
    Podcast Summary

    • Origins of Bon Jovi's Name and Dental Advice on TikTokBon Jovi's name origin and a TikTok dentist's advice on coffee naps and tooth enamel may be subjects of debate, but proper dental care remains crucial.

      Bon Jovi's name is Jon Bon Jovi, and he goes by Bon Jovi professionally. There was a discussion about the possible origins of his name and how it might have been easier for his American fan base to accept "Bon Jovi" instead of "Bon Jovi." Additionally, there was a conversation about a TikTok dentist who gives medical advice, potentially without proper credentials, and how people might be unknowingly receiving dental advice from him. A listener shared an experience from college where they would take "coffee naps," drinking coffee and then taking a short nap before the caffeine kicked in, which they believed contributed to their cavities. The group also discussed the dentist's claim that drinking coffee for extended periods of time can lead to tooth enamel dissolving.

    • The complexities and individuality of our bodiesEveryone experiences rest and wakefulness processes differently, and our bodies respond uniquely to various stimuli

      Our bodies and minds go through various processes during rest and wakefulness, and everyone experiences these processes differently. The speaker shared an example of his unique ability to consume large amounts of coffee in the morning and take long naps, but be affected negatively by even a small amount of coffee later in the day. This discussion also touched on the topic of teeth, with the speaker expressing a preference for having fewer, stronger teeth instead of the multiple ones we currently have. The speaker also shared his personal experiences with grinding his teeth and developing GERD, and how these issues affected his dental health. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and individuality of our bodies and the various ways they respond to different stimuli.

    • Balancing pH levels in the mouth after acidic beveragesDrinking water between sips of acidic drinks like coffee may help neutralize acid, but it doesn't completely prevent tooth damage as coffee itself has a low pH level. Maturity and responsibility come with age, but not all 16-year-olds are ready for complex decisions.

      Maintaining a balanced pH level in your mouth, especially after consuming acidic beverages like coffee, is important for the health of your teeth. The conversation touched upon the idea that drinking water in between sips of coffee could help neutralize the acid and prevent damage to the teeth. However, it was also acknowledged that this might not be a foolproof solution as coffee itself has a low pH level. The discussion then veered off to intrusive thoughts and the age-related responsibility that comes with certain decisions. The speakers agreed that 16-year-olds, despite being legally allowed to drive, may not always be mature enough to handle more complex responsibilities. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of awareness and consideration when making decisions that could potentially impact our well-being.

    • Unexpected situations during routine activitiesBe prepared and transparent, everyone makes mistakes, being upfront and honest can help mitigate consequences, and address important matters promptly to avoid legal issues or penalties.

      Life can present unexpected situations, even during seemingly routine activities like doing taxes or shopping online. The speaker shared an embarrassing experience about accidentally revealing adult content on his computer to his new accountant during a tax meeting. Despite the awkward moment, the accountant was understanding and focused on ensuring the speaker was in compliance with tax laws. This experience serves as a reminder that it's essential to be prepared and transparent in all aspects of life, especially when dealing with professionals or important matters. Additionally, it's crucial to remember that everyone makes mistakes and that being upfront and honest can help mitigate any potential consequences. Furthermore, the speaker's accountant also offered some valuable advice about taxes and the importance of addressing them promptly to avoid any potential legal issues or penalties.

    • The Internet's Schrodinger's Cat: Exclusive Content and Customer DisappointmentThe internet offers opportunities for financial gain and potential disappointments, with platforms like OnlyFans allowing creators to profit from unsatisfied customers, creating a situation of uncertainty and potential stress for individuals.

      The internet, specifically platforms like OnlyFans, can present both opportunities for financial gain and potential disappointments. The creators, in this case, Vampire Jack, have the power to make significant revenue from unsatisfied customers who are willing to pay for exclusive content. This dynamic can lead to a situation where the creator benefits financially, while the customer may feel let down and disappointed. This interaction is reminiscent of Schrodinger's cat, where the content behind the paywall exists and doesn't exist at the same time, creating an element of uncertainty. For individuals, this can lead to anxiety and stress, which can be replaced by new concerns or distractions. It's essential to remember that the internet, and platforms like OnlyFans, offer a wide range of experiences, and it's crucial to approach them with a clear understanding of the potential risks and rewards.

    • Feeling uncomfortable during new experiencesCommunicate clearly, set boundaries, be aware of comfort levels, and stay true to oneself. Body positivity and self-acceptance are essential.

      Sometimes, even when we're presented with new experiences, we may not fully understand the implications and end up feeling uncomfortable or awkward. The speaker shared an experience of being asked to get a spray tan for an event, but she didn't realize she would have to be naked during the process. Despite feeling embarrassed, she learned that it's important to communicate clearly and set boundaries, even if it means missing out on an opportunity. The experience also highlighted the importance of being aware of our own comfort levels and being true to ourselves. It's okay to say no to experiences that don't align with our values or make us feel uneasy. Additionally, the speaker reflected on the importance of body positivity and self-acceptance, even in situations where we may feel vulnerable or exposed.

    • Embracing Nudity at a Nude BeachNudity at a nude beach can lead to feelings of freedom, confidence, and connection with nature, as everyone is focused on themselves and the experience is about enjoying one's body.

      Being naked at a nude beach doesn't have to be an uncomfortable experience. People are there to enjoy their bodies and feel confident, and everyone is focused on themselves. A man's perspective on the situation changed when he realized that no one was really looking at him or the others, and they were all just enjoying their time. The game "What are the odds?" added an element of fun and risk to their experience. Despite the initial nerves, they embraced being naked and found a sense of freedom and connection with nature. The beach, which looked like an oasis in Texas, offered a unique and liberating experience.

    • Unexpected experiences shape our livesUnexpected encounters can lead to profound changes in perspective and meaningful connections through empathy and kindness

      Unexpected experiences, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, have the power to change our perspectives and shape our lives in profound ways. The story about swimming out to a boat with an old man and sharing Jello shots illustrates this idea. The old man's invitation to join him on the boat and his offer of Jello shots were unexpected and led to a memorable experience. Similarly, the encounter with the music classmate and his thermos led to a surprising shift in feelings towards him. These experiences serve as reminders that life's most meaningful moments often come from the unexpected and that we should be open to new experiences, even if they initially seem strange or unfamiliar. Additionally, the stories highlight the importance of empathy and kindness, as shown by the old man's offer of Jello shots and the music classmate's earnest invitation to share his food. These acts of kindness had a lasting impact on the speakers and serve as valuable lessons in building meaningful connections with others.

    • Unique Sounds and ExperiencesPeople have distinct sensory preferences, finding comfort, peace, or enjoyment in various sounds and experiences, such as flagpoles, wind chimes, birds, moving water, small gatherings, and even sounds associated with solitude, while disliking others, like chewing with an open mouth and pouring drinks into glasses.

      People have unique preferences when it comes to sounds and experiences. The speaker shared their list of sounds they enjoy, such as flagpoles, wind chimes, birds, and moving water. They also appreciated the intimacy of small gatherings during big parties. On the other hand, they disliked certain sounds, like chewing with an open mouth and pouring drinks into glasses. The speaker also mentioned their fondness for sounds associated with solitude, like the ding before a flight attendant announcement or dogs chewing watermelon. Ultimately, everyone has distinct sensory preferences and experiences that bring them comfort, peace, or enjoyment.

    • Individual experiences impact enjoyment of shared eventsPersonal preferences and experiences can greatly affect one's enjoyment of a shared event, and what one person finds enjoyable, another may not.

      Personal preferences and experiences can greatly impact one's perception and enjoyment of a shared event, such as a music festival like Coachella. The speaker shared how she felt cool and unique listening to her own music while walking through the airport, but felt out of place and uncomfortable at Coachella due to various factors like the heat, crowds, noise sensitivity, and lack of rest. She also mentioned the challenges of getting there and finding a place to sit. Despite the impressive lineup, her negative experience made her question whether she would enjoy weekend 2, even though she planned to attend Stagecoach the following week. This illustrates how individual experiences can vary greatly from one person to another, and that what one person may find enjoyable, another may not.

    • Coachella's Unique Concert Experience and Unexpected Gifting Suite FindCoachella offers a comfortable concert experience without VIP sections and unexpected finds at gifting suites, while the importance of a junk drawer is appreciated in everyday life.

