
    69. Word of the Week: Play

    enApril 05, 2022

    About this Episode

    Word of the Week: Play


    Episode #69

    In this mini-episode, Nick gives you his new definition of the Word of the Week.  


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    Recent Episodes from The Creative Soulpreneur Podcast with Nick Demos

    131. The Top 5 Money Blocks

    131. The Top 5 Money Blocks

    The Top 5 Money Blocks


    Episode # 131


    In this episode, host Nick Demos takes us on a journey through the top 5 money mindset challenges that entrepreneurs often face. From the "starving artist mentality" to "toxic money messages," Nick uncovers these common blocks and provides strategies to overcome them. He emphasizes the importance of shifting core beliefs to unlock greater opportunities and confidently scale impact and income. Get ready to dive into the world of money mindset and uncover tangible tools to propel your entrepreneurial journey to the next level.


    You'll Learn:


    Shift From Scarcity to Abundance: Recognize and shift from the scarcity mindset to an authentic abundance perspective. Focus on gratitude and celebrate your wins to foster mental well-being and creative growth.


    Embrace Failure as Feedback: Reframe failure as feedback and a stepping stone towards success. Practice emotional resiliency, celebrate daily wins, and gradually desensitize the fear of failure to build confidence and momentum.


    Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Banish imposter syndrome by celebrating small victories and surrounding yourself with a supportive community that appreciates your genius. Recognize your value and set appropriate prices for your products and services.



    Take the Creative Visionary Quiz and find out your type to learn how to understand and utilize your energy to create abundance in your life and business.  www.creativevisionaryquiz.com


    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert. With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.



    130. Fueling Growth Through Curiosity

    130. Fueling Growth Through Curiosity

    Fueling Growth Through Curiosity


    Episode #130


    In this episode, Nick delves into the power of curiosity in the entrepreneurial journey. He discusses the role of curiosity in driving innovation, navigating the messy middle, and inspiring others. Nick shares insights on fostering a deep curiosity, embracing a childlike wonder, and cultivating a culture of curiosity. He offers practical tips for nurturing curiosity, which sparks intentions into reality and inspires growth in your business.



    You'll Learn:


    Embrace a Childlike Wonder: Recapture the spirit of endless questioning and exploration that you had as a child. Remain open to learning, let go of preconceived notions, and make space for magical moments like serendipity and synchronicity.


    Seek Diverse Perspectives: Schedule curiosity meetings with colleagues, mentors, or Biz Besties. Join a mastermind to gain exposure to varied viewpoints and immerse yourself in unrelated fields to spark innovative ideas.


    Cultivate a Culture of Curiosity: Keep an innovation journal to jot down unconventional ideas, schedule curiosity meetings, and take inspiration trips to creative hubs and industry conferences. Embrace setbacks as learning opportunities and don't be afraid to pivot based on new insights.



    Take the Creative Visionary Quiz and find out your type to learn how to understand and utilize your energy to create abundance in your life and business.  www.creativevisionaryquiz.com



    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.


    129. Find Your Authentic Edge in Media with Shannon O'Dowd

    129. Find Your Authentic Edge in Media with Shannon O'Dowd

    Find Your Authentic Edge in Media with Shannon O'Dowd


    Episode #129


    In this episode, Nick and guest Shannon O'Dowd share their insights on leaving a legacy for the future and embracing sustainable practices. Their discussion revolves around the concept of "edutainment," combining entertainment with learning to help the planet and its inhabitants. As Shannon shares her evolution as a media trainer, embracing authenticity and spirituality in her work, she delves into managing her inner critic and using nerves as fuel. Both Nick and Shannon stress the importance of authenticity, preparation, and being present in the moment, providing valuable insights into public speaking and media presentations. Join us as we delve into their experiences, challenges, and growth, and explore the power of vulnerability and the impact of conscious business practices.


    Shannon Website

    Shannon Instagram

    Shannon Facebook

    Shannon LinkedIn




    Embracing Authenticity: Nick and Shannon discuss the evolution of media and the shift towards authenticity, emphasizing the importance of presenting oneself as the best version of their true self. Being genuine and authentic is key to making a positive impact in the world.


