
    7/11/23: Trump Crushing DeSantis In Florida, Zuck's Threads Hits 100 Million, Morning Joe Tells Americans Shut Up, Disney Parks Empty, Biden Abandons Grandchild, Obama Lectures Gen Z, Sound of Freedom Film, Teamsters President On UPS Strike

    enJuly 11, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Florida Poll Shows DeSantis Trails Behind Trump in 2024 GOP PrimaryDeSantis faces an uphill battle in the 2024 Florida GOP primary, trailing behind Trump with only 30% of the votes, while Trump holds a commanding lead with 50%.

      Ron DeSantis faces an uphill battle in the 2024 Florida Republican primary, especially in his own home state. According to the latest poll from FAU University, DeSantis trails behind Donald Trump with only 30% of the votes, while Trump holds a commanding lead with 50%. Even in a head-to-head matchup, Trump's support increases to 54%, leaving DeSantis with just 7%. These numbers suggest that DeSantis may struggle to win his own state, which could be a significant blow to his presidential campaign. The poll also shows that other GOP contenders, such as Nikki Haley and Chris Christie, have minimal support. Overall, the data indicates that Trump remains a formidable force in the Republican Party and could make it difficult for other candidates, including DeSantis, to gain traction in the primary.

    • DeSantis' struggle against Trump in Florida primaryDespite focusing on record as governor, DeSantis faces enduring Trump popularity. Wife's independent campaigning seen as sign of desperation.

      Ron DeSantis' struggle to gain traction against Donald Trump in the Florida primary, despite his focus on his record as a successful governor of the state, is a significant indication of Trump's enduring popularity within the Republican Party. DeSantis' wife, Casey, has recently begun campaigning independently, which some view as a sign of desperation from the campaign. This departure from the norm in primary elections, where campaign spouses typically do not take the spotlight, adds to the perception that the DeSantis campaign is scrambling to find a winning strategy. However, with primary day still several months away, the impact of these developments remains to be seen.

    • The 2024 Republican primary: A complex situation for DeSantisDeSantis faces challenges attacking Trump while differentiating himself, with policy nuances potentially overshadowed by voter affinity for Trump's strength.

      The 2024 Republican primary race between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis is a complex situation, with DeSantis facing challenges in attacking Trump while also differentiating himself. DeSantis is seen as more comfortable and natural in public speaking compared to Trump, but voters are not choosing a first lady. Trump's handling of the Hunter Biden laptop story has become a point of contention, with DeSantis trying to insert himself into the situation, but it's a convoluted argument since he had no direct involvement. DeSantis has criticized Trump for not being strong enough in going after his opponents, but this keeps Trump at the center of the narrative. The average voter may not understand the policy nuances, and instead, see Trump as a strong figure they love despite criticisms. The DeSantis campaign faces a difficult puzzle: attack Trump and risk blowback, or don't attack and let Trump remain the frontrunner. The situation is reminiscent of a Gordian knot, and the Iowa primary is adding to the tension.

    • Ron DeSantis struggles to gain support in Iowa Republican caucus against TrumpDespite attacking Trump as a cultural leftist, DeSantis trails in Iowa polls and may need to find a more effective strategy to differentiate himself from Trump, who is seen as more likely to beat Biden in the general election.

      Ron DeSantis is facing a significant challenge in trying to win the Iowa Republican caucus against former President Donald Trump. The latest poll from a MAGA-friendly organization, American Greatness, shows Trump leading with 44% support, while DeSantis trails behind with only 21%. The DeSantis campaign has responded by attacking Trump as a cultural leftist, but this strategy may not be effective. A mailer sent out by a shadowy super PAC, "Advancing Our Values," accuses Trump of standing up for marriage equality and trans rights. However, polls show that even among very conservative Iowa voters, Trump is still the preferred candidate. Furthermore, Trump is seen as more likely to beat President Biden in the general election. The attack on Trump's supposed cultural leftist stance may undercut DeSantis' electability argument and not resonate with the Republican base. Overall, DeSantis has a steep hill to climb in Iowa and may need to find a more effective strategy to differentiate himself from Trump.

