
    6 Trusted Truths The Penny Points Me To

    enApril 03, 2019
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    About this Episode


    In today’s episode, Jodi takes us on a unique journey where God revealed six trusted truths from a penny she found during a walk. She ends with some practical steps to create a natural habit in recognizing God throughout your day.

    There are some days that we feel down and out and need God to remind us that He has already equipped us to fight the battle, but it’s up to us to use the tools He placed before us.

    “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, put on the full armor of God…” (Ephesians 6:12-13)

    The following are six truths that can be trusted to point us to God: (Pennies printed from 2010-present have the shield on them.)

    1.)    The Union Shield >>> SHEILD OF FAITH

    “In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.” (Ephesians 6:16)

    “As for God, His way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; He shields all who take refuge in Him.” (2 Samuel 22:31)

    2.)    The Scroll draped across the shield “One Cent”>>>THE BELT OF TRUTH

    “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place.” (Ephesians 6:14)

    “Righteousness will be His belt and faithfulness the SASH around His waist.” (Isaiah 11:5 “)

    3.)    E Pluribus u num (out of many, One) The motto of the US at the top of the shield>>>ONE TRUE GOD

    “For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.” (1Timothy 2:5)

    “To you, it was shown that you might know that the Lord, He is God; there is no other besides Him.” (Deuteronomy 4:35)

    “Know therefore today, and take it to your heart, that the Lord, He is God in heaven above and on the earth below; there is no other.”  (Deuteronomy 4:39)

    “There is one body and one spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling. One Lord, One faith, One baptism, One God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4:4-6 “)

    4.)    IN GOD WE TRUST= (Has been inscribed on the front of the penny since 1909)

    “Some trust in Chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” (Psalm 20:7)

    “In that day they will say, “surely this is our God; we trusted in Him, and He saved us. This is the Lord, we trusted in Him; let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation.” (Isaiah 25:9)

    5.)    Liberty>>>FREEDOM IN CHRIST

    “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1)

    “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Galatians 5:13-14)

    6.)    The penny represents people that are marred and overlooked by others, but not by God.

    The following women are examples of marred lives redeemed and restored by our loving God. The world condemned them, but Jesus had compassion on them. Jesus saw them as valuable and worthy of His forgiveness and love. Look up their stories for a more in-depth study.

    ⇒    Some women healed of evil spirits:  Luke 8:2-3

    ⇒    Woman with Issue:  Luke 8: 42-50

    ⇒    Woman Caught in Adultery:  John 8:1-11

    ⇒    The woman at the Well:  John 4:1-42

    The following three scriptures are some encouraging truths from God’s word I want to share with you as I wrap this episode up.

    2 Corinthians 4:6

    “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.”

    Psalm 113:4-7

    “The Lord is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens. Who is like the Lord our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth? He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap.”

    Matthew 10:29-31

    “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.  And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So, don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

    When our minds focus on seeking His presence, then our thoughts will be held captive in Christ. It’s one of the ways I fight the battle on the battlefield of my mind. I believe it will be useful for you as well. If you are new at seeking His presence daily then begin with a simple practice of acknowledging Him several times throughout your day. Once you find that you are naturally doing that without much effort, then add prayers when you recognize Him. They don’t have to be long or complicated, nor do you have to be in a particular position. Simply converse with God. I believe once you’ve exercised these new habits you will find that God will begin opening your eyes to seek and see Him in the simple things.

    I would love to hear from you. Also, if this has blessed you please share it with a friend. If you would like to help me get the word out about "Pennies In Your Path" please take a minute to sign into iTunes and leave a review. Be blessed!

    Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

    Photo by Catherine McMahon on Unsplash

    Recent Episodes from Pennies In Your Path

    Finding Your Way from Disoriented Faith to Reoriented Hope

    Finding Your Way from Disoriented Faith to Reoriented Hope

    Becoming disoriented by our circumstances, such as receiving a life-threatening diagnosis, unmasking betrayal, or experiencing depression, can affect our faith. Listen in as Jodi draws inspiration from Abraham's faith compass, which was set toward God's faithfulness and sovereignty, even when God's promises seemed impossible. You will be encouraged to revisit your hope in your Creator with practical steps to regain clarity and direction.

    * Allow God to use you to spread His encouragement. Please share this by forwarding this episode or sharing it on social media. Also, leave a review so more can know about Pennies in Your Path!

    *Are you subscribed to this podcast yet?  I would love to have you join me on this faith journey.

    *Do you have a joke to share? LOL Click here and or send it to email@JodiAiken.com.

    Book Update:

    P.S. Some of you have asked for an update about my book. I am currently waiting for those edits to return! (Insert biting fingernails emoji)

    Pennies In Your Path
    enFebruary 15, 2024

    NEWS and a Word of Perspective

    NEWS and a Word of Perspective

    In this episode of "Pennies in Your Path," Jodi expresses her excitement about returning to the podcast after a short break. She announces her soon-to-be-released book, "Trust Issues," and also discusses the power of seeing through a spiritual lens. She draws inspiration from the story of Elisha in 2 Kings 6. You will be encouraged as she shares practical ways to gain a fresh perspective for the new year.

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    Pennies In Your Path
    enJanuary 18, 2024

    Obedience to The Lord Despite the Fears by A Missionary Friend

    Obedience to The Lord Despite the Fears by A Missionary Friend

    Have you ever experienced having your faith shaken by your fears? Join Jodi as she shares a message from the heart of a missionary friend. Many of us struggle with choosing to trust God with the scary things in life. If we work hard to overcome our doubts and let God take control, we will realize He is worth it all.


    *Sometimes, “pennies in your path” show up in the trials.


    Question: Are you struggling with placing your faith over your fears? If so, in what way?


    Growing Deeper-

    One Action Step Recognize that God keeps His promise, “And I will be with you” (Genesis 31:3). That promise is not an old promise but a current promise. God has not changed. He is the same God today that He was for Jacob. If you do not believe that, then wrestle down your unbelief with God.

    Scripture Plunge: Matthew 19:29, 28:19-20, Genesis 27:41, Genesis 31:3, Genesis 32, Genesis 33:4,  


    Are you in need of more encouragement during difficult days? Click here to access a free printable download.

    Do you need prayer? Contact Jodi by clicking here. Or email Jodi at email@JodiAiken.com.

    View more messages on my YouTube channel by clicking here.

    Would you like to receive a free printable of Jodi's "You Are..." affirmations? Click here!

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    Have you checked out the digital planner?

    It’s undated, so it’s not too late!

    I have created “My Inspirational Digital Planner” with you in mind. It will help you keep your mind on Christ throughout the year. I invite you to check it out by clicking here or visiting www.jodiaiken.com/product/myinspirationalplanner/

    It is common for people to ask me about the resources I use. So, I have created a space on my website to share some of my favorite things with you.I invite you to check it out by clicking here or visiting www.jodiaiken.com/shop-my-favorites/

    Pennies In Your Path
    enSeptember 14, 2023

    When the Fight Is Real & the Battle Is Hard with Stephanie Shott

    When the Fight Is Real & the Battle Is Hard with Stephanie Shott

    Have you ever walked through a wilderness season in your life…or felt stuck in your circumstances? Stephanie has been there. On today’s podcast, Stephanie shares how God helped her arise from her own wilderness experience and led her to arise and break free. Join Jodi in her conversation with author and speaker, Stephanie Shott, as she inspires us to cling to the promises, power, and provisions of God, the One you can always trust in times of need. 


    *Sometimes, “pennies in your path” show up in the wilderness.

    Question: What are you clinging to today?

    Growing Deeper-

    One Action Step: Acknowledge if you are in the wilderness. It’s okay not to be okay, but it is not okay to stay there. Be willing to do what it takes to arise out of your wilderness. That might mean letting go of anger, bitterness, and resentfulness so you can step out of the wilderness and step into the promises of God. 