    Managing Nervousness: Shannon shared her experiences in managing her inner critic, Agnes, and using her presence as fuel rather than allowing it to hold her back. They talk about techniques for managing nerves, from breathing exercises to finding one's authentic self and managing natural tendencies.


    Crafting Impactful Presentations: Nick and Shannon explore the importance of preparing an intro and close, using bullet points as a roadmap for speeches or presentations, and finding the balance between scripted and banter-based performances. Being fully present and detaching from the self-judging voice leads to impactful and authentic presentations.



    Take the Creative Visionary Quiz and find out your type to learn how to understand and utilize your energy to create abundance in your life and business.  www.creativevisionaryquiz.com


    When leaders, organizations, experts, and influencers need to polish their presence for high stakes conversations, they call Shannon O’Dowd.

    Shannon’s clients have appeared on the Today Show, Entertainment Tonight, the Doctors, HGTV, Hallmark, QVC, Buzzfeed, and major market morning shows. From becoming confident on camera to being captivating in the boardroom, Shannon’s clients gain the skills to shine when the stakes are at the highest. Her approach focuses on helping her clients be their most authentic self so they can connect, impact, and influence their audiences.

    Through her workshops and private coaching retainers, Shannon guides her clients’ performance technique, messaging, body language, eye-line, nervousness, and presentation design.


    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert. With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.




    128. Embracing Inner Power with Peter Williams

    128. Embracing Inner Power with Peter Williams

     Embracing Inner Power with Peter Williams


    Episode # 128


    Join Nick as he delves into Peter's compelling journey – from feeling shut out by the government and the air force, to discovering his true calling in teaching and connecting with young adults about finding their passion. Together, they explore Peter's spiritual awakening at a young age and delve into his transformative experiences, including navigating the aftermath of the Fukushima earthquake. Nick and Peter discuss the transition from personal exploration to building a successful business in the spiritual realm, alongside valuable insights on resilience, trust, and the transformative power of embracing one's true self. 


    Peter Website

    Peter Facebook

    Peter LinkedIn

    Peter Instagram




    When faced with failure or rejection, it's essential to learn from the experience and understand that it may lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth.


    Embracing spirituality often requires courage and vulnerability. However, the societal acceptance of spirituality has shifted, allowing for more freedom and growth in this space.


    Trust, belief, and resilience are crucial in navigating challenges, and paying attention to cues and demands in your community can spark personal and professional evolution.



    Take the Creative Visionary Quiz and find out your type to learn how to understand and utilize your energy to create abundance in your life and business.  www.creativevisionaryquiz.com




    Peter Williams is a conscious living leader, inspirational & motivational speaker, mentor and teacher. He shares insights, learnings, wisdom and guidance to help you connect with your soul purpose and to re-imagine and reclaim the happiness you deserve and the abundant life you came here to live. Peter’s Flagship program ‘INNA POWA’ provides interactive sessions, live teachings, meditations, podcasts and opportunities to learn from others who have turned their soul-supported modalities into a heart-centered, modern business. 


    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.


    127. Mastering SEO Basics

    127. Mastering SEO Basics

    Mastering SEO Basics


    Episode #127


    In this episode Nick delves into the often overlooked but essential topic of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). He breaks down the basics of SEO, emphasizing its crucial role in boosting online presence and driving traffic to businesses. Nick discusses the importance of creating engaging content, building quality backlinks, and ensuring mobile-friendly website experiences. He backs up his insights with industry research and emphasizes the significant impact of SEO on lead generation and sales. Listeners are encouraged to integrate SEO into their marketing strategy and are invited to provide feedback and suggest future topics. 




    SEO is essential for online visibility. With nearly 95% of website traffic coming from search engines, ranking high in search results is crucial for attracting potential customers and opportunities.


    The basics of SEO involve creating engaging, keyword-optimized content, building high-quality backlinks from trusted sites, and ensuring a responsive, mobile-friendly website for the best user experience.


    The payoff for implementing solid SEO strategies is significant. Research shows that businesses that blog and optimize content for SEO can get over twice as many leads as those who don't, and there can be a return on investment as much as 500%.



    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert. With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.


    Take the Creative Visionary Quiz and find out your type to learn how to understand and utilize your energy to create abundance in your life and business.  www.creativevisionaryquiz.com

    126. Supercharge Your Productivity: Proven Techniques for Creative Success

    126. Supercharge Your Productivity: Proven Techniques for Creative Success

    Supercharge Your Productivity: Proven Techniques for Creative Success


    Episode #126


    In today's episode, Nick dives into the world of productivity. With his years of experience as a creative entrepreneur, Nick shares valuable insights, techniques, and tools that will help you maximize your time and create quality work. From time blocking to single-tasking, he explores various strategies that will improve your focus, enhance your creativity, and increase efficiency. As he guides you through the importance of prioritization, automation, and minimizing distractions, Nick ensures that you'll walk away with practical advice that can be applied to your own business and life. So, get ready to tap into your productive flow and discover the secrets to becoming a successful and inspired soulpreneur.


    You'll Learn:


    Time Blocking: Create focused blocks of time on your calendar to work on specific tasks or projects. By eliminating distractions and avoiding multitasking, you can enter a state of flow and produce high-quality work.


    Prioritize and Batch: Focus on the 20% of tasks that will yield 80% of the results. By prioritizing your top five tasks, you can stay focused and achieve your goals more effectively. Additionally, consider batching similar tasks together, such as replying to emails or making phone calls, to boost productivity and streamline your workflow.


    Minimize Notifications: Disable unnecessary app notifications on your phone to reduce distractions and maintain your concentration. Taking breaks from screens, going outside, and practicing self-care are essential for avoiding burnout and staying energized.


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    Take the Creative Visionary Quiz and find out your type to learn how to understand and utilize your energy to create abundance in your life and business.  www.creativevisionaryquiz.com


    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.




    125. Connecting Creativity and Wellness with Jenni Grover

    125. Connecting Creativity and Wellness with Jenni Grover

    Connecting Creativity and Wellness with Jenni Grover


    Episode # 125


    In this episode, we delve into the inspiring journey of Jenni Grover, a former chronic illness advocate who underwent a profound transformation that led her to embrace a new identity and redefine her life's purpose. Join host Nick and guest Jenni G as they explore the power of storytelling, creativity, and wellness in facing life's challenges. From managing chronic illness to embracing multipassionate careers, Jenni's story embodies resilience and the pursuit of creativity as a healing force. They discuss the significance of authenticity, addressing negative feedback, and the transformative nature of artistic expression. 



    Jenni Grover Instagram

    Jenni Grover Pinterest

    Jenni Grover Facebook




    Embracing Authenticity: Nick and Jenni discuss the importance of accepting all parts of ourselves, including the darker emotions, and finding a balance between optimism and acknowledging negative feelings.


    Coping with Negativity: Sharing their experiences of facing criticism and negativity, Nick and Jenni explored different approaches to handling it, including using it as a source of insight and creating polarizing content.


    The Healing Power of Creativity: They emphasize the role of creative outlets in personal expression and storytelling, and Jenni shares her personal journey with quilting as a form of healing and genuine self-expression.



    Take the Creative Visionary Quiz and find out your type to learn how to understand and utilize your energy to create abundance in your life and business.  www.creativevisionaryquiz.com



    Jenni Grover is a wellness coach for makers, author, activist and maximalist quilter. She cares deeply about the intersection of creativity and health, coaching clients' physical, mental, social, creative, and spiritual concerns. A lifelong writer, Jenni has more than 34 years experience in print, broadcast, and online media. She has been a professional speaker since 1996. Jenni has lived with multiple chronic illnesses and chronic pain since 1997 and has devoted much of her life to advocacy. Her book ChronicBabe 101: How to Craft an Incredible Life Beyond Illness has helped countless folks feel better. 


    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.



    124. Mastering Visibility: How to Get Seen and Heard

    124. Mastering Visibility: How to Get Seen and Heard

    Mastering Visibility: How to Get Seen and Heard


    Episode #124


    In today's episode, Nick tackles the challenges of gaining visibility in an oversaturated market. Nick shares personal experiences and hard-earned advice on overcoming the fear of being seen, finding your target audience, and the importance of quality over quantity. He emphasizes consistency, smart risk-taking, and authenticity as key strategies for getting noticed. If you're struggling to be seen and heard in the noisy digital landscape, don't miss out on these valuable tips. 




    How to overcome the challenge of putting yourself out there and being seen in a crowded market.


    Identifying the most active platforms for your target audience and focusing your efforts there first.


    The importance of consistency in posting content and building genuine connections to amplify your visibility over time.



    Take the Creative Visionary Quiz and find out your type to learn how to understand and utilize your energy to create abundance in your life and business.  www.creativevisionaryquiz.com


    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert. With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.


    123. Authentic Networking with Cara Steinmann

    123. Authentic Networking with Cara Steinmann

    Authentic Networking with Cara Steinmann


    Episode #123


    Together, Nick and Cara delve into the challenges of networking while hiding parts of oneself and the weight it carries. They question the idea of "fake it till you make it" and explore different approaches to portraying authenticity, both on and off the stage.

    They also discuss the importance of giving genuine compliments and how it can make people feel seen and appreciated. Nick and Cara share their own experiences with unlocking the power of networking through authentic conversations, rather than resorting to shallow small talk.

    Throughout the episode, they address the misconceptions of networking and shed light on the spammy and ineffective techniques that should be avoided. They emphasize the value of making meaningful connections, providing value, and rejecting the pressure to sell or gain something.

    They also touch on the struggles of entrepreneurship, the continuous journey of personal development, and the importance of timing in networking and building relationships. They even explore the different ways of presenting oneself and the power of manifestation.


    Cara Instagram

    Cara Website

    Cara LinkedIn

    Cara Facebook




    Authentic Networking: Building genuine connections should be the focus, not just selling or gaining something. It's about making others feel seen and appreciated, rather than using robotic outreach or prospecting tactics. 


    Embracing Creativity: Creativity isn't just about originality, but also about bringing new life to things that didn't exist before. It's about thinking differently and embracing alternative perspectives. Whether you're an artist or in any other industry, applying acting techniques can ignite your imagination and open new doors.


    Neurodiversity & Connection: Cara shares her journey with ADHD and the importance of embracing neurodiversity. By being true to ourselves and connecting with like-minded individuals, we create a safe space where everyone feels empowered to be their authentic selves. Let's reject societal expectations and celebrate our uniqueness!


    Take the Creative Visionary Quiz and find out your type to learn how to understand and utilize your energy to create abundance in your life and business.  www.creativevisionaryquiz.com


    Cara Steinmann is a connection strategist who helps women entrepreneurs build communities and strategic networks that lead to more collaboration, visibility, and fun. Founder of the Ravel Collective, host of the Different on Purpose podcast, and creator of the RAD Referrals Roadmap, Cara inspires women to forge meaningful connections that positively impact their personal and professional lives.

    She believes the collective power of women is the key to dismantling systems of oppression and has made it her mission to remove the obstacles that keep women separate, so they can build more wealth and amplify their impact together.



    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.


    122. The Top 5 Personal Brand Storytelling Mistakes

    122. The Top 5 Personal Brand Storytelling Mistakes

    The Top 5  Personal Brand Storytelling Mistakes


    Episode #122


    In this episode of The Creative Soulpreneur, Nick counts down the top 5 storytelling mistakes in marketing. He explores the common missteps that hold back storytellers from connecting with their audience in a meaningful way. From ignoring the power of visuals to neglecting the call to action, Nick provides valuable insights into crafting compelling narratives. Uncover the keys to mastering the art of storytelling in your brand and learn how to avoid these pitfalls to create impactful connections with your audience.




    Embrace Visuals: A picture is worth a thousand words! Don't ignore the power of visuals in your storytelling. Use captivating images, videos, and infographics to enhance the emotional resonance of your story.


    Focus on Benefits, Not Just Features: When telling your story, go beyond listing the features of your offer. Focus on showcasing the benefits and how your product or service can positively impact your audience's lives.


    Authenticity is Key: In a digital age craving real connections, authenticity is crucial. Share not only successes but also challenges and failures that have shaped your journey. Your true voice builds trust and creates genuine bonds with your audience.



    Take the Creative Visionary Quiz and find out your type to learn how to understand and utilize your energy to create abundance in your life and business.  www.creativevisionaryquiz.com


    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.