
    617. Andy, Chadd Wright & DJ CTI: Trump Colorado Ballot Ruling, Epstein Client List & Banned Firearms

    enDecember 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing societal issues and identifying weaknessesIdentify weaknesses and address them through challenging workouts and experiences to grow and make a difference in the world.

      The "CTI Show" with Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz is a speculative talk show where they discuss current headlines, speculate on their validity, and provide solutions to societal issues. They also have segments like Q&A, real talk, full length episodes with guests, and "75 Hard Versus" for those who have completed the mental transformation program. The show is funded through listeners sharing it, and they aim to expose weaknesses and grind through challenges to grow. Chad Wright, a recurring guest, emphasized the importance of identifying and addressing weaknesses through tough workouts and experiences. The show encourages listeners to join in their mission to make a difference in the world.

    • The importance of selflessness in teamsDependability, skill, and selflessness are crucial for successful teams. Selflessness means putting teammates' needs before your own, creating an unstoppable team.

      Selflessness is crucial for a successful team. The speaker emphasized the importance of dependability, skill, and selflessness in teammates. Dependability means being where you're supposed to be, on time and ready to work. Skill refers to having the ability to perform tasks effectively. But selflessness is the hardest and most important quality. Selfless teammates put the needs of their teammates before their own, creating an unstoppable team. Jesus Christ's teachings on dying to oneself offer a path to selflessness. By focusing on the needs of others and letting go of personal importance, individuals can gain a more fulfilling team experience. The speaker's admiration for Chad and his team's performance underscores the power of selflessness in team dynamics.

    • Desire for impossible goals leads to personal growthEmbrace challenges and push beyond comfort zones to achieve personal growth and transformation.

      Having a strong desire for seemingly impossible goals and stepping out of comfort zones can lead to personal growth and transformation. The speaker shares his experience of wanting to become a Navy SEAL despite feeling like an underdog, and how this mindset led him to push through challenges and ultimately achieve his goal. He emphasizes the importance of showing up and immersing oneself in new environments to broaden horizons and expand what one believes is possible. By bringing his team to this workout facility, he hopes to inspire them to adopt this mindset and reach for their own seemingly impossible goals.

    • Success is a skill, not an inherent traitDevelop skills and consistency to achieve success, rather than relying on innate talents or mental toughness

      Success is not about having inherent gifts or talents, but rather about consistently putting in the effort and developing skills through the use of effective systems. The speaker, who has achieved remarkable things in business and endurance challenges, emphasizes that he is not inherently more successful or mentally tough than others, but rather has worked hard to develop these qualities through discipline and consistency. He encourages listeners to focus on executing their goals and potential, rather than getting bogged down in dreams and dissatisfaction with their current situation. Success is not an unattainable gift, but a skill that can be learned and practiced daily.

    • Unlock hidden potential through consistent executionConsistent execution unlocks potential, seek knowledge, make adjustments, and take action to uncover hidden gifts

      Consistent execution is the key to unlocking hidden potential and living an abundant life. It's not about magic or being superhuman, but rather about developing the qualities to do the thing every day. People may make excuses or create a mystique around success, but the truth is that we all have greatness within us. The practical application of this concept can be seen in various aspects of life, including business. For example, listening to a mentor and taking action on their advice, even if it challenges our beliefs or comfort zones, can lead to unexpected growth. Additionally, small choices, like the car we drive, can have a significant impact on how we operate as leaders. Ultimately, it's up to each of us to seek out knowledge, make the necessary adjustments, and execute consistently to uncover the gifts that we never imagined we had.

    • Investing in things that boost self-confidenceInvesting in possessions or people that enhance self-image can significantly boost confidence and performance.

      Investing in things that make us feel good about ourselves, whether it's a material possession or surrounding ourselves with exceptional people, can significantly impact our confidence and performance. The speaker shares his personal experience of using his savings to build his dream vehicle, which he sees as an extension of his self-image and a reinforcer of his confidence. He also emphasizes the importance of becoming the type of person we want to be surrounded by, rather than waiting for others to invite us into their circles. The speaker's belief is that when we see ourselves in a positive light, it becomes easier to feel confident and perform at our best. He encourages letting go of other people's opinions and finding ways to reinforce our self-image, whether it's through material possessions or personal development. Ultimately, the important part is that these things contribute to our confidence and performance, making us happier and more effective in our personal and professional lives.

    • Material possessions don't define worth or identityGod wants us to use blessings to inspire and help, not let possessions corrupt or define us

      Material possessions do not define a person's worth or identity. The speaker, who received a pimp suit and a "fuck you" tie from a friend, acknowledges that some may view this behavior as vain or contradictory to their faith. However, the speaker argues that God does not want His children to be poor or lacking, but rather to use their blessings to inspire and help others. The speaker admits that they have seen many people become corrupted by wealth and power, but believes that those filled with the Holy Spirit can wield these resources without becoming corrupt. Ultimately, the speaker sees their possessions as tools to inspire and help others, rather than sources of pride or identity.

    • Observing others' success can inspire usWitnessing someone else's achievements can motivate us to pursue our goals and overcome challenges, even if we've faced setbacks in the past. Sharing our full story, including past struggles, can inspire others.

      Seeing others achieve their goals can inspire us to aim higher than we might have otherwise. The speaker shares how witnessing someone else's success made him realize what he truly wanted and motivated him to overcome challenges. He also discusses the importance of sharing one's story in full, as there may be hidden experiences that hold significant emotional weight. The speaker's journey from having everything taken away to eventually being honored as the top student in his class demonstrates the power of resilience and the importance of acknowledging and addressing past struggles.

    • Respecting Business Freedom and Personal ValuesChick-fil-A's right to choose its days of operation should be respected, as individual freedom and personal values are crucial in privately-owned businesses.

      Individual freedom and personal values should be respected, especially when it comes to privately-owned businesses. The discussion revolves around the controversial New York bill that aims to force some Chick-fil-A locations to open on Sundays. The speakers express their disagreement with this intrusion into the business's operations, viewing it as a form of communism. They argue that Chick-fil-A, founded on Christian values, has the right to choose its days of operation and that customers appreciate this aspect of the business. The speakers also emphasize the importance of standing up for personal beliefs and values, even in the face of opposition.

    • Returning Power to the States - Parallels from American HistoryAdvocate for less government regulation, understand historical context, and look to states for leadership. Unity comes from shared suffering and unique leaders.

      The speaker advocates for significant reduction in government regulation and a return of power to the states, drawing parallels from American history where states held more autonomy. He believes that the ideal leader for the country is someone who doesn't want the role but has the unique ability to unite people, and that unity can be achieved through shared suffering. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding the historical context of the United States government as the biggest organization in human history and its original design to decentralize power.

    • The Power of Suffering in PoliticsSuffering in politics can either unite or divide, and it's crucial to use it constructively to promote unity rather than division.

      The power of suffering can either unite or divide a people. The current political climate in the United States is showing how suffering can be wielded to tear down morale and identity. However, if harnessed correctly, suffering can also be a unifying force. The recent ruling in Colorado to keep former President Trump off the ballot has sparked discussions about the use of suffering in politics. Some argue that it's up to the voters to decide who should be on the ballot, while others see it as an opportunity to exclude divisive figures. The debate highlights the potential of suffering to shape the political landscape and the importance of using it constructively to unite rather than divide.

    • Supreme Court's Decision on Trump's Ballot Appearance Sparks DebateThe Supreme Court's decision to disqualify Trump from some ballots sparks intense debate, with concerns over democracy, rule of law, civil liberties, and potential violence.

      The Supreme Court's decision to disqualify former President Trump from appearing on some state ballots despite not being found guilty of insurrection has sparked intense debate and fear among Americans. This decision, which some argue goes against the principles of democracy and the rule of law, has been met with strong reactions from both sides of the political spectrum. Polls indicate that a majority of Americans, including a significant number of Republicans, support this decision. However, many, including the speaker in this discussion, view this as a dangerous precedent and a threat to the Republic. They believe that this decision could lead to further erosion of civil liberties and potentially even violence. The speaker also expressed skepticism towards the polls, arguing that they may not accurately reflect the true sentiments of the population. Overall, this situation highlights the deep divisions and anxieties within American society and underscores the need for open and respectful dialogue to address these issues.

    • Historical precedent of removing a presidential candidate from the ballot and civil warThe current political situation in the US could lead to catastrophic consequences, including violence, starvation, and even the death of children, if peaceful solutions aren't found. Signs of danger include eroding trust in institutions, a rogue media and government, and intentional destruction of the country by some in power.

      The historical precedent of removing a presidential candidate from the ballot leading to civil war underscores the seriousness of the current political situation in the United States. This is not a joke or a mere political commentary. The potential consequences of continuing down this divisive path could be catastrophic, leading to violence, starvation, and even the death of children. It is crucial that we find a peaceful solution to reverse this trend before tensions escalate further. However, it's important to note that those in power currently are the weakest and least equipped to handle potential unrest, while millions of quiet, prepared Americans remain in the background. The ongoing erosion of trust in institutions, the presence of a rogue media and government, and the intentional destruction of the country by some in power are all signs of a dangerous situation that could lead to further instability.

    • Concerns of Disregard for Constitution and Rule of LawIndividuals and institutions disregarding the constitution and rule of law, with potential for extreme actions to maintain power, is a major concern. Accountability and justice are not being served, and calls for military, police, and Supreme Court intervention are growing.

      The willingness and actions of certain individuals and institutions to disregard the constitution and the rule of law has reached a critical point, as seen in the context of the 2020 election and the Jeffrey Epstein scandal. The speaker expresses concern that these individuals may go to extreme lengths to maintain their power and cover up their wrongdoings. They believe that accountability and justice are not being served, and that the military, police, and Supreme Court should be upholding their oaths but are instead standing idly by. The speaker believes that the next year will be destructive to the country, and calls out those who support or remain silent about these actions as traitors. The unsealing of documents related to the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, which came to light around the same time as election concerns, is seen as a significant development.

    • Judge Orders Release of Some Epstein Case Names, but Not AllA US judge has ordered the release of some names connected to the Jeffrey Epstein case, but not all, to protect victim privacy and safety. Some names have already been made public. Sen. Marsha Blackburn calls for transparency, while Giuffre supports the call.

      A US district judge, Loretta Prescott, has ordered the release of some names connected to the Jeffrey Epstein case, but not all. Some names will remain sealed to protect the privacy of victims who testified under oath and fear for their safety. The release of these names comes as part of a 2015 lawsuit between Virginia Giuffre and Epstein's accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell. The case was settled in 2017, but the judge indicated in recent hearings that the names would not remain sealed indefinitely. Some names have already been made public due to their connection to Epstein or identification in other court documents. Senator Marsha Blackburn has called for transparency and accountability regarding Epstein's associates, and Giuffre has responded by expressing her support for the call for transparency. However, it's important to note that the release of these names only represents a fraction of the total names involved in the case. Additionally, some have suggested that the timing of the release coincides with ongoing political controversies and allegations against other public figures. The true extent and depth of this case remains to be seen.

    • Manipulation and control in various sectorsPowerful individuals and organizations manipulate and control culture and narratives in business, politics, and entertainment for their agendas, using tactics like blackmail and coercion.

      We're living in a complex web of manipulation and control, driven by powerful individuals and organizations. This manipulation is not just limited to the entertainment industry but extends to various sectors, including business and politics. The ultimate goal is to shape culture and narratives to suit their agendas. Some believe this is being achieved through blackmail operations and coercion. The World Economic Forum, for instance, openly brags about pushing down culture through business financing. This level of corruption and wickedness is difficult to comprehend and leaves many wondering what can be done without suffering greatly or facing total destruction and reconstruction. Ultimately, the intention may be to destroy and rebuild not just a country, but the entire global order for their gain.

    • Elite Individuals and their Pacts with Extraterrestrials or DemonsSome wealthy and powerful individuals are believed to have made deals with otherworldly beings, manipulating societal norms and promoting moral ambiguity, ultimately aiming to deceive people into disregarding good and evil.

      We're dealing with a group of extremely wealthy and powerful individuals who view the rest of society as expendable nuisances in their quest for control. They are believed to have made pacts with extraterrestrial beings or demons, according to certain interpretations of the Bible and modern conspiracy theories. These individuals are often seen as working against the greater good and even against humanity itself. They use their wealth and influence to manipulate societal norms, including promoting the acceptance of non-traditional gender roles and the erection of statues of Satan in government buildings. The ultimate objective of these individuals, as some believe, is to deceive people into thinking that good and evil no longer exist, and that there are no consequences for actions taken in this life.

    • The belief in a creator and moral guidelines are essential for order and civility in society.Belief in a creator and moral guidelines are crucial for maintaining order and civility, without which chaos and harm to others may ensue.

      When dealing with individuals or groups who do not believe in consequences or morality, it creates an unfair advantage and can lead to chaos and destruction. The foundation of civilization is based on the belief in a creator and the guidelines they have given us for living and treating others. Without this belief, there are no grounds for negotiation or morality, leading to anarchy and potential harm to others. This concept is referred to as a reprobate mind, where individuals who rebel against this belief for a long time become unsavable. While different perspectives exist, the belief in a creator and the resulting moral guidelines is essential for maintaining order and civility in society.

    • A psychedelic journey revealing profound realizations about purpose and good vs. evilThrough a transformative psychedelic experience, the speaker gained new insights about his purpose and the concept of good and evil, emphasizing the importance of responsible use.

      The speaker's psychedelic experience with mushrooms led him to profound realizations about his anxiety and purpose in life. He consumed a large amount of psilocybin, leading to intense visual hallucinations and a sense of information being downloaded into his brain. The first hallucination showed him swimming upstream in a river, representing his denial of his true purpose. The second hallucination revealed two human silhouettes, one turning completely black and the other continuing to alternate between light and dark. This symbolized the concept of good and evil, with the first representing an all-consuming darkness and the second representing balance. The speaker's experience was a transformative one, leading him to a new understanding of himself and his place in the world. However, he also recognized the potential risks and dangers of using psychedelics and emphasized the importance of caution and responsible use.

    • Levels of Awareness and Crossing OverThe speaker learned that some people are beyond redemption and that there is a real crossing over in life and death. He emphasized that this is a personal experience and not a definitive truth.

      Some people are beyond saving and can cause harm and even destruction. This was a profound realization for the speaker, who has a compassionate heart and a tendency to give people too many chances. He shared a vision he had, which showed people on different discs of a pole, representing levels of awareness. Most people were unaware of the truth, while some influential figures controlled the messaging for others. The top disc represented those who changed the world, and the bottom disc held those consumed by darkness. The speaker recognized that there is a real crossing over in life and death, and he could communicate with people who had passed away. This experience was reassuring and helped him understand that he should not dwell on past regrets. The speaker emphasized that his experience is not a definitive truth, but a personal and impactful one. He has since avoided using mushrooms again, feeling that he gained all the knowledge he needed from the experience.

    • Seeking truth from visions and experiencesDistinguish truth from falsehood by aligning experiences with Bible teachings, actively stand against evil, and seek the Lord's wisdom through Scripture

      Visions and spiritual experiences, whether they come from the use of substances or through seeking the Word of God, can provide valuable insights and knowledge. However, it's essential to ensure that these experiences align with the teachings of the Bible to distinguish truth from falsehood. The speaker emphasizes the importance of actively standing up against evil and not tolerating it in society, drawing a line between good and evil, and seeking the wisdom of the Lord through the study of Scripture. The use of substances like mushrooms can open up access to other dimensions and interactions with beings, but the danger lies in not knowing whether these beings are good or evil. Ultimately, the speaker encourages seeking the Lord's wisdom through the Bible as a reliable and trustworthy source of truth.

    • Exploring Unusual Experiences: Verifying Authenticity and Avoiding DeceptionVerify unexplained phenomena through the Word of God and remain cautious to avoid potential deception. Keep an open mind, but also be aware of potential dangers and the influence of substances.

      While experiencing unexplained phenomena or receiving messages, it's crucial to verify their authenticity through the Word of God and be cautious of potential deception. The speaker believes these experiences can be real and potentially life-changing, but the intentions behind them are not always clear. He shares personal examples of encounters and writings, emphasizing the importance of remaining open-minded and aware of the potential dangers. Additionally, the speaker suggests that we may be underutilizing our brains and that there are real phenomena, such as collective consciousness, that we have yet to fully understand. These concepts have been documented throughout history and may be influenced by various substances. Overall, the speaker encourages a thoughtful and reflective approach to these experiences.

    • Seeking the truth from the Lord during uncertain timesDuring uncertain times, seek the Lord's guidance first, as seen in Daniel's story, and defend yourself and loved ones through gun rights.

      During times of uncertainty, it's essential to seek the truth from the Lord first before relying on external opinions. The story of Daniel in the Bible serves as an example of how God uses individuals to reveal truth, but ultimately, it's up to us to seek the Lord's guidance. In recent news, a federal judge blocked a California law that prohibited carrying firearms in most public places, ruling it violates the Second Amendment. This is a significant win for gun rights advocates and a reminder of the importance of defending oneself and one's loved ones. The number of gun sales in the US has also reached record-breaking levels this year, with over 13.57 million guns sold in 2023. This trend is expected to continue in 2024 due to increasing fear and uncertainty caused by political decisions and rising crime rates.