    Scripture Plunge: Joshua 1:5, 2 Corinthians 1:20, Romans 8:17      


    About the Author:

    Stephanie Shott is the founder of The M.O.M. Initiative, a ministry devoted to making mentoring intentionally missional. She is an author and a popular speaker who helps women live full, fearless, and faithful lives. To find out more about Stephanie or to check her availability to speak at your next event, visit her website at www.stephanieshott.com. To learn more about The M.O.M. Initiative or how you can begin a M.O.M. Mentor Group in your area, visit www.themominitiative.com. You can also find her bible study on The Book Of Ecclesiastes on Amazon www.amazon.com/stores/Stephanie-Shott/author/

    You can connect with Stephanie on Facebook  Instagram   Twitter


    Listen to my interview with Stephanie in 2019. Her dynamic testimony from being a throw-away girl to a new creation in Christ will inspire you. This episode is titled-The Making of a MOM

    *To watch this episode, visit my YouTube Channel, “Pennies in Your Path.” If you are listening from my Website, you can also listen on most any podcast app at “Pennies in Your Path.”  

    I invite you to listen to the Hope Filled Conversations podcast, where I co-host with Carolyn Reese. We enjoy exploring the Word of God together and hope that our listeners feel included in our conversations.

    I also want to invite you to listen to the My Home My Mission podcast. Mine and Carolyn’s husbands share impactful biblical insights toward our God-given responsibility of being the primary faith trainers in our homes. They focus on some of life’s greatest challenges that present themselves in the home.

    Would you like to begin receiving updates from Jodi in your inboxClick here to subscribe

    Are you in need of more encouragement during difficult days? Click here to access a free printable download.

    Do you need prayer? Contact Jodi by clicking here. Or email Jodi at email@JodiAiken.com.

    Also, let us connect! Follow me at these places below and say hi!


    Have you checked out the digital planner?

    It’s undated, so it’s not too late!

    I have created “My Inspirational Digital Planner” with you in mind. It will help you keep your mind on Christ throughout the year. I invite you to check it out by clicking here or visiting www.jodiaiken.com/product/myinspirationalplanner/

    It is common for people to ask me about the resources I use. So, I have created a space on my website to share some of my favorite things with you.I invite you to check it out by clicking here or visiting www.jodiaiken.com/shop-my-favorites/

    Pennies In Your Path
    enAugust 17, 2023

    God’s Delays aren’t God’s Denials with Lacy Rae Griffin

    God’s Delays aren’t God’s Denials with Lacy Rae Griffin

    Join Jodi and Lacy Rae Griffin as they delve into how our beliefs influence our actions, results, and success. In addition, they discuss how regular prayer, worship, fasting, and fellowship can impact our spiritual journeys. You'll be inspired by Lacy's message as a Holistic Nutrition Health and Weight Loss Coach, which aims to help Christian women who feel tired, stuck, and defeated in their health find joy, energy, and hope.


    *Sometimes, “pennies in your path” show up when God delays.

    Question: What do you believe about God and about yourself in the current battles you are facing? 

    Growing Deeper-

    One Action Step:  Read Acts 2:42-45. What is one of the spiritual disciplines from Acts 2:42 that you will focus on this week? 

    Scripture Plunge: John 11:1-44; Acts 1-2 

    About the Author:

    Lacy is a speaker, pastor's wife, homeschool mom, fitness instructor, and Holistic Nutrition Health & Weight Loss Coach. Her mission is to help Christian women who feel tired, stuck, and defeated in their health discover joy, energy, and hope through 1-on-1 coaching, speaking, and gut/nutrition supplementation because life's too short to let anything hold you back from fulfilling your purpose!

    Connect with Lacy:

    Website: www.lacyraegriffin.com


    Email: livehealthy@lacyraegriffin.com

    *To watch this episode, visit my YouTube Channel, “Pennies in Your Path.” If you are listening from my Website, you can also listen on most any podcast app at “Pennies in Your Path.” 

    I invite you to listen to the Hope Filled Conversations podcast, where I co-host with Carolyn Reese. We enjoy exploring the Word of God together and hope that our listeners feel included in our conversations.

    Would you like to begin receiving updates from Jodi in your inboxClick here to subscribe

    Are you in need of more encouragement during difficult days? Click here to access a free printable download.

    Do you need prayer? Contact Jodi by clicking here. Or email Jodi at email@JodiAiken.com.

    Also, let us connect! Follow me at these places below and say hi!


    Have you checked out the digital planner?

    It’s undated, so it’s not too late!

    I have created “My Inspirational Digital Planner” with you in mind. It will help you keep your mind on Christ throughout the year. I invite you to check it out by clicking here or visiting www.jodiaiken.com/product/myinspirationalplanner/


    "Focus on the Prize with Suzanne Clark: No Time for Horsing Around”

    "Focus on the Prize with Suzanne Clark: No Time for Horsing Around”

    Are you running your race well? Is there a “Yes” in your spirit?  Look no further than the Word of God for countless examples of those who ran their race well. Join Jodi and Suzanne Clark as they discuss the inspiring story of Dan the horse, the significance of the great cloud of witnesses, and how to live your life for an audience of One. Suzanne Clark, the author of Cry Out to Jesus and Blessed Be the Tie, is a self-professed lover of words and, more importantly, the Word of God. 


    *Sometimes, “pennies in your path” show up in the “Faith Hall of Fame.”


    Question: If God desired to use only you to fulfill a specific purpose, is there a “Yes, Lord” in your spirit?

    Growing Deeper-

    One Action Step:  Decide to live your life for an audience of One. Put aside anything that is hindering you from running your race well.  Be willing to say “Yes” to whatever He is calling you to do. Remember, He is your purpose!


    Scripture Plunge: Isaiah 40:31, Matthew 11:30, Hebrews 11; 12:1-2


    About the Author:

    Suzanne Clark is a gifted storyteller whose simple truths and spiritual messages will draw you in and tug on your heartstrings. She shares her passion for Jesus through the personal struggles of losing her one-month-old son, Zachary, to God’s transformational healing of her soul from brokenness to joy. She believes that life is too short not to laugh, love, and share your heart. Suzanne brings readers encouragement, inspiration, and Godly wisdom to their everyday life, all the while encouraging them to laugh along the way. Suzanne is the author of Cry Out to Jesus and Blessed Be the Tie. You can connect with her on Facebook and Instagram


    *To watch this episode, visit my YouTube Channel, “Pennies in Your Path.” If you are listening from my Website, you can also listen on most any podcast app at “Pennies in Your Path.” 

    I invite you to listen to the Hope Filled Conversations podcast, where I co-host with Carolyn Reese. We enjoy exploring the Word of God together and hope that our listeners feel included in our conversations.

    Would you like to begin receiving updates from Jodi in your inboxClick here to subscribe

    Are you in need of more encouragement during difficult days? Click here to access a free printable download.

    Do you need prayer? Contact Jodi by clicking here. Or email Jodi at email@JodiAiken.com.

    Also, let us connect! Follow me at these places below and say hi!


    Have you checked out the digital planner?

    It’s undated, so it’s not too late!

    I have created “My Inspirational Digital Planner” with you in mind. It will help you keep your mind on Christ throughout the year. I invite you to check it out by clicking here or visiting www.jodiaiken.com/product/myinspirationalplanner/

    It is common for people to ask me about the resources I use. So, I have created a space on my website to share some of my favorite things with you.I invite you to check it out by clicking here or visiting www.jodiaiken.com/shop-my-favorites/

    The Lord Our Righteousness Revives Us, with Debbie Taylor Williams

    The Lord Our Righteousness Revives Us, with Debbie Taylor Williams

    Do you long for a life filled with passion and purpose? A life where you can experience joy and determination while having a clear direction. Join Jodi as she interviews well-known author of the book, “Pray with Purpose and Live with Passion,” Debbie Taylor Williams. Her enthusiasm for the Lord is infectious and will motivate you to live a life filled with passion for Him.

    Question: How does praying to Righteous God encourage you?

    *Sometimes, “pennies in your path” show up when you refocus on God’s righteousness.

    Growing Deeper-

    One Action Step: In Debbie’s book, she writes about being transformed and living with passion through prayer. She walks you through what she calls, “Stop, Drop, and PRAY.”

    “The moment we smell a defeated attitude or sin overtaking us, we can stop and turn to God’s Word or stop and pray. Rather than walk in mediocrity or sin, we can drop to our knees in prayer. When, like Jesus, we stop, drop to our knees, and PRAY-Praise, Repent, Ask, and Yield-we’ll break free of the wilderness loop that keeps us tethered in sin and spiritual apathy. We’ll discover the joy of a transformed life!”

    Scripture Plunge: John &:38-39, Jeremiah 20:12, Psalm 119:40

    About the Author:

    Debbie’s desire to help others know God’s life-changing power led her to author 7 books, numerous Bible studies, including her latest online study, “End Times,” and keynote at conferences throughout the United States. Her P.R.A.Y. with Passion Across the Nation Conference, held in 47 states, is equipping Christians to pray more purposefully and live more passionately for Christ. The Hill Country Ministries website reaches thousands of people including 50 countries. You can find her teaching weekly at her church women’s Bible study or connect with her on  FacebookInstagramYouTubePodcastTwitter, Debbietaylorwilliams.com


    View this message on my YouTube channel by clicking here.

    Do you need prayer? Contact Jodi by clicking here. Or email Jodi at email@JodiAiken.com.

    Are you in need of more encouragement during difficult days? Click here to access a free printable download.



    I invite you to listen to the Hope Filled Conversations podcast, where I co-host with Carolyn Reese. We enjoy exploring the Word of God together and hope that our listeners feel included in our conversations.

    Also, lets connect! Follow me at these places below and say hi!



    Have you checked out the digital planner?

    It’s undated, so it’s not too late!

    I have created “My Inspirational Digital Planner” with you in mind. It will help you keep your mind on Christ throughout the year. I invite you to check it out by clicking here or visiting www.jodiaiken.com/product/myinspirationalplanner/

    How Can We Know God's Plans for Our Lives? with Jen Hubbell

    How Can We Know God's Plans for Our Lives? with Jen Hubbell

    Have you ever wondered what God’s Plan is for your life? It seems that every Christ-follower wants to know the answer to this question. How do we discern what path He desires us to take? Join Jodi and Jen Hubbell as they discuss how we can better know God and the plans He has prepared for us. You will not want to miss hearing about one of Jen’s experiences with God as He answered a prayer in an unexpected way. To learn more about Jen Hubbell, visit her website at YourFavoriteRealtorJen.kw.com.


    *Sometimes, “pennies in your path” show up when you need to trust God with your plans. 


    Question: What is an area in your life that you have planned for and haven’t asked God his opinion on? What would it look like if you did? Perhaps the path looks a little different than you thought.

    Growing Deeper-

    One Action Step: Write three goals for the year. Ask God if they are your goals or His. When your heart aligns with God’s, your goals are likely both yours and God's because the Lord often “gives us the desires of our heart” (meaning births them in us) for His purposes and His glory. If you don’t know, then ask.

     Jeremiah 33 says, “Ask of me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you do not know.” It doesn’t say, “Ask of me, and I won’t answer.”

    Scripture Plunge: Psalm 37:23, Proverbs 16:9, Jeremiah 33:3, John 10:27, 1 Corinthians 13:12  

    About the Author:

    Jen Hubbell is a fun, and an enthusiastic Christ-follower. She is also affectionately called by many “My Favorite Realtor!” She gets the job done with a smile! Her market knowledge is superior, SHE has great personality and —she's a TOP agent! She is licensed in BOTH NC & SC and serves Greenville | Hendersonville | Asheville & more. Jen responds quickly, treats every client like gold, and gets results. Call her for any real estate needs you have: 864.546.0548 Working with Jen, she’ll help you buy or sell the right home at the right price. You can connect with her on social media by searching Jennifer Hubbell or Jen Hubbell & Associates. Her website is MyFavoriteRealtorJen.kw.com

    Have you checked out the digital planner?

    It’s undated, so it’s not too late!

    I have created “My Inspirational Digital Planner” with you in mind. It will help you keep your mind on Christ throughout the year. I invite you to check it out by clicking here or visiting www.jodiaiken.com/product/myinspirationalplanner/

    It is common for people to ask me about the resources I use. So, I have created a space on my website to share some of my favorite things with you.I invite you to check it out by clicking here or visiting www.jodiaiken.com/shop-my-favorites/

    Are you in need of more encouragement during difficult days? Click here to access a free printable download.

    Do you need prayer? Contact Jodi by clicking here. Or email Jodi at email@JodiAiken.com.

