
    691: Cloudflare Workers Are Next Level With Rita Kozlov And Brendan Irvine-Broque

    enNovember 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Serverless edge technology for custom code at CloudflareCloudflare Workers allows developers to run custom JavaScript code at the edge for faster response times and improved functionality, enabling more granular control and better site performance.

      Cloudflare Workers is a serverless edge technology offered by Cloudflare that allows developers to run custom JavaScript code at the edge of their network, providing faster response times and improved functionality for websites and applications. The technology was born out of the need to make it easier for larger customers to self-serve customizations and requirements without adding engineering resources or slowing down site performance. With the increasing number of JavaScript server runtimes available, efforts are being made to keep standards consistent to avoid fragmentation similar to the browser wars. Workers can be used for various purposes such as adding custom headers, caching based on specific conditions, and geo-targeting, among others. By deploying code at the edge, Cloudflare Workers improve site performance and enable more granular control for developers.

    • Cloudflare Workers: Running Serverless Code at the EdgeCloudflare Workers enable developers to run serverless code at the edge for improved application speed and scalability, offering various use cases and benefits for teams.

      Cloudflare Workers represent a new paradigm for building applications by allowing developers to run serverless code at the edge. This approach, which was inspired by Google's V8 engine and the concept of isolates, has proven to be more powerful than traditional CDN customization. From the initial idea to execution, Cloudflare Workers went from prototype to live within a few months in 2017. Workers can be used as a server or as a middleware between a user and the end result, enabling various use cases such as country redirection or cookie checking. Many developers are now building entire applications on Cloudflare Workers, while others are performing "outside-in refactors" by moving the outermost layers of their applications to Cloudflare and building new components on it. The benefits of serverless and workers are attractive to teams looking to improve application speed and scalability, and Cloudflare is making it easier for teams to migrate incrementally. The journey often starts with identifying slow or scaling issues that can be addressed at the in-between layer.

    • Offloading tasks to the edge for improved scalability and performanceEdge computing offers significant improvements in scalability and performance by allowing tasks to be offloaded to a global network of data centers, enabling faster compute and latency reduction, particularly for latency-sensitive and high-performance tasks in e-commerce.

      Offloading tasks to the edge, such as authentication or proxying a website, can lead to significant improvements in scalability and performance. The edge, which refers to a global network of data centers, allows users to get as close to their users or devices as possible without being on the device itself. While often associated with lightweight and niche purposes, the edge is crucial for latency-sensitive and high-performance tasks, which can have a significant impact on a company's revenue, particularly in e-commerce. One common use case for offloading tasks to the edge is when dealing with legacy systems or monoliths that lack the necessary infrastructure to support new applications. In such cases, developers can rebuild their websites one hunk at a time, eventually getting rid of the old monolith. This architecture, where different parts of a system operate independently, is known as an "islands approach" and is a common practice. Cloudflare Workers, a platform for running JavaScript code at the edge, offer various use cases, such as custom domain name handling, adding secret sauce to SaaS applications, and even proxying an entire website. The edge's importance lies in its ability to provide fast and efficient compute and latency reduction, making it an essential component for modern web applications.

    • Simplifying the development process with Cloudflare's edge computing networkCloudflare's edge computing network automates scheduling, region selection, and compliance, enabling developers to focus on building their applications without worrying about complexities.

      Cloudflare's edge computing network offers significant scalability and flexibility for developers by reducing the cognitive burden associated with scheduling and region selection. Traditionally, developers have had to consider which region to deploy their applications in, but with edge computing, the onus is on the provider to optimize traffic and distribution. This allows developers to focus on other aspects of their projects. Additionally, Cloudflare's edge functions and smart placement features automate the process of optimizing worker locations based on back-end API locations, improving performance. The goal is to make decisions for developers, rather than requiring them to figure it out themselves. Another important consideration for developers, particularly those in Europe, is GDPR compliance. Cloudflare is working to address this issue by managing pools of connections to databases and other resources, reducing the burden on developers to meet these regulations. In essence, Cloudflare's edge computing network aims to simplify the development process by handling the complexities of scheduling, region selection, and compliance, allowing developers to focus on building their applications.

    • Limiting Scope Easier than Expanding for Global AppsFlexibility of limiting scope in global apps offers benefits like speed and reduced responsibility, but the mindset shift to serverless and trusting the platform provider can be a challenge. Understanding the difference between wall time and CPU time for cost optimization is crucial.

      It's easier to limit the scope of a globally running application compared to expanding it to additional regions. This flexibility offers benefits such as speed and reduced responsibility for the developer. However, the switch to a serverless mindset and trusting the platform provider to manage infrastructure can be a hurdle for traditional Node.js developers. A Cloudflare Worker, for instance, has limitations on execution time, but the distinction between wall time and CPU time is crucial. Wall time, or duration, refers to the total time a process takes to complete, including waiting periods for external inputs. CPU time, on the other hand, is the actual time the CPU spends on processing tasks. Paying based on CPU time allows developers to control and optimize the part of the process they can influence. This shift in focus can lead to better performance and cost savings.

    • Cloudflare Workers Limitations and Increased LimitsCloudflare Workers have limitations, including a 50ms CPU time limit, but users can request increased limits for specific use cases, such as background processing and handling complex tasks.

      While Cloudflare Workers offer powerful capabilities, there are limitations to consider. These limitations, such as the 50 millisecond CPU time limit, are intended to ensure fair usage and prevent potential denial of wallet attacks. However, there are instances where longer processing times are necessary, such as for background processing or handling complex tasks. In such cases, users can request increased limits on a per-worker basis. An example given was the use of Cloudflare Workers for processing batches of messages in Cloudflare queues, where longer processing times are required. Another instance is scraping data from websites and parsing HTML, which can take anywhere from 30 milliseconds to 70 milliseconds. The speaker shared his experience of hitting limits with packages and APIs, and how he used Cloudflare Workers to bypass these issues by scraping data and providing the expected data structure. However, it's important to be aware of the potential risks, such as denial of wallet attacks and infinitely complex HTML trees, and to use the limits as a safeguard.

    • Optimizing CPU usage and performance in edge computingCloudflare offers tailored services and APIs for CPU-intensive tasks, such as FFmpeg and Puppeteer, to improve performance without the overhead. They also provide options for data management, including D1 and HyperDrive, to handle various use cases effectively.

      Optimizing CPU usage and performance is crucial when building applications with workers, especially when dealing with large packages or complex tasks. For instance, combining audio clips using a Wasm package like FFmpeg or taking screenshots using Puppeteer can be CPU-intensive. To address these challenges, Cloudflare offers services and APIs tailored to specific use cases, such as their browser rendering API for Puppeteer-like functionality without the performance overhead. Moreover, when it comes to data management, Cloudflare provides various options depending on the use case. Their database product, D1, is designed for single-point use, but they're working on read replication for improved performance. Additionally, they offer HyperDrive, a product that allows connecting to existing databases and handling serverless connection pooling and query caching, making data feel distributed. These optimizations demonstrate the importance of understanding the unique challenges of edge computing and providing developers with the right tools to tackle them effectively. Cloudflare's approach to offering tailored services and APIs is a prime example of striking a balance between providing comprehensive tools and maintaining optimal performance.

    • Simplifying development with Cloudflare's serverless platformCloudflare's serverless platform uses connection pooling solutions and runs on V8, emphasizing code portability and web standards, allowing developers to focus on their applications without worrying about managing infrastructure.

      Cloudflare's serverless platform, which includes serverless databases and the Cloudflare Workers runtime, focuses on simplifying the development experience for JavaScript developers. For databases, they use connection pooling solutions like PlanetScale to manage database connections, allowing developers to focus on their applications without worrying about managing the connection pools themselves. Cloudflare Workers runs on V8, similar to a tab in Chrome, and emphasizes code portability and web standards. They were early adopters of using the service worker model, which allows for interception and modification of requests and responses, and have made efforts to ensure compatibility with various runtimes and libraries in the ecosystem. This approach reduces the need for developers to constantly check if a library will work across different runtimes, allowing them to focus on building their applications.

    • Winter CG: A Community Driving Unified Standards for Server-Side JavaScript RuntimesThe Winter CG community, comprised of developers from various companies, is working together to establish consistent APIs across different server-side JavaScript runtimes, fostering a more unified development experience and avoiding a fragmented ecosystem.

      The Winter CG community is a group of developers from various companies, including Cloudflare, Deno, and others, working together to establish shared standards for server-side JavaScript runtimes. Their goal is to ensure a consistent set of APIs across different runtimes, making it easier for developers to build and maintain open-source libraries. An example of their work is the TCP sockets API called Connect, which they've been developing to support direct database connections from workers. This collaboration is crucial for avoiding a fragmented ecosystem and fostering a more unified development experience. The community is open to external participation and welcomes feedback from developers. Despite the diverse group of companies involved, the success of Winter CG can be attributed to the importance of building trust and community over time, enabling all participants to see the long-term benefits of their collaborative efforts.

    • Running and scaling a JavaScript runtime: challenges and opportunitiesCompanies like Bloomberg and Shopify are working on operating their own JavaScript runtimes for customization and control. It's a challenge to ensure trusted code and security, but opportunities exist to standardize aspects like JSON schemas and routing for easier development.

      Many companies, including Bloomberg and Shopify, are striving to operate their own JavaScript runtimes to ensure customization and control over their systems. This can be a significant challenge, as running and scaling a multi-tenant system is no small feat. The need for trusted code and security is a major concern, as seen with Wix's approach to approving packages for their serverless code. During the discussion, it was also mentioned that there are opportunities to standardize certain aspects of server-side JavaScript, such as JSON schemas and performance optimizations for routing. This could potentially lead to web standards for servers, making it easier for developers to reason about and build applications. The hiring of the Hano.js creator by Cloudflare further highlights the potential for innovation in this area. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of balancing customization and control with the challenges of operating and scaling a runtime system.

    • Standardizing APIs and improving local developmentStandardizing APIs using JSON schema and improving local development experiences can lead to fewer custom primitives, consistency between local and production environments, and a more streamlined development experience across different frameworks.

      Standardizing APIs and improving local development experiences are key areas of focus for enhancing the server framework ecosystem. The discussion revolves around the potential benefits of standardizing APIs using JSON schema and collaborating with the community to shape it. This could lead to fewer custom primitives that each framework needs to build in isolation, allowing them to focus on higher-level tasks. Additionally, ensuring consistency between local and production environments is crucial, and efforts are being made to open-source runtimes and improve local development tools to achieve this goal. For framework developers, there's an opportunity to collaborate with Cloudflare to make it easier for their users to rely on the workers' runtime in local development. This could lead to a more streamlined and consistent development experience across different frameworks.

    • Cloudflare enhancing development experiences with APIs and native packagesCloudflare is improving their platform to offer APIs and native versions of unsupported packages for easier development, reducing the burden on developers and providing immediate feedback.

      Cloudflare is working on providing easier development experiences for users by offering APIs and native versions of unsupported packages on their platform. This is to reduce the burden on developers and provide immediate feedback during the development process. Cloudflare recognizes the common issue of using frameworks that rely on unsupported packages and aims to understand which APIs are missing to improve their platform. They are also going beyond polyfilling and providing built-in versions of these APIs for a more seamless experience. The ultimate goal is to make deploying and running code on Cloudflare as simple and hassle-free as possible. Additionally, Cloudflare is exploring ways to make it easier for developers to run languages like Python on their platform using WebAssembly, aiming to make the process more transparent and less complex. They are also working on supporting web standard-centric technologies like WebGPU on their platform to expand the capabilities of their workers.

    • Deno's New APIs and Partnerships for AI and Web StandardsDeno's new import statement for AI models, partnership with Hugging Face, and APIs like WebGPU and cache are pushing the boundaries of web development with improved AI capabilities, image processing, and more.

      Deno, a programming language, is pushing the boundaries of web development by integrating web standards into its runtime and offering new APIs for AI, image processing, and more. Deno's recent announcements of importing AI models with the import statement and partnership with Hugging Face have generated excitement in the development community. Two APIs that Deno's team is particularly enthusiastic about are WebGPU and the cache API. WebGPU, an early-days API, offers the ability to jump between client and server easily and has potential use cases in latency-sensitive applications, image processing, and AI model inference. The cache API, available within workers, is a key-value store that provides flexibility for persisting data and solving various problems, often overlooked by developers. Deno's team also shared their plans to incorporate more AI capabilities, especially for image processing and art creation, on their new website. Overall, Deno's continuous expansion of offered models and APIs, along with its partnerships and community feedback, make it an exciting platform for developers to explore.

    • Personal experiences and community feedback drive continuous improvementEffective tools and open communication with the community are crucial for personal and professional growth, leading to innovation and improvement.

      Both efficiency and community feedback are essential for continuous improvement. The speaker shared her personal experience with a kitchen gadget, a bench scraper, and its significant impact on her baking process. She also emphasized the importance of passing on valuable tools and techniques to the next generation. On a professional note, the speakers from Cloudflare discussed their recent advancements in AI technology, including Workers AI and Vectorize, which aim to simplify AI deployment and management. They also encouraged the audience to provide feedback and actively engage with their community to help shape the future of their platform. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of finding and utilizing efficient tools, as well as the value of open communication and collaboration in driving innovation and growth.

    • Speakers express enthusiasm for 'Yeah' projectListeners encouraged to check out 'Yeah' project for diverse and engaging topics, subscribe and leave positive reviews on Syntax.fm.

      Enthusiasm and positivity expressed towards the "Yeah" project. The speakers were impressed with the depth and variety of topics covered in the project, and they encouraged listeners to check it out for themselves. They invited everyone to visit syntax.fm for a complete archive of their shows and kindly requested subscriptions and positive reviews from those who enjoyed the content. Overall, the speakers were grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the project and shared their excitement for the engaging and informative content it offered.

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    This came by way of some feedback from one of those people.

    So with anything in business, it comes down to who you are, who you work with, and most importantly what’s working right now.

    The great thing about the Stop the Cycle course is that you will get 2 people’s point of view on running a business that is quite similar.

    What’s worked for me hasn’t for Curtis and vice versa.

    We are going to give you our best strategies and techniques that has landed us great work over the past decade, and still does to this very day.

    What I want you to do right now is to think about what’s working for you today.

    Also I want you to think about what is it about that lead generation strategy that you want to get away from? And why?


    See for me, podcasting has been a great lead generation strategy for me. Ever since I started my business I found podcasting to be beneficial to me in a variety of different ways including widening my network and positioning myself in the market.


    Curtis is a writer of several books and does a ton of writing very well. He gets paid to write for other companies and it also brings in clients to him as well. He does a lot of content marketing, writing specifically, well to be honest, hasn’t worked as well for me.

    Seeking out specific conversations

    Another tactic that I will dive deep on is jumping into highly specific conversations on Twitter and Facebook. By targeting certain keywords, I built a system to look for those keywords and then ping me in Slack when a tweet contained that keyword.

    This way it allowed me to be mindful of my time so that I can not be distracted for 20, 30, or 60 minutes down the social media rabbit hole.

    If my sales bot pings me in Slack, I can look at it in realtime or later even, and if it’s relevant, jump into that conversation and then get back to work.

    Time Management

    Curtis will dive into the time management since he’s much better at this than I. He has literally written the book on Analog Productivity. Curtis has built his business to work around his schedule and he’ll show you how to do this so that you actually have the time to market yourself.

    If you are wondering what else you are going to get out of this course is that you’ll get lead generation strategies. A huge benefit of this course is that you will get both of us and hear our takes on various strategies, how we approached them, and hear how different things worked for us.

    We both have families that we enjoy spending time with, businesses that are stable that support our families and afford us to enjoy the kind of lives we want.

    Stop the Cycle is the foundation of our businesses.

    👉 For full show notes to this episode & more resources for you.

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    Don Hansen - https://www.linkedin.com/in/donthedeveloper
    Nicole Villa - https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicole-villa
    Hunter Evanoff - https://www.linkedin.com/in/hunterevanoff
    Teresa Loafman - https://www.linkedin.com/in/teresa-loafman


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