conditions for animals, vast amounts of waste and methane emissions, and the health and food disparities between developed and developing countries are major concerns. However, there's hope for change as consumer preferences shift towards plant-based options and the market responds accordingly. While institutional change may take time, the collective power of individual choices can make a significant impact. The accessibility of vegan and plant-based food options, driven by consumer demand, can lead to a reduction in the environmental footprint of agriculture, improve animal welfare, and help address societal inequalities.

    • Cultural shift towards plant-based optionsHigh-profile figures promoting plant-based food can lead to more options, but focus should be on variety and fiber, not just meat substitutes.

      The glamorization of plant-based food and the influence of high-profile figures in promoting it can lead to a cultural shift towards more plant-based options. This can create a positive loop where more people buy plant-based food, supermarkets respond by stocking more, and institutions follow suit. However, it's important to remember that choice should be offered and the focus should shift away from meat being the center of meals towards more fiber, color, and variety. The plant-based food industry is experiencing significant growth, with three main types: ultra-processed, wholesome, and cell-based. While there is interest from industry in plant-based options due to consumer demand, it's crucial to consider the potential drawbacks of some options, such as cell-based meat, which may not align with the goal of limiting meat consumption overall. Overall, we are in the midst of a cultural revolution towards plant-based eating driven by informed and caring individuals, and it's an exciting time for this movement.

    • Adopting a plant-based diet for a sustainable futureA plant-based diet has a lower carbon footprint than animal-based foods, promoting sustainable farming methods can help the planet, and individuals can make informed choices based on this data.

      Making the world a better place for future generations can be achieved through adopting a plant-based diet. This is supported by numerous studies, including one by Joseph Poore, who found that plant-based options have a lower carbon footprint than animal-based foods, even when accounting for transportation. While individuals can still make their own choices, understanding this data can help us make more informed decisions about our diet. Additionally, promoting sustainable farming methods, such as crop rotation, can have a positive impact on the planet and potentially free up land for other uses. It's important to note that we're not telling farmers what to do, but rather looking at the data and encouraging a shift towards more sustainable practices. Overall, adopting a plant-based diet and supporting sustainable farming methods are small but meaningful steps towards creating a more sustainable future.

    • Considering the impact of diet on personal health and the environmentSmall diet changes, like adding more plants and whole foods, benefit health and planet. Focus on overall food quality, not just specific nutrients or labels. Consider the source and context of saturated fats and oils, and choose in moderation. Informed choices matter, especially regarding therapeutic diets like keto.

      Making small changes to our diets, such as incorporating more plants and whole foods, can have a positive impact on both personal health and the environment. The discussion also touched upon the importance of considering the overall quality of the food we consume, rather than focusing solely on specific nutrients or labels. Regarding saturated fats and oils, the holistic approach suggests that it's essential to consider the source and context of the food, as well as the overall diet quality. Coconut oil, for instance, can be a suitable choice in moderation when cooking with whole foods. The keto diet, when used therapeutically under the guidance of a healthcare professional, can be an effective tool for treating certain conditions. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of making informed choices and considering the broader context of our dietary decisions.

    • Understanding the Keto Diet and Co-Founder DynamicsMisunderstanding the keto diet can lead to a high-fat, high-carb diet, while having a co-founder brings advantages such as task division, idea exchange, and growth. Accepting differences and maintaining clear communication are essential for success.

      While the keto diet can be an effective tool for reaching nutritional ketosis, it's important to approach it with a clear understanding of the diet's requirements and potential challenges. Misunderstanding the diet can lead to a high-fat, high-carb diet, which defeats the purpose. Having a co-founder for a business, on the other hand, can be a significant advantage. Two heads are better than one, enabling the division of tasks and duties, and providing a sounding board for ideas. Companies with two founders are more likely to succeed, and the dynamic can lead to growth through learning from each other's differences. However, it's essential to accept and appreciate those differences, as moments of tension are an inevitable part of the process. Ultimately, the team culture reflects the founders' intentions, so maintaining clear communication and a strong sense of unity is crucial.

    • Adding the right team and figures can significantly contribute to a purpose-driven company's growthThe addition of experienced executives and supportive figures can bring new perspectives, expertise, and help streamline operations, contributing to a purpose-driven company's growth. However, it's crucial to ensure genuine changes and not just PR stunts when corporations adopt purpose-led initiatives.

      Having the right team and supportive figures, even those who join later in the journey, can significantly contribute to the growth and success of a purpose-driven company. The addition of Natalie, a seasoned executive, has brought in new perspectives and expertise, helping to streamline operations and bring the company to new heights. Furthermore, the concept of "woke washing" or corporations jumping on the bandwagon of purpose-led businesses can be seen as progress, as it broadens the reach and impact of these initiatives. However, it's essential to ensure that these corporations are making genuine changes and not just engaging in PR stunts. The changing attitudes towards sustainability and ethical business practices indicate that we're moving towards a more conscious and self-reliant society, where progress is about collaborating with the big players in the industry.

    • Balancing Business and Personal Growth with Collaboration and AdaptationEmbrace collaboration and adaptation to trends, prioritize health through exercise, meditation, and good sleep, and encourage a plant-based diet for better well-being.

      Progress in business and personal life often requires collaboration and adaptation to changing trends, even if it means not fully endorsing them. Henry and Ian from Bosch discuss their plans for the future, which include releasing new episodes of their TV show, working on a new book, and expanding their reach in the US market. They also emphasize the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally, through exercise, meditation, and good sleep. Additionally, they are focused on encouraging more people to eat more plants for better health. Overall, their approach is about balance and finding a sustainable way to live a healthy and fulfilling life.

    • Improve physical and mental well-being through mindful activitiesIncorporating meditation, exercise, good sleep hygiene, 'Miracle Morning' routine, and journaling can significantly enhance physical and mental well-being.

      Incorporating mindful activities, such as meditation and exercise, into your daily routine can significantly improve both your physical and mental well-being. The speaker shares his personal experience of using podcasts during runs as a form of meditation, which helps him feel better and more focused after his workouts. He also mentions the importance of having good sleep hygiene and trying the "Miracle Morning" routine for a more productive and centered start to the day. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the value of journaling and setting intentions to help manage stress and maintain focus throughout the day. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of prioritizing self-care and mindfulness practices in our daily lives to enhance our overall well-being.

    • Discovering the Delights of Goan-style Banana Blossom DishExplore new flavors, nourish body and mind, and enjoy health benefits of banana blossom in a warm, spicy, hearty, yet light Goan-style dish. Vitamin D supplements and thoughtful gifts are also important for overall wellbeing.

      The discussion revolved around the enjoyment of a unique and delicious Goan-style dish featuring banana blossom, which offers various health benefits such as fiber, novel antioxidants, and B vitamins. The hosts, Henry and Ian, were praised for their relaxed and authentic conversation about culture and their organization's mission. The dish, which bridges the gap between winter and summer, was described as warm, spicy, hearty, and light, making it perfect for various seasons. Additionally, the importance of vitamin D supplements was mentioned, and the dish's versatility and deliciousness were emphasized. Overall, the conversation highlighted the pleasure of discovering new flavors and the importance of nourishing both body and mind. Be sure to check out Henry and Ian's work on their website, Instagram, and ITV, and don't miss their upcoming projects like the Bosch Method. This Mother's Day, consider giving back to the amazing moms in your life with thoughtful gifts from 1-800-Flowers or Whole Foods Market.

    Recent Episodes from The Doctor's Kitchen Podcast

    Is Keto for everyone?

    Is Keto for everyone?

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about whether keto diets are appropriate for everyone, how fasting can allow you to dip into the benefits of different diets and stress your body in slightly different ways.

    Dr Mindy Pelz is an educator who has helped 10000s of women across the world become more attuned to their cycles, their menopause and has advocated for personalised approaches to healthcare for women and their unique biological needs. 

    On episode #216 Fasting for Women we also talk about some caveats of fasting and who fasting is NOT for in this episode.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    #254 Taste Testing Green Powder Supplements with Dr Rupy Aujla

    #254 Taste Testing Green Powder Supplements with Dr Rupy Aujla

    Green powders are everywhere and I’m often asked whether people should invest in getting a green powder to consume every day. And as somebody who drinks a green powder in the mornings, this was a great opportunity for me to do a dive into whether my habit is evidence based!

    This is a special episode that you can also find on YouTube here, where I’m not only reviewing the evidence behind specific brands of green powders, but also taste testing them as well!

    I give my honest opinion on AG, Huel, Thorne, Axe, Hux and more.

    If you want to watch my reactions, you can head over to YouTube. It's worth a watch!


