
    683. Andy & DJ CTI: Solar Eclipse 2024, Anti-Abortion Groups Rally Behind Trump & Biden's "Temporary" Amnesty To 1.2M Foreign Nationals

    enApril 09, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing mental toughness, answering listener questions, and sharing personal experiences on their real estate podcast CTIHosts Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz discuss mental toughness, answer listener questions, and share personal experiences on their ad-free real estate podcast CTI. They encourage listener support through sharing and mention a program called 75 Hard to help get lives in order.

      Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz host a real estate podcast called CTI (Cruz the Internet) where they discuss various topics, answer audience questions, and share personal experiences. The show covers a range of topics, including mental toughness, and they encourage listeners to submit questions via email or YouTube comments. The duo also shares their perspectives on current events and popular culture. They ask listeners to support the show by sharing it, as they face censorship and traffic throttling due to their sometimes unpopular content. They also mention a program called 75 Hard, which is an initial phase of the LiveHard program aimed at helping people get their lives in order. The LiveHard program, including the book "The Book on Mental Toughness," can be accessed for free, but the book is also available for purchase. The show is ad-free and relies on listener support through sharing. They also mention a phenomenon called Trump derangement syndrome and share some related videos.

    • Divided Perspectives on Race, Politics, and Mental HealthDespite shared desires for unity and equality, deep divisions persist, fueled by conflicting beliefs and misunderstandings. Open dialogue, empathy, and mutual respect are crucial for bridging these gaps.

      The discussion revolves around conflicting perspectives regarding race relations, politics, and mental health. Some believe in unity and equality, while others express fear and accusations of racism. One person expresses concerns about political unrest and potential violence, while another dismisses these fears and accuses the first of being mentally ill and an actress. The conversation becomes heated and chaotic, highlighting the deep divisions and misunderstandings that exist in society. Ultimately, it underscores the need for open dialogue, empathy, and a shared commitment to understanding and respecting one another's perspectives.

    • Intense Political DiscoursePeople express strong opinions and use derogatory language in political discussions, often based on race, appearance, and assumptions of cheating and hypocrisy. Passionate beliefs and emotional biases shape political discourse.

      The discussion revolved around a group of individuals expressing strong opinions and making accusations towards political figures and events, using derogatory language and making assumptions based on race and appearance. They also made comments about cheating and hypocrisy in politics. The conversation also included references to movies and pop culture. Despite the strong language and controversial topics, the individuals expressed their beliefs passionately, with some expressing support for certain candidates and criticizing others. The conversation also highlighted the complexity and nuance of political beliefs and the role of emotions and biases in shaping them. Overall, the discussion showcased the intensity and polarization of political discourse in contemporary society.

    • Cost and Fraud in Movie Industry, Solar Eclipse and Societal LimitationsThe cost of making movies continues to rise due to potential fraudulent activities. The solar eclipse brought up discussions on racial undertones and societal limitations, while potential terrorist threats and state of emergencies were also addressed.

      The cost of making movies has increased despite the use of less real-life elements due to potential fraudulent activities. The speaker also touched on the topic of the solar eclipse and its supposed racial undertones, suggesting that the issue lies in the inability of certain groups to experience it due to societal limitations. On a more serious note, the speaker discussed the potential terrorist threats and state of emergencies declared in various regions due to the solar eclipse. Overall, the conversation covered a range of topics from nostalgia for older movies and the solar eclipse to more serious issues like potential terrorist threats and racial tensions.

    • Tensions between Iran and Israel with potential impact on US assetsIsraeli actions without consultation could unite Israelis and Americans, disrupt elections, and serve new world order interests, but the complexities and potential dangers may overshadow other significant events.

      There are ongoing tensions between Iran and Israel, with the potential for significant attacks on US or Israeli assets in the Middle East. Netanyahu's actions without consultation have the potential to unite Israelis and Americans, and disrupt the election, serving the interests of those seeking to create a new world order. The situation also involves geopolitical power struggles, globalism, and communism. However, it's important to note that the idea of this creating unity is questionable, as people are becoming increasingly aware of the complexities and potential dangers of these conflicts. Additionally, there are other significant events, such as potential legal action against President Biden, that are being overshadowed by the focus on these tensions.

    • Avoid generalizing groups based on actions of a few, focus on individual actions and fact-based decision-makingAvoid forming harmful stereotypes, focus on individual actions and accountability, practice critical thinking, and evaluate political landscape based on facts for societal progress.

      It's essential to avoid generalizing entire groups of people based on the actions of a few. This can lead to harmful stereotypes and misunderstandings. Instead, we should focus on individual actions and hold those responsible accountable. Additionally, critical thinking and fact-based decision-making are crucial for societal progress. The political landscape should be evaluated based on facts and reality, rather than emotions and feelings. This approach will help us move forward as a collective and solve problems effectively. Furthermore, people should not blindly follow their political parties without questioning their actions and criticizing areas for improvement. This will lead to a more informed and productive society. The recent events have shown that unity can be achieved, not necessarily for the intended purpose, but to address pressing issues and bring about change.

