
    6. Lessons from 100 days of clarity - part 2

    enMay 01, 2020

    About this Episode

    My "100 days of clarity" revealed some central themes and challenges that people struggle with when they're seeking greater clarity. In this episode, I share what these are and how you can navigate them if you're in a similar situation. 

    I share how to overcome the challenge of being multi-passionate, tips for navigating tough decisions, why "should-ing" isn't helping anyone - and lots more!

    Ready to start uncovering clarity in your business or life? Book a free 30-minute call here

    Recent Episodes from The Clarity Podcast

    35. My Childfree Choice

    35. My Childfree Choice

    Listen as I share all about my decision to be childfree, and what my journey to get there looked like. Plus, I'm answering your questions about my childfree choice, and announcing my brand-new projects, Kids or Childfree.

    As mentioned in the show:

    On the fence about whether kids or chidfree is the path for you? Find support and resources in my new website: https://www.kidsorchildfree.com

    Find Kids or Childfree on TikTok here: https://www.tiktok.com/@kidsorchildfree

    And on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/kidsorchildfree

    Hear me share my story on We Are Childfree: https://wearechildfree.com/stories/podcasts/21-keltie-maguire

    34. Are you having fun yet?

    34. Are you having fun yet?

    Yes, running a business can be a tough slog at times. But if you're not having any fun in the process, then what are you even doing? In this episode, I'll share how you can infuse more fun into your business — and the payoff in doing so.

    As mentioned in the show:

    Connect with me on the following social media channels, and let me know what you thought of today's The Clarity Podcast episode!

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/keltiemaguire
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keltiemaguire

    33. What do you need?

    33. What do you need?

    How well-attuned are you to your own needs? 

    In this episode, I share the power of listening to and honoring your needs and a few simple ways you can do so:

    - Ask yourself this simple question: What do I need? 
    - Start honoring your needs in small ways, once per day
    - Remind yourself how your needs serve you and others 

    As mentioned in the show:

    Get my free 4-Question Guide To Help Uncover What You Want, here: https://www.keltiemaguire.com/4-questions-to-help-uncover-what-you-want

    32. Inspiration follows the doing

    32. Inspiration follows the doing

    Have you greeted this new year with a reluctant, feet-dragging sense of, "Ugh, do I have to?"

    If you wish you were bubbling over with ideas, inspiration, and excitement — but just can't seem to get there — this episode is for you.

    In it, you'll hear about how and why inspiration follows the doing, and different ways you can get moving, including: 

    - Setting the bar low
    - Getting connected
    - Embracing exploration 
    - Using an accountability buddy 

    As mentioned in the show:

    Check out my Podcast Power Day friend, Ryan Spence's podcast, The Triple C Project: https://www.iamryanspence.com/podcast

    Get my free 4-Question Guide to Help Uncover What YOU Want here: https://www.keltiemaguire.com/4-questions-to-help-uncover-what-you-want

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Clarity Podcast if you loved this episode! 


    The Clarity Podcast
    enJanuary 20, 2023

    31. The thing that keeps me stuck (and 3 things I'm doing about it)

    31. The thing that keeps me stuck (and 3 things I'm doing about it)

    Do you struggle with perfectionism? Me too.

    In this episode I share 3 things I'm doing to overcome my perfectionistic tendencies:

    - Embracing the idea that "something is better than nothing"
    - Starting before I'm ready
    - I'm paying people to tell me what to do

    As mentioned in the show:

    Join my free January 17th event, Clear & Connected: The Check-In, here: https://bit.ly/clear-connected-new-year

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review The Clarity Podcast if you loved this episode! 

    30. Think you're starting over? Think again

    30. Think you're starting over? Think again

    Have you ever thought or uttered the words, "I'm starting all over!" Maybe you're currently embarking on a new phase of work or life. If you're familiar with the feeling that you're starting from scratch, and the frustration that can bring, this episode is for you. 

    As mentioned in the show:

    Instagram — instagram.com/keltiemaguire

    LinkedIn — linkedin.com/in/keltiemaguire 

    All of the details on my 7-week online course, Get Clarity, here: keltiemaguire.com/get-clarity-course

    The Clarity Podcast
    enSeptember 05, 2022

    29. This question changed everything for me

    29. This question changed everything for me
    If you're currently at a crossroads and considering a major professional or personal change, this episode explores the question I asked myself when my husband and I were deciding whether to relocate to Germany. Ready to move beyond fear and embrace greater possibilities in your life? This question has the power to change everything.

    As mentioned in the show: Get on the waitlist for my upcoming Get Clarity course: https://www.keltiemaguire.com/get-clarity-course-waitlist
    The Clarity Podcast
    enApril 10, 2022

    27. Clarity is a journey—not a destination

    27. Clarity is a journey—not a destination

    Clarity isn't an endpoint we arrive at and call ourselves "finished" but, rather, an ongoing journey and evolution. In this episode, I share more on the idea of clarity as a journey and how the last few months in my own business and life illustrate this. 

    As mentioned in the show:

    Visit my online home here: www.keltiemaguire.com
    Get your ticket for my February 23rd workshop, Uncover What You Desire, here

    Connect with me on Instagram or LinkedIn and let me know what you thought of this episode.

    And don't forget: if you're loving The Clarity Podcast, leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes!

    The Clarity Podcast
    enFebruary 14, 2022

    26. Best of the Book: Dr. Benjamin Hardy & Dan Sullivan's The Gap and the Gain

    26. Best of the Book: Dr. Benjamin Hardy & Dan Sullivan's The Gap and the Gain

    Discover some of my favorite ideas from authors Dr. Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan's brand-new book, "The Gap and the Gain: The High Achiever's Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success".

    You'll hear:

    + What GAP vs. GAIN thinking entails
    + Why happiness isn't something you pursue
    + The difference between harmonious and obsessive passion 
    + Why you should always "measure backward"

    ...and lots more!

    Connect with me on Instagram or LinkedIn and let me know what you thought of this episode.

    And don't forget: if you're loving The Clarity Podcast, leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes.