
    552: Potluck × Twitter Thoughts × Business Models × Senior Developer

    enDecember 21, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing listener questions and website improvements on The Syntax podcastThe Syntax podcast team receives a lot of messages and is considering adding a contact form and episode numbers for podcast apps to improve communication with listeners and reduce spam.

      The Syntax podcast duo, Scott Talensky and Wes Boss, discussed listener questions about various web development topics, including JavaScript, CSS, tooling, caching, routing, and more. They mentioned that they receive a lot of unsolicited messages and don't currently have a dedicated contact form on their site due to the high volume of spam and irrelevant messages. However, they are considering improvements to their website, including adding episode numbers for podcast apps and creating a contact form using Svelte. They also mentioned their sponsors: Linode, Developers.net, Sentry, Air, and FreshBooks. The podcast emphasized their commitment to addressing listener feedback and improving their platform.

    • Rewriting for continuous improvementSuccessful projects undergo continuous improvement and rewrites to adapt and stay relevant. Incremental approach, not rewriting the entire project frequently, is crucial for growth.

      Successful projects, like Level Up by Scott Tolinski, require continuous improvement and adaptation. Scott shared that he has rewritten his project multiple times over the past 11 years, with each rewrite addressing specific needs and improvements. Although the decision to rewrite can be met with resistance, it's crucial for the project's growth and staying relevant. Scott doesn't follow a specific pattern like the Strangler Fig pattern but rather approaches rewrites incrementally, adding new parts while maintaining the existing system. The misconception that he rewrites the entire project frequently is due to the numerous iterations he's made over the years. The core codebase has only undergone four essential rewrites, each transitioning to a new technology stack to better serve the project and its users.

    • Continuous improvement in website developmentThe speaker advocates for frequent redesigns and rewrites to enhance user experience and address major issues, but promises not to do another major overhaul soon. He emphasizes the importance of intentional changes and bringing in external designers for fresh perspectives.

      The speaker's approach to website development involves frequent redesigns and rewrites, driven by his desire to improve user experience and address major issues. He moved from a UI written as a UI and a GraphQL API to a more unified system like Next.js, which required a substantial rewrite. He also transitioned the JavaScript to TypeScript and underwent several CSS redesigns. However, every change was made with intention, and he promises not to do another major redesign or rewrite anytime soon. He brought in a third-party designer for the latest redesign to focus on user behavior and facilitate desired actions. The speaker also shared that his course platform has undergone refactoring and slow moves to TypeScript instead of full rewrites. He recommends this approach if one is not committed to a solid month of work. The speaker's development journey includes dealing with callbacks and moving from sync JS callbacks to promises and async await. Overall, the speaker's approach to website development is characterized by continuous improvement and a willingness to adapt to new technologies and user needs.

    • Optimizing website performance with PageSpeed InsightsTools like PageSpeed Insights provide valuable insights to improve website performance, but prioritizing user experience is crucial, even if it means sacrificing a few points.

      Every detail in coding, no matter how insignificant it seems, requires attention and refactoring for optimal performance. Wes mentioned an example of using PageSpeed Insights to analyze website scores and improve performance. This tool assesses various aspects of a website, such as loading speed, CSS files, and image compression, and provides a score. While some developers are fixated on achieving a perfect 100 score, the ultimate goal should be to prioritize user experience, even if it means sacrificing a few points. For instance, Wes's new site had lower mobile and desktop performance scores, which were primarily due to a hero video and oversized images. By addressing these issues, the user experience could be significantly improved. So, while tools like PageSpeed Insights offer valuable insights, it's essential to remember that the user experience ultimately matters more than a perfect score.

    • Launching a site with known issues vs optimizing every detailMeeting deadlines and launching a site is crucial, even if it means dealing with performance issues later. Twitter's popularity and value will likely keep it relevant despite challenges.

      Prioritizing functionality and getting a project launched, even with known issues or suboptimal performance, can be more important than optimizing every detail right away. The speaker emphasized the importance of meeting deadlines and launching a site, even if it means dealing with larger file sizes or other performance issues later. They also discussed the ongoing debate about the future of social media platforms like Twitter and the potential rise of alternatives like Mastodon, but ultimately expressed a belief that Twitter's value and popularity will keep it relevant despite its challenges.

    • Disappointment with Twitter's paid subscription modelUsers may migrate to another platform if Twitter's changes don't meet their needs, and hosting a new platform on Linode could optimize performance.

      While Twitter remains a significant platform for information and community, its recent changes have left some users considering alternative options. The speaker expresses disappointment in the introduction of a paid subscription model for a blue checkmark, preferring instead to invest in tools that improve user experience, such as better DM management and tweet organization. The speaker also acknowledges Elon Musk's strategic moves but expresses indifference towards the platform beyond its informational and social value. The next evolution of social media is expected to surface interesting content to users without the need for extensive audience building. If not on Twitter, users will migrate to another platform. The speaker suggests hosting a new platform on Linode for optimal performance.

    • Subscription vs One-Time Payment Business Models for Online ContentSubscription models offer predictable revenue and a consistent content pipeline, while one-time payment models allow for more time and resources to create comprehensive courses.

      The business model for creating and selling online content can take various forms, such as subscriptions or one-time payments for courses. Syntax, a YouTube content creator, started with a subscription model due to his strength in producing a large volume of content quickly. He found that a consistent, predictable revenue stream helped him plan and focus on putting out new content regularly. On the other hand, some creators, like the one behind beginnerjavascript.com, opt for releasing single courses with one-time payments. This approach allows them to invest more time and resources into creating comprehensive, in-depth courses. The pros and cons of each model depend on the creator's goals, resources, and audience preferences. Subscription models offer predictable, recurring revenue and a consistent content pipeline, but require a constant focus on producing new content. One-time payment models allow for more time and resources to create high-quality, comprehensive courses, but may result in less predictable revenue. Ultimately, the choice between the two models depends on the creator's strengths, audience, and business goals.

    • Sticking to a single focus can lead to business successDespite trends, focusing on one course or product can be successful. Choosing the right topic, enjoying the work, and understanding clients' perspectives are key.

      Having a single course or product focus, even if it means not following the trend, can be a successful business strategy. Wes Bos shared his experience of sticking with this approach for over a decade, despite advice to the contrary. He also discussed his failed attempt to transition to releasing multiple courses and the importance of choosing the right topic. For those considering freelancing or starting their own web development company, Bos emphasized the importance of enjoying the work and understanding the client's perspective on hiring more expensive talent. He also highlighted the value of gaining experience with various stacks and approaches. Ultimately, the decision to go out on one's own depends on personal preferences and circumstances.

    • Beyond coding: Skills of successful web developersSuccessful web developers possess business acumen, communication skills, networking abilities, and management skills, in addition to technical expertise. They leverage tools like Century.io and Sentry to make informed decisions and prioritize work effectively.

      Being a successful web developer goes beyond just writing code. It requires an understanding of business needs, effective communication skills, and the ability to work within given constraints. Senior developers often possess these qualities more than their junior counterparts. Furthermore, networking and personality play crucial roles in securing projects and clients. The freelance world can be particularly challenging, as it demands not only technical expertise but also management skills and the ability to make smart choices regarding technology and design. Tools like Century.io and Sentry can aid in this process by providing valuable insights into bugs and software performance, allowing developers to make informed decisions and prioritize their work effectively.

    • Feeling Senior as a Developer: Mindset and ResponsibilitiesTo feel more senior as a developer, focus on learning new skills, taking on leadership roles, and updating your mindset. Use tools like Century to save time and improve code, and manage distractions during work hours.

      Feeling senior as a developer is subjective and can depend on individual experiences and organizational definitions. Century, a code analysis tool, can help developers save time and improve their code. To manage notifications effectively, consider setting focus states on your devices to limit distractions during work hours. As for feeling senior, it may require updating your mindset and taking on more responsibilities. Seniority is not solely based on years of experience, but also on the ability to learn new things and take on leadership roles. If you want to feel more senior, identify the characteristics you associate with senior developers and work on gaining those traits. Remember, as a developer with 20 years of experience, you likely have a significant amount of knowledge and expertise. Embrace that and start seeing yourself as the senior dev you are.

    • Managing Notifications and DistractionsSet boundaries for communication tools, turn off most notifications except calendar alerts, use automation tools to manage files, and prioritize focus to minimize distractions.

      Managing notifications and distractions is crucial for productivity and focus. The speaker shared his personal preference for turning off most notifications, except for calendar alerts, and emphasized the importance of setting boundaries for communication tools like Slack or email. He also mentioned the use of automation tools like Hazel to help manage files and keep his digital workspace organized. Additionally, he expressed frustration with the inability to use certain file formats across devices and suggested exploring ways to automate file conversions. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need to prioritize focus and minimize distractions in order to be more effective and efficient in one's work.

    • Finding Joy in Small ImprovementsAutomatic image format conversion and label makers can bring significant satisfaction by simplifying daily tasks and adding a personal touch.

      Improving small aspects of daily life can bring significant satisfaction. The speaker expressed frustration with having to convert image formats before sharing them due to unsupported formats. They suggested an automatic conversion feature as a solution. This led them to reminisce about organizing their cables using small tubs and the need for a label maker to keep track of labels. They shared their interest in a specific label maker model that allows for mobile printing and considered purchasing it. The speaker also shared a past experience of pranking label names at their old job, highlighting the potential fun and convenience of label makers. Overall, the conversation showcases the importance of finding joy in the little things and the potential benefits of small improvements.

    • Creativity and playfulness in unexpected placesExperimenting with creativity and playfulness can lead to surprising results, whether in naming walkie talkies or choosing a new testing library. Try out Jest or Vite Test for Node.js testing, or explore React Location and the 10 stack router for routing in React and TypeScript applications.

      Creativity and playfulness can lead to unexpected and entertaining results, even in seemingly mundane situations. The speaker shared stories of naming walkie talkies to confuse colleagues and submitting intentionally bad poems to a Target newsletter. While discussing Node.js testing libraries, it was noted that Jest is widely used, but Vite Test is gaining popularity due to its speed. In the world of routing for React and TypeScript applications, React Location and the 10 stack router were mentioned as simple and effective options. The 10 stack router, which is still relatively new, was described as a language-agnostic router with adapters for various frameworks. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of having a sense of humor and the power of experimentation and exploration in both personal and professional contexts.

    • Introducing TANstack Router: A TypeScript-friendly Router for ReactExplore TANstack Router for first-class search params API, TypeScript API, and features like code splitting, data fetching, and caching. Consider using SvelteKit's built-in data handling for Svelte projects instead.

      A new router named "TANstack Router" was discussed, which offers first-class search params API and a 100% inferred TypeScript API for effortless type safety. This router also supports features like code splitting, data fetching, and caching. Although it seems promising, the speaker is hesitant to fully commit due to his current project requirements. Tanner Lindsley, the creator, also rewrote React Query to be called TANstack Query, which is a TypeScript-safe alternative. The speaker expressed positive experiences with React Query and suggested using SvelteKit's built-in data handling for Svelte projects instead. Tanner also showcased various projects, including a table for his company, Nozzle.io. In the segment for personal recommendations, the speaker shared his excitement about a smart controller called Sensibo Air for heating and cooling systems, which offers easy setup and integration with various platforms. The speaker expressed satisfaction with the product's ability to save energy by adjusting temperatures based on occupancy.

    • Exploring affordable ways to enhance technology and learn new skillsDiscover captivating shows like We Crashed for tech insights and learn SvelteKit efficiently with Level Up Dot Video. Stay informed, continuously learn, and manifest positivity for success.

      There are affordable and smart ways to enhance our existing technology without having to buy new versions. The example given was the We Crashed TV series, which provides an engaging and educational look into the world of start-ups and funding. The show, which is based on real people and events, was so captivating that the speaker found himself binge-watching it for hours each night. He also recommended checking out Level Up Dot Video for learning SvelteKit, a new and efficient framework for building web applications. The speaker's enthusiasm for the series and the educational resources he shared highlights the importance of continuous learning and staying informed about new technologies and trends. Additionally, he mentioned the concept of manifesting positivity and success in one's life, which was a theme in one of the episodes of We Crashed. Overall, the conversation provided valuable insights into technology, education, and personal growth.

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    Show Notes

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    • 50:39 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs.

    Sick Picks

    Shameless Plugs

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    Syntax: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Wes: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Scott: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    CJ: X Instagram YouTube TwitchTV

    Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads

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    Show Notes

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    • 28:30 Is this just a fetch request with props?
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    • 45:31 Turbopack.
    • 57:51 Sick Picks & Shameless Plugs.

    Sick Picks

    Shameless Plugs

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    Syntax: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Wes: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Scott: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads

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    Show Notes

    Sick Picks

    Shameless Plugs

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    Wes: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Scott: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads

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    Show Notes

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    Scott:X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads

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    Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads

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    Scott:X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 01:20 Who is Brian Holt?
    • 02:26 Who is Marco Bambini?
    • 05:12 Why are people starting to talk so much about SQLite now?
    • 08:47 What makes SQLite special or interesting?
    • 09:46 What is a big misconception about SQLite?
    • 11:13 Installed by default in operating systems.
    • 12:03 A perception that SQLite is intended for single users.
    • 13:36 Convincing developers it’s a full-featured solution.
    • 15:11 What does SQLite do better than Postgres or MySQL?
    • 17:30 SQLite Cloud & local first features.
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    • 44:28 But does it scale?
    • 45:52 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs.

    Sick Picks

    Brian: Trainer Road
    Marco: Tennis

    Shameless Plugs

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    Wes: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Scott:X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads

    Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads

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    If you enjoyed the show, please don't forget to subscribe, leave a 5-star review, and share it with your friends and family. We're committed to bringing you valuable content with every episode, so stay tuned for more!

    Before we go, let's stay connected on social media. You can find me on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter by searching for Tony The Closer or following the links in the show notes. Your support and feedback mean the world to me, so please feel free to reach out, engage, and let me know your thoughts on the show.

    Until next time, remember to keep pushing forward, embrace the grind, and Get Yo Ass Up!

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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/tonythecloser_

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