    • Emotions and personal connections matter in the 2024 Republican primaryTrump's support persists despite controversial actions and attacks on opponents. Candidates may fare better by focusing on their strengths and delivering results to voters.

      The 2024 Republican primary race is not strictly defined by policy alignment or ideological purity. Instead, it seems that emotions, personal connections, and the ability to resonate with voters play a significant role. This was evident in the discussion about Trump's stance on gay marriage and abortion, as well as his ongoing attacks against other candidates, including DeSantis and Kim Reynolds. Despite these actions, Trump's support among voters remains strong. The normal rules of politics don't seem to apply to him, and candidates attempting to attack him directly risk losing favor. Instead, focusing on their own strengths and delivering results to voters may be a more effective strategy.

    • Iowa's Role in the Presidential Race and Instagram Threads' SuccessGovernor Kim Reynolds' popularity in Iowa could boost Haley Steveson's chances, while Instagram Threads' ease of use and 100 million users make it a formidable competitor, but its lack of political discourse and opaque algorithm may deter some users and advertisers.

      Iowa continues to play a significant role in the presidential race, and Governor Kim Reynolds' popularity could give Haley Steveson a strong chance in the state, potentially leading to success in New Hampshire and Super Tuesday. Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg's Instagram Threads has quickly gained 100 million users, surpassing expectations and making it a formidable competitor to Twitter. Despite lacking many of Twitter's features, the ease of use and carryover from Instagram have proven to be major advantages. However, the lack of political discourse and the opaque nature of the algorithm-driven feeds may deter advertisers and those seeking a more open platform for news and politics.

    • Impact of new social media features on platform trafficTwitter's threads led to a temporary decrease in overall and web traffic, but long-term impact on user base and market share is uncertain, with potential for fragmented social media landscape

      The launch of new social media features, such as Twitter's threads, can significantly impact the usage and traffic of existing platforms. This was evident when Twitter experienced a 5% decrease in overall traffic and an 11% decrease in web traffic during the first few days of threads being available. However, Twitter's CEO, Linda Yaccarino, disputes these findings and claims that Twitter had its largest usage day since February. The long-term impact of threads on Twitter's user base and market share remains uncertain, but it's clear that social media companies are constantly innovating and adapting to stay competitive. Some experts suggest that we may see a bifurcation of social media platforms, with Twitter focusing on news and politics, and threads or other platforms catering to culture and monetizable content. Ultimately, this could lead to a fragmented social media landscape, requiring users to navigate multiple apps to stay informed and engaged.

    • Elon Musk's challenges in transforming Twitter into a video platformDespite Musk's efforts to make Twitter a subscription-based platform and a video content competitor to YouTube, user engagement and creator interest are low due to algorithm and user experience limitations, lack of tools and incentives for video content, and Musk's antagonistic actions towards creators and users.

      Elon Musk's attempts to transform Twitter into a subscription-based platform and a viable video platform have faced significant challenges. Musk's antagonistic actions towards creators and users have led to a decrease in user interest and engagement. Additionally, Twitter's algorithm and user experience are not conducive to long-form video content, which is a key strength of YouTube. Creators like MrBeast, who have built their careers on YouTube's recommendation algorithm and long-form video content, are unlikely to migrate to Twitter. Furthermore, Twitter lacks the tools and incentives for creators to produce video content specifically for the platform. Musk's efforts to bring video content to Twitter and compete with YouTube's revenue model are a difficult endeavor, and it remains to be seen if Twitter can effectively address these challenges and become a viable competitor in the video content space.

    • Twitter not ideal for long-form video contentTucker Carlson's Twitter videos have decreasing view numbers, Twitter audience prefers quick interactions, and Tucker's audience is older and less tech-savvy. Long-form content may be more successful on YouTube and podcasts.

