
    #698 - Mary Eberstadt - Did The Sexual Revolution Actually Benefit Women?

    enOctober 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The sexual revolution's unintended consequencesThe sexual revolution led to unexpected benefits for men and negative impacts on women, romance, and children, altering societal norms and relationships.

      Learning from this discussion with Mary Eberstadt is that the sexual revolution, which was intended to bring greater freedom and choice for women, had unintended consequences that disproportionately benefited men, particularly predatory ones, and negatively impacted women, romance, and children. The introduction of the birth control pill, which was supposed to reduce abortions and strengthen marriage, instead led to a sharp rise in divorce rates and abortion numbers. Contraception made pregnancy a woman's problem, changing the intentionality around sex and parenthood. These cultural shifts have had far-reaching impacts, affecting society in ways that extend beyond religious or moral debates. Understanding these consequences is important for everyone, regardless of personal beliefs.

    • The Sexual Revolution and Contraception's Impact on Family StructuresThe Sexual Revolution and contraception led to a shift in societal expectations, prioritizing autonomy over family structures, resulting in an increase in abortions, out-of-wedlock births, and single parent households, which challenged traditional male roles as protectors and providers.

      The widespread adoption of contraception during the sexual revolution significantly changed societal expectations around pregnancy and family structures. Before reliable contraception, an unplanned pregnancy was seen as a problem for both partners, but once women began controlling their own reproduction, the responsibility shifted to them. This led to an increase in abortions, out-of-wedlock births, and single parent households, which often meant fatherless homes. Sociologist Lionel Tiger argued that this undermined traditional male roles as protectors and providers, contributing to a cultural message that prioritizes autonomy over family structures. The sexual revolution and contraception's impact is often criticized, but understanding the human motivations and reasons behind these changes can provide valuable perspective. While some argue that these changes have had more negative than positive consequences, it's essential to acknowledge the complex and multifaceted nature of these societal shifts.

    • The post-revolutionary age's popular music reveals kids' hurt and anger towards absent or dysfunctional adultsThe 1990s saw a deep sense of hurt and anger towards absent or dysfunctional adults in popular music, reflecting the lived experience of many kids, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. The sexual revolution and the availability of contraception normalized fatherlessness, contributing to family instability for children.

      The post-revolutionary age, as depicted in popular music from the 1990s, reveals a deep sense of hurt and anger among kids towards absent or dysfunctional adults. This is evident in the lyrics of rappers like Eminem and Tupac Shakur, who spoke about their absent fathers and the need to protect younger siblings. This theme speaks to the lived experience of many children growing up during this time, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. The sexual revolution and the availability of contraception facilitated the normalization of fatherlessness, which is often overlooked in discussions about the impact of these cultural shifts. The sadness and anger expressed in this music resonated with millions of kids, who turned these artists into chart-toppers. It's important to acknowledge that this period also saw rising divorce rates and the normalization of cohabitation, further contributing to the instability of family structures for children. The ongoing debate about the sexual revolution's impact on men and women is crucial, but it's equally essential to consider its impact on children, a topic that has long been overlooked. The fact that this conversation is now taking place in various Western countries is a positive sign that more people are starting to question the long-term consequences of these cultural shifts.

    • Impact of the Sexual Revolution on Relationships and FamiliesThe sexual revolution's emphasis on individual gratification has led to debates on cohabitation, relationship breakdown, and child abuse risks, while also influencing feminist views on pornography and its impact on relationships.

      Despite research indicating that cohabitation increases the likelihood of relationship breakdown and puts children at higher risk of abuse, the discussion surrounding these issues has been contentious. This is likely due to societal norms shaped by the sexual revolution and the contraceptive pill, which prioritized individual gratification over long-term outcomes for women. The debate around this topic has seen a shift, with some feminist voices initially opposing pornography and its impact on relationships but later embracing it as a woman's right. However, it's essential to recognize that pornography and other forms of sexual liberation can have negative consequences for both sexes and long-term happiness. Despite the revolution's intentions, most women still desire a husband and family, but achieving these goals has become more challenging due to the changes brought about by the sexual revolution.

    • Modern culture reduces men's incentives to marryThe abundance of sexual partners and societal changes reduce men's incentives to marry, leading to lower standards and increased psychological fragility.