    *To watch this episode, visit my YouTube Channel, “Pennies in Your Path.” If you are listening from my Website, you can also listen on most any podcast app at “Pennies in Your Path.”

    Click Here for this episode: https://youtu.be/8ktQndknN8U

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    The Sacrifice of Surrender with Dawn Mooring

    The Sacrifice of Surrender with Dawn Mooring

    Have you struggled with saying to God, “Your will be done”? Battling the flesh will always be a part of our lives no matter the depth of our faith. Join Jodi and her friend, Dawn Mooring, as they discuss the struggles of sacrificing our plans, goals and dreams for God’s better plans. 

    *Sometimes “pennies in your path” show up right before you surrender. 


    Question: Where have you found yourself sitting in the middle of disobedience?

    Growing Deeper-

    One Action Step: Ask God for forgiveness and worship Him with open hands and a willing heart yielding to His will. You can trust Him.

    Scripture Plunge: Jonah 1:6, 2:8-9, Jeremiah 33:11, Hebrews 13:15, Psalm 51

    About the Author: Connect with Dawn Mooring by visiting www.dawnmooring.com

    Her latest book When Lions Roar (How to Tame a Wild Tongue) is now available on Amazon.com. https://amzn.to/3kvNBaA

    Affiliate Disclosure: There are some affiliate links on this page, and I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post, but these are all products I highly recommend. I won’t put anything on this page in which I do not personally believe useful. There is no extra cost to you by using the links.


    Have you checked out the digital planner?

    It’s undated so it’s not too late!

    I have created “My Inspirational Digital Planner” with you in mind. It will help you keep your mind on Christ throughout the year. I invite you to check it out by clicking here or visiting www.jodiaiken.com/product/myinspirationalplanner/

    It is not unusual for people to ask me about the resources I use. So, I have created a space on my website to share with you some of my favorite things. I invite you to check it out by clicking here or visiting www.jodiaiken.com/shop-my-favorites/

    Are you in need of more encouragement during difficult days? Click here to access a free printable download.

    Do you need prayer? Contact Jodi by clicking here. Or email Jodi at email@JodiAiken.com.

    *To watch this episode, visit my YouTube Channel, “Pennies in Your Path.” If you are listening from my Website, you can also listen on most any podcast app at “Pennies in Your Path.”

    Would you like to begin receiving updates from Jodi in your inboxClick here to subscribe

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    4 Stages of Marriage with Chris Aiken

    4 Stages of Marriage with Chris Aiken

    Marriage takes work! There, I said it. No matter how secure you are in your relationship, there is never room to let your guard down if you wish to have a flourishing marriage. Join Jodi and her husband, Chris, as they share the four distinct stages of marriage they have discovered over time. Become aware of the stage you may be in and be encouraged to work toward the one that brings joy and fulfillment. 

    *Sometimes “pennies in your path” show up in your marriage. 


    Question: What stage of marriage are you in?

    Growing Deeper-

    One Action Step: Choose to be intentional this week by making time for one another or extend grace by assuming the best rather than the worst of your spouse, or flirt like you did when you dated, or meet your spouse's need that speaks love to them. Whatever you do, be sure to do something life-giving to your spouse.  

    Scripture Plunge: Song of Solomon 6:3


    I have created “My Inspirational Digital Planner” with you in mind. It will help you keep your mind on Christ throughout the year. I invite you to check it out by clicking here or visiting www.jodiaiken.com/product/myinspirationalplanner/

    It is not unusual for people to ask me about the resources I use. So, I have created a space on my website to share with you some of my favorite things. I invite you to check it out by clicking here or visiting www.jodiaiken.com/shop-my-favorites/

    Are you in need of more encouragement during difficult days? Click here to access a free printable download.

    Do you need prayer? Contact Jodi by clicking here. Or email Jodi at email@JodiAiken.com.

    *To watch this episode, visit my YouTube Channel, “Pennies in Your Path.” If you are listening from my Website, you can also listen on most any podcast app at “Pennies in Your Path.”

    Would you like to begin receiving updates from Jodi in your inboxClick here to subscribe

    Also, let us connect! Follow me at these places below and say hi!

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