
    6/29/21: Syria Bombs, Unemployment Benefits, BlackRock's Power, Tax Cuts, Mike Gravel, Cancel Culture, Loss of Friendship, Facebook, and More!

    enJune 29, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • US Cellular's campaign to reset our connection with technology, Consumer Cellular's affordable plans, and new retirement product for womenUS Cellular encourages us to disconnect for five hours, Consumer Cellular offers affordable wireless plans, Gainbridge introduces a new retirement product for women, and US military interventions in Syria face criticism and legal challenges

      Our relationship with technology, specifically smartphones, can be distracting and US Cellular encourages us to put them down for five hours as part of a campaign to reset our connection. Additionally, Consumer Cellular offers affordable wireless plans for those looking to save money. For women, Gainbridge introduces the parity flex annuity, designed to provide guaranteed retirement income that can't be outlived. The hosts of Breaking Points appeal for support to continue their independent media mission. In the news, Glenn Greenwald criticizes the financial incentives behind US military interventions in Syria, with Lloyd Austin, former Raytheon board member and current Secretary of Defense, playing a key role. The antitrust movement suffered a setback with a judge's ruling against the states and FTC in a case against Facebook. President Biden's bombing of Syria raises questions about the legality and motivations behind US military interventions in the region.

    • U.S. military actions against Iranian militias in Syria and IraqThe U.S. has continued to expand executive power through self-defensive strikes against Iranian militias, lacking clear constitutional justification and leading to potential endless conflicts and justifications for future interventions.

      The ongoing U.S. military actions against Iranian militias in Syria and Iraq, which are framed as self-defensive but lack clear constitutional justification, demonstrate a dangerous precedent of executive power expansion. The Obama, Trump, and now Biden administrations have continued this trend, leading to potential endless cycles of conflict and justification for further military interventions. This situation is complicated by the fact that these strikes occur on Syrian and Iraqi soil but are messaged as targeting Iran, creating public confusion. The defense industry and domestic messaging are also potential motivators for these actions. Despite the lack of clear constitutional justification, some political figures, like Nancy Pelosi, have publicly supported these strikes, further abdicating Congress's war powers. Ultimately, the U.S.'s continued military involvement in these conflicts, without clear justification or congressional oversight, poses significant risks and sets a dangerous precedent for future administrations.

    • Expansion of War-Making Powers Without Congressional AuthorizationThe executive branch has expanded its war-making powers without proper congressional authorization or oversight, setting a dangerous precedent for authoritarianism and lawlessness in foreign policy.

      Over the past decade, the executive branch has significantly expanded its war-making powers without proper congressional authorization or oversight. This trend began with the Obama administration's bombing of Libya without congressional approval and has continued under both the Trump and Biden administrations. This lack of accountability to the American people is a cause for concern as it sets a dangerous precedent for authoritarianism and lawlessness in foreign policy. The founders intentionally included checks and balances in the Constitution to ensure the people have a say in war-making decisions, but these safeguards have been largely disregarded in recent years. It is essential that Congress takes action to reassert its role in authorizing military interventions and holding the executive branch accountable for its use of military force. While there have been some voices of dissent in Congress, more action is needed to prevent the normalization of this trend and protect the constitutional balance of powers.

    • Government spending priorities: Military vs Domestic IssuesPoliticians and media push for cutting unemployment benefits instead of addressing root causes, but early data suggests this approach may be counterproductive. Perception of welfare and government's role in supporting citizens is a larger issue.

      The US government's spending priorities continue to favor military interventions over domestic issues like housing and social welfare. The recent debate over unemployment benefits is an example of this, as politicians and media figures have pushed for cutting benefits instead of addressing the root causes of unfilled jobs and low wages. However, early data suggests that this approach is not effective, and may even be counterproductive. Meanwhile, a significant portion of the population continues to support cutting unemployment benefits, indicating a larger issue with the perception of welfare and the role of the government in supporting its citizens. Ultimately, this raises the question of what a healthy labor market looks like, and whether it should prioritize workers' needs or employers' convenience.

    • The Great Rethink: Workers Reevaluating Careers Amidst UncertaintyThe pandemic has led to a mass reevaluation of careers, with many workers considering new opportunities and even relocations. Policymakers should provide direct financial aid and certainty to help workers make informed decisions, while businesses need to adapt to attract and retain talent with better wages, benefits, and working conditions.

      The ongoing debate about the extension of unemployment benefits in the US reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of people as interchangeable "widgets" in the labor market. The pandemic has given many individuals a chance to reassess their jobs and consider new opportunities, leading to a mass reevaluation of their careers and even relocations. This trend, often referred to as the "great rethink," has affected both white-collar and blue-collar workers alike. The ideal policy response would have provided direct financial aid and certainty, allowing workers to make informed decisions about their future careers without the instability of an uncertain job market. Ultimately, the ongoing labor shortage and mass resignations are a consequence of the pandemic's forced reset, and businesses and policymakers need to adapt to this new reality by offering better wages, benefits, and working conditions to attract and retain talent.

    • Priority on affordable wages for workersShift in societal values prioritizing workers' wages can lead to increased consumer costs but is necessary for workers' livelihoods, and policies can support both workers and businesses

      There's a need for a societal shift in values, where affordable wages for workers become a priority over cheap goods and services. This shift can lead to increased costs for consumers, but it's important to remember that large corporations can absorb a significant portion of these costs. The reality is that many workers, especially those with families, require higher wages to live comfortably. The current situation, where workers have little power, is unsustainable and has led to a lack of benefits and fair compensation. This doesn't have to be a zero-sum game, and policies can be implemented to support both workers and businesses. However, the challenge lies in the unwillingness of many to engage in meaningful policy changes. Instead, we continue to focus on short-term gains and ignore the long-term consequences for workers.

    • BlackRock's Central Role in Government's Response to PandemicDuring the pandemic, BlackRock, led by CEO Larry Fink, had intimate knowledge of US financial policy and profited significantly while top officials consulted frequently with the firm.

      During the pandemic crisis, BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, played a central role in the government's response. Top US officials, including the Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin, and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, consulted frequently with BlackRock's CEO, Larry Fink. Emails and calendar records show that Fink was involved in the rescue package, referring to it as a project he was working on with the Fed. Former BlackRock aides, Larry Kudlow and Brian Deese, also held top positions in the White House. This suggests that BlackRock had intimate knowledge of American financial policy before it was even announced and profited tremendously during the pandemic. Despite criticism, the Fed acted to stabilize the financial system and prevent runaway inflation. However, the revelation of these close ties raises questions about who wields influence in shaping American policy.

    • Appointment of Wall Street figures in administrationsWall Street's influence extends to key political positions and tax avoidance methods, like Roth IRAs, contribute to wealth accumulation for the wealthy, raising questions about fairness and IRS enforcement.

      The relationship between Wall Street and political figures, such as Trump, Obama, and Biden, remains strong. This is evident in the appointment of Wall Street figures into key positions within their administrations. Furthermore, the financial system allows for significant tax avoidance through legal means, as demonstrated by Peter Thiel's use of a Roth IRA to amass a $5,000,000,000 tax-free fortune. This raises questions about the fairness of the current tax system and the ability of the IRS to enforce tax laws on the wealthy. Despite the controversy surrounding the release of tax information, it is essential to understand how the wealthy are able to minimize their tax liabilities.

    • Illegal tax cheating among billionairesIllegal tax evasion by billionaires raises concerns about fairness and the country's priorities, with the estate tax proposed as a potential solution to capture untaxed wealth.

      While there are legal tax avoidance schemes being used by the wealthy, there is also a significant amount of illegal tax cheating occurring among billionaires. This issue goes beyond fairness and raises concerns about the country's priorities and the growing wealth gap. The estate tax is proposed as a solution to capture untaxed wealth, as it is the only legal way to do so. The American aristocracy, or the perpetuation of intergenerational wealth among the wealthy, is a concern that goes against the American belief in equal opportunities. Politicians, such as Congressman Josh Gottheimer, continue to advocate for tax policies that disproportionately benefit the wealthy, further exacerbating the issue.

    • Democratic Party pushes for SALT deduction reinstatement despite progressive oppositionThe Democratic Party's push for SALT deduction reinstatement raises tension between progressive and moderate wings, as some progressives view it as a tax break for the rich.

      The ongoing debate in Congress over the State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction has come to a point where the Democratic Party, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, is pushing for its reinstatement, despite initial opposition from progressives. The SALT deduction primarily benefits high-income earners in high-tax states like New York and California. Bernie Sanders, a prominent progressive, had previously criticized the deduction as a tax break for the rich. However, the Democratic leadership's stance on the issue has raised concerns among progressives, who fear it sends the wrong message about the party's priorities. The situation highlights the ongoing tension between the progressive and moderate wings of the Democratic Party and the challenges they face in passing legislation with narrow margins.

    • Mike Gravel's Legacy and the Need for Moral ClarityLowering Medicare age is a step forward, but true change requires moral clarity and challenging the status quo, as exemplified by Mike Gravel's actions.

      While lowering the Medicare age by five years is an improvement, it falls short of what Americans truly need, which was previously advocated through the Medicare for all movement. The passing of American hero Mike Gravel, who fearlessly challenged the status quo, serves as a reminder of the importance of moral clarity and speaking truth to power, despite potential backlash and marginalization. Gravel's actions, such as reading the Pentagon Papers into the congressional record, revealed the hidden truths behind significant war-making decisions and challenged the assumptions of the time. Despite being dismissed as a kook by mainstream media, Gravel's legacy continues to inspire and impact American politics, even in his old age.

    • GOP figures' reactions to Gwen Berry's protestDespite advocating for free speech, some GOP figures showed inconsistency by criticizing Olympic hammer thrower Gwen Berry for protesting during the national anthem, calling for her removal from the team.

      While the modern GOP frequently criticizes cancel culture and advocates for free speech, they have shown inconsistency in their stance, as seen in their reactions to Olympic hammer thrower Gwen Berry's protest during the national anthem. Berry, who turned her back to the flag and covered her head with a t-shirt, was heavily criticized by several Republican figures, including Dan Crenshaw and Mike Huckabee, who called for her removal from the Olympic team. However, these same figures have previously expressed concerns about cancel culture and censorship. The hypocrisy displayed by these individuals highlights the complexities and nuances surrounding free speech and the application of these principles in various contexts.

    • Control over acceptable contentBoth liberals and conservatives want control over what is considered acceptable content, but their approaches differ, leading to inconsistencies and confusion.

      Both liberals and conservatives have conflicting views on cancel culture and censorship, but ultimately, they both want control over what is considered acceptable content. Conservatives want to be the ones doing the censoring, while liberals want tech companies to censor content from their ideological opponents. However, this desire for control can lead to inconsistencies and confusion. For instance, a channel like Right Wing Watch, which reposts verbatim right-wing content, was temporarily banned from YouTube, but some liberals argue that the reposted content should be allowed. This inconsistency raises questions about who gets to decide what content is acceptable and why. The quote from Carl Sagan about the potential loss of critical thinking and connection in a service and information economy adds to the conversation about the impact of technology on our society and the importance of open dialogue and critical thinking. Ultimately, if we are confident in the merit of our ideas, we should advocate for openness and the ability to present our ideas on an equal playing field. Silencing dissent only reveals a lack of confidence in the strength of our arguments.

    • Decrease in Close Friends and Increasing Work HoursThe professional managerial class's increasing work hours and travel requirements have led to a decrease in close friendships and an increase in those reporting having none. This trend, driven by a few powerful entities, can come at the cost of important aspects of life, such as community.

      The number of Americans reporting having close friends has significantly decreased over the years, with a notable increase in those reporting having none. The main cause seems to be the increasing work hours and travel requirements. Americans are now more likely to make friends at work than anywhere else. This trend, driven by the professional managerial class, has led to a loss of community for many Americans. The elites have structured the economy in a way that requires most people to live and prioritize work in the same way. The recent court decision dismissing antitrust lawsuits against Facebook, worth $1 trillion, highlights the power and influence of a few in our society, which can come at the cost of important aspects of life, such as close relationships and community. It's crucial for us to recognize the value of these connections and work towards creating a society that prioritizes them.

    • Judge dismisses antitrust cases against Facebook, raising concerns about FTC's ability to regulate tech monopoliesJudge's dismissal of antitrust cases against Facebook highlights challenges in regulating tech monopolies and importance of strong antitrust enforcement. FTC criticized for lacking concrete evidence of Facebook's market power.

      The ongoing debate in Congress about the strength of laws against tech firms, including monopolies, was highlighted last week when a judge dismissed antitrust cases against Facebook. The judge's decision, which can be appealed, raised concerns about the judiciary's deference to monopoly power and the FTC's ability to effectively make the case that Facebook is a monopolist. The judge criticized the FTC for not providing enough concrete evidence of Facebook's market power and dismissed the case in its entirety, except for the claim about Facebook's acquisitions of Instagram and WhatsApp. The FTC was given 30 days to refile the complaint with more specific evidence. The decision underscores the challenges of regulating tech monopolies and the importance of robust antitrust enforcement.

    • Facebook Dismissal Fuels Calls for Stricter Antitrust LawsThe dismissal of the antitrust case against Facebook has renewed debate on stricter antitrust laws and more government intervention in tech industries, due to concerns over monopolies, high prices, and limited competition.

      The recent dismissal of the antitrust case against Facebook by a judge has added fuel to the fire for those advocating for stricter antitrust laws and more government intervention in tech industries. The behavior exhibited by Facebook, which involves crushing rivals and maintaining monopolies, is not unique to the tech industry but is prevalent across various sectors, leading to high prices, lower wages, and limited competition. The judge's decision not to view Facebook as a monopoly has raised concerns among lawmakers, who are now considering making antitrust laws stricter and removing discretion from judges in making such claims. The case has also brought up the question of whether social media companies are natural monopolies that require public utility-like regulations to ensure equal access for all. While it's unclear if social networking fits this description, the traditional American remedy for such situations is public utility law, which would involve the government setting prices, terms, and conditions for these vital social resources. Overall, the dismissal of the case against Facebook has highlighted the need for a more robust antitrust framework to address the growing power of tech giants and ensure fair competition.

    • Updates on rewards for premium members and show sponsorsHosts Matt and Breaking Points appreciate listener support, share updates on premium member rewards, and thank US Cellular for sponsoring the show. They also promote BetterHelp and Cambridge's parity flex annuity.

      The hosts of the show, Matt and Breaking Points, are committed to maintaining editorial independence and appreciate the support of their audience. They also shared updates on rewards for premium members, including personalized plaques and credit recognition. Despite the technical challenges, they assured that everything will be updated by Thursday's show. They encouraged listeners to leave positive reviews to help spread the word and thanked US Cellular for encouraging people to put down their phones and US Cellular for sponsoring the show. Additionally, they promoted BetterHelp's online therapy services and Cambridge's parity flex annuity for women's unique retirement needs.

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