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    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode

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    BONUS: Habits to Relieve Hayfever, Seasonal Allergies and why we need to avoid taking antihistamines regularly with Dr Rupy Aujla

    BONUS: Habits to Relieve Hayfever, Seasonal Allergies and why we need to avoid taking antihistamines regularly with Dr Rupy Aujla

    With more of us suffering with seasonal allergies, myself included, we need better strategies to prevent the symptoms without relying on medications. The reason why is because there may be potential side effects with antihistamines that people pop every single day for months on end.

    On today's episode I dive into preventive measures to mitigate our use of these products & keep them for when we really need them. I also touch on the potential harms of commonly used, over the counter medications to make you more aware of the issues and how to avoid potential side effects and longer term impacts on your health.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

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    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode

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    Snacksize 25: PCOS and Anti-inflammatory diets

    Snacksize 25: PCOS and Anti-inflammatory diets

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about an anti-inflammatory diet  for PCOS with Dr Nitu Bajekal who is a Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Author and Board-Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician in the UK with over 35 years of clinical experience in women’s health. 

    Nitu describes the epidemic of PCOS and how more women need to be aware of the symptoms and to be proactive about diagnosis as well as the lifestyle practices that can help symptoms and better manage the condition. Find the full episode on episode #195 Fix your PCOS with Dr Nitu Bajekal. 

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    #253 Sensational Spices and Healing Herbs and with Simon Mills

    #253 Sensational Spices and Healing Herbs and with Simon Mills

    I love chatting with Simon Mills, he has a wonderful breadth of knowledge across the huge spectrum of different herbs and spices. And he can talk eloquently and sensitively about them, in a manner respectful of both the traditional beliefs and uses of them, as well as the science that may or may not support their claims.

    Today we talk about the use of spices and what extra benefits they may be adding to our diets beyond simply “antioxidants”.

    We talk about bitters and tonics and why they may work.

    We explore how spices may impact our gut microbiota and potentially influence their health benefits.

    Rosemary and sage on the brain, ginger for colds and how traditional antiseptics worked.

    Simon Mills is a University of Cambridge graduate in medical sciences who has been a herbal practitioner in Exeter UK since 1977. He has been a complementary health pioneer from the inception of the term in 1979, and later in the fields of integrated health, selfcare and social prescription. He is now focusing on education through the public websites herbalreality.com and for professionals working with co-author Prof Kerry Bone at millsandboneacademy.com

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

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    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Snacksize 24: South Asian Menopause Experiences

    Snacksize 24: South Asian Menopause Experiences

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about how a woman of south asian origin bravely dealt and shared her experiences of menopause.

    Chef Romy Gill MBE, is a dear friend, and not only shares her culinary wisdom,  her energy and passion for food on episode #220, but also her voice for women of colour and the stigma that still surrounds the menopause.

    We talk about her lived experience of the menopause, how changing her training from mostly running based to include strength training completely shifted her weight.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    #252 Why you need to eat these 4 foods every day

    #252 Why you need to eat these 4 foods every day

    If I had to name 4 foods to get in your meals most days to support your gut, heart, brain and reduce your risk of disease…what would they be?

    To me, they are my daily BBGS - Beans, berries, greens and seeds.

    Todays podcast is a deep dive into the observational and interventional studies looking at these powerful additions to our diet. 

    You’ll get to know the doses, and how to consume them everyday and hopefully this is a nudge in the right direction for you and your family members to look after your health.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    📱 Download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free*

    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Snacksize 23: Dealing with ADHD

    Snacksize 23: Dealing with ADHD

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about how neurodiversity can affect people in different ways.

    Dr Miguel Toribio-Mateas is the Neurodiversity Lead of the Primary Care & Community Neurology Society and he supports youth mental health programmes at the London-based Body & Soul charity.

    In the full episode, we do a deep dive into the science of food and neurodiversity (spanning a spectrum of disorders), the interaction with drugs and we also talk about Miguel’s personal experience in more depth.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    #251 Problem Periods with Dr Anita Mitra

    #251 Problem Periods with Dr Anita Mitra

    Dr Anita Mitra is back on the podcast today. She’s an NHS doctor working in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, with experience in both clinical medicine and research. She completed her PhD on the vaginal microbiome in cervical precancer and the reproductive complications of treatment for cervical precancer.

    She’s author of the fantastic book, “Gynae Geek”, and her new book “Dealing with Problem Periods” in which she details what normal and abnormal looks like and the various conditions that cause problems.

    On todays discussion we talk about what exactly normal means for periods and how to personalise this to your own cycle. What her current day job entails in her gynaecology cancer speciality, as well as the reason why problem periods can arise and the investigations she recommends. We also have a frank discussion about why it’s important to monitor periods and how to track them.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    📱 Download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free*

    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Snacksize 22: A day in the life of a Brain Surgeon

    Snacksize 22: A day in the life of a Brain Surgeon

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about the day to day life of a neurosurgeon. I think it’s quite easy to forget about just how traumatic it can be for frontline doctors to deal with the daily reality of death and how to maintain a sane, let alone positive, outlook.

    I sat down with medical Dr Sheri Dewan on episode #204 to talk about her strategies for coping and I wonder if this inspires you to think about how you might take onboard some of these ideas in your week?

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Related Episodes

    #97 Emotional intelligence, Ego & Becoming Plant Powered with Dr Gemma Newman

    #97 Emotional intelligence, Ego & Becoming Plant Powered with Dr Gemma Newman

    Today I had the pleasure of spending time chatting with my good friend Dr Gemma NewmanGP with over 17 years experience in medicine, whole food plant based advocate and now best selling author of the book “The Plant Power Doctor”, A simple prescription for a healthier you.

    I’ve known Gemma for a number of years and she is one of the most kind hearted and knowledgeable individuals, not only on the subject of nutrition but also on how to empathise and coach behaviour change with patients. She is a founding member and ambassador for PBHPUK, she has a specialist interest in holistic health, plant based nutrition and lifestyle medicine. Through her practice she has come to understand that body, mind and soul are not separate, and that it is only in addressing the root causes of stress and disconnection that we can truly heal, from the inside out.

    Another passion of hers includes the promotion of no-till conservation agricultural techniques in order to bring health back to our soil and our farming systems, so as to allow healing of the ecosystems that sustain human life. Planetary health is inextricably linked to human health, and she has spoken on this topic to other health care professionals at a debate at Imperial College as well as during the Extinction Rebellion events.

    Today we touch on a range of these subjects including:

    • Gemma's journey to plant based eating
    • Food prescriptions and how Gemma coaches patients
    • BLEND IT - an acronym for behaviour change
    • How hard GP life is
    • Regenerative agriculture and the current 6th mass extinction event
    • Ego and how to detach from one’s perception that the world revolves around them
    • How Gemma overcame negative events on social media

    Do check Gemma out on social media @planntpowerdoctor and her website gemmanewman.com which is full of fantastic free resources too along with Gemma's book - The Plant Power Doctor which is a super read! 

    All website and social media links are on the show notes page on The Doctor's Kitchen website

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    87: Weight Loss | My Honest Thoughts & A HUGE Mindset Reframe

    87: Weight Loss | My Honest Thoughts & A HUGE Mindset Reframe

    Is it wrong to want to lose weight? Can you love your body and still want to change it? Are weight loss and being confident mutually exclusive? We cover it all in this episode, along with:

    • Losing weight for health v. vanity
    • Why it's not really about the weight in most cases
    • The lie we buy into: if we finally lose weight, THEN we can be happy/confident
    • The KEY mindset shift when it comes to losing weight for good

    Last chance to work with me! 8-week food freedom mentorship is open for enrollment for a short time: juliebooher.com/coach

    107: Listeners' Questions December 2020

    107: Listeners' Questions December 2020
    How not to let the 'what if' question rule your mind... Whether celebrating with family, or self-isolating and working from home - Anna and Clare look through this month's listeners' questions to see what's on people's minds ahead of what could be a very different Christmas and New Year for us all.

    Presented by Clare Freeman and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.

    Simple Self Care for the Holidays

    Simple Self Care for the Holidays

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    About this podcast episode:

    Create some space for your own self-care during the holiday season to bring in more light and cheer to your experience.


    Hey there beautiful soulful You! 🦋

    Thank you for putting yourself and your wellness first. 💜 Support my work and unlock great wellness benefits. 😊 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/loveconsciousness

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    ©  2023 Mariya Katrina Punay. All Rights Reserved.

    98: Should I PUSH Myself, Or Give Myself Grace? The Million-Dollar Question!

    98: Should I PUSH Myself, Or Give Myself Grace? The Million-Dollar Question!

    Our alarm goes off for our 6 am workout, but we didn't sleep well the night before. Do we push through and do the workout anyway, or give ourselves some grace and press the snooze button in favor of some more ZZZ's?

    In this podcast, I walk you through a step-by-step process to answer one of the questions I get asked most often:

    "How do I know when to push myself to do something when I don't feel like it, versus allowing myself some grace and flexibility?"

    - juliebooher.com