
    671. Andy & DJ CTI: Migrants Have Rights To Own Guns, Missouri Says Biden Admin Censored Speech & Police Accuse Bolsonaro Of Fraud

    enMarch 20, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the World of CTI Podcast and the 75 Hard ProgramThe CTI Podcast, hosted by Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz, shares internet insights, real talk, and success stories of 75 hard program graduates. They rely on listener support and maintain creative freedom by not running ads.

      Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz host a podcast called CTI (Cruz the Internet) where they discuss various topics from the internet, share real talk, and invite guests who have completed the 75 hard program to share their success stories. The show is unique as it doesn't run ads and instead relies on listeners to share the show. The 75 hard program is an initial phase of the live hard program, and the book on mental toughness outlines the entire program and its benefits. The hosts believe in self-funding the show to maintain creative freedom and ask listeners to share the show in exchange. The podcast covers real issues and often faces censorship, making listener support crucial.

    • Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul: A Spectacle of Boxing and BanterThe highly anticipated boxing match between Mike Tyson and Jake Paul is generating buzz and controversy, with each fighter engaging in pre-fight banter. The financial stakes are high, and the event is expected to be a spectacle, blurring the lines between sports and entertainment.

      The upcoming Mike Tyson and Jake Paul boxing match is generating significant buzz and controversy, with each fighter engaging in pre-fight banter on social media. The financial stakes are high, with Tyson reportedly set to earn $20 million, and the event expected to make around $300 million. Despite the hype, some believe that Jake Paul is "poking the beast" by goading Tyson, who is known for his fierce temper and formidable boxing skills. It remains to be seen whether the trash talk will escalate into something more serious when they step into the ring. Regardless, the fight is expected to be a spectacle, with both fighters bringing their unique styles and personalities to the event. Ultimately, it's a reminder that sports and entertainment can blur the lines between reality and fiction, and that the line between playful banter and serious confrontation can be thin.

    • Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson: The Most Talked-About Entertainment Spectacle of the YearDespite differing skills and fame sources, the upcoming boxing match between Jake Paul and Mike Tyson is generating buzz as the most anticipated entertainment event of the year, showcasing the power of sports and social media.

      The upcoming boxing match between Jake Paul and Mike Tyson is generating significant buzz due to the mental and physical prowess of both fighters. While Jake Paul is known for his promotional skills and social media presence, Mike Tyson's legendary status and apparent physical condition make him a formidable opponent. Despite predictions of Paul's potential defeat, fans are eagerly anticipating the event as the most talked-about entertainment spectacle of the year. The discussion also touched upon the trailer release for the event and some misinterpretations regarding the trailer's content. Overall, the excitement surrounding this match underscores the power of sports and entertainment to captivate audiences and generate revenue.

    • Judge's ruling allows gun ownership for undocumented immigrantA judge in Illinois dismissed gun charges against an undocumented immigrant, sparking debate over rights and public safety, while efforts to restrict gun rights for citizens and hiring practices continue to be controversial.

      There is ongoing debate about the rights of undocumented immigrants to own guns in the United States, as seen in a recent ruling in Illinois. Judge Sharon Coleman dismissed gun charges against an undocumented immigrant named Carbajal Flores, stating that he did not pose a risk to public safety and that his criminal record did not warrant denial of his Second Amendment right to bear arms. This decision has sparked controversy, with some arguing that it sets a dangerous precedent and others advocating for the rights of undocumented immigrants. Meanwhile, there are also efforts to restrict gun rights for American citizens, such as Colorado's proposed assault weapons ban. Additionally, there have been instances of companies, like Tyson Foods, laying off American workers while seeking to hire migrants, leading to backlash. Elon Musk has also weighed in on the issue, tweeting about the "democrat open borders plan to entrench single-party rule." Overall, these developments highlight the complex and contentious issues surrounding immigration, gun rights, and economic opportunities in the United States.

    • Democrats prioritize immigration over AmericansDemocrats aim to secure permanent voting majority by flooding country with immigrants, providing benefits, and enacting voter laws

      There is a strategy being implemented to significantly increase immigration numbers, prioritize the needs of non-citizens over Americans, and ensure their permanent residency through various means. This includes flooding the country with millions of immigrants, providing them with benefits, and enacting laws that make it difficult to prove voter fraud. The ultimate goal is to secure a permanent voting majority for the Democrat Party. This trend should concern Americans, especially those who have historically been negatively impacted by Democratic policies, as they are now being replaced with new immigrants who receive the benefits they were promised. The situation has become difficult to reverse and requires proactive measures to address it before it becomes even more entrenched.

    • Political climate awakens concerns about those in powerUnderstand business ops & fair exchange of value, avoid unrealistic wage demands, invest in skills for high-value careers

      The current political climate is awakening people to the fact that those in power may not have their best interests at heart. People were once dismissed as conspiracy theorists for raising concerns, but now, the truth is harder to ignore. Another key point is the importance of understanding business operations and the consequences of demanding unrealistic wages. This was exemplified in the Tyson Foods situation, where the company couldn't afford to pay unionized workers and instead opted to automate. This highlights the need for a fair exchange of value and the importance of investing in skills to secure high-value, high-wage careers.

    • Migrant Workers vs. Old Middle ClassThe inconsistent application of laws is leading to a growing divide between successful migrants and a struggling old middle class, risking a lawless society and selective prosecution.

      The ongoing trend of Americans leaving the workforce for government assistance while companies hire migrant workers is leading to a new demographic class of successful migrants and a struggling old middle class. This dynamic, which is exacerbated by the inconsistent application of laws, risks creating a lawless society and a selective prosecution environment. To avoid this, it's crucial for individuals to speak up and advocate for solutions before the window to fix the problem closes. The situation calls for difficult and potentially violent measures, such as a mass deportation event, to restore fairness and stability.

    • Stand up for what you believe inDon't be timid, address dangerous precedents, learn from history, welcome legal immigrants, protect country and future generations

      People need to take action and stand up for what they believe in, rather than being timid and afraid. The speaker expresses concern over dangerous precedents being set and the impact on individuals and their children if they fail to act. He cites examples of the large number of military-age migrants entering the country and the need to address these issues seriously. The speaker also reflects on the past and how people may have underestimated the importance of certain issues, urging everyone to learn from history and take a stronger stance. If Trump returns to power, the speaker encourages a welcoming approach for immigrants who come through proper channels, while ensuring they are not criminals or members of organized crime. Overall, the message is one of urgency and the importance of taking action to protect one's life, country, and future generations.

    • Speaker voices concerns about immigration situation and Trump's handlingSpeaker worries about immigration's impact on infrastructure, potential conflict, and Trump's inconsistencies; encourages individual action to find solutions

      The speaker expresses concerns about the current immigration situation in America and believes that tough actions, such as sending some immigrants back, are necessary despite potential backlash. He questions Trump's ability to handle the issue effectively due to past inconsistencies. The speaker also believes that the country's infrastructure cannot support the influx of immigrants and fears the possibility of internal conflict. He encourages individuals to take leadership roles in finding solutions and criticizes the lack of collective action. The speaker also shares appreciation for listeners who engage in thoughtful discussions on the topic.

    • Empowering individuals to lead changeIndividuals have the power to make a difference, live a high standard, use their voice positively, and break free from suppressive cultural climates, while protecting the First Amendment.

      Every individual has the power to make a difference and lead change in their own lives and communities, rather than waiting for an organization or leader to do it for them. The speaker emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility, living a high standard of life, and using one's voice to contribute positively, as opposed to being silent and consumed by external influences. The current cultural climate is one of suppression and censorship, and individuals have the power to break free from it by taking action in their own lives. The ongoing Missouri v. Biden case highlights the manipulation of narratives by federal agencies and the importance of protecting the First Amendment.

    • Justice Jackson raises concerns about First Amendment hindering govt protectionJustice Jackson expressed worries about the First Amendment limiting govt action to safeguard citizens, potentially justifying censorship in critical times

      During a Supreme Court hearing regarding the Biden administration's alleged coordination with big tech to censor certain speech, Justice Katanji Brown Jackson raised concerns that the First Amendment could hinder the government's ability to protect citizens during crucial periods. Critics argue that this could mean justifying censorship, as seen when social media companies suppressed information related to Hunter Biden's laptop before the 2020 election. The implications of this case are significant, as it could set a precedent for government intervention in online speech.

    • Government censorship led to potential loss of lives during pandemicThe government's suppression of effective therapeutics and information during the pandemic resulted in potentially countless lives lost, with collusion between the government and tech companies enabling censorship and control over the economy and public narrative.

      The government's censorship of effective therapeutics like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine during the pandemic, as well as the suppression of information related to the Biden laptop and vaccine, led to potentially countless lives lost due to lack of access to treatment. This censorship was used to maintain a state of emergency and control over the economy and public narrative. The First Amendment protects us from government overreach, but the federal government has ignored these protections and silenced voices through collusion with tech companies. The recent revelation of the FBI's direct access to and deletion of communications on social media platforms further highlights the sinister nature of this censorship. It's not just about meetings or suggestions; it's about control.

    • Censorship and manipulation of informationOngoing efforts to control narratives and silence discussions, seen in cases like Jair Bolsonaro's vaccination records, impact larger conversations and societal issues. Stay informed and engaged to stand up for individual rights and truth.

      There are ongoing efforts to censor discussions and manipulate information, as seen in the case of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro being accused of falsifying his COVID-19 vaccination records. This censorship extends beyond individual cases and impacts larger conversations about current events and societal issues. The speaker expresses frustration with those in power forgetting their role and attempting to control the narrative, emphasizing the importance of reminding them of their place and standing up for individual rights and truth. The situation in Brazil is just one example of the larger issue at hand, and it serves as a reminder to stay informed and engaged in the ongoing dialogue.

    • Concerns over COVID-19 data reporting accuracyQuestion information during crises, don't blindly trust sources, and investigate potential issues thoroughly.

      During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were concerns about the accuracy of COVID-19 data reporting. Some individuals believed that hospitals were labeling deaths as COVID-19 related even when other causes were present. This was allegedly due to financial incentives, with hospitals receiving significant payments for each COVID-19 death. Furthermore, the flu seemingly disappeared during this time, leading some to speculate that it was being mislabeled as COVID-19. These allegations were met with skepticism, with many trusting medical professionals and institutions to provide accurate information. However, the speaker in this conversation emphasizes the importance of questioning information and not blindly trusting sources, especially during times of crisis. The conversation also touches upon the idea that individuals are often too busy with their lives to thoroughly investigate potential issues and that they rely on the trustworthiness of those in positions of authority.

    • Betrayal and Backlash: Vaccine Skeptics and Trump's RoleSome individuals feel betrayed by perceived allies over vaccine complications, but continue to support Trump. When truth emerges, Trump may face backlash. Prepare a narrative to protect oneself.

      During a heated discussion about vaccines and their potential side effects, it became clear that some individuals feel strongly betrayed by those they perceived as allies, including media figures and government officials. They believe these entities colluded against them and ignored evidence of vaccine complications while promoting the vaccines. Despite this, many continue to support former President Trump, who has been vocal about the vaccine's benefits. The speakers warned that when the truth about vaccine-related health issues eventually comes to light, Trump may be blamed and face political ruin. They advised those who support Trump to prepare a narrative to protect themselves from potential backlash. The speakers also shared their disbelief over a bartender in Fort Lauderdale charging $30 for a shot and giving customers a slap as part of the experience. They found the price exorbitant and questioned the value of the experience.

    • Unique Performance Art: Slap Shots at a BarCalla's 'slap shots' performance as Hurricane Ayana at a Fort Lauderdale bar has gained popularity among college students for its entertainment value, but opinions on its worth and appropriateness remain divided.

      Calla, a performer and entrepreneur, has gained popularity by offering an unique experience called "slap shots" at a bar in Fort Lauderdale. In this performance, she appears as her alter ego, Hurricane Ayana, and "slaps" customers for $30. She ensures that the slaps are not too hard and emphasizes that it's all in good fun. Despite the controversy surrounding the practice, Calla has become a hit among college students who find it entertaining and Instagrammable. However, some people have criticized the concept, arguing that it's a waste of money and that there are better ways to spend $30. Others have compared it to degrading experiences like being paddle whooped. Ultimately, the slap shots represent a unique form of performance art and entrepreneurship, but opinions on its value and appropriateness are divided.

    • A Bachelor Party and the Complexities of Human BehaviorThe speaker shares a disdainful account of a bachelor party where women worked as bartenders and offered additional services, questioning the values of society and the actions of those involved, yet acknowledges the women's entrepreneurial spirit.

      The speaker describes an experience at a bachelor party where women worked as bartenders and offered additional services for a fee. He expresses disdain for the men attending, labeling them weak and clueless, while acknowledging that the women were making a living. The speaker also shares his own regretful actions at the event and expresses frustration with the overall situation. Ultimately, he questions the values of society and the actions of those involved. Despite his negative perspective, he does offer a grudging respect for the women's entrepreneurial spirit. The conversation reveals the complexities and contradictions of human behavior and the speaker's own struggles to navigate it.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

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    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    In today's episode, Andy and DJ are joined in the studio by comedian Tim Young. They discuss the Supreme Court's dismissal of the Social Media Censorship case, the congressional report that showed interference in 2020, and what we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

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