
    688: Ex-npm Employee Making a New Package Manager?! Vlt with Darcy Clarke

    enNovember 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Early days of web development: determination and resourcefulnessDevelopers in the past used innovative tools and showed determination to create functional web applications despite challenges

      Web development in the past was a challenging and innovative process. Darcy Clark, a past colleague and friend of Scott Talinsky and Wes Boss, shares stories from their early days in the industry. They worked on various projects, including a tweet wall for Holt Renfrew, where they had to filter out swear words and find creative solutions to refresh the application without live reload. Darcy's experiences showcased the determination and resourcefulness of developers during that time. They used tools like jQuery and WebSockets, which felt like magic when they figured them out. Another project, Deal Page, was a daily deal aggregator that became popular. These experiences demonstrate the evolution of web development and the excitement and ingenuity that came with it.

    • The speaker shares his experiences in web developmentFrom daily deals emails to PHP docs, the speaker's journey showcases the evolution and trends in web development, emphasizing the importance of learning and adapting to new technologies.

      The speaker shared his experiences in the early days of web development, where he worked on various projects using different technologies like Mailchimp, CodeIgniter, and ExpressionEngine. He recalled the process of sending daily deals emails and the learning experience of discovering transactional emails. He also mentioned his experiences working for multiple companies, including Fantasy Interactive in New York, and contributing to PHP docs. The speaker emphasized the evolution of web technologies and how the industry has gone through trends of combining and separating different components. He also mentioned his involvement in the PHP community and working on PHP 7 docs. Overall, the speaker's experiences demonstrate the dynamic nature of web development and the value of learning and adapting to new technologies.

    • Joining NPM during a challenging time and rebuilding it for growthCommunity involvement is crucial for the success of a package manager, and NPM's acquisition by GitHub highlights the importance of rebuilding and repositioning a product for growth in the face of challenges.

      The NPM registry, being the largest package manager in the ecosystem, plays a crucial role in the development and deployment of various applications, especially in JavaScript. The speaker shared their personal experience of joining the NPM team during a tough time and working to rebuild and reposition the product for growth. They emphasized the importance of community involvement and shared learnings in the node ecosystem. The speaker also highlighted the nuances of comparing different package managers and the vastness of the NPM package ecosystem. Despite the challenges, the team's efforts paid off, and NPM was eventually acquired by GitHub, reflecting the positive impact of their work.

    • Managing chaos during npm's early daysAmidst competition and abuse, npm team worked to maintain their position, add features, and remove inappropriate content, enabling open source contributions and growth in the JavaScript community.

      During the early days of npm, it was a chaotic yet exciting time as the company worked to maintain its position in the package management ecosystem amidst competition and abuse of the free bandwidth. The ease of publishing packages on npm unlocked opportunities for the open source community to contribute, but it also led to challenges such as managing hard deadlines, showing product-market fit, and dealing with abusive use of the registry. The team worked diligently to address these challenges, adding features and taking down inappropriate content. Despite the chaos, it was an opportunity for the speaker to contribute to a product they used daily and make a difference in the JavaScript developer community.

    • New JavaScript package manager and registry: Volt VLTVolt VLT is a new package manager and registry that aims to address limitations of existing ones by providing a registry proxy with the clients, allowing users to manage private instances and build new APIs and capabilities.

      The creator of NPM identified a need for innovation in the infrastructure side of JavaScript package management, leading to the development of Volt VLT, a new package manager and registry. The current package managers, such as NPM, Yarn, and PNPM, have limitations in terms of what they can offer due to being reliant on the server and APIs. Volt aims to address this by providing a registry proxy with the clients, allowing users to manage private instances of the registry and build new APIs and capabilities on top of the existing package ecosystem. This approach could potentially solve issues with inconsistencies between what's on the registry and what's in the node modules folder. The project is still in its early stages, and interested individuals can sign up for early access at vaultvlt.sh.

    • Remote caching and optimized package distributions make installation process faster and more efficientThese innovations provide optimized versions of packages, reducing data downloaded and saving time and bandwidth for developers, adhering to the 80/20 rule that most use cases don't require full packages.