    • Moving beyond generalizations and addressing individual issuesFocus on solving problems by addressing individual issues and holding accountable those responsible, rather than making sweeping statements based on race, gender, or ethnicity. Encourage open and honest dialogue, and recognize the importance of mental health issues.

      We need to move beyond generalizations and focus on addressing individual issues and holding accountable those responsible, rather than making sweeping statements based on race, gender, or ethnicity. The speaker emphasized that this approach is essential for solving problems and reducing tension in society. Additionally, they encouraged open and honest dialogue, free from fear of being labeled as racist or bigoted. The speaker also emphasized that mental health issues, such as gender dysphoria, are real and deserve understanding and respect. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of empathy, understanding, and taking a nuanced approach to complex social issues.

    • Perceptions of Imposition and SilencingRespecting individual rights and boundaries while fostering understanding and acceptance of diverse identities is crucial in addressing tensions surrounding trans representation.

      Some individuals express frustration and concern over what they perceive as the imposition of certain values and identities on society, particularly in relation to the trans community and its representation in media and public spaces. They feel their rights and children's innocence are being infringed upon, leading to a sense of being silenced and labeled as bigots. However, they acknowledge that many trans people simply live their lives and share their frustrations. The key issue is the perceived imposition of a false reality on others, leading to feelings of being forced to play a "make-believe" game. This tension highlights the importance of respecting individual rights and boundaries while fostering understanding and acceptance of diverse identities.

    • People's support for a leader or cause can extend beyond their agreement on every issueDespite disagreement on specific issues, people may still support a leader or cause, recognizing the bigger picture and the will of the people ultimately determines the laws of the land. Sensitivity and understanding are crucial in addressing contentious issues.

      People's support for a leader or cause can extend beyond their complete agreement on every issue. This was evident in the case of anti-abortion groups continuing to back Donald Trump despite their disappointment with his stance on the issue. Trump's announcement that he believes abortion should be regulated at the state level was a blow to these groups after a long campaign for a national ban. However, they recognized that Trump might still be the best option for their cause, as the will of the people ultimately determines the laws of the land. This issue, while important, is not the top priority for many, and pushing it too aggressively can turn off potential voters. Instead, it's crucial to focus on the bigger picture and allow for individual states to decide on the matter. This approach acknowledges exceptions to the rule, such as cases of rape, incest, and the mother's health. Overall, the will of the people should guide political decisions, and it's essential to approach contentious issues with sensitivity and understanding.

    • Balancing individual freedoms and state rights in the abortion issueA nuanced and compassionate approach recognizing complexities of abortion issue, respecting individual freedoms and state rights, and prioritizing impactful issues may be effective.

      The abortion issue is a deeply divisive topic that can alienate voters, particularly women. Republicans and conservatives risk losing support by focusing too heavily on this issue, as it is often seen as infringing on personal autonomy and body sovereignty. Instead, a more nuanced and compassionate approach that recognizes the complexities of the issue and respects individual freedoms and state rights may be more effective. The country's diversity and multicultural existence necessitate tolerance and understanding of differing viewpoints. It is essential to prioritize issues that have a more significant impact on people's lives, such as the economy and crime, rather than getting bogged down in divisive social issues. Ultimately, a common sense solution that balances individual freedoms and state rights, while also providing exceptions for certain situations, may be the most reasonable and effective approach.

    • Political Discourse on Abortion, Economy, and ImmigrationThe political discourse surrounding abortion, economy, and immigration remains divisive, with accusations of dishonesty and hypocrisy. Concerns over potential policy consequences and perceived inconsistencies continue to fuel the debate.

      The political discourse surrounding abortion and other issues has become highly charged and divisive, with accusations of lying, gaslighting, and projecting being leveled against both sides. The discussion also touched upon the potential consequences of certain policies and the perceived hypocrisy of some political figures. For instance, there are concerns that a national abortion ban could be imposed if the MAGA Republicans in Congress and a potential Trump presidency were to come to power. Additionally, there have been allegations of Biden making disparaging comments about the Resolute Desk and signing executive orders that negatively impacted the economy and energy production. The issue of immigration also came up, with Biden reportedly granting temporary amnesty to 1.2 million foreign nationals. Overall, the conversation underscored the intense political polarization and the importance of factual information and nuanced perspectives in the public discourse.

    • TPS holders ineligible for deportation and expected to be granted amnestyUnder Biden, over 1.2 million TPS holders, unable to be deported, may vote to avoid return to their countries, while foreign-born population reaches an all-time high of over 51 million, fueling concerns of replacement and system corruption

      Under President Biden, the number of foreign nationals living in the United States with Temporary Protected Status (TPS) has significantly increased, making them ineligible for deportation. This group, which currently stands at almost 1.2 million people, is expected to be granted amnesty before the November elections. These individuals, who cannot be deported, are likely to vote for Biden to avoid being sent back to their countries. Meanwhile, the foreign-born population in the US has reached an all-time high of over 51 million, with an increase of 6.4 million since Biden took office. Critics argue that this influx of immigrants could lead to the replacement of American workers and the corruption of the system. The government's response, some argue, is an attempt to bring in a new voter base and maintain power.

