
    569. Andy & DJ CTI: Biden Disappointed At China's Xi, Fauci Concerned People Won't Abide & Archives Ask For Robert Peters Alias Emails

    enSeptember 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Real AF podcast: Real talk on personal development, business, and life hacksThe Real AF podcast offers practical advice and real-life experiences on personal development, business, and life hacks, empowering listeners to become the solution to their own problems and improve their lives.

      The "Real AF" podcast, hosted by Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz, provides real talk on various topics, including personal development, business, and life hacks. The duo shares their insights on current events, answering listener questions, and discussing the 75 Hard program, which focuses on physical and mental discipline. The show is free, but listeners are encouraged to share it to help grow the audience. The podcast offers practical advice and real-life experiences, empowering listeners to become the solution to their own problems and improve their lives.

    • Personal victories build confidenceSmall daily wins and consistent efforts can help build confidence and a sense of superiority over one's own limitations. Stay focused on personal goals and find common ground with others to foster resilience and unity.

      Small daily wins and consistent efforts can help build confidence and a sense of superiority over one's own limitations. The speaker shares his personal experience of overcoming challenges and appreciating the feeling of accomplishment. He also highlights the importance of staying focused on personal goals, even when faced with distractions or setbacks. Additionally, the speaker shares a humorous story about connecting with a stranger over shared music and values, emphasizing the importance of finding common ground and unity in diverse communities. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-improvement, resilience, and finding connection in everyday experiences.

    • Recognizing commonalities and connecting with othersDespite differences, it's essential to respect individual choices and appreciate unique paths towards personal growth

      Despite the various challenges and struggles we face, it's essential to recognize our commonalities and connect with others. However, not everyone shares the same interests or values, and it's important to respect individual choices and preferences. The speaker expressed his disinterest in the Burning Man festival, viewing it as a form of escapism and a pseudo-spiritual movement filled with people trying to hide from reality. He believes that some individuals use this alternative reality as a persona to make others feel inferior. Ultimately, it's crucial to appreciate each other's unique paths towards personal growth and self-discovery.

    • Speaker shares his dislike for Burning Man festivalThe speaker expresses his discomfort with Burning Man's lack of luxury, requirement of wearing beads, potential health hazards, and encounters a racially insensitive place name. He advocates for personal freedom and privacy, believing that experiences should not be shared online.

      The speaker expresses his disinterest and discomfort with the Burning Man festival, citing reasons such as the lack of luxury, the requirement of wearing beads, and the potential health hazards. He also shares his experience of encountering a racially insensitive place name during a camping trip. The speaker's perspective is that everyone should be free to live their lives as they choose without judgment or the need to share their experiences with others. He believes that the internet has ruined the authenticity of experiences and that people should be able to have fun without fear of it being shared online.

    • Destructive actions under the guise of activismEmotional investment in views can lead to destructive actions, such as forest fires, threatening human lives and the environment. Separate facts from emotions and consider long-term impact.

      The unwillingness of people to accept facts and the emotional investment in their views can lead to destructive actions, such as setting fires in forests under the guise of climate activism. This issue is not limited to one location, as we've seen it in various parts of the world, including Greece, Canada, California, and Louisiana. The consequences of these actions are severe, as they not only destroy natural habitats but also threaten human lives and the environment. It's important to separate facts from emotions and to consider the long-term impact of our actions. In other news, Chinese President Xi Jinping reportedly pulled out of the upcoming G20 summit in India due to concerns over Chinese nationals posing as tourists to breach US military sites, according to a Fox News article. The FBI and DoD have reportedly tracked over 100 incidents of this kind. The reason behind Xi's absence from the summit remains unclear, but this report may provide some insight.

    • Chinese Nationals Gaining Unauthorized Access to US Military BasesConcerns over espionage and potential threats to national security rise as Chinese nationals illegally enter US military bases, gather intel, and acquire property near key installations. The Biden administration's response is under scrutiny.

      There have been increasing incidents of Chinese nationals gaining unauthorized access to US military bases and installations, raising concerns about espionage and potential threats to national security. These incidents range from individuals claiming to have reservations at military bases to groups trying to force their way past guards. Some Chinese nationals have even achieved unauthorized access by speeding through security checkpoints. The potential implications of this trend are significant, as these individuals may be gathering valuable information for the Chinese government. The issue is further compounded by the thousands of Chinese military-age males entering the US through the southern border and the acquisition of large amounts of property surrounding key military bases. The Biden administration's handling of these situations, including the allowance of a weather balloon to pass over sensitive military sites, has been criticized for creating an advantageous position for China. The potential for unrest and even war on US soil in the coming months is a real concern.

