
    About this Episode

    Back fresh from LA, Mareena shares her greatest learning from her experience when living life through the intelligence of the heart and how suprising and joyful life can be. Learning to embrace the unknown and creating opportunities to build emotional fitness, Mareena shares in this episode how you can build a healthy relationship with uncertainty. 

    Recent Episodes from The Heart Smart Leader

    19. Three Keys to Be Alive in Leadership

    19. Three Keys to Be Alive in Leadership

    Let's become alive in leadership!

    We are two months into the year, holiday festivities are a distant memory, new years resolutions may have ceased, so its a great time to sink our teeth into who we want to BE as a leader in 2024. 

    Join Mareena as she shares her 3 key questions for all leaders to ask themselves. These questions will reinvigorate why you lead and have you feeling alive and inspired to lead yourself and others with greater love. 

    Mareena also shares how living in alignment, and intune with her heart led her to know this episode is the season finale!

    Don't miss the season finale of The Heart Smart Leader. 



    18. Reasons for Seasons and Books on the Shelf

    18. Reasons for Seasons and Books on the Shelf

    Have you ever wondered why things happen in life, like the time you met your partner or best friend. Or the timing of when you found the perfect car, or stumbled across the best cafe that turned out to be your next employer. Times in your life when things seemed to fall into place. 

    Or maybe these days life does not seem so magical, as we have been hurt or let down and we don't have many people we can trust. 

    Join Mareena as she shares the lessons she has learnt from the books that sit on her shelf unread for years and the joy they can bring with the perfect timing.

    This episode reminds us of the wonders life has to offer to those that are ready to see it - is your heart open or closed?


    17. Get Perspective on Leadership

    17. Get Perspective on Leadership


    Sometimes we can get caught in the microdetails of the day to day and forget to zoom out and see the overall perspective. 

    But whats even great is when we can start to see the world, the business, the team from the eyes of others. 

    Join Mareena as she shares the power of perspective to increase your leadership impact and business efficiency. She also shares her recent experience of visiting a large coffee chain to see perspective in action. 


    When we get perspective, we really start to inspire and make a difference to those we lead. 

    16. Ask Yourself This Question

    16. Ask Yourself This Question

    How often do you ask yourself questions? 

    Have you asked yourself the question that could spark fulfillment in your life?

    Join Mareena as she shares the pivitol moment she discovered with her husband, that has changed the direction of what she expects out of life. 

    Asking this question, shifted the standards for her relationships, wellbeing, leadership and so much more! 

    Join us to discover the question that may be the spark you're looking for.

    ..... and also to see if Daniel invited himself back for his second episode :-)


    15. Improve relationships by design

    15. Improve relationships by design

    In this episode, Mareena is joined by her first guest, her husband Daniel to share what they have recently learnt about each other, through using 'Human Design'. 

    Improving relationships is a very effective way to improve performance in leadership and life, and in this episode Mareena and Daniel shares how using 'Human Design' can be a very useful guide to help us at work, but also in personal relationships. 

    Learning to embrace all our parts is what helps us find alignment in life and learning to live as the magnificent human we were created to be. 

    After 25 years of marriage, they are still learning about each other in what they call a 'dance' of what life has to offer. Its available to everyone, if we are open to recieving it. 




    14. The key to growth is all around us

    14. The key to growth is all around us

    Is it our jobs as leaders to know everything?

    As a parent, do you know everything?

    Of course not! That's the joy of being human and the adventure of our experience on earth.

    So how do we learn and grow if we don't know? 

    Join Mareena in this episode as she shares:

    • The key to growth and how accessible it really is when we know we have access to it. 
    • How we can avoid some awkward moments when we know to ask for it, and we're open to receiving it.
    • How we can learn it from our collegues, our leaders, our parents, our children, our partners....

    Are we really ready to grow? 

    Ask for it, recieve it and get ready to launch into your highest potential. 



    13. Leading from Mediocre to Meaningful Conversations

    13. Leading from Mediocre to Meaningful Conversations

    Starting a new year as a leader of a team and business can feel very refreshing, and also full of pressure on what to focus on first. 

    Join us in this episode as Mareena shares the number one activity that is recommended to have your team engaged and fired up for a great 2024. 

    If you are after greater connection, clarity and confidence, prioritising this one action will make a big difference to the performance of your team and your effectiveness as a leader. 

    No more wasting time with mediocre conversations, we're moving to meaningful! 

    12. What happens when being busy stops

    12. What happens when being busy stops

    It's the end of the year and the long awaited break from work has arrived! 

    .....but why do we find ourselves still busy? Can being busy ever stop?

    We all know about the benefits of rest, so what happens over the Christmas / New Year break when our work stops? 

    To ensure you don't return to work as exhausted as you left, tune in with Mareena as she shares some helpful insights about what might be going on for you, and how to ensure we find peace this festive season. 




    11. Feel the loss to sustain the change.

    11. Feel the loss to sustain the change.

    Why can leading change sometimes be so hard with people, especially sustaining change. 

    Join Mareena as she explores the heart of leading change, how we can improve the effectiveness of implementing and most of all sustaining it. 

    When we consider both the head and the heart of change management, we are more likely to achieve the desired outcome with a highly engaged team. 

    10. Our Response Creates Our Outcome

    10. Our Response Creates Our Outcome

    It's the festive time of year, we are wrapping up 2023, and emotions are elevated. 

    Maybe the year hasn't turned out as expected, maybe family gatherings are triggering more emotions, especially as we may be getting less sleep and still trying to get things done before the end of the year.

    With many events happening, and not alot of time to process how we feel about it all, how do we Leaders navigate uncertainty and our emotions in a 'heart smart' way. 

    Join Mareena as she brings normality to emotions, and a handy strategy that will help you build relationships and achieve better outcomes, regardless of how you might be feeling.