
    About this Episode

    Lance Essihos is the founder and CEO of Mic-Up Podcast.  He is also the podcast host of the “University of Adversity” podcast, a podcast about shifting your perspective on adversity by understanding that although adversity may feel like your worst enemy, it is actually your greatest ally.

    He talks to me about how he grew his podcast in just 15 months!

    To hear the full podcast, head on over to Spotify, iTunes or any other pod player to listen to the full podcast!


    ASK SwagSam ANYTHING: Email is Sam@CloneYourselfU.com and you can book a FREE Strategy call with me by going to Calendly.com/CLONE.


    To Gettin Goin,
    Sam AKA SwagSam

    Recent Episodes from CLONE YOURSELF (Scale Your Business With Virtual Assistants)

    #80: Becoming MicroFamous w/ Matt Johnson

    #80: Becoming MicroFamous w/ Matt Johnson

    I enjoyed the authenticity and truth in my conversation today with Matt Johnson.  

    It seems these days we are always talking about "being vulnerable" or "being authentic." I feel, however, that when people talk about it with regards to social media, it is with the intention of being seen. Don't worry I'm occasionally guilty of it too - guilty of wanting the likes and getting caught up in the game sometimes! 

    One of the reasons I respect Matt so much is that he openly talks about it and the concept of being MicroFamous. He says you don't need to have a huge social media following. Nor do you need to be constantly posting. 

    To hear the full podcast, head on over to Spotify, iTunes or any other pod player to listen to the full podcast!


    Want to Start Your Own Podcast? I've used Buzzsprout to produce all of my podcasts and love it! Buzzsprout is the easiest platform to get your podcast onto all the major apps... iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, etc... It’s FREE to sign up, but if you decide to upgrade to one of the paid plans later, you and I will both get a $20 Amazon gift card! That's a pretty sweet win-win deal if you ask me! Just use this link for either a free or paid plan: https://cutt.ly/ScbUtFW

    Connect w/ Matt:

    ASK me ANYTHING: Email is Sam@CloneYourselfU.com and you can book a FREE Strategy call with me by going to Calendly.com/CLONE.



    #79: Boss Mom & Rise of the VA w/ Dana Malstaff

    #79: Boss Mom & Rise of the VA w/ Dana Malstaff

    Dana Malstaff is an entrepreneur, author, podcaster, and all-rounded Boss Mom! She helps busy mom entrepreneurs with unpredictable schedules grow sustainable businesses.

    Some of our ideas on how to build a team and work with virtual assistants are similar. Some of what we suggest is a little bit different. For example, she suggests starting with subjective tasks, whereas I teach you to start with objective tasks and projects! 

    I think you'll get a lot out of this podcast!

    To hear the full podcast, head on over to Spotify, iTunes or any other pod player to listen to the full podcast!


    Want to Start Your Own Podcast? I've used Buzzsprout to produce all of my podcasts and love it! Buzzsprout is the easiest platform to get your podcast onto all the major apps... iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, etc... It’s FREE to sign up, but if you decide to upgrade to one of the paid plans later, you and I will both get a $20 Amazon gift card! That's a pretty sweet win-win deal if you ask me! Just use this link for either a free or paid plan: https://cutt.ly/ScbUtFW

    ASK me ANYTHING: Email is Sam@CloneYourselfU.com and you can book a FREE Strategy call with me by going to Calendly.com/CLONE.



    #78: Rock Bottom to 6 Figures in 9 Months w/ Samantha Joy

    #78: Rock Bottom to 6 Figures in 9 Months w/ Samantha Joy

    I read Samantha Joy's book "The Less Effect: Design Your Life for Happiness & Purpose" a few years ago.  It opened my eyes to how much a minimalist approach can help declutter all the chaos in our lives.  

    Although we do talk a little about her book, the real conversation in this episode is about how Samatha scaled her business from zero figures to six figures in nine months! 

    She shares her incredible story and gives some practical steps of what you can do to shift your mindset and grow.


    To hear the full podcast, head on over to Spotify, iTunes or any other pod player to listen to the full podcast!


    Want to Start Your Own Podcast? I've used Buzzsprout to produce all of my podcasts and love it! Buzzsprout is the easiest platform to get your podcast onto all the major apps... iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, etc... It’s FREE to sign up, but if you decide to upgrade to one of the paid plans later, you and I will both get a $20 Amazon gift card! That's a pretty sweet win-win deal if you ask me! Just use this link for either a free or paid plan: https://cutt.ly/ScbUtFW

    ASK me ANYTHING: Email is Sam@CloneYourselfU.com and you can book a FREE Strategy call with me by going to Calendly.com/CLONE.



    #77: From NHL Player to Virtual Assistants Staffing Agency w/ Bob Lachance

    #77: From NHL Player to Virtual Assistants Staffing Agency w/ Bob Lachance

    Bob Lachance is a business owner and real estate investor and has been since 2004. He's a serial entrepreneur and currently owns, operates, and manages many different businesses around the world. 

    Bob is also the creator and CEO of one of the premier Real Estate Virtual Assistant Staffing companies, REVA Global, LLC (REVA). Bob is an expert in the real estate investing space!

    Not only that, before getting into the business sector, Bob had a successful 8-year professional ice hockey career. This afforded him the privilege of traveling and living all over the US and Europe. 

    Today we're going to hear from Bob about what it takes to be successful, not just in working with Virtual Assistants, but in life! 

    To hear the full podcast, head on over to Spotify, iTunes or any other pod player to listen to the full podcast!


    Buzzsprout is the easiest platform to get your podcast onto all the major apps... iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, etc... It’s FREE to sign up, but if you decide to upgrade to one of the paid plans later, you and I will both get a $20 Amazon gift card! That's a pretty sweet win-win deal if you ask me! Just use this link for either a free or paid plan: https://cutt.ly/ScbUtFW

    ASK me ANYTHING: Email is Sam@CloneYourselfU.com and you can book a FREE Strategy call with me by going to Calendly.com/CLONE.



    #76: How to Unleash Your Creativity w/ Wyatt Dickson

    #76: How to Unleash Your Creativity w/ Wyatt Dickson

    During our talk, we never used the words “burning desire” however, I felt strongly that this is the essence of my conversation with Wyatt Dickson! And of course, the concept of “burning desire” comes from one of my favourite books “Think and Grow Rich”,  by Napoleon Hill!

    Listen in as we unpack how to unleash your creativity with Wyatt, who is a videography wizard with a history in video production. Of course, content is king, but you can’t get to creating content, unless you uncover what your burning desire is and learn how to unleash your creativity.

    I know you’ll learn something extra from this episode! 

    To hear the full podcast, head on over to Spotify, iTunes or any other pod player to listen to the full podcast!


    Want to Start Your Own Podcast? I've used Buzzsprout to produce all of my podcasts and love it! Buzzsprout is the easiest platform to get your podcast onto all the major apps... iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, etc... It’s FREE to sign up, but if you decide to upgrade to one of the paid plans later, you and I will both get a $20 Amazon gift card! That's a pretty sweet win-win deal if you ask me! Just use this link for either a free or paid plan: https://cutt.ly/ScbUtFW

    ASK me ANYTHING: Email is Sam@CloneYourselfU.com and you can book a FREE Strategy call with me by going to Calendly.com/CLONE.



    #75: Ritualize Your Business w/ Morgan Garza

    #75: Ritualize Your Business w/ Morgan Garza

    My guest today is Morgan Garza and we get into a little “woo” as we talk about how you can ritualize your business. Morgan says she has one foot in the mystical and one foot in the practical, which gives her 20/20 vision and allows her to bring magic to running businesses and doing the mundane!

    Morgan is a Modern Mystic author and the founder of @lovelightandblackholes.  Her mission is to empower people to become their own gurus by stepping out of the darkness of fear and into the light of activated, embodied awareness.

    To hear the full podcast, head on over to Spotify, iTunes or any other pod player to listen to the full podcast!


    Check out Sam's Mastermind: https://www.cloneyourselfuniversity.com/mastermind 

    Want to Start Your Own Podcast? I've used Buzzsprout to produce all of my podcasts and love it! Buzzsprout is the easiest platform to get your podcast onto all the major apps... iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, etc... It’s FREE to sign up, but if you decide to upgrade to one of the paid plans later, you and I will both get a $20 Amazon gift card! That's a pretty sweet win-win deal if you ask me! Just use this link for either a free or paid plan: https://cutt.ly/ScbUtFW

    ASK me ANYTHING: Email is Sam@CloneYourselfU.com and you can book a FREE Strategy call with me by going to Calendly.com/CLONE.



    #74: Intentionally Building Your Business w/ Johanna Renoth

    #74: Intentionally Building Your Business w/ Johanna Renoth

    Today I chatted with Johanna Renoth. We talk about some really interesting stuff around human design and what it means to be a manifestor. 

    Johanna is an Executive and Business Coach, who has also been a founder, and knows what it’s like to start and run a business. She supports early-stage founders of values-oriented businesses in building their companies on their own terms.

    She is also the host of a podcast, Business for Optimists.  She interviews innovators and change-makers on how to create a future in business where purpose and profit are not mutually exclusive.

    Hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did!

    To hear the full podcast, head on over to Spotify, iTunes or any other pod player to listen to the full podcast!


    Want to Start Your Own Podcast? I've used Buzzsprout to produce all of my podcasts and love it! Buzzsprout is the easiest platform to get your podcast onto all the major apps... iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, etc... It’s FREE to sign up, but if you decide to upgrade to one of the paid plans later, you and I will both get a $20 Amazon gift card! That's a pretty sweet win-win deal if you ask me! Just use this link for either a free or paid plan: https://cutt.ly/ScbUtFW

    ASK me ANYTHING: Email is Sam@CloneYourselfU.com and you can book a FREE Strategy call with me by going to Calendly.com/CLONE.



    #73: Conscious Leadership w/ Sarah Hawley

    #73: Conscious Leadership w/ Sarah Hawley

    In this episode, we discuss conscious leadership and creating a soul-life balance. 

    Sarah Hawley from Growmotely is my guest, an accomplished and successful businesswoman, a published author, and a serial entrepreneur. She loves to question everything and live her life on her terms. She seeks out truth and building a life that aligns with it. 

    We discuss her journey and how “doing the work” has allowed her to create conscious leadership in her business and lead her team from a place of openness and integrity. She is excited to share her knowledge with others and do her part in making this world a better place.

    We dive into how doing self-work can lead to better interpersonal skills in the workplace. We also examine the concept of a conscious leadership role and how it is possible, and how it is advantageous in the corporate world. 

    To hear the full podcast, head to Spotify, iTunes or any other pod player to listen to the full podcast!


    Want to Start Your Own Podcast? I've used Buzzsprout to produce all of my podcasts and love it! Buzzsprout is the easiest platform to get your podcast onto all the major apps... iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, etc... It’s FREE to sign up, but if you decide to upgrade to one of the paid plans later, you and I will both get a $20 Amazon gift card! That's a pretty sweet win-win deal if you ask me! Just use this link for either a free or paid plan: https://cutt.ly/ScbUtFW

    ASK me ANYTHING: Email is Sam@CloneYourselfU.com and you can book a FREE Strategy call with me by going to Calendly.com/CLONE.



    #72: Selling Made Easy w/ Ryan Forrest from Kennected

    #72: Selling Made Easy w/ Ryan Forrest from Kennected

    In this episode, I talk about sales and prospecting!

    Ryan Forrest, from Kennected, is my guest and we talk about how to scale your business from a sales point of view, with a bit of a soul life balance flavor!

    He talks to us about using LinkedIn automation to qualify leads and find clients. He goes into WHY it works and HOW it works. 

    To hear the full podcast, head on over to Spotify, iTunes or any other pod player to listen to the full podcast!


    Want to Start Your Own Podcast? I've used Buzzsprout to produce all of my podcasts and love it! Buzzsprout is the easiest platform to get your podcast onto all the major apps... iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, etc... It’s FREE to sign up, but if you decide to upgrade to one of the paid plans later, you and I will both get a $20 Amazon gift card! That's a pretty sweet win-win deal if you ask me! Just use this link for either a free or paid plan: https://cutt.ly/ScbUtFW 

    ASK me ANYTHING: Email is Sam@CloneYourselfU.com and you can book a FREE Strategy call with me by going to Calendly.com/CLONE.



    #71: Mindful Workspace Wellness Boxes w/ David Gilbert

    #71: Mindful Workspace Wellness Boxes w/ David Gilbert

    This episode is all about mindfulness and specifically, mindfulness in the workplace!  

    Whether you work alone, have a small team or work in a big corporate company, mindfulness is so important. 

    I talked to David Gilbert from the Meditation Supply Store on how to bring mindfulness into the workplace. 


    To hear the full podcast, head on over to Spotify, iTunes or any other pod player to listen to the full podcast!


    Thinking of Starting Your Own Podcast? I've used Buzzsprout to produce nearly 10 podcasts and absolutely love it! Buzzsprout is the easier backend platform to get your podcast onto all the major apps... iTunes, Spotify, Sittcher etc... Try it out for FREE using this link: https://bit.ly/3djNaGp 

    ASK me ANYTHING: Email is Sam@CloneYourselfU.com and you can book a FREE Strategy call with me by going to Calendly.com/CLONE.