      Coachella offers a unique concert experience where you can enjoy the music from a comfortable distance without the need for a VIP section. The speaker also shared an unexpected experience at a gifting suite, where they were able to find a sweatsuit when other attendees were wearing long dresses. The conversation then shifted to the topic of junk drawers, with the speaker expressing their appreciation for these disorganized areas and looking forward to having one in their future home. Coachella's laid-back atmosphere and the importance of having a junk drawer are two contrasting yet memorable aspects of the festival experience.

    • Kim Kardashian joining AHS expected to boost ratingsKim Kardashian's involvement in AHS, regardless of acting skills, may increase ratings and generate buzz.

      The addition of Kim Kardashian to American Horror Story season 12, regardless of whether it's seen as a good or bad thing, is expected to boost ratings and generate buzz due to her celebrity status. People's opinions on her acting abilities are divided, but many believe that even if she's a poor actress, her presence could make the show entertaining. The discussion also touched on the idea that reality TV is scripted and that Kim Kardashian's actions on her show are no different from acting. Emma Roberts was praised for her talent and her ability to make a career out of American Horror Story. The conversation also explored the challenges actors face in maintaining relationships while working on projects that require intimate scenes with other actors.

    • Taylor Swift's Romantic Life Under ScrutinyAmidst a high-profile breakup, Taylor Swift maintains her poise and grace, demonstrating resilience and ability to handle fame. Speculation about her next romantic partner continues, but her impact on pop culture and fanbase remains undeniable.

      Taylor Swift continues to captivate the public with her powerful presence, even amidst a high-profile breakup. Fans and media speculate about her romantic life, with some suggesting she may already be in a new relationship. Despite the intense scrutiny, Swift maintains her poise and grace, demonstrating her resilience and ability to handle fame. The power of her PR team and her own influence are evident in her ability to sell out expensive jeans and keep fans engaged during her concert series. The speculation around her next romantic partner continues, with theories ranging from Paul McCartney to Harry Styles. Regardless of who she may be dating, Swift's impact on pop culture and her fanbase remains undeniable.

    • The Power of Social Media to Elevate Individuals to Fame Levels Comparable to Religious Figures and Pop IconsMillie Bobby Brown, at 19, is engaged to Jake Bongiovi, son of Jon Bon Jovi, defying age-appropriate norms in Hollywood due to their fame and maturity levels, highlighting the impact of social media on modern relationships.

      TikTok has the power to elevate individuals to unprecedented levels of fame, even reaching comparisons to religious figures and pop icons. Millie Bobby Brown, at 19 years old, is engaged to Jake Bongiovi, the son of iconic musician Jon Bon Jovi. The misconception that Bon Jovi's name is actually "Bon Jovi" instead of "Jon Bon Jovi" may have made this relationship easier for fans to accept. Despite her young age, Millie has been in a long-term relationship with Jake, and their age difference is not a cause for concern due to their fame and maturity levels. The duo's engagement comes as a refreshing change in Hollywood, where age-appropriate relationships are rare. Overall, the power of social media and the unique circumstances of fame continue to reshape the landscape of modern relationships.

    • Exploring Contradictory Interests and DesiresPeople can have seemingly contradictory interests and desires, as seen in Timothée Chalamet's involvement in art and film, and reported dating of Kylie Jenner. Embrace the complexities of life and tune in for more discussions on these topics.

      People, especially men, can have seemingly contradictory interests and desires. Using the example of Timothée Chalamet, who is deeply involved in art and film, but also reportedly dated Kylie Jenner, the speaker muses on the duality of human nature. The speaker also expresses a personal fascination with both Timothée Chalamet and the Kardashians, acknowledging the potential for artistic connections in unexpected places. The conversation also touches on the idea of short-lived romantic flings and the appeal of karaoke as an escape from one's usual self. Ultimately, the speaker encourages embracing the complexities and contradictions of life, and invites listeners to tune in for more discussions on these topics in future bonus episodes.

    Recent Episodes from Brooke and Connor Make A Podcast

    127: The Need To Yap

    127: The Need To Yap
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    This week, Brooke and Connor are here to yap about popping their TikTok shop cherries, hydrating with edibles, and their dream bed rotting rotation. Plus, Brooke breaks down Donald Duck’s 90th Birthday Rager, while Connor struggles at the DMV. 

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    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 We're OK
    2:40 Intro
    3:00 Jonathan Groff Makes History
    7:06 Donald vs Daffy Duck
    9:52 Quince
    11:13 Mickey's Clubhouse vs Looney Tunes
    14:20 Age Isn't Real
    16:40 Ex TikTok Shop Virgin
    20:12 Brooke's Favorite Bar
    21:00 Lume 
    22:30 New York Discomfort
    25:05 Brooke's Manifestations
    26:33 Connor's Golfing Fit
    29:30 Hydrating Edibles
    33:50 Clout Chasing Willy Wonka
    34:20 State Farm
    35:46 Willy Wonka Is A Freak
    38:51 Dream Bed Rot Rotation
    41:03 Navigating Cannes Festivals
    42:41 Connor's New Pillow
    44:55 Fruits Wearing Wigs
    47:39 Tune into Obsessed! 
    49:50 Paris Poop Protest
    53:23 New Shrek & Donkey Movies
    55:30 The Rock's Shampoo & Eyebags
    59:30 Exploring Sea Life
    1:04:20 Connor Goes To The DMV
    1:09:25 Reading Hate Comments
    1:13:50 Car Wash BBQ
    1:15:07 See You In Bonus!!!

    126: LadyEfron Reborn

    126: LadyEfron Reborn
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    This week, it’s Brooke's birthday episode! Connor surprises Brooke with decorations, cake, and a birthday hot take. Plus, Brooke talks about her LadyEfron rebirth, while Connor breaks down his hometown comedy show featuring his parents x party bus collab. 

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    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
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    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 Surprise!!!!
    1:11 Intro
    1:31 Birthday Presents
    6:21 Birthday Pranks
    7:40 Family Affair Movie Premiere 
    10:40 BetterHelp
    12:00 LadyEfron Is Reborn
    15:08 Brooke Has Grown
    18:25 Nicole Kidman’s Face
    20:07 Maxton Hall Review
    23:45 ZocDoc
    25:22 Getting Unverified on TikTok
    27:37 Becoming A Fictosexual
    31:58 Connor’s Hometown Show
    35:37 State Farm
    37:03 Connor’s Fall Tour
    42:10 Please Please Please Takeover
    45:30 Shark Deep Dive
    48:04 Seed
    49:43 iOS Updates
    53:23 Celebrating Donald Duck’s Birthday 
    55:08 Partying At The Airport Bar
    56:23 Our Pet Peeves
    1:09:15 Connor’s Car Update
    1:12:17 Bear vs Man
    1:13:29 See You In Bonus!!!

    125: Your Hidden Mickey Is Showing… w/ Kat Wellington

    125: Your Hidden Mickey Is Showing… w/ Kat Wellington
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    This week, Brooke and Connor have a very special guest in the studio: Kat Wellington! Connor and Kat talk about almost getting arrested together while Brooke shows off her California driver’s ed knowledge. Plus, they review your drama Thursday submissions! 

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    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

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    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 We Have New Merch!!!
    03:38 Intro
    03:57 Hidden Mickeys
    05:08 Welcome Kat!!
    08:17 Hinging on iPads
    10:14 Pre-Sleep Thoughts
    11:47 MeUndies
    13:18 Rubbing Your Own Back
    14:10 Weed Drinks
    15:26 Secret Bodega Menus
    17:00 Almost Arrests
    20:39 Fake Plates
    22:40 Good Cop vs Bad Cops
    25:03 State Farm
    26:14 Safety at the Air BnB
    28:09 DMV Tips
    30:42 Driving Tests
    32:40 Scratching your Cornea 
    34:31 Nausea
    36:27 Riding at Dawn
    38:00 Skims
    39:02 Surviving Jail 
    41:50 Drama Thursdays
    43:43 Reese Witherspoon 
    47:00 Other People's Families
    48:33 Boy Moms
    51:00 Doing Bits for the Fam
    54:50 Liquid IV
    56:40 Sprints on a First Date
    57:45 Gym Class Games
    59:15 and MORE Drama Thursdays
    1:01:02 Living Alone
    1:02:50 Cheating Scandals
    1:06:04 Ignorance is Bliss
    1:10:47 Grandma Names
    1:12:58 Assaulting Connor
    1:14:56 See You In Bonus!!!

    124: Welcome To The Bozo Bar

    124: Welcome To The Bozo Bar
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    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor discuss why New York is maybe better than LA, how to match each other’s freak, and the ultimate dating icks.Plus, Brooke shows off her brand new toy, while Connor gives his top feminist takes for his presidential campaign. 