      Remote caching and optimized package distributions are key innovations in the infrastructure of modern software development, particularly in the context of package management. These features aim to make the installation process faster and more efficient by providing optimized versions of packages that exclude unnecessary files, such as tests, docs, and large media files. By reducing the amount of data that needs to be downloaded, developers can save time and bandwidth. This concept, known as "80/20 rules," suggests that 80% of use cases don't require the full package, including its documentation and tests. This idea was discussed in the context of Redux packages and the challenges faced by their maintainers in publishing various formats, such as Common JS and ESM. The future of package management may involve shipping software as authored and deriving the necessary variants for different use cases, but this comes with the challenge of backward compatibility with existing packages. The solution lies in a smarter registry and infrastructure that can create optimized versions of packages for different module syntaxes and importing methods. Remote caching and optimized package distributions represent significant advancements in the field, making the installation process faster and more efficient for developers.

    • Choosing the right package managerUsing a specific package manager consistently can lead to effective package management, but each manager like NPM, MPM, and Yarn, has unique strengths and weaknesses. Consider project needs and constraints when selecting a manager.

      Using a specific variant of a software with necessary imports or exports can lead to consistent package management and consumption strategies. However, different package managers like NPM and MPM have their unique strengths and weaknesses. MPM, being more feature-rich and highly configurable, interprets dependency graphs more slowly and copies entire packages to disk, making it inherently slower than SIM linking. SIM linking, on the other hand, is not supported by Windows and can lead to complications with handling dependencies. Some ecosystems, like the ESLint ecosystem, rely on being able to access packages without explicitly defining them, which can be a challenge with modern tooling. Yarn, a competitor to NPM and MPM, played a significant role in pushing innovation in the package manager space, but faced challenges with its virtual file system and installation strategy, particularly in the React Native ecosystem. Ultimately, the choice of a package manager depends on the specific needs and constraints of a project.

    • Advancements in package management and development toolsTools like Yarn, NX, and Volt streamline package management and development for larger organizations, addressing challenges like managing dependencies and configurations.

      The evolution of package managers and development tools has significantly simplified the process of managing and publishing packages, especially for larger organizations with numerous JavaScript projects. The discussion highlighted the early struggles with managing dependencies and configurations, but the introduction of all-in-one solutions like Yarn, NX, and Volt, has made development more seamless and efficient. The challenges faced by large teams, such as Microsoft Office, in managing thousands of repositories and config files, demonstrate the need for tools that can help stage and test packages all in one place. The debate around managing config files continues, with some arguing that the abundance of config files is a result of utilizing various projects, and the location of these files is not a major issue. However, concerns around people touching these files or the noise they create can be addressed through tools like SyndraSource's Git plugin. Overall, the advancements in package management and development tools have made a significant impact on the development process, particularly for larger organizations, and will continue to shape the way we build and manage software.

    • Managing Config Files and On-Prem RegistriesOrganize config files using VS Code's file nesting feature, and consider using on-prem registries for private package management with added security and control.

      Config files are a complex and necessary aspect of software development, and standardizing them is a minefield due to varying requirements and differences between configurations. The xkcd comic "Why do we still have this problem?" humorously illustrates the frustration of dealing with multiple, incompatible config standards. The config files are essential to applications, and deleting them could potentially break the codebase. However, organizing and hiding config files within a project can help declutter the workspace. One such method is using Visual Studio Code's file nesting feature to nest config files under package.json. Regarding on-prem registries, companies may choose to host their own private NPM registries for security and control reasons. They can either run open-source solutions like Datchio or use enterprise offerings like JFrog Artifactory or Sonatype Nexus. These registries allow companies to mirror and firewall the packages they need, ensuring that their developers install packages only through approved channels. This approach provides benefits such as policy engines and heuristics to manage package installations.

    • Managing Dependencies with NPM Tools: Risks and SolutionsNPM tools like remote caches improve efficiency but introduce risks such as dependency confusion and security vulnerabilities. Alternative solutions like Volt.sh aim to address these concerns by indexing all packages and ensuring their security.

      The NPM package registry, which is a large and growing ecosystem, has led to the development of various tools that help companies manage their dependencies more efficiently. These tools include remote caches, which allow for faster build times and the hosting of package versions. However, they also come with risks, such as dependency confusion, where a misconfigured scope can lead to the unintended fetching of packages from the public registry instead of the private one. This can result in security vulnerabilities. The NPM package registry is massive, with over 28 terabytes of data, and the potential for indexing all of it exists, making it an attractive target for attackers. Companies like Socket.dev and Snyk Security aim to address these security concerns by providing alternative solutions, such as Volt.sh, which aims to become the "Google of packages" by indexing all packages and ensuring their security. It's important for developers to be aware of these risks and take steps to secure their dependencies.

