
    7.13.24 Seton Recollection, Come Away to a Desert Place and Rest for a While

    enJuly 14, 2024
    What does it mean to take on Jesus' yoke?
    How does meekness relate to our dependence on God?
    Why is intercession important in prayer?
    How can we express love through prayer according to Jesus?
    What role does humility play in our relationship with God?

    Podcast Summary

    • Connecting with GodTo find true rest, we must withdraw from the crowds, unite our actions with God's love, and deepen our relationship with Him through meekness.

      During this pilgrimage, it's essential for us to take time to connect with God and rest in His presence. Just as Jesus wanted his disciples to withdraw from the crowds and rest before performing a miracle, we too need to withdraw and unite our actions with His love to find true rest. This rest is not just physical, but spiritual, and is found by taking on Jesus' yoke and learning from Him. The virtue of meekness, which is recognizing our dependence on God and His gifts, is crucial in this process. By coming away with the Lord and each other, we can deepen our relationship with Him, process our experiences, and find the rest our souls truly seek.

    • Gratitude and PraiseGratitude and praise are essential forms of prayer, focusing on who God is, not just what He's done. Use divine praises, prayers of saints, and Magnificat to help purify hearts and focus on God.

      Just as the grateful Samaritan leper returned to thank and adore the Lord after being healed, we too should come before Him with gratitude and praise. The Lord desires our praise and adoration, not just for what He has done for us, but for who He is. We should strive to make our conversations with Him focused on praise, contrition, intercession, and petition. Praise is the most important form of prayer, but it can be challenging to focus solely on the Lord. We can use divine praises, prayers of the saints, and the Magnificat to help us in our prayer and to purify our hearts to truly praise and adore God. Let us remember to never take the Lord for granted and to come before Him with a grateful heart.

    • God's joy in our humility and weaknessesGod finds joy in magnifying himself through our humility and weaknesses, using ordinary people to do extraordinary things, and loves us unconditionally despite our defects. Focusing on gratitude and thanksgiving leads to continued growth and eternal happiness.

      God finds joy in magnifying and glorifying himself through our humility and weaknesses. Mary, as an example, found her joy and blessing in her humility and collaboration with God. Our defects and loneliness do not diminish God's ability to use us to do extraordinary things. In fact, Jesus chose ordinary people to be his apostles to showcase his light through their earthly vessels. We should focus on the great things God has done for us and use our weaknesses to relate to others and glorify His name. God's mercy is abundant and inexhaustible, and He loves us unconditionally, choosing us not because of our strengths but because of His love. Our gratitude and thanksgiving are essential for continued growth, and we should focus on what we have rather than what we lack. By coming together in the Eucharist and expressing our thanksgiving, we can live a life that leads us to eternal happiness and communion with God.

    • Gratitude during MassFocusing on what we're thankful for during the Mass helps us cultivate a deeper sense of appreciation for God's presence in our lives and grow closer to Him.

      Gratitude is a powerful form of preparation for connecting with God during the Mass. By focusing on what we're thankful for, even in the smallest things, we can cultivate a deeper sense of appreciation for God's presence in our lives. The Mass is our opportunity for real thanksgiving, and our greatest preparation is a heart filled with gratitude. The challenge is to remember to thank God not just during the good times, but also during the difficult moments when it may be harder to find reasons to be grateful. By embracing a spirit of gratitude always and everywhere, we can grow closer to God and deepen our faith.

    • True Conversion and ForgivenessTrue conversion involves deep sorrow for our imperfect relationship with God, a desire to cooperate with His love and mercy, and the ability to extend forgiveness to others as we have been forgiven.

      True conversion, as desired by the Lord, goes beyond mere apologies for past mistakes. It involves a deep and sincere sorrow for our imperfect relationship with God, and a desire to cooperate with His love and mercy. This transformation, akin to a death and resurrection, enables us to extend God's mercy to others and forgive those who have wronged us. The parable of the two debtors illustrates the immense mercy and forgiveness we receive from God, and the importance of learning to forgive others as we have been forgiven. As we seek the Lord's forgiveness, we must also ask for His help in addressing any ways we have let others down, and strive to love them with the same mercy we have received. Jesus' commandments serve as guidelines for growing in love, but they must be embraced from the heart for lasting transformation.

    • Love through prayer and intercessionExpress love towards others and God through regular and bold prayers, recognizing others' needs deepens humility, and trusting God's generosity in response to our prayers.

      Prayer and intercession are essential acts of love towards others and God. Jesus commands us to love others as He loves us, and we can express this love through prayer. Intercession allows us to recognize others' needs and deepen our humility. Regular and systematic prayer is crucial, and we should strive to be like St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, who was known as the woman who always prays. We should be bold in our prayers, asking for big things from God, and trust that He will respond generously. The Scriptures assure us that God gives good things to those who ask Him, and our prayers of petition open us to the greatest remedy: God Himself and the Holy Spirit.

    • Soil types in our heartsExamine and address hardened, superficial, and thorny soil in our hearts to allow the Lord to cultivate good and fruitful soil, enabling a more meaningful spiritual journey.

      During our spiritual journey, it's essential to examine and address the various types of soil in our hearts that may hinder our growth and prevent us from fully receiving and bearing the fruits of the Lord's blessings. These soil types include hardened, superficial, and thorny soil. Hardened soil may be resistant to the Lord due to fear or stubbornness. Superficial soil focuses on surface-level enjoyments and can prevent us from delving deeper into our spiritual lives. Thorny soil is filled with worldly cares, anxieties, and pleasures that can choke the growth of God's work in our lives. By recognizing and addressing these issues, we can allow the Lord to break through and cultivate the good and fruitful soil within us, leading to a more meaningful and fulfilling spiritual journey.

    • Spiritual challenges and growthAsk for the Lord's help to overcome challenges, cooperate with His grace, and become fruitful members of His kingdom. Pray for others and strive to be eucharistic men and women.

      Our spiritual growth can be hindered by various challenges and obstacles, represented by thorns in the parable of the sower. These thorns can distract us from focusing on the Lord and hinder the fruitfulness of our lives. However, with the Lord's help, we can remove or lessen the power of these thorns and become good soil that produces an abundance of fruit. The Lord intends for our spiritual journey to change us in numerous ways, and we should ask for the grace to cooperate with His continued work in our lives. We should also pray for the intercession of the Father, who desires to give us His love and everything else beyond. In summary, we should ask for the Lord's help to overcome the challenges in our lives, cooperate with His grace, and become fruitful members of His kingdom. We should also remember to pray for others and ask for the grace to become eucharistic men and women, shining the light of Christ to the world.

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