    • Speaker warns of real conspiracies and need for strong, patriotic childrenThe speaker argues that the focus on gender ideology and feminizing young boys is making them weak, and calls for a cultural revival of masculinity to prepare for potential conflicts with external threats.

      The speaker believes there are real conspiracies happening, specifically regarding China's potential threat to the US, and that Americans need to prepare for potential conflicts by raising strong, patriotic children. He argues that the current cultural focus on gender ideology and feminizing young boys is making them weak and incapable of defending the country. He also criticizes the lack of courage and unwillingness to speak up against progressive ideologies, which he believes have allowed these issues to go unchecked. The speaker calls for a cultural revival of masculinity and warns that if Americans don't take action, they will continue to weaken and become more vulnerable to external threats.

    • The lack of masculine role models and capable defendersEmbrace masculinity, take responsibility, and be leaders to fill the void of strong men in society, embodying honesty, hard work, providing for family, and standing up for what's right.

      The devaluation of masculinity and the criticisms against men for the past decade have led to a lack of masculine role models and a vacuum of strong, capable men in society. This issue is particularly concerning when considering potential national security threats, as the most capable and experienced defenders are aging and the younger generation is not stepping up to fill the void. To address this, men need to embrace their masculinity, take responsibility, and be leaders in their households and communities. It's not about conforming to extreme stereotypes, but rather embodying the core principles of being a good man: honesty, hard work, providing for one's family, and standing up for what is right. Men don't need permission or certifications to be men; they just need to take initiative and be useful.

    • Societal Expectations and Cultural Norms of MasculinitySocietal expectations and cultural norms can limit and harm men's sense of masculinity. Environmental factors and societal pressures can impact hormonal balance, leading to a decline in average testosterone levels. Embrace masculinity and resist external pressures. Open dialogue and diverse perspectives are essential for understanding complex issues.

      Societal expectations and cultural norms surrounding masculinity can be limiting and harmful, and women hold significant power in shaping these definitions. The speaker argues that there's a concerted effort to demasculinize men, which has negative consequences. He references studies showing the decline in average testosterone levels in men and the impact of environmental factors on hormonal balance. The speaker also praises figures like Alex Jones for speaking truths that were once dismissed as conspiracy theories but have since been proven. Overall, the speaker encourages men to embrace their masculinity and not let external pressures dictate their sense of self. The conversation also touches on the importance of open dialogue and the value of diverse perspectives in understanding complex issues.

    • Two Types of Listeners: Engaged and SecretAnthony Fauci encourages mask use for personal protection despite limitations shown in a study, emphasizing their importance.

      There are two types of listeners: the engaged, who share messages, and the secret listeners, or hosts, who absorb information but don't spread it. In the news, Anthony Fauci expressed concern that people might not comply with mask recommendations if they are issued again. Fauci, a former White House chief medical advisor, believes masks are effective for individual protection against COVID-19, despite a Cochrane study concluding that surgical masks only reduce risk by 5%. The study also suggested the risks of wearing masks, particularly for children, outweigh the benefits. Fauci acknowledged the limitations of the study but emphasized the importance of masks in protecting oneself.

    • Judge rules against FDA's anti-Ivermectin campaign, leaders shift vaccine narrativeA judge challenged the FDA's authority, some leaders changed their stance on vaccine mandates, and theories suggest they may shift blame to past political figures.

      There have been recent developments regarding COVID-19 vaccines and mandates. A judge ruled that the FDA overstepped its authority with its anti-Ivermectin campaign, and some world leaders, including those in New Zealand, Canada, and Canada's Trudeau, have claimed that vaccinations were voluntary despite evidence to the contrary. There are theories that these leaders are changing their narrative to avoid accountability for past mandates and to potentially shift blame to former political figures like Trump. The potential pivot in narrative could involve acknowledging vaccine injuries and blaming these figures for the vaccines' distribution. It's important to stay informed about these developments and consider multiple perspectives.

    • Pressure on Trump to push for COVID vaccine led to poor decisionsTrump's team's poor advice led him to push for a vaccine with potential harm to reputation, while withholding effective therapeutics caused unnecessary suffering and deaths.

      The pressure on former President Trump to push for the COVID-19 vaccine was immense, and his advisors' poor advice led him to make a decision that could potentially harm his reputation. Trump's team was aware of the potential consequences, but his ego and trust in his advisors led him to move forward. The situation was further complicated by the fact that some people around him were turning on him, which added to the pressure. The Operation Warp Speed initiative, while presented as a great innovation, may have been a strategic move to control the narrative and hide the fact that effective therapeutics were available but intentionally withheld. This withholding of information led to unnecessary deaths and suffering, and those responsible should be held accountable for their actions. The FDA lawsuit case with Ivan Mackinship is another example of crimes against humanity, as the intentional withholding of effective therapeutics led to widespread suffering and the transfer of wealth and authoritarian control.

    • Standing up against societal issues: Power of collective actionIndividuals can challenge societal issues, but it takes collective action and refusal to comply to create change. The ongoing Ivermectin debate and Biden email scandal highlight the importance of using voices and not letting a vocal minority dictate norms.

      Individuals have the power to stand up against societal issues they find concerning, but it requires collective action and refusal to comply. The ongoing debate around Ivermectin usage serves as an example, with some people being criticized and shamed for their choices. The conversation also touched upon the email scandal involving Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama, with the House Oversight Committee requesting the release of related records. The use of alias emails by Obama administration officials, including Biden and Hillary Clinton, has added to the scrutiny. The conversation emphasized the importance of individuals using their voices and refusing to comply to effect change, rather than allowing a small, loud minority to dictate societal norms.

    • Political conflicts and corruption fueled by private corporations and donorsThe influence of private corporations and donors on politicians leads to a lack of accountability, transparency, and ultimately, societal disruption and division. It's essential to demand change and hold leaders accountable.

      The ongoing political conflicts and corruption in the US, as exemplified by the Crossfire Hurricane investigation and the alleged suppression of emails, are driven by politicians being influenced by private corporations and donors. This results in a lack of accountability and transparency, causing significant disruption and division in society. The speaker argues that this behavior has historical precedence and ultimately leads to the downfall of corrupt systems. The last seven years, and even longer, have seen the erosion of peace, prosperity, and the American Dream due to this elite class's actions. The removal of traditional values, truth, and skill sets from society further demoralizes the country. It's crucial to recognize the far-reaching consequences of these actions and demand accountability and transparency from our political leaders.

    • Restoring America: Individual Actions and Rebellion Against the Status QuoEngage in the political process, play by the rules, and take responsibility for creating positive change to restore America's founding principles.

      The current cultural and political climate in America has led to division and a lack of progress, and the way to restore America to its values of equality and personal excellence is through individual actions and rebellion against the status quo. The impeachment process and voter registration efforts highlight the importance of being engaged in the political process and playing by the rules, as those who don't risk falling behind. The speaker emphasizes that it's time for individuals to take responsibility for creating positive change and restoring America to its founding principles.

    • The importance of engagement and standing up for beliefs despite consequencesExpressing political support can face backlash, but staying engaged and taking action in emergencies is crucial.

      Engagement and standing up for what one believes in is crucial in the political landscape. The speaker expresses concern about the potential consequences if people continue to be afraid to express their support for certain political figures due to bullying and abuse. The speaker also warns of potential harsh actions from those in power if they lose the upcoming election. Meanwhile, in a different context, a Michigan police officer's quick thinking and actions saved a baby's life during a traffic stop. This serves as a reminder of the importance of staying calm and taking action in emergency situations.

    • Celebrating acts of heroism and unityStories of people coming together, regardless of race or ethnicity, to save lives and promote unity should be highlighted in the media, reducing politicization for personal gain.

      Acts of heroism and unity among people, regardless of race or ethnicity, should be celebrated and highlighted in the media. The story of Officer Frazier and the Warren police officers saving a child's life is a powerful reminder of the good that exists in society, which often goes unnoticed or underreported. This incident demonstrates that when faced with adversity, people come together and have each other's backs. It's essential to focus on these positive stories and reduce the politicization of issues for personal gain. Such acts of kindness and cooperation happen frequently and deserve recognition. By acknowledging and celebrating these moments, we can help foster a more unified and less divided culture.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

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    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    In today's episode, Andy and DJ are joined in the studio by comedian Tim Young. They discuss the Supreme Court's dismissal of the Social Media Censorship case, the congressional report that showed interference in 2020, and what we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the translucent Pastor of Disaster, Vaughn Kohler. They discuss the upcoming Trump and Biden debates, Julian Assange dropping $500k for a flight to a remote island to avoid setting foot on the US mainland, and a bankruptcy court trustee filing a motion to liquidate Alex Jones' Infowars.

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    David Dayen’s Article: https://prospect.org/politics/how-kathleen-rice-is-threatening-the-biden-agenda/

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