    • Manipulated metadata in package repositories leads to inconsistent behaviorAnalyzing package contents instead of just relying on metadata prevents manifest confusion and ensures consistent behavior

      The metadata in package repositories like NPM can be manipulated, leading to inaccurate information for security companies and developers. This issue, known as manifest confusion, can result in inconsistent and buggy behavior when installing dependencies from registries or caches. Companies like Socket are addressing this problem by analyzing the actual contents of packages instead of just relying on metadata. The Volt project, led by Firas Moujahid, is also innovating in this space with dependency selectors, allowing developers to traverse their dependency graph like a DOM. Speaking of Firas, he's known for his impressive projects, such as WebTorrent and Volt. In a more personal note, Firas and I have a shared history, and we'll likely be collaborating in the future. I'd also like to share some of my recent personal discoveries, starting with my new pet, Charlie, a flat-haired goldendoodle. He's brought a lot of joy into my life. Stay tuned for more Sick Picks, including music recommendations.

    • Appreciating Companionship and Intellectual StimulationThe speaker values companionship, intelligence, and the fusion of technology and everyday life. They appreciate dogs, magazines, and Nespresso machines, and recommend exploring new experiences like the Black Berry movie and Wood Gears.

      The speaker values companionship and intelligence in various forms, whether it's through the companionship of a dog, the intellectual stimulation of a magazine like Scientific American, or the convenience and consistency of a Nespresso machine. The speaker also appreciates the fusion of technology and everyday life, as seen in the Nespresso machine and the engineering projects of YouTuber Matthias Wandel. Additionally, the speaker expresses a love for dogs, specifically Goldendoodles, and a caffeine addiction. The speaker's travels and experiences have exposed them to new things, such as the Black Berry movie and the engineering of Wood Gears, which they recommend to others for both entertainment and educational purposes. Overall, the speaker's musings show a curiosity and appreciation for the world around them, from the intelligent companionship of a dog to the technological innovations that make life easier.

    • A discussion about technology, music, and nostalgiaWe shared our excitement about new music releases and lamented the challenges of accessing all desired content, while reflecting on the authenticity of movie scenes and our shared love for emo and punk rock music.

      Our conversation covered a range of topics from debating the effectiveness of indoor fans during hot weather, to sharing nostalgic memories of music and technology. A particularly engaging discussion ensued when we talked about a video by a man who had worked at BlackBerry and tested the authenticity of scenes in a movie. We also shared our excitement about new music releases from various Canadian bands, including Monine, Protest the Hero, Comeback Kid, Bring Me the Horizon, and No Pressure. It was clear that we both have a strong connection to emo and punk rock music, and we were both looking forward to attending upcoming shows. Despite the numerous streaming services available, we lamented the difficulty of accessing all the content we wanted. Overall, our conversation was a delightful blend of technology, music, and nostalgia.

    • Luck and Persistence in Claiming Online AssetsSecure valuable online assets through a mix of luck and persistence. Stay curious, be proactive, and follow your interests to discover new music and artists.

      Sometimes luck plays a significant role in securing valuable online assets, such as domain names and social media handles. The speaker shared stories about how they were able to secure the domain name vlt.sh and the Twitter handle @Darcy through a combination of luck and connections. They also mentioned the importance of persistence and being proactive in claiming online identities, even if they were being used by bots or squatters. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the influence of social media platforms like TikTok in discovering new music and artists. They encouraged listeners to explore new music and follow their interests, no matter how obscure or niche they may seem. The speaker also shared a few recommendations for bands and Twitter handles, encouraging listeners to check them out. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying curious, being persistent, and taking advantage of opportunities when they arise.

    • TikTok's mysterious JavaScript engine and involvement in Winter CG working groupDespite reaching out to experts, no one knows exactly what TikTok is doing with their custom JavaScript runtime. Possible uses include running their own servers or improving video editor performance with isomorphic JavaScript and WebAssembly.

      The landscape of tech companies and their inner workings is becoming more complex, making it harder for outsiders to understand what companies like TikTok are doing behind the scenes. Darcy, from the Syntax podcast, shared her curiosity about TikTok's involvement in the Winter CG working group and their use of their own JavaScript engine. Despite reaching out to various industry experts, no one seems to know exactly what TikTok is doing with their JavaScript runtime. Darcy also mentioned the existence of a new app called TikTok Music, which is only available in Indonesia and Brazil. It's possible that TikTok is running its own servers using isomorphic JavaScript or doing custom work to improve the performance of their video editor, Capcut, which is built using WebAssembly, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you have any connections to TikTok or ByteDance, please reach out to the Syntax team to help shed some light on this mystery. Overall, the tech industry is constantly evolving, making it essential to stay informed and curious.

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