
    7.12.24 Passing on Eucharistic Faith Like SS. Louis and Zelie Martin

    enJuly 13, 2024
    What is described as a journey in faith?
    How does the Eucharist refresh our spiritual journey?
    What crisis is identified regarding the Eucharist?
    How should we treat the Eucharist and Jesus in it?
    Who are examples of saints with strong eucharistic faith?

    Podcast Summary

    • Eucharistic pilgrimageOur faith journey involves following Jesus, sharing the gospel, and being refreshed at parishes, especially through the Eucharist; the current pilgrimage emphasizes reinvigorating our approach to the Mass and deepening our connection to the Lord and each other.

      Our faith is a journey, not a static experience. We are called to follow Jesus, who constantly uses action verbs, and go out to share the gospel. The Eucharist is a crucial part of this journey, as we come together in parishes, which function as stations or hostels, refreshing and feeding us for the next leg of our spiritual journey. The current National Eucharistic pilgrimage, with its focus on the Eucharistic Congress and the Eucharistic Revival, highlights the importance of this dynamic dimension of our faith. The US bishops have identified the need to reinvigorate our approach to the Mass as a key area for growth. Despite the crisis of attendance and belief in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, we are called to continue this pilgrimage, seeking to deepen our connection to the Lord and to each other.

    • Crisis in Catholic Church and EucharistDespite only 30% of Catholics fully believing and practicing the Church's teaching on the Eucharist, the Church is encouraging a deeper appreciation for its importance and the need for greater reverence during Mass and Eucharistic adoration.

      Only three in ten Catholics fully believe and practice the Catholic Church's teaching on the Eucharist, which holds that the bread and wine become the actual body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus during the consecration. This is a major crisis for the Church, and Archbishop Thompson and other bishops are addressing it by encouraging a deeper appreciation for the importance of the Eucharist and the need to treat Jesus in the sacrament with the same reverence as Mary, St. Joseph, and the saints. The Church is asking for a renewed approach to Mass and a greater hunger to receive Jesus daily. The second way to grow is by recognizing the privilege of coming together for Eucharistic adoration and having a heart-to-heart conversation with Jesus. The speaker's personal experience of working for Pope Francis at the UN highlighted the importance of this privilege.

    • Eucharistic faithWorld leaders may be prioritized over God, but the Eucharist offers a greater presence. Prioritize faith, effectively pass it on to future generations, and transform ourselves and the world.

      Even world leaders prioritize meeting human leaders over connecting with the divine. However, as the speaker emphasizes, there is a greater presence to be found in God. Despite the distance some may travel to meet human leaders, they often overlook the opportunity to connect with God, who is present in the Eucharist. The speaker urges us to prioritize our relationship with God and to effectively pass on our Eucharistic faith to future generations. The church in the United States has received a failing grade in this regard, and the speaker calls for more precision and passion in sharing this precious gift. By focusing on our relationship with God and effectively passing on our faith, we can transform ourselves and the world around us as the salt, light, and leaven of the Church.

    • Eucharist as real presenceDeepen understanding and expression of Eucharist as real presence of Jesus, prioritize it in life, share it with others, especially those in need.

      We must deepen our understanding and expression of the Eucharist as the real presence of Jesus, rather than just bread and wine. We should live out this belief through our actions and prioritize the Eucharist as the source, summit, and center of our lives. Additionally, we are called to share this gift of Jesus with others, especially those in need, through evangelization and bringing them to the Eucharist. A notable example of this is St. Louis and St. Therese Martin, whose eucharistic faith was so strong that it influenced their entire family to live radically for Jesus.

    • God's call to marriage and familyDespite health issues and initial plans for celibacy, St. Therese and Louis Martin were called by God to marry and start a family, inspiring us to be open to God's will and spread the love of Christ through our example and words, and by frequently receiving the Eucharist.

      St. Therese and Louis Martin, despite their personal health issues and initial plans to live celibate lives, were called by God to marry and start a large family. They became great missionaries by passing on their faith through their example and words, and by frequently receiving Holy Communion. The Martins' deep love for the Mass and the Eucharist inspired them to bring the gospel and the presence of Jesus to new places, just as we are called to do in our own lives, regardless of our state of marriage or singleness. Their story reminds us of the importance of openness to God's will and the power of the Eucharist to sustain and inspire us in our mission to spread the love of Christ.

    • Eucharistic way of lifeThe Eucharist is not just a sacrament, but a way of life. Strive to structure your life around it, and pass on this legacy to others. Jesus' love for us is so great that he became present in the Eucharist, and we ask for the grace to be transformed by him and share our faith with others.

      The Eucharist is more than just a sacrament, it's a way of life. We should strive to structure our lives around it, as the saints did, and pass on this legacy to those around us. Jesus' love for us was so great that he didn't just become human and die for us, but he also became present in the Eucharist, hiding himself under the appearance of food. This is the most extraordinary thing in the world, and it's a source of joy and transformation. We ask for the grace to be transformed by Jesus in the Eucharist and to pass on this faith to others. We should live our Eucharistic faith in such a way that others are drawn to it and ask why we are different. We must be patient with those who have drifted away from the faith and continue to pray for them. Through the intercession of the saints, we can become more like Jesus and fulfill the promise of his presence with us until the end of time.

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