      The abundance of sexual partners in the modern world reduces men's incentives to settle down and marry, creating a barrier to having children within marriage. This phenomenon, studied by economists, leads to lower standards for both sexes, particularly for men, who are no longer held to the same rigorous criteria for marriage as in the past. The sexual revolution and the rise of social media have contributed to a culture that subtracts people from each other's lives, reducing opportunities for learning essential social skills and increasing feelings of psychological fragility, particularly among young people. The loss of traditional structures and expectations for men to be providers and protectors further contributes to the problem. Overall, the debate should focus on understanding and addressing the root causes of these issues rather than blaming individuals for their behavior.

    • The Importance of Social Connections and Nurturing RelationshipsNeglecting the responsibility to nurture relationships and social connections can lead to a 'people deficit' and 'love deficit,' contributing to rising rates of psychiatric issues.

      The reduction in social connections and loss of social knowledge is contributing to rising rates of psychiatric issues among children and adults. This is due to various factors including the sexual revolution, helicopter parenting, and the shift from a brawn-based to a brain-based economy. The lack of experience in caring for others, once a common aspect of growing up, is now less prevalent, leading to a "people deficit" and a "love deficit." This deficit in nurturing and caring for others can lead to a lack of human connection and happiness. As the speaker suggests, taking care of others is a crucial part of humanizing ourselves, and neglecting this responsibility can have detrimental effects. To counteract this trend, it's essential to recognize the importance of nurturing relationships and social connections and finding ways to incorporate them into our lives.

    • The sexual revolution and reliable contraception haven't led to increased happiness for women or menThe ease of attaining short-term pleasure has made long-term fulfillment harder to secure, leading to decreased happiness for women and men. We need to reconsider the idea of radical autonomy and recognize the importance of effective communication skills and close relationships for fulfillment.

      The increased freedom and liberation women have experienced over the last 50 years, as a result of the sexual revolution and reliable contraception, has not led to an increase in happiness as one might expect. Instead, it has brought about unforeseen consequences that have negatively impacted women's happiness, while men's happiness has also decreased. This paradox is due to the ease of attaining short-term pleasure, which has made long-term fulfillment more difficult to secure. The speaker suggests that we need to reconsider the idea of radical autonomy and recognize that humans are social creatures, just like other animals, and that we need each other for fulfillment. The speaker also mentions the importance of effective communication skills, which can be developed through having close relationships with members of the opposite sex, as a potential solution to this issue.

    • Historical changes led to misunderstanding between gendersRecognize historical context, reduce fear and insecurity to foster understanding and communication between men and women

      The current state of communication and relationships between men and women can be attributed to a lack of understanding and experience with each other, which was unintentionally fostered by societal changes in the late 20th century. The contraceptive pill and women's liberation movement allowed for greater independence and opportunities for women, but also led to a decrease in inter-gender interaction and learning. This lack of understanding and experience has resulted in animosity and miscommunication, with both men and women exhibiting behaviors such as belligerent feminism and cheap misogyny. These behaviors stem from fear and insecurity, and serve to further widen the divide between the sexes. To reduce this adversarial nature, it's essential to acknowledge the historical context and give permission to individuals to understand that their misery and loneliness are not of their making. It's important to strive for reducing the adversarial nature between the sexes and fostering greater understanding and communication.

    • The unexpected consequences of sex-positive cultureThe normalization of casual sex and individual autonomy in relationships may lead to disconnection and a decline in meaningful connections, contributing to an increase in loneliness and disconnection.

      Just as the sexual revolution brought about unexpected consequences, such as the normalization of casual sex and the decline of traditional relationships, we may be witnessing similar unintended consequences in today's sex-positive culture. The ubiquity of sex in modern society, along with the stigmatization of traditional morality and the destigmatization of all forms of sexual behavior apart from marriage, has led to a disconnection at the most fundamental level. This disconnection is evident in the increasing numbers of people who are checking out of mating altogether. The use of terms like "sex positivity" to make us feel good about ourselves is a sign of this disconnection. The normalization of casual sex and the pedestalization of individual autonomy in relationships may be contributing to the decline of meaningful connections and the increase in loneliness and disconnection. It's important to consider the long-term effects of our cultural shifts and to encourage open conversations about what truly brings fulfillment, connection, health, and longevity in our lives.

    • The sexual revolution and identity politics: Disconnected and sadThe sexual revolution and identity politics have contributed to a loss of traditional roles and a sense of disconnection, leading to a rise in tribalism and a culture that values autonomy over relationships. A renewed appreciation for traditional roles and relationships is needed for richness and meaning in life.

      The sexual revolution and the rise of identity politics are interconnected phenomena that have contributed to a sense of disconnection and sadness for many people, particularly women. The speaker argues that the sexual revolution has led to a loss of traditional roles and a diminished understanding of what it means to be a man or a woman, resulting in women trying to emulate men and men withdrawing from relationships altogether. Identity politics, which emerged around the same time, has further complicated matters by encouraging people to define themselves by their victimhood and form arbitrary tribes as a substitute for real family connections. This has left many people feeling disconnected and in need of protection, leading to a rise in tribalism and a culture that values autonomy over relationships. The speaker calls for a renewed appreciation for the glory of marriage, motherhood, and other traditional roles that can bring richness and meaning to our lives.

    • Desire for validation and connection fuels identity politics and societal confusionPeople crave role models and struggle to navigate modern life's complexities, leading to identity politics and societal confusion. The lack of strong masculine and feminine archetypes and the impact of social media exacerbate these issues.

      Identity politics and societal confusion, particularly around sexuality and gender, are driven by a desire for validation and connection in a world where many people feel lost and lacking in role models. The sexual revolution and resulting confusion around sexual identity are linked to a lack of social knowledge and the absence of strong masculine and feminine archetypes. People are struggling to navigate the complexities of modern life, and the shame and resentment felt by many are symptoms of this larger issue. The rise of social media and the Internet has only added to the turbulence, with kids being flooded with new stimuli and lacking the necessary guidance to navigate these digital landscapes. It's important to approach these issues with understanding and sympathy, and to begin the process of reforming our approach to social media and screens to better protect and support the next generation.

    • Societal issues behind the drug epidemic and declining life expectancyThe opioid crisis and societal loneliness are interconnected issues requiring empathy and understanding to address, caused by broader societal shifts contributing to a love and people deficit.

      The current drug epidemic in the United States, along with declining life expectancy, are indicators of deeper societal issues. The opioid crisis, which evolved into a heroin and synthetic methamphetamine epidemic, is a result of people seeking to fill a void in their lives. Meanwhile, the increasing number of lonely individuals, particularly the elderly, is a consequence of the breakdown of traditional family structures. These issues are interconnected and require empathy and understanding to address. The first step towards solving these problems is recognizing the underlying suffering and exercising our empathy muscles. It's essential to acknowledge that people are not victims of abstract labels, but rather of the broader societal shifts that have contributed to a love and people deficit. These challenges may be difficult to rally against, but understanding the evidence and the root causes is crucial for finding solutions.

    • The importance of redemption and second chances in today's cultureDespite the prevalence of cancellation and identity politics, there is hope for future reasonable conversations about redemption and second chances in our society.

      Learning from this conversation with Mary Eberstadt is that while facts are important, they are not enough to bring about change or understanding in today's culture of cancellation and identity politics. The severity of these phenomena, which can exile individuals from groups and deny them second chances, is proving to be too much to bear for many people. However, there is hope that in the future, we will have more reasonable conversations across the aisle about these issues. Mary Eberstadt, a renowned author and commentator, believes that this is a future worth looking forward to, as nobody truly wants to live in a world without redemption or second chances. To stay updated on Mary's work, visit her website at maryeberstadt.com or check out her books and articles on Amazon.

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    #794 - Scott Galloway - The 4 Secrets To Get Rich In A Broken Economy

    #794 - Scott Galloway - The 4 Secrets To Get Rich In A Broken Economy
    Scott Galloway is a professor of marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business, a public speaker, entrepreneur and an author. The modern economy is a confusing mess. Inflation, interest rates, wage stagnation, property prices. It's all complex and may feel like you're swimming up stream. Thankfully Scott has broken down his entire wealth strategy into an algorithm of 4 steps which anyone can follow. Expect to learn why wealth is a whole-person project, what all financially successful people have in common, how to forgive yourself when you fall short, why following your passion is often a bad idea, the importance of physical fitness for financial wealth and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get a 35% discount on all Cozy Earth products at http://www.cozyearth.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Get a 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at https://nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Get up to 20% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 08, 2024

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    Sex Gets Real 181: Erotic art and photography with Maggie West

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    An updated Patreon you say? Why yes. Yes it is. Check out the sweet new rewards.

    For the past few months, one of my favorite things on Instagram has been Maggie West's gorgeous nude photo series for Amber Rose's Slut Walk. The colors, the confidence, the variety of bodies. So, of course, I had to invite her on because her massive stained glass installation is available today in Los Angeles for Slut Walk.

    We talk about art, nudity, her body fluids series which jump started her relationship with Christophe Zeischegg (who was on a few weeks ago). 

    Plus, I field a listener question all about being in love with your current girlfriend, but still being a little obsessed with an ex. Is it OK to check up on exes on Facebook, even if you've moved on?

    Here we go!

    Follow Sex Gets Real on Twitter and Facebook. It's true. Oh! And Dawn is on Instagram.

    Resources from this episode

    Check out Maggie's Instagram to see some of her amazing work for Slut Walk's 98.

    About Maggie West

    Maggie West is a Los Angeles based artist specializing in experimental lighting and installation techniques. Her surreal, colorful photographs have been featured in acclaimed publications and sources worldwide.

    You can check out Maggie's work and stay in touch on Instagram and Twitter @maggiewest.

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    Sex Gets Real 207: Sobriety, changing a partner, & fetishizing male virgins

    Sex Gets Real 207: Sobriety, changing a partner, & fetishizing male virgins

    Are you joining us for the 3rd annual Explore More Summit? It kicks off April 23, 2018 and it's free and online. Grab your spot now at exploremoresummit.com.

    We did it. We did a live recording of the show with about a dozen of you joining in the fun. So, this is your chance to not only hear me fielding questions live, on the spot, but you'll also hear other people's thoughts and perspectives, too.

    I had a blast and I hope we do it again soon.

    So what did we chat about?

    DL has found that pleasure, sex, and embodiment aren't really talked about in the context of sobriety. How do they regain sensation? Why isn't anyone talking about this? On the call, I offered a few resources for DL, but afterwards, I reached out to my networks and asked for more. Head to sexgetsreal.com/ep207 for the full list of recommendations.

    Emily has trouble with her body and specifically her belly. How can she heal that relationship because it's impacting how she experiences sex with her boyfriend.

    Another participant asked how we can grapple with the fact that as our definition of sex expands, so much our definition for sexual assault. How do we reconcile these things and hold space for them?

    One listener needs help with communication. She is constantly walking on eggshells with her partner to avoid another fight or blow-up. How can they get better at communicating about the tough stuff?

    And finally, someone wrote in asking about having a fantasy about teaching a bunch of male virgins how to be expert lovers. They think it's a fetish, and they're worried it's a problematic one. We roll around in this and it's pure delight.

    Patreon supporters - this week's bonus is a world exclusive. It's an extended sneak peek of my Explore More Summit chat with therapist Quinn Gee. The clip talks about being a better parent and then the ways that Quinn has fun, which includes the funniest story of this year's conference. It's about a strap-on. Trust me - you want to hear it.

    Follow Sex Gets Real on Twitter and Facebook. It's true. Oh! And Dawn is on Instagram.

    About Dawn Serra

    What if everything you've been taught about relationships, about your body, about sex is wrong? My name is Dawn Serra and I dare to ask scary questions that might lead us all towards a deeper, more connected experience of our lives.

    In addition to being the host of the weekly podcast, Sex Gets Real, the creator of the online conference Explore More, and of the new weekly stream Pop Culture Undressed, I also work one-on-one with clients who are feeling stuck, confused, or disappointed with the ways they experience desire, love, and confidence.

    It's not all work, though. In my spare time, you can find me adventuring with my husband, cuddling my cats as I read a YA novel, or obsessing over MasterChef Australia.

    EP111: Shenanigans with Scheana Shay

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    Scheana shares her personal journey of dating after divorce, which includes dishing the details on her new relationship - and she tells us why she's never been happier! Taylor and Scheana discuss speed in progressing a relationship and overcoming societal expectations when dating in the public eye. The two also chat about various forms of body expression, Scheana's masturbation journey, and working through freezing eggs and family planning options. 


    Scheana's Instagram:

    Scheana's Podcast with Taylor:

    Vanderpump Rules