
    About this Episode

    Check out the Show Notes at https://tuxdigital.com/podcasts/sudo-show/sudo-65

    Recent Episodes from Sudo Show

    60: Private Cloud Strikes Back

    60: Private Cloud Strikes Back
    Sponsors Bitwarden (https://bitwarden.com/tux) Linode (https://linode.com/tux) - Application of the month n8n (https://n8n.io) Support TuxDigital and the Sudo Show Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/tuxdigital) Show Notes xCat (https://xcat.org) MaaS (https://maas.io) Uyuni (https://www.uyuni-project.org/) The Foreman (https://theforeman.org/) Cobbler (https://cobbler.github.io/) BiFrost - Standalone Ironic (https://docs.openstack.org/bifrost/latest/) TinkerBell (https://tinkerbell.org/) MetalKubed (https://metal3.io/) OpenStack (https://openstack.org) OpenShift (https://openshift.com) OKD - Upstream for OpenShift (https://okd.io) Kubernetes (https://kubernetes.io) Rancher (https://rancher.com) Harvester (https://harvesterhci.io/) Mist.io (https://mist.io) ManageIQ (https://manageiq.org) oVirt (https://ovirt.org) Interact with the hosts and the community https://tuxdigital.com/community/

    58: An Open Career

    58: An Open Career
    Show Notes Brandon's website - https://open-tech.net Novell Wikipedia Page - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novell MicroFocus's Page on Novell Products they acquired from Attachmate - https://www.microfocus.com/en-us/products/novell/overview Red Hat - https://redhat.com Recommended read on Sales Engineering/Solution Architecture - https://a.co/d/2tpVkuS Jeff's Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@JeffGeerling Jeff's recent video explaining why he is out for the rest of the year - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv3nOQD7Efo

    57: Open Source Contributions

    57: Open Source Contributions
    Bill, Brandon, and Neal get together to expand on why corporate contributions to open source matter and the unintended benefits or consequences. Make sure to check out Destination Linux 300! Sponsors: https://bitwarden.com/tux https://do.co/tux2022 Episode links: https://www.documentfoundation.org/ https://libreoffice.org https://opencollective.org https://tuxdigital.com/podcasts/destination-linux/dl-300/