
    7/14/22: Historic Inflation, Uvalde Footage, Ukraine Weapons, Bolton Coup Admission, Class Divides, Saudi Policy, & More!

    enJuly 14, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the World of Podcasts: From Bedtime Stories to News AnalysisRecognize the value of past experiences and perspectives in podcasts, from kids' stories to women's pivots, and contribute to a trustworthy media landscape.

      There are various podcasts available to cater to different needs and interests, from bedtime stories for kids with Koala Moon, to inspiring pivots for women on She Pivots, to educational and interactive learning with Stories for Kids by Lingokids, to news and analysis with Breaking Points. Additionally, the importance of recognizing the value of past experiences and perspectives was emphasized, as well as the opportunity to be part of creating a more trustworthy and healthy media landscape. Lastly, announcements included a live show in Atlanta, a discount for yearly premium subscriptions, and a brief hiatus for the hosts.

    • Highest inflation rate since 1981 with 9.1% increase year over yearInflation continues to rise rapidly, driven by gas, rent, and food prices, with no relief in sight for consumers.

      Inflation continues to rise at an alarming rate, with the latest numbers showing a 9.1% increase year over year in June. This is the highest inflation rate since 1981 and is being driven by increases in gas, rent, and food prices. Even when removing the most volatile pieces, core inflation is still rising rapidly, indicating that we are not yet past the peak of this crisis. The Federal Reserve's efforts to reduce inflation through their actions have not yet been reflected in the numbers. Structural issues, such as the ongoing supply chain problems and geopolitical risks, are not being solved and are contributing to the high inflation rates. Consumers are feeling the impact of inflation in their daily lives, with food, rent, electricity, and gas prices showing few signs of relief. The situation is not expected to improve anytime soon, with the ongoing recessionary problems and the continued challenges at the Port of Los Angeles.

    • Energy crisis and inflation causing financial hardships in housing and transportationHistoric mortgage rate spike, record Manhattan rent, and focus on decreasing demand to bring down prices could lead to further financial struggles for Americans

      The energy crisis and inflation are causing significant financial hardships for many Americans, particularly in the areas of housing and transportation. The Federal Reserve's efforts to control inflation through interest rate hikes have led to a historic spike in mortgage rates and a decline in home sales, forcing some buyers to back out of contracts. The average rent in Manhattan has reached an all-time high of $5,000, making it increasingly difficult for middle and working-class individuals to afford housing. Meanwhile, politicians like President Biden are focusing on the decrease in gas prices as a solution, but the overall inflation rate, which includes core inflation, remains high. The administration's approach seems to be to crush demand in order to bring down prices, which could result in Americans cutting back on essentials like housing, transportation, and food. This could lead to a downward spiral of increasing hardships for those already struggling to make ends meet.

    • Despite recent decreases, gas prices remain high and inflation is out of controlGas prices are still high and inflation is causing people to struggle with rising costs for essentials like food and fuel. The Fed's approach to addressing inflation through interest rate hikes could lead to a painful adjustment for consumers.

      Despite some recent decreases in average gas prices in the US, the overall economic situation, particularly regarding inflation, remains dire. The national average of $4.60 a gallon for gas is still high, and many regions continue to experience prices above $5 a gallon. The Biden administration's claims of a peak in the crisis and decreasing inflation are not supported by evidence, and some experts argue that these statements are an attempt to "gaslight" the American people. The economic reality is that inflation is out of control, and people are struggling with rising costs for essentials like food and fuel. The ongoing war in Ukraine and the global response to it are significant contributors to inflationary pressures. The Fed's approach to addressing inflation through interest rate hikes is not a guaranteed solution and could lead to a painful adjustment for consumers. Ultimately, humility and a nuanced understanding of the complex causes and consequences of inflation are necessary for effective policy making.

    • Fed Considers Historic Interest Rate Hike to Combat InflationThe Fed is considering a historic interest rate hike to combat inflation, potentially worsening the economic situation with higher unemployment and decreased union elections and worker power.

      The Federal Reserve is considering a historic interest rate hike of up to 100 basis points (1 percentage point) in response to high inflation, with a 1 in 3 chance of implementing this move as soon as July. Economists are reevaluating their expectations, with some suggesting the possibility of even larger hikes if inflation numbers remain high. This escalation could lead to a worsening economic situation, including higher unemployment, as businesses cut investments and workforces to protect profits. The situation is particularly concerning given the current labor market momentum and the potential for decreased union elections and worker power in a higher unemployment environment. The historical context of the 1970s, with its high inflation and unemployment, provides a cautionary tale. However, the Fed's preferred approach to controlling inflation, a cut in demand, may not be effective as only about a third of inflation is demand-driven, