
    558. Andy & DJ CTI: Dems Demand 1000% Tax On Assault Weapons, Facebook Files Reveal Lies & Wild Brawl On Alabama Dock

    enAugust 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing current events, debunking falsehoods, and offering solutions with guests on CTI podcastCTI podcast offers insightful discussions on current events, debunks falsehoods, and provides solutions with the help of guests, encouraging listeners to submit questions and share the show for wider reach

      Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz host a podcast called CTI, where they discuss current events, debunk falsehoods, and offer solutions to societal issues. They also have segments like Q and A and real talk. Listeners can submit questions and share the show to help spread the message. The duo also invites guests who have completed the 75 hard program to share their stories. While the show is available for free on the audio feed, they encourage listeners to share it as they struggle to reach a wider audience on social media. In a lighter moment, they discussed the reluctance to attend weddings, revealing that many people, including themselves, only go for the open bar.

    • Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg's charity boxing matchMusk and Zuckerberg's charity boxing match might not be as intense as expected, with Musk joking about his training and the overall tone being lighthearted.

      Despite the hype and build-up, the much-anticipated showdown between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg might not be as physically intense as some people think. Musk announced the fight would be live-streamed on X, with proceeds going to charity for veterans. Both have been training, but Musk joked that lifting weights doesn't directly translate to fighting skills. Musk also shared that he might have given up alcohol, but it's unclear if this is a permanent decision. The conversation began with a discussion about a party where the hosts felt pressured to attend, despite their lack of interest. The overall tone was lighthearted, with the hosts sharing personal anecdotes and making jokes.

    • Tech Giants Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg Making MovesElon Musk supports employees facing backlash for social media activities, Mark Zuckerberg changes public image, potential for a truth-telling event with global audience.

      Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, two tech industry giants, are making significant moves in their respective spheres. Musk has pledged to support employees who face backlash from their employers for their social media activities, while Zuckerberg has been working to present a more traditional, "alpha male" image. However, there have been suggestions that both men may be facing external pressures, and some believe that a public reveal of the truth about their situations could be a powerful move. Musk's recent legal pledge and Zuckerberg's attempts to change his public image could be seen as responses to these pressures. While it's unclear if the two men hold similar views or if they will come together for a public reveal, the potential for a massive, truth-telling event with a global audience is an intriguing possibility.

    • Manipulation and Control of Public FiguresPowerful individuals use apologies and labels to silence questions and hide wrongdoings. Questioning and investigating is crucial, while avoiding identity politics and team mentality promotes transparency and accountability.

      The manipulation and control of public figures, including celebrities and politicians, is a concerning issue that limits free speech and critical thinking. The use of apologies and labels to silence questions and discussions is a tactic used by powerful individuals to hide their potential wrongdoings. The discussion also touched upon the inconsistency in how certain topics, like questioning political figures or discussing controversial figures like Epstein, are met with intense scrutiny and labeling, while other topics, like the alleged involvement of certain political figures in scandals, are often ignored or dismissed. The speakers expressed the importance of questioning and investigating, rather than accepting information at face value, and avoiding identity politics and team mentality. The conversation highlighted the need for transparency and accountability in public figures' actions and associations.

    • Silencing Critical Questions with LabelsUsing labels to silence critical questioning is a manipulative tactic used to justify violence and genocide, and it's crucial to recognize this pattern to protect individual rights and prevent the concentration of power.

      The use of labels like racist, anti-Semitic, bigot, and misogynist to silence critical questioning and dialogue is a form of manipulation and intimidation. This tactic is being used to justify violence and genocide in various parts of the world, and it's essential to call it out for what it is. The global movement towards communism, as facilitated by the World Economic Forum and the biggest banks, poses a significant threat to the workforce and individual freedoms. The implementation of AI and automation is a part of this larger scheme to eliminate human capital and impose communism on society. It's crucial to recognize these patterns and think through their implications to protect individual rights and prevent the concentration of power in the hands of a small elite.

    • Proposed 1000% tax on assault weapons and high capacity magazinesDemocrats aim to increase taxes on assault weapons and high capacity magazines by 1000% to reduce access and curb gun violence, but concerns over infringement on rights and transparency persist.

      There is a growing push from Democrats in the US House of Representatives to impose extreme taxes on assault weapons and high capacity magazines, with the latest proposal suggesting a 1000% excise tax. This could significantly increase the cost of these items, making them less accessible for many people. The intention behind this is to reduce access to guns and curb gun violence. However, the speaker in the text expresses concern over the potential infringement on people's rights to own these items and questions the motivations and tactics of those proposing such legislation. They also call out the need for transparency and truth from those in power.

    • Ongoing Debate over Gun Control in the USThe gun control debate in the US centers around the definition and regulation of certain firearms, with opposing views from politicians, advocates, and gun owners.

