
    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Triangulation in Narcissistic RelationshipsNarcissists use triangulation to control relationships by creating a wedge between people, manipulating conversations and maintaining power through division and conflict.

      Triangulation is a manipulation technique used by narcissists to control relationships by splitting people and creating a wedge between them. It allows the narcissist to be at the center of the triangle and control the flow of information. This can be done by having conversations with one person about another person, who is unaware of the conversation. The goal is to divide and conquer, creating separation and conflict between the people involved. This technique is often used to control the narrative and maintain power in relationships. Understanding triangulation is crucial for those dealing with narcissistic individuals, as it can help identify manipulative behavior and protect against its harmful effects.

    • Narcissistic families create resentment between siblings to maintain controlNarcissistic parents manipulate siblings to collude against targeted ones, creating a divide-and-conquer dynamic

      Narcissistic families often create resentment between siblings to prevent them from forming bonds. This is because siblings exposing the abuse could potentially uncover the truth. Communication in these families is often indirect, covert, and behind someone's back, making it difficult to pin down. Narcissistic parents may triangulate, involving siblings in their conflicts and manipulating them to collude against the targeted sibling. This can result in a divide-and-conquer dynamic, with the narcissist occupying the top of the triangle and maintaining control. The use of "flying monkeys," or individuals who unknowingly or unwillingly carry out the narcissist's wishes, further perpetuates this manipulation. This dynamic is insidious and can make it difficult for siblings to recognize and address the abuse.

    • Understanding the Role of Enablers in Narcissistic AbuseEnablers unknowingly contribute to narcissistic abuse by disregarding boundaries, imposing decisions, and silencing victims, perpetuating a toxic environment.

      Manipulation can take many forms, and sometimes people unknowingly enable the abuse of narcissists. A common example is a "flying monkey," someone who, despite having no personal relationship with the involved parties, interferes in their dynamics at the behest of a narcissist. Enablers often believe they're helping, but they're actually furthering the abuse by disregarding boundaries and imposing their decisions on others. This behavior is particularly common in individuals who feel compelled to fix situations and have a hard time accepting "no." The consequences of enabling include silencing the victim, controlling their actions, and perpetuating a toxic environment. It's crucial to recognize the signs of enabling and respect the autonomy of those affected by narcissistic abuse.

    • Narcissistic families harm sibling relationshipsNarcissistic parents manipulate and divide children, leaving them feeling isolated and unable to form healthy bonds, leading to long-term negative effects on self-worth, self-esteem, and relationship skills.

      Growing up in a narcissistic family can lead to toxic and destructive sibling relationships, as the narcissistic parent manipulates and divides children, leaving them feeling isolated, lonely, and unable to form healthy bonds. Children in such families often become hyper-independent and learn to shield themselves from others due to the lack of nurturance and constant comparison. The narcissistic parent uses triangulation to maintain control and prevent closeness between family members, creating a toxic environment where children are left feeling unwanted and unloved. This can lead to long-term negative effects on self-worth, self-esteem, and the ability to form healthy relationships.

    • Understanding Triangulation and Its Impact on Child DevelopmentTriangulation, a destructive dynamic where caregivers prioritize their own needs over a child's emotional well-being, can lead to complex relationship patterns and a distorted understanding of love and relationships in children, resulting in sadness, anger, and hopelessness.

      Triangulation, a destructive dynamic where individuals draw in a third party to create conflict and prevent closeness between two people, can lead to complex relationship patterns such as codependency and hyper independence in children. This dynamic often stems from caregivers who prioritize their own needs over their child's emotional well-being, leaving the child feeling isolated and misunderstood. The result can be a deep sense of sadness, anger, and hopelessness for the child, who may grow up with a distorted understanding of love and relationships. As mental health advocates and content creators, we share this information to shed light on these dynamics, validate the experiences of those affected, and empower individuals to recognize and break free from these harmful patterns. It's a paradoxical feeling to love the work we do while hating the reasons it's necessary.

    • Understanding Emotional Abuse and TriangulationEmotional abuse deeply affects people, triangulation is a common tactic used, it's not the victim's fault, and creating safe spaces helps healing.

      Emotional abuse is a terrible experience that resonates deeply with many people, and it's important to acknowledge and validate their feelings while also helping them heal. Even though we can't inflict the wounds, we can be there to help mend them. Triangulation, a common tactic used in emotional abuse, creates division and shame, but it's never the victim's fault. They are not responsible for other people's behavior, especially when the perpetrator is an adult. The same dynamics can be seen in friendships, where triangulation can lead to confusion and misunderstandings. By recognizing these patterns and understanding that we're not responsible for other people's actions, we can learn to develop compassion for ourselves and others. Overall, it's crucial to create safe spaces where people can share their experiences, learn, and heal from emotional abuse.

    • Narcissistic relationships compared to a car journeyNarcissists manipulate and divide people, fight for control of information, and use triangulation to maintain power in relationships.

      Narcissistic relationships can be understood through the analogy of a car journey, where the narcissist is the driver and those around them are passengers or in the back seat. The narcissist manipulates and divides people to collude and enable their behavior, creating a toxic dynamic. They fight to control information and the spotlight, using triangulation to maintain power and superiority. In movies like Mean Girls, this dynamic is evident through characters' attempts to control information and be the first to know. This behavior stems from the narcissist's entitlement and need to be central to events. Ultimately, understanding this dynamic can help individuals recognize toxic relationships and take steps to protect themselves.

    • Effective Communication in Addressing ConflictsAsk questions, communicate using 'I' statements, and go directly to the source of the issue for healthy conflict resolution. Ensure safety and seek support if needed.

      Effective communication is key in addressing conflicts and avoiding toxic dynamics, particularly those related to narcissistic behavior. During the next five episodes, we will delve deeper into the five main traits of narcissism and provide insights on how they manifest. A practical tip for listeners is to ask questions when confronted with accusations or criticisms, especially if they suspect triangulation or manipulation. Instead of reacting defensively or dividing and conquering, go directly to the source of the issue and communicate using "I" statements. This approach promotes healthy communication and can help resolve conflicts. However, it's crucial to ensure safety and maintain healthy relationships while practicing this technique. If someone responds with gaslighting or rejection, reevaluate the relationship and consider seeking support from trusted individuals.

    • Vulnerability is essential in relationships, but triangulation can make it challenging.Being vulnerable allows deeper connections, but triangulation can hinder it. Communicate openly and honestly to create a safe space for vulnerability.

      Vulnerability is essential in any relationship, including those that may be impacted by triangulation. If you're not feeling safe enough to be vulnerable with someone, then perhaps that relationship may not be reaching its full potential. Helen, a relationship expert, emphasized this point during our discussion on triangulation. She explained that when we're vulnerable with someone, we're allowing them to truly see us for who we are, which can lead to deeper connections. However, when triangulation enters the picture, vulnerability can become more challenging. It's essential to communicate openly and honestly with all parties involved to create a safe space for vulnerability and prevent harmful triangulation dynamics. We want to thank Helen and Katie for joining us for this insightful conversation. And to our Patreons, we're grateful for your continued support. As we wrap up, remember that vulnerability is a crucial component of any healthy relationship. Take care, and we'll see you next time.

    Recent Episodes from In Sight - Exposing Narcissism

    122. What about all the good things she's done for me?

    122. What about all the good things she's done for me?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    TW: Violence

    To those on the outside, our listener's mother has always been the generous, kind and loving parent that's been unfairly denied access to her precious grandchildren. But dig deeper and there's a lifetime of shaming, gaslighting and even excusing physical abuse. Our listener has been given expensive gifts, huge public displays and fancy holidays, but what's the true cost to her and her family?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    121. How To Protect Your Children - The Legal Queen, Part 2

    121. How To Protect Your Children - The Legal Queen, Part 2

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    Family law solicitor Tracey Moloney AKA The Legal Queen joins us on the podcast again this week, this time we're talking about children and grandparents. Do "grandparents' rights" exist? And how can a child be protected from manipulation at the hands of a bitter ex-partner?

    Find The Legal Queen on TikTok.

    Note: Tracey specialises in English and Welsh law only, and this episode does not constitute legal advice.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    120. Protecting Yourself - The Legal Queen, Part 1

    120. Protecting Yourself - The Legal Queen, Part 1

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    From spotting insidious emotional abuse in the courtroom to surviving divorce proceedings against a narcissist, we're hearing practical guidance and legal insights from family law solicitor Tracey Moloney AKA The Legal Queen! 

    This week we're focusing on how to protect yourself during divorce and separation, but fear not - Tracey returns next week to chat about the rights around children and grandparents.

    Find The Legal queen on TikTok.

    Note: Tracey specialises in English and Welsh law only, and this episode does not constitute legal advice.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    119. Do I Have to Lose Everyone?

    119. Do I Have to Lose Everyone?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    TW: child loss, sexual assault

    This week our listener describes living in the shadow of her stillborn sister, as the "replacement child" that didn't stand a chance in a toxic household. Between manipulation and weaponising her disability, her mother has continued to spread the narrative that our listener is volatile, cruel and hateful. She asks if by going no contact, does she really have to lose the family connection she craves?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    118. How Do I Protect My Sister?

    118. How Do I Protect My Sister?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    Our listener begins to spot red flags in her brother-in-law's behaviour, including massive invasions of privacy and public shaming of their children. She's worried his ultra-religious views and need for control have not only traumatised his wife, but her children are at risk too. Our listener asks if her sister is somehow enabling his abuse, and more importanly how can she protect her?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on..

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    117. How Do I Deal With The Anger?

    117. How Do I Deal With The Anger?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    Desperate for closure after a string of abusive relationships throughout her life, our listener can't help but cling on to rage and even hatred towards those who wronged her. As acknowledgment and atonement grow ever more unlikely, she asks how to deal with the hurt and anger.

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    116. Why Can’t I Cry?

    116. Why Can’t I Cry?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    After a nasty outburst on a family holiday, our listener this week is struggling with words from her mother that can’t be unsaid. As the insults chip away at her self-esteem, examples of toxic behaviour in childhood bubble to the surface and she’s questioning everything she thought she knew about her role in the family. But is she really unlovable, a bad mother, and ‘broken’?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    TW: This episode talks about sexual abuse.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    115. Should I Confront Her?

    115. Should I Confront Her?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    Our listener this week recalls a family conversation about her grandmother’s toxic behaviour. However, her mother is oblivious to how she displayed the same behaviour, and the lasting effects it had on our listener. Despite her mother’s difficult relationship with alcohol and emotional manipulation, our listener doesn’t want to rock the boat by saying how she’s feeling and asks, can there ever be healing in confrontation?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    114. Can I Protect Myself & Keep My Siblings?

    114. Can I Protect Myself & Keep My Siblings?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    Growing up in the shadow of her siblings, our listener has recognised the toxic traits that were always excused and enabled. Despite going low contact, she's struggling with the idea of giving up on her siblings when she's been taught that "family is everything". Can a relationship with her siblings be salvaged, and should it?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    113. Mother in Law + Trauma = Smothering. What Do I Do?

    113. Mother in Law + Trauma = Smothering. What Do I Do?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    Our listener this week shares how her kind and generous mother-in-law is "the nicest person you could ever wish to meet", with an enticing ability to keep the peace. But digging deeper, it appears there's so much more to her fawning and people-pleasing behaviour. As worry and exhaustion bubble to the surface, our listener asks how she can protect someone that doesn't believe they deserve protecting?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

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