      The Twitter platform may not be the best fit for long-form video content, as shown by the decreasing view numbers for Tucker Carlson's Twitter videos. The Twitter audience is more focused on quick, snarky interactions rather than engaging with longer content. Additionally, Tucker's audience is primarily made up of older demographics who may not be familiar with or comfortable using Twitter. These factors, along with the success of other platforms like YouTube and podcasts for longer-form content, suggest that Tucker may have made a mistake by exclusively choosing Twitter as his platform. Furthermore, Joe Scarborough, a multimillion-dollar cable news host, recently wrote an essay defending the United States and criticizing those who have negative views of the country. These are the key takeaways from the discussion.

    • A Divided Nation: Defenders vs. Critics of American Institutions and ValuesThe US is facing a disconnect between perceived reality and actual state, with some defending institutions against critics who focus on American greed, imperialism, and ruling class dominance. Many Americans feel economically dissatisfied and want to restore faith in institutions and values.

      The United States is facing a significant disconnect between its perceived reality and the actual state of its institutions and economy. The usual defenders of American values have become divided, with some siding with Donald Trump against American institutions, while the opposition is more critical of American greed, imperialism, and ruling class dominance. This leaves the American people without a strong, unified voice to argue for the merits of their country. The situation is further complicated by the fact that many Americans feel dissatisfied with their economic conditions and the decline of American influence on the global stage. The challenge now is to find a way to bridge this divide and restore faith in American institutions and values.

    • The need for humility and bold ideasEmbrace criticism, love America, address divisiveness, and acknowledge problems for progress

      There is a need for both humility and bold ideas in addressing the challenges facing America, both domestically and internationally. The speaker expresses concern about the divisiveness and partisanship that can hinder progress, drawing parallels to past eras such as the Bush era. He emphasizes the importance of being able to criticize the country and its leaders while still loving and appreciating it. The speaker also touches on the declining faith in American institutions, which he sees as a problem that requires attention. He argues that emotional honesty and a willingness to acknowledge problems, rather than just focusing on the positive, are essential for moving forward.

    • Americans' Trust in Institutions Hits All-Time LowsAmericans' trust in various institutions reached record lows in 2023, indicating societal health concerns and a need for change. Institutions like public schools have approval ratings as low as 26%, signaling a deep distrust and despair among the population due to partisanship, economic policy, and institutional corruption.

      Americans' trust in various institutions, including big business, technology companies, public schools, congress, the presidency, criminal justice system, television news, the US Supreme Court, newspapers, church, and organized religion, hit all-time lows in 2023. These institutions, which were once sources of pride and trust, now face deep distrust and despair from a vast majority of the population. The causes of this distrust are multifaceted, including decades of partisanship, economic policy, and institutional corruption. The numbers are a sign of societal health, indicating a recognition of these institutions' failures and a need for change. With public institutions like public schools having approval ratings as low as 26%, it's clear that Americans have lost faith in their ability to carry on their legacy. The consequences of this distrust are significant, leading to pushes for alternatives and school voucherization. It's crucial for leaders to acknowledge the problem and speak to the deep despair felt by people across classes if they want to build trust and create positive change.

    • The loss of trust in major US institutionsThe loss of trust in institutions like banks, news, and big business is a concern, as it may lead to change and a more democratic society, but implementing policies to bring about this change is challenging. Additionally, rising costs may price out consumers from industries like Disney.

      The loss of trust in major US institutions, such as banks, television news, and big business, has reached an all-time low. This is a concerning trend, as it indicates a growing disconnect between the public and these institutions. The speaker believes this is a good thing, as it may lead to change and, ultimately, a more democratic and consensus-driven society. However, enacting good policy and politics to bring about this change is a challenging task. Additionally, the speaker discusses the decline in attendance and increased costs at Disney World, which may be pricing out its primary audience, middle-class families. This trend, along with the broader loss of trust in institutions, may be industry-wide and not specific to Disney. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of addressing the disconnect between the public and major institutions, and the need for change to build trust and consensus. It also touches upon the challenges of implementing policies to bring about this change and the potential impact of rising costs on consumers.

    • Disney focusing on premium experiences for upper middle class familiesDisney and other companies prioritize expensive experiences for affluent families, leading to increased prices and potential debt for some vacationers.