      The ongoing debate around gun control in the United States centers around the definition and regulation of certain types of firearms, with the National Rifle Association arguing against the use of the term "assault weapon" for semi-automatic weapons. Some politicians and advocates push for gun control measures due to concerns over mass shootings and potential threats to their power, while gun owners view the Second Amendment as a safeguard against government overreach. Despite calls for stricter gun laws, many gun owners are determined to keep their firearms and believe that attempts to take them away would lead to resistance. The ongoing tension between these opposing viewpoints continues to fuel the contentious debate.

    • Labeling gun owners as 'MAGA Republicans' could lead to violent confrontationsSome individuals fear the current administration may use violent rhetoric to justify removing gun owners from society, potentially leading to widespread violence.

      Some individuals believe the current administration is attempting to incite violence among gun-owning Americans by labeling them as "MAGA Republicans," and if they successfully incite violence, they plan to use it as justification to remove these people from society and potentially harm or even kill them. Additionally, many gun owners already have their weapons and ammunition, and there are individuals in every neighborhood with enough to arm their entire community. Any attempt to take guns could lead to widespread violence. The belief is that this is a tactic to eliminate perceived "domestic terrorists" and control the narrative. The discussion also touched upon the existing regulations and background checks for gun purchases.

    • FBI's interactions with Facebook over Hunter Biden laptop story more complex than claimedNewly disclosed Facebook communications contradict FBI's previous statements about the extent of their meetings over the Hunter Biden laptop investigation, raising questions about transparency and accuracy.

      The FBI's communications with Facebook regarding the Hunter Biden laptop story were more extensive than previously claimed. FBI special agent Elvis Chan, who served as the main point of contact between the bureau and Facebook, testified in a deposition that he was only aware of one meeting between the two parties. However, newly disclosed Facebook communications reveal that Chan had multiple meetings about the issue. This contradiction raises questions about the transparency and accuracy of the FBI's statements regarding its investigation into the laptop. The ongoing release of the Facebook files through the House Judiciary Committee sheds light on the extent of the relationship between law enforcement and tech companies, adding to the ongoing debate about privacy, surveillance, and the role of technology in democratic processes.

    • FBI met with social media companies during 2020 election over Hunter Biden laptop storyThe FBI's decision to withhold information about the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop story from social media companies led to censorship and raised questions about transparency and accountability.

      During the 2020 election, the FBI met with social media companies, including Facebook and Twitter, regarding the Hunter Biden laptop story published by the New York Post. Despite the FBI having knowledge that the laptop was real, they told both companies that they had no comment. This decision led to the censorship of the story on these platforms. The FBI's Foreign Influence Task Force, specifically Laura Demlo, was involved in these meetings. Her testimony revealed that the FBI had internal deliberations to decide how to answer the question about the laptop's authenticity. The FBI's decision to withhold critical information from social media companies has raised questions about transparency and accountability. The implications of this situation extend beyond the 2020 election and highlight the need for ongoing dialogue about the role of technology companies and law enforcement in shaping public discourse.

    • Power Imbalance and Lack of AccountabilityGovernment holds significant power, lacks accountability for wrongdoings, interferes in elections, and manipulates public opinion through censorship and propaganda, leaving the public marginalized and disillusioned.

      According to the speaker, there is a perceived power imbalance between the government and the people, with the former holding significant influence and the latter being marginalized. The speaker expresses concern over the lack of accountability for alleged wrongdoings by government agencies and individuals, and urges those aware of such activities to come forward to prevent potential future consequences. The speaker also accuses these agencies of interfering in elections and manipulating public opinion through censorship and propaganda, which they believe is a form of mental abuse on the American population. The speaker expresses excitement for the potential revelations to come but is disillusioned by the lack of action following the release of previously exposed information.

    • Addressing Complex Issues: The Need for Accountability and TransparencyExamine the full context before jumping to conclusions, and emphasize accountability and transparency to prevent incidents from escalating.

      Accountability and transparency are crucial in addressing issues, yet there seems to be a lack of it in certain situations. The discussion revolved around the unwillingness of those in power to be held accountable for their actions, leading to a sense of demoralization and helplessness among the public. The example given was a violent brawl in Alabama, which was initially presented as a race-fueled fight based on the viral video, but upon closer examination, it may not have been that simple. The importance of examining the full context and not jumping to conclusions was emphasized. The conversation also touched upon the importance of building bridges between different communities to prevent such incidents from escalating.

    • Conflict Between Boaters and a RiverboatSpeaker expresses frustration towards a conflict between boaters and a riverboat, criticizes bystanders for not intervening or helping, and emphasizes the importance of preventing violence.

      The discussion revolves around a conflict between boaters and a riverboat, with the speaker expressing frustration towards the situation and sharing personal beliefs. The speaker criticizes the behavior of some individuals involved, particularly those who recorded the incident instead of intervening or calling for help. They also express confusion about an alleged "infatuation" some people have with boats. Despite the tension, the speaker acknowledges the importance of preventing violence from escalating. The conversation includes references to specific videos and incidents, but the focus is on the speaker's perspective and opinions.

    • Use of force in self-defense has consequencesThe use of force in self-defense can result in legal and ethical implications, and every situation is unique.

      Self-defense is a legal right, but the use of force can have consequences. A video of employees at a 7-Eleven store in California defending against a repeated robbery suspect went viral, with many praising their actions. However, the police have since opened an investigation into the incident for potential assault charges. Previous attempts by the suspect to intimidate staff with a weapon were also reported. The incident sparked discussions about the use of force and the racial double standard in reporting and perceiving violence. It's important to remember that every situation is unique and that the use of force should be a last resort, with potential legal and ethical implications.

    • The unpredictability and danger of physical fightsPhysical fights can escalate quickly and cause serious harm. Try to avoid them whenever possible.

      Physical fights can be unpredictable and dangerous, no matter the circumstances or the participants involved. Whether it's at a political rally, a bar, or on a beach, fights can escalate quickly and result in serious harm. The speaker shared his personal experiences of being in fights and how they ended up with unexpected consequences. He emphasized that it's important to try to avoid physical altercations whenever possible. The speaker also mentioned that he has been in a few group fights, some of which were related to his work as a bouncer, and that they were intense and long-lasting. He also shared an experience of being on the receiving end of a fight and getting badly beaten up. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of avoiding physical fights and the potential risks and consequences they can bring.

    • Story of reckless teenage years and costly consequencesImpulsive behavior during youth can lead to expensive damages and dangerous physical altercations

      Youthful recklessness can lead to costly and dangerous consequences. The speaker shared a story about damaging property and getting into a violent fight during a wild party in their teenage years. The incident resulted in significant damage to an astroturf balcony, leading to a large bill for the speaker and their friend. Additionally, they got into a heated argument with a group of men over a false accusation, which escalated into a physical fight where the speaker was badly beaten. These experiences serve as a reminder of the potential risks and repercussions of impulsive behavior.

    • Deputy Fernandez jumps onto runaway boat to prevent harmDeputy Fernandez showed bravery and quick thinking by jumping onto a runaway boat to prevent it from causing harm in Tampa Bay, demonstrating the importance of quick action and heroism in dangerous situations.

      Florida Deputy Travis Fernandez showed incredible bravery and quick thinking when he jumped onto a runaway boat to prevent it from causing harm in Tampa Bay. The boat, traveling over 40 miles per hour, had lost its driver, and the Coast Guard was unable to stop it using prop fouling devices. Deputy Fernandez and his colleague, Deputy Gillian Constant, maneuvered their own craft alongside the runaway vessel and, despite the danger, Fernandez jumped on board to take control. The incident was captured on body camera footage and has since gone viral for its "badass" display of heroism. Although it may look easy, the situation was far from it, as Fernandez was exposed to high speeds and open water with no restraints. The incident has sparked discussions about the appeal and appeal of cruises, with some expressing a preference for smaller, more exclusive boats or yachts.

    • Concerns over the safety of large structuresDespite their size and apparent instability, large structures like cruise ships and airplanes continue to operate safely, providing enjoyment for many people.

      The speaker expresses concerns about the size and safety of large structures like cruise ships and airplanes. He finds it hard to comprehend how such massive structures can function safely, especially when they appear top-heavy or excessively tall. Despite his reservations, he acknowledges that many people continue to enjoy cruises and fly in airplanes, suggesting that safety measures are effective or that personal enjoyment outweighs concerns. The speaker also includes a rap interlude, which does not seem to be related to the main topic. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights the human tendency to question the feasibility and safety of large structures, even as they become more commonplace in modern life.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

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    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

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    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

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    4 Leadership Struggles I Had to Overcome

    Lonely Leadership

    What are leadership struggles? Many leaders act as if the point they’ve reached in their careers was easy to reach. From my perspective, as I progressed throughout my career, I ran into many different struggles. These struggles are some that I believe every leader will encounter. Rather than hiding these struggles from you, I will be putting them out in the sunlight for all of you to see. I have come to realize that all leaders are alike. As much as we think we are different, we are not as unique as we think. We all share the same struggles. On today’s show, I will be discussing the various struggles all leaders face and how to counteract them.