    • Proper training and physical fitness are crucial for gun ownershipEffective gun use requires proper training and physical fitness to ensure safety for gun owners and those around them.

      As American citizens, we have the fundamental right to bear arms and carry concealed guns for self-defense. However, it's not just about owning a gun; it's also crucial to receive proper training from legitimate instructors to effectively use the firearm safely. Neglecting this responsibility can make us a hazard to ourselves and those around us. Additionally, being physically fit is an essential part of this responsibility, as it enhances our ability to defend ourselves and others. With the current political climate, it's more important than ever to prioritize training and personal excellence. This process takes time, effort, and commitment, but it's necessary for ensuring our safety and the safety of our fellow citizens.

    • Handgun proficiency and responsibilityRegularly practice with a Glock or Springfield Hellcat for handgun skills, prioritize magazine capacity, and consider owning an AR-15 for self-defense and hunting. Safety and proficiency are key for personal protection and peace of mind.

      Practicing handgun skills regularly is crucial for effectiveness and safety. The interviewee emphasized that handgun proficiency is a perishable skill and a responsibility for American citizens. He recommended carrying a Glock or Springfield Hellcat handgun, focusing on magazine capacity, and owning an AR-15 rifle for self-defense and hunting. The expert also shared his personal experiences with these weapons and encouraged familiarity through real-world applications. Overall, the message was clear: prioritize gun safety and proficiency for personal protection and peace of mind.

    • Hulk Hogan's Faith Journey: From Wrestling Ring to ChristianityHulk Hogan's faith journey emphasizes the importance of focusing on the fruits of actions, the challenge of following Christ, and God's love and sacrifice for imperfect beings.

      Hulk Hogan, whose real name is Terry Eugene Belia, has publicly shared his deep faith in Christianity and believes it to be the only real thing in his life. Despite his fame and influence, he encourages people to focus on the fruits of his actions rather than passing judgment. Hulk's journey to Christianity is not an easy path, as following Christ involves taking up one's cross and dealing with pain, suffering, and righteous anger. The gospel message, which can seem exclusive, is not about judgment but about the love and sacrifice of God for imperfect beings. God's love led Him to provide a sacrifice for our sins, allowing us to be reconciled to Him.

    • The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus ChristJesus Christ, as God in human form, sacrificed himself to pay for humanity's iniquities, rose from the dead, and offers eternal life to believers through faith, repentance, and following Him.

      Jesus Christ, being God in human form, lived a perfect life and willingly sacrificed himself on the cross to pay for humanity's iniquities. He rose from the dead, demonstrating his divine power and offering eternal life to those who believe in him and repent from their old ways. Through his sacrificial blood, believers are reconciled to their Creator and granted victory over death. This message, known as the gospel of Jesus Christ, is the most important in human history. It offers the promise of eternal life and a perfect environment with God as the perfect king. All one needs to do is believe, repent, and follow Him.

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    0:00 - INTRO

    1:55 - Getting to know Vivek

    8:32 - Vivek's behavioral problems as a kid

    24:51 - Why Vivek doesn't eat meat or drink alcohol

    30:15 - Vivek's take on nature vs nurture

    35:41 - Married 12 days after 'first date'

    51:11 - How Government And Corporate America ARE THE SAME

    57:00 - How much it costs to run for president

    1:08:51 - Why politicians ALWAYS overpromise

    1:14:50 - Has the government uncovered alien spacecraft?

    1:21:20 - Reacting to his impersonation

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    *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

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    Are you sabotaging your progress by ignoring the power of partnering?

    In this high-octane episode, Charles and Yvana drop fire on the transformative potential of collaboration and community. They are determined to challenge your mindset on self-reliance, highlighting undeniable advantages of working in synergy with others. Anchoring the discussion on biases that often hinder collaborative efforts, Charles and Yvana will empower you to overcome them by embracing opportunities provided to you by others.

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    00:00 - Show Teaser
    00:37 - Show Theme
    01:00 - Why You Should Subscribe + Benefits
    02:15 - Why Collaboration + Community Strengthens You
    05:00 - You Are Not, We Are not . . . "Self-Made"
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    Yvana: https://www.instagram.com/yvanahb/

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