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    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

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    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 Drinking Canns
    2:01 Intro
    2:22 Taking Over The FYP
    5:00 Brooke's Cortisol Levels
    6:04 Frankie PSA
    8:32 Apartment Content
    10:24 Factor
    11:50 Making A Home A HOME
    13:34 Hello Shark Vacuum 
    15:52 Connor's Task Rabbit
    19:37 Doggy Libido 
    21:41 Squarespace
    22:24 Doggy Blue Chew
    25:00 Taking The CA Driver's Test
    28:15 Subleasing In NY
    31:13 Stealing Hat Mode
    33:19 Brooke's Crush Nightmare
    33:50 BetterHelp
    35:20 Fib's Feminist Takes
    40:20 Gum To The Fact
    42:00 Getting Carbon Monoxide Poisioning
    45:00 Smoked Salmon Eyeballs
    45:43 Embark
    48:15 Sucking Eyeballs
    50:03 The Truth About Charlotte
    52:24 Brittany's Royal Court
    53:57 Brooke's Unique Life
    56:10 Consuming Old Content
    58:15 Have You Seen...
    1:02:05 Sold Out Shows!!! Kinda
    1:03:10 Bali Belly
    1:05:10 Fully Body Scams
    1:07:21 Ew. Ew. Ew.
    1:10:01 New Psychotic Studies
    1:13:39 See You In Bonus!!!

    123: We’re So Back

    123:  We’re So Back
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

    Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr

    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor are back in the studio after two weeks of studying abroad (going to Europe and Texas). Brooke breaks down her Euro trip and how she powered through the toughest moments, while Connor talks about busting down at weddings and appearing at EDC. 

    Join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5356639204457124/ 

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    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
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    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    00:00 Welcome back Brooke!
    01:02 Intro
    01:23 No complaints here
    02:50 Hair in food
    05:54 Washing fruit
    07:32 Merry pranksters
    09:45 European vacations aren’t chill
    10:53 HelloFresh
    11:54 Brookes Europe trip
    13:48 Learning a language
    16:51 Hilary Duff
    18:54 Italy review
    22:13 Kleenex
    23:12 DOMS survivor 
    28:36 Eating slop
    29:47 London review
    31:40 Shroom chocolates
    34:21 Connor’s weekend
    36:06 Lume
    37:33 Canceled shows  
    40:12 Travel delays from Hell 
    43:35 Eating shit on a boat
    45:18 MORE shroom chocolates
    48:33 The Farmer’s Dog
    50:09 Instagram carousel dumps
    52:16 “I Have Purse” 
    54:33 Making deals
    56:23 Getting royalties
    58:20 Wicked 
    1:02:00 AI is dumb
    1:03:08 iPads rule
    1:04:43 Cheilitis
    1:05:27 Cat evolution
    1:09:00 Ask Hank
    1:11:19 The London countryside
    1:12:46 See you in Bonus!!!

    122: The Shrek Ick

    122: The Shrek Ick
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

    Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr

    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor are coming to you live from 2 weeks ago in a special Schrödinger episode. They debate the proper use of vestibules, break down the perfect flight routine, and review some of your hottest takes. 

    Join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5356639204457124/ 

    Trust your gut with Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic. Go to http://Seed.com/BANDC and use code 25BANDC to get 25% off your first month.

    This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at http://betterhelp.com/bandc and get on your way to being your best self.

    Book whoever you want to be on Booking.com, Booking.YEAH!

    Get warm weather ready with Quince! Go to http://Quince.com/bandc for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns.

    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
    B+C Twitter: https://twitter.com/bncmap

    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 Flight Upgrades
    1:26 Intro
    1:46 Luxury Flying
    3:34 Signing Up For Canyon Ranch
    4:55 Drinking A Pound of Spinach
    7:29 The Schrödinger Episode
    9:58 ABF’s Manifestation
    11:15 Seed
    12:54 Checking In On Our Manifestations
    14:30 Brooke’s Urgent Care Trip
    16:55 Partying In The Urgent Care
    17:25 Burbank Shoutout!
    19:19 Connor’s Confession
    22:48 BetterHelp
    24:00 Vestibule To The Butt
    27:37 Her Truth vs The Truth
    28:40 Max’s New BMs
    34:01 Cleaning For The Maid
    35:29 Booking.com
    36:31 The Shrek Ick
    40:40 Cartoon Character Doppelgangers
    42:34 Audible Books vs Real Books
    45:30 Firework Enthusiasts
    48:54 Quince
    50:14 Being Scared of Needles
    52:26 Is Bohemian Rhapsody Overrated?
    55:05 A Hot Take…
    55:31 Where’s Your Limb?
    57:14 Intense Celebrity Crushes 
    58:59 Finding Your Professor On Grindr
    1:00:19 26 and Still Sucking Thumb
    1:01:50 Bitchy Roommates
    1:03:36 Incest?
    1:05:42 President Smokeshow
    1:07:18 Getting Kicked Out of Connor’s Show
    1:07:40 Threesomes!
    1:08:00 Stealing Money From Fundraisers
    1:09:29 Cap Age Gaps
    1:13:12 See You In Bonus!!! 

    121: Alone Together w/ Jake Shane

    121: Alone Together w/ Jake Shane
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    This week, while Brooke is jet setting in Europe, Connor calls in the big puss: Jake Shane! Jake and Connor discuss their favorite dystopian movies, how technology is hacking into our brains, and debate when SSB is allowed. Plus, Jake breaks down why Planet of the Apes is the best movie franchise to exist. 

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    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 HAWTJNCMAP!
    0:34 Intro
    0:55 Jake Shane Is Here!!! 
    4:20 Crashing Weddings
    7:15 Just Virgo Things
    8:00 The Driving Rule of Thumb
    10:53 Embark
    12:49 Cruising On A City Bike
    13:50 Responding To Insta Stories Drunk
    15:45 Jake Is The Best Podcaster
    16:38 Technology Is Listening To Us
    19:45 Scary Middle School Books
    22:15 What Would YOU Do?
    24:02 Acorns 
    25:52 Reality TV Drama
    28:13 Locking Phones At Comedy Shows
    32:49 Connor's Fear of Sharks
    35:10 Connor's Shark Diving Trip
    38:23 State Farm
    39:56 Jake's First Live Show
    41:29 Performing at Colleges
    43:07 Quitting Your Job For Social Media
    45:09 Getting Words Stuck In Your Head
    45:45 Ducks Getting Wet For Food
    47:25 The Blue/Gold Dress Divide
    48:35 Spending The Weekend Together
    50:16 Hangover Cures
    51:23 Eating Is Like Your Birthday
    52:56 Jake's Weed Origins 
    53:49 State Farm
    55:43 The House Plant Event
    57:43 Drinking Canns
    58:57 Breaking Down Planet of the Apes
    1:07:50 James Cameron's Timeline
    1:10:57 Debating SSBs
    1:13:47 The Nudist Cruise
    1:17:01 The New York/Dublin Portal
    1:18:37 Reclaiming Puss
    1:20:20 Thank You Jake!!!
    1:21:54 See You In Bonus!!!

    120: We’re Pumping It (Louder)

    120: We’re Pumping It (Louder)
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

    Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr

    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor break down their favorite looks from the Met Gala, debate whether or not they’re whistleblowers at heart, and try to figure out why Drake and Kendrick are fighting. Plus, Brooke says there are BIG things coming soon…

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    This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://betterhelp.com/bandc and get on your way to being your best self.

    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
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    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    00:00 Adult Bibs
    02:00 Intro
    02:21 Something Like That’s Lyrics
    05:23 Brooke’s Crush is Cuffed
    07:05 Where Does A Stain Go?
    07:58 Boeing Whistleblowers
    10:39 Liquid IV
    12:06 Being A Rat
    15:33 Whistleblowers vs. Tattle Tales
    16:36 Netflix Is A Joke
    18:55 The Roast of Tom Brady
    22:11 Skims
    22:59 Kim K Can Take the Heat
    23:40 Men Have Thick Skin
    25:47 Big Mouth Live
    28:08 I Think I’m Gay
    31:50 Blind To John Mulaney’s Flaws
    35:13 Squarespace
    36:35 Why Aren’t There More Crashes?
    39:45 But Officer…
    41:27 Met Gala or Netflix Is A Joke?
    43:38 Favorite Met Fits
    45:34 The Met Gala Theme
    47:57 Better Help
    49:17 Judging The Met Fits
    52:38 Middle School Height
    54:37 Connor’s Derby Win
    55:39 Big Things Brewing
    56:59 Egg Shells
    1:00:52 Fluff and Folds
    1:02:03 Drake & Kendrick Beef
    1:03:40 Baby Reindeer
    1:06:03 RIP Max’s Nuts
    1:08:25 Brooke’s Europe Trip
    1:09:43 Brooke’s Romper
    1:11:51 See You In Bonus!!!

    119: Looking For A Third

    119: Looking For A Third
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

    Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr

    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor break down their favorite moments from Challengers (mini spoiler alert) and whether it’s better to be book smart or street smart. Plus, Brooke explains how she almost got scammed, while Connor explains that fishy smell…

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    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
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    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 Registering Your Car
    1:02 Intro
    1:23 Brooke Is Feeling Defeated
    6:40 Boom Boom Pow Is Magic
    10:50 Lume
    12:57 Where Is Fergie?
    14:38 Connor Smells Fishy
    18:30 Connor’s New Look
    19:53 Bring Back Random
    21:02 The Olden Days of Yore
    23:39 Field of Greens
    24:46 Birthday Discourse
    26:22 Indifference vs Hate
    29:35 Words of the Day
    31:27 New Packing Peanuts
    33:01 State Farm
    35:16 The Streets Are Calling
    40:25 New BNC Word 
    41:08 Tiger Woods’ Scandal
    45:40 Booking.com
    46:40 The Talking Tree
    48:22 Responding to Comments
    53:13 John Legend’s Real Name
    53:59 The New Jesus Movie
    56:49 Obama On Smartless
    1:01:05 Tony Nominations 
    1:01:57 Challengers Movie Recap!!!
    1:11:34 See You In Bonus!!!

    118: Topping On The Senate Floor

    118: Topping On The Senate Floor
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

    Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr

    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor learn that the Capitol building and The White House are actually two very different buildings. Plus, Brooke can’t get over America’s high king: Matt Bomer. And Connor can’t stop grinding to Squidward’s footsteps. 

    Join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5356639204457124/ 

    Book whoever you want to be on Booking.com, Booking.YEAH!

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    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
    B+C Twitter: https://twitter.com/bncmap

    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    00:00 Spelling Bee
    02:36 Intro
    02:57 New Memes
    05:07 Irish Accents
    06:03 White House vs Capitol Building
    08:49 Connor’s DC Trip
    10:33 Booking.com
    11:54 Our Nation's Capital 
    13:20 Capital Building Hookups
    15:35 George Santos Check In
    17:37 Connor’s Solo Travels
    20:37 Learning American History
    21:34 Kleenex
    22:20 Texas’s History 
    23:00 Checking in on Brooke
    24:52 Objectifying Matt Bomer 
    29:21 Kylie Jenner is Pregnant?? 
    32:07 Timothée Chalamet is a Bird 
    33:42 Try Fum 
    35:19 Kylie Jenner’s Look Alike 
    36:33 Larry David on Smartless
    38:05 Bananas: Yay or Nay?
    40:01 The Best Feeling 
    41:38 Summer Love
    45:14 Quince
    46:50 Challengers
    49:20 Tennis is BACK
    50:34 Baby Reindeer 
    53:10 Tiny Tim 
    56:25 The Cast of E.T.
    59:05 Covers of Linger
    1:02:14 Dreams by The Cranberries 
    1:03:45 Highschool DJs
    1:04:18 Grinding is Insane 
    1:05:36 Annoying Texts
    1:06:48 Taylor Swift’s New Album
    1:10:42 See You In Bonus!!!

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    32: Choosing a New Co-Host
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    This week Brooke and Connor answer more of your questions! When was their first kiss? Do they think they’ll stay in California forever? Do they drink milk?!

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    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/

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    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    290-Your Mom's House with Christina Pazsitzky and Tom Segura

    290-Your Mom's House with Christina Pazsitzky and Tom Segura
    It's true that Choosy Mom's Choose Jif, but REAL Mom's do too. Are you REAL?? ChristJeansa and Tommy return from his birth city and they have some stories. Plane dumps and did you know that coconut butter can be used as a lubricant? Tom's family has tested it.  Pastor Manning lets us inside Starbucks secrets - just how much semen are they putting in your drink?  We have highlights from our LIVE show in Cincy with Geoff Tate AKA Denim on Denim AKA Hot Dogs and Gatorade for LYFE. You'll find out how many hot dogs he's been eating.  We haven't heard back yet from Gloria Estefan, but we're hoping by putting our song out there that she will respond soon.  Love,  The Miami Fart Machine Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    2644 Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together

    2644 Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together
    Unlocking your health mystery takes time and persistence. However, you can solve the puzzle and reset your health by putting the puzzle pieces together. One step at a time leads to miles of greatness! ~ Kristianne Wargo Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at http://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT. http://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT But unfortunately, society has trained us that if we can take away your symptoms, why can't you still live however you desire? No restrictions. No exercise. Pure joy. Or is it truly pure joy? I have been battling a couple of different viruses since the beginning of the new year. Usually, I'm pretty healthy, not getting sick. But this season has not faired in my favor.  So it got me thinking even more. Since going through perimenopause and now on the other side, plus having gut issues my entire life, maybe I really need to take a hard look at what my body needs.  I know I'm not the average person which diets or fitness regimens are created for. A 1200-1500 calorie day does not work for me at all. And please do not flood my inbox as to what I might be missing. I've done the research and am currently studying real-time as to how my body responds and reacts to food, movement, vitamins, supplements, and so forth. Like any good detective, you've gotta put the puzzle pieces together to understand the whole picture. The K.I.S.S. ~ Put the puzzle pieces together! If you are struggling with your health, I want to encourage you not to give up. You can figure out what is happening and what needs to change. One thing I've been researching is the Paleo Diet. This diet is a whole-foods diet that includes only the most nutritionally dense and sustainable foods. (The Paleo Approach, https://ThePaleoMom.com, Pg. 9) Now, you have heard me say that the food all of us should be eating follows one rule: If God made it, I can eat it. But that's in it's natural state.  For example, God did not make bread. He made grains. So how those grains are prepared and eaten does affect the nutrient density of the food along with how it is absorbed within a person's body. If you are struggling with your health or weight, this might be a good alternative for you to try. As I said, I am taking you on my health journey in discovering all my quirks and likenesses.  You get to decide what you would like to try. This by no means substitutes for personal medical advice. 
    - What are you eating that is real? This is the most natural state of the foods you eat.
    - What are you eating that is processed? If it's not one ingredient, it is processed.
    - How can you integrate more nutrient-dense foods? 
    One thing I want to caution you on. You do not have to define how you eat to anyone.  I have been asked several times, "What program are you doing?" My answer (and it should be yours, too) -- I'm eating what my body requires.  Because you might be a blend of Keto and Paleo. And there is nothing wrong with that. Don't fall into the trap that you must have a definitive cookie-cutter answer.  Your body is uniquely made. So treat it with the respect it deserves by putting together all the puzzle pieces. Now, I am currently working in the preparation stage gearing up to change my body's nutritional menu. I am taking detailed notes as to how my body responds to the "junk food". Then, I'll be able to see exactly how good food affects my body. It's going to be a long process, but I know we'll both learn so many things to benefit us in the long-run.  Hope you're ready to construct your puzzle. "Train for life. Love your journey!"   #WellnessWednesday #CreateYourNow #HealthAndWellness https://form.jotform.com/62988215824163  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will discuss your specific situation while gaining tools and strategies to move you forward. Live. Love. IMPACT!  "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!" Subscribe to https://youtube.com/createyournow on YouTube. Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or needing someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you https://form.jotform.com/62988215824163. This is FREE for you. Please stop trying to do life by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.   ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on https://goo.gl/forms/uqjN0rBZ3PZwCbft2. Here you can submit yourself to be on the podcast or make recommendations for who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!   Subscribe to https://youtube.com/createyournow on YouTube. Listen to Create Your Now on Spotify. Listen to http://www.iheart.com/show/263-Create-Your-Now-Your-Best/ The http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1 are LIVE!! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1 andhttp://bit.ly/CYNarchive2 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive4 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive5 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive6 and https://bit.ly/CYNarchive7 Contact me at https://createyournow.com http://createyournow.com/fuss-meal-plan/ Instagram
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    226: Sarah's Acting Job, Mythbusting, & Mommy & Me Fashion
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