      Disney and other companies are focusing on providing premium, more expensive experiences for upper middle class families due to income inequality and the fact that these families have the expendable income. This shift away from catering to the middle and working classes has led to increased ticket and food prices, among other things. Despite the financial strain caused by these price hikes, many Disney goers report having no regrets about their experiences and the memories created. However, it's important to remember the financial consequences of going into debt for a vacation, as the interest can add up quickly.

    • Discussions on Affordable Vacations and Biden's FamilyRising vacation costs are driving families to national parks, while financial constraints impact vacation choices and the importance of family acceptance is emphasized.

      The rising costs of traditional vacation options like theme parks are pushing families towards more affordable alternatives, such as national parks. A study found that the top reason people haven't visited Disney World is due to cost. Meanwhile, Hunter Biden's personal life has become a political issue, with some criticizing President Biden for not acknowledging his seventh grandchild. The debate around this situation highlighted the classism and elitism some people exhibit towards those from less privileged backgrounds. The conversation also underscored the importance of family, particularly for a president who has made it a central part of his political brand. Overall, these discussions highlighted the impact of financial constraints on vacation choices and the importance of family acceptance and empathy.

    • Biden's handling of granddaughter situation raises questionsBiden's refusal to acknowledge granddaughter publicly is a classless act, displaying disappointing leadership. Hypocritical behavior and focus on self-improvement urged.

      President Joe Biden's handling of his granddaughter's situation with Hunter Biden raises questions about his values and priorities. The speaker argues that Biden's refusal to acknowledge and embrace his granddaughter publicly despite her being a part of his family is a classless act and a disappointing display of leadership. The speaker also points out the hypocrisy of the Biden family's behavior in keeping personal matters private while criticizing others for theirs. The speaker emphasizes that grandparents, including those with difficult family situations, often step up to fulfill their roles, making Biden's actions even more noteworthy. The speaker concludes by mentioning former President Obama's recent public statements and suggesting that leaders should focus on their own actions and improvements rather than criticizing others.

    • Incremental change matters, even if we can't cap temperature riseFormer President Obama emphasizes the importance of fighting for incremental climate change actions, despite past inconsistencies in his own record.

      Every incremental change in addressing climate change matters, even if we may not be able to cap temperature rise at the desired level. Former President Barack Obama shared this advice with his daughter Malia when she expressed despair about the situation. However, Obama's record on climate action during his presidency raises questions about his commitment to the cause. Despite having the political power to enact significant change, Obama failed to push for cap and trade legislation and instead focused on small efforts and destructive policies. This inconsistency between his words and actions leaves room for criticism and calls for more accountability from global figures on climate change. The interview between Obama and Hasan Minhaj highlights the importance of fighting for incremental change while acknowledging the potential devastating consequences if we fail to act adequately.

    • Political honesty vs. gaslighting and conspiracy theoriesPoliticians and media should address real issues truthfully to avoid fueling moral panics or conspiracy theories, such as child trafficking.

      Emotional honesty is crucial in politics, yet some politicians, including former President Obama, can be emotionally dishonest, leading to public frustration and gaslighting. The Sound of Freedom, a movie about combating child trafficking, has sparked controversy due to its association with QAnon conspiracy theories, but the issue of child trafficking itself is a real concern. The controversy arises from the belief that the movie validates the conspiracy theories by focusing on the issue. It's essential for politicians and media to address real issues truthfully and avoid fueling moral panics or conspiracy theories. The success of The Sound of Freedom demonstrates the public's interest in tackling global issues like child trafficking, and it's crucial to address these issues factually and honestly.

    • Controversial Film 'Sound of Freedom' and QAnon BeliefsThe film 'Sound of Freedom' has sparked controversy due to its association with QAnon beliefs, but its acknowledgement of child sex trafficking is not being disputed. Critics argue against its perceived validation of conspiracies, white savior complex, and boomer dad fantasy. However, its demographic and box office success challenge these criticisms.

      The film "Sound of Freedom" has sparked controversy due to its association with QAnon beliefs, specifically regarding child trafficking rings involving high-level elites. Critics argue that the film is being marketed towards QAnon followers and dismiss it as a fantasy. However, the film's acknowledgement of the reality of child sex trafficking is not being disputed. Instead, critics focus on the film's perceived validation of QAnon conspiracies. They also criticize the film for perpetuating a white savior complex and a boomer dad fantasy. However, the film's demographic of predominantly female and Hispanic audiences challenges these criticisms. Furthermore, the success of the film at the box office, despite minimal promotion, shows that there is an audience interested in this topic. Ultimately, the film's political nature has led to polarized reactions, with some critics dismissing it as conspiracy-laden and others recognizing its potential to shed light on a pervasive problem.

    • Narcos: Mexico and Jim Caviezel's Link to QAnonDespite Caviezel's association with QAnon, the movie 'Narcos: Mexico' should be evaluated separately from his personal beliefs. The real issue is the potential UPS workers' strike and uncertain negotiations.

      The movie "Narcos: Mexico" and its star, Jim Caviezel, have been linked to QAnon due to Caviezel's past associations with QAnon conferences. However, it is important to note that the movie itself is a dramatization based on real events and should be evaluated separately from Caviezel's personal beliefs. The discussion also raised concerns about the movie's promotion tactics, which manipulate audiences into feeling they are contributing to the fight against human trafficking by buying tickets. The most pressing issue at hand is the potential strike of 340,000 UPS workers, represented by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Negotiations between UPS and the Teamsters have collapsed due to an unacceptable offer from UPS, leaving the future of the negotiations uncertain.

    • UPS Contract Negotiations: Union Frustrated by Lack of Movement on Economic ConditionsThe union is pushing for fair compensation for teamsters who have worked through the pandemic, despite UPS's record profits and resistance from the company during negotiations.

      During contract negotiations with UPS for better compensation for their teamsters, the union encountered resistance from UPS during discussions on wage increases and rewarding long-term employees. Despite the progress made in negotiating 95% of the contract, the lack of movement on economic conditions left the union feeling frustrated. The union members have worked through the pandemic, risking their safety, while UPS reported record profits. The union argues that these workers, including part-timers, deserve fair compensation for their contributions to UPS's success. The union's new administration, elected on a promise to take a more aggressive stance, has listened to their members and is willing to push for what they deserve. Previous contracts contained concessions that have led to the current situation. UPS's inconsistent messaging about wages adds to the confusion and frustration. The union is demanding basic fairness and wants UPS to set an example as a responsible employer.

    • Teamsters Union Prioritizes Member Involvement in NegotiationsThe Teamsters Union is advocating for fair contracts by involving members in negotiations and leveraging their experiences to fight for better wages and working conditions. This approach could inspire other labor movements, particularly in industries with low wages and poor conditions.

      The Teamsters Union is prioritizing member involvement in negotiations and using their firsthand experiences to advocate for fair contracts. Members are motivated and willing to fight for better wages and working conditions. The ongoing negotiations with UPS could result in a strike if the company fails to meet the union's demands. The union's efforts could serve as a template for other labor movements, particularly in industries like Amazon, where workers face low pay and poor conditions. The union believes that the government should not reward companies like Amazon, which have received large contracts while failing to provide decent wages and working conditions for their employees. Public sentiment is in favor of labor unions, and there is a growing grassroots labor movement. To support this movement, we need policies that don't reward bad employers and instead encourage fair labor practices.

    • Addressing Labor Issues: Union Organization and Union BustingThe economy loses $500 billion annually due to union busting and lack of easier union organization. Prioritizing worker rights and protection is crucial for a strong economy.

      The discussion highlighted the importance of addressing labor issues, specifically the need for easier union organization and a crackdown on union busting, which costs the economy $500 billion annually. The speaker expressed disappointment that the president has not prioritized this issue more, despite his past actions in support of labor. They emphasized the importance of ensuring workers can join unions without fear of retaliation and the need for a middle class wage. The conversation also touched on the affordability of theme park tickets and the benefits of using Clorox Scentiva for cleaning. However, the main focus was on the labor-related topics and the need for change in this area.

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    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.


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    Can Sam Harris Pull Back: https://www.illusionconsensus.com/cp/138291630

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