    The first leadership struggle I’ve encountered is lonely leadership. As you progress through an organization it gets harder to find people that understand you. Great leaders are told that transparency is a must. Be transparent. Share things with others around you. While transparency holds importance, is it always the answer? Transparency is only important to a point. There are some things you should not be transparent about.

    You should never be transparent about your self-doubt. Being open about your struggles with employees can cause them concern about your organization. Secondly, never be transparent about your opinion of others. Especially key stakeholders. They will find out. My philosophy is to never burn a bridge no matter what. This decision has come back to benefit me throughout my career.

    Thirdly, never be transparent about confidential information shared with you. I’ve seen may promising leaders sidelined because of issues of integrity and trust. Building a reputation of integrity as a leader is crucial. It can be lost in just one decision. Don’t make that mistake. This will shatter your career. Being a leader is lonely. Who can you share things with? Your spouse? Not always. I remember when I was at Teligent and we were the hottest new thing. We were on the cover of Business Week, Forbes, WSJ, NY Times etc. My wife was at her hairdresser one day, and the hairdresser was drilling her about information on Teligent. He assumed she had access to confidential information and was getting aggressive. After that, me and my wife came to an agreement to protect her. I do not share any confidential information with her. Never. She doesn’t want to be in that position.

    Is there anyone you can be transparent with? Your coach or mentor. Let your board/shareholders know that you have a coach or mentor. If you’re going to share confidential information with someone, they should sign a non-disclosure agreement. All of this said, you will be lonely as a leader. It comes with the position. Do you have someone that you can be transparent with?



    What Got You Here Won’t Keep You Here

    Will the skills that helped you reach your position keep you there? These things will not keep you here or progress you in your career. Look at me for instance. My specialty is technical work. I have not touched technical work in 15 years. I had to learn new skills in order to advance. How did I learn those different skills? Right out of college, I was told by my mentor Bob that in order to find success, I had to broaden my playing fields. I knew my specialty very well, but I needed to have a variety of experiences. What did I do? I rotated in marketing, sales, finance, IT, etc. I did everything. While these experiences broadened my knowledge, it wasn’t enough. What were the skillsets that brought me to success?

    • Organization design - How do you structure a team? You have to be willing to adjust in order to create a successful organizational structure.
    • People Reading - Each person is unique and you have to commit to learning them.
    • Consensus BuildingLearn the individuals and their objectives. I do one on one calls with each member of my board before meetings. This helps me to get a better grasp on the thoughts and feelings of each member.
    • Objective Setting – How do you set good objectives? use OKR’s/make sure they are clear and measurable. Grant autonomy letting your experts use their skills to achieve ultimate success.


    Consequences of Ideas and Statements

    Ideas and statements made as a leader have consequences. Things will get taken out of context and all the sudden they become the “new law”. When I was CEO at Cable Labs, I told my team that the most common statement they would hear was “Phil said”. In many cases what I said was misinterpreted or misused. The best proof point of this in my career is press coverage. If you google my name and read the articles on the first 16 pages of google, not a single article got the situation 100% correct. At Cable Labs, we had issues with the press pushing out false information. This caused employees to start worrying about the longevity of our Colorado office. I had to call a meeting with my all my employees to address this issue. I made a commitment to my staff that day that they would hear from me first, and not the press. In fact, this created a new culture at Cable Labs called the “no surprise rule” to constantly remind my employees of this. Why do I do this? Because ideas and statements can be a disaster. You need to be hyper-vigilant about what you say, how you say it, and how you operate. Are you conveying statements the right way?


    Creative Self-Doubt

    What is the number one skill leaders are expected to have? Creativity/ ingenuity leading to product, service, and operational innovation. Many leaders get promoted to a leadership role because of innovation they are credited with. Look at Nobel Laureates. There is a trend of peaks seen from the recipients of Nobel awards. One in their mid-twenties and one in their mid-fifties. The question comes down to this. Do you still have your creativity?


    What type of innovator are you?

    Conceptual Innovators - “Think outside the box,” challenging conventional wisdom and suddenly coming up with new ideas. Conceptual innovators tend to peak early in their careers.


    Experimental Innovators - Accumulate knowledge through their careers and find groundbreaking ways to analyze, interpret and synthesize that information into new ways of understanding. The long periods of trial and error required for important experimental innovations make them tend to occur late in a Nobel laureate’s career. Success comes from recognizing that as an innovator we need to shift from the conceptual to the experimental.

    Let’s connect; I am on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter. If we do connect, drop me a note and let me know. The email address is feedback@philmckinney.com or you can go to PhilMcKinney.com and drop me a note there. If you are looking for innovation support go to TheInnovators.Network or want to be challenged to develop the next big idea, check out our Disruptive Ideation Workshops. Don’t forget to join our Innovators Community to enjoy more conversations around innovation.