    • Unity Among Americans Against LawlessnessPeople are standing up against lawlessness, regardless of race or ethnicity, and unity among Americans is crucial. Enemies don't want these clips of bystanders intervening to be seen.

      People are recognizing the need for unity among Americans and taking matters into their own hands against lawlessness, regardless of race or ethnicity. The speaker shares videos of incidents in Belgium and New York City where migrants have attacked individuals, and the bystanders intervening and dealing with the situation. He emphasizes that this unity among Americans is important, and that those in power, whom he refers to as "enemies," don't want such clips to be seen. The speaker encourages listeners to join the conversation and express their thoughts. Additionally, he expresses his love for country music and makes a comparison between a character from the movie "Deliverance" and Joe Biden.

    • Country singer Morgan Wallen arrested for throwing chair off bar roofMorgan Wallen was arrested for throwing a chair off a bar roof, charged with reckless endangerment and disorderly conduct. Some believe excessive drinking may have played a role, while others criticize the arresting officer's actions.

      Country singer Morgan Wallen was arrested in Nashville after allegedly throwing a chair off the roof of a bar. Witnesses reported seeing him laughing afterward. Wallen was charged with three counts of reckless endangerment and disorderly conduct. Some people believe that the incident may have been a result of excessive drinking, and they feel that the charges are excessive. They also speculate that the arresting officer may have been overzealous and that Wallen might have been let go if there hadn't been other people around. Overall, the incident has generated a lot of discussion and debate, with some people expressing sympathy for Wallen and others expressing strong criticism.

    • The double standards of justice for the powerfulPower and fame can lead individuals to commit terrible acts, yet the focus remains on less significant issues, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging larger problems and promoting human decency.

      Power and fame can lead individuals to commit heinous acts, and the rules that apply to others may not apply to them. The discussion revolves around an encounter with a country superstar who allegedly killed 17 people with a chair. Despite the severity of the crime, the speaker intends to share the story repeatedly. The speaker expresses frustration with the double standards of justice and the focus on less significant issues, such as a celebrity's emotional distress over a political topic. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the existence of bigger problems in the world and focusing on normalcy and human decency.

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    087 From Professional Football and Goalkeeping to Physiotherapy

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    Carl was a goalkeeper, so we go on to discuss the unique pressures of goalkeeping, and how this impacted his enjoyment of the game.  We also talk about his career now and the psychology around recovery and rehabilitation.  Enjoy tuning in!

    Key Takeaways include:

    • It’s an individual thing, the mindset of a goalkeeper will depend on how they perceive pressure.
    • You can train immensely hard and do really well, yet one mistake can stick with you, it can be a mental battle.
    • Goalkeeping can be a lonely position, you've got another 10 players around you looking and counting on you.
    • Goalkeeping coaches have a big responsibility in the way that they support their players.
    • As a physiotherapist, you need to consider how you manage the person as well as the injury to get the best from them, always coming back to what does the injury need.
    • Soft skills are important to reassure people when their injured, helping them focus on what they can do
    • Often people are looking for quick fixes which can be a challenge.

    Connect with Carl Bell:




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    Helpful Podcast Episodes

    Podcast Ep08: Brendan Pearson - Academy Football, Professional Football, Injuries and Early Retirement

    Podcast Ep015: Nick Grantham - Essential Elements of Rest and Recovery

    Podcast Ep049: James Maurice – How Does Sport Psychology In Elite Football Academies Help 

    Podcast Ep065 Amy Izycky - Encouraging Mentally Healthy Cultures in Sport

    Podcast EP077: Danny Thomas - Before, During and After Professional Football

    Other Useful Resources 

    Goalkeeping Psychology Resources 

    Blog - Goalkeeping at Your Best Under Pressure

    Blog - How to Respond to Goalkeeping Mistakes 

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    You Don't Have to Feel It To Do It

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    Alter Egos Are Tools for Mental Toughness with Todd Herman

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    Todd Herman is a high-performance coach and is the best-selling author of the book The Alter Ego Effect: The Power of Secret Identities to Transform Your Life. Over the past 20 years, Todd has worked with celebrities and professional athletes, of whom the majority of his clients are kept secret. In his book, Todd teaches us how alter egos work, how we create them in different aspects of our lives, and how to activate them to help us become the most effective businessmen, the most intentional husbands, and the most patient and present fathers. Alter egos help us find the real version of what we are capable of. This is due to the fact that you no longer care about people judging you for who you are. One thing Todd mentions is that there's only one person keeping you from your full potential and that's YOU

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    2022 RP Transformation Winner - Male

    2022 RP Transformation Winner - Male
    0:15 Transformation challenge winner

    2:44 How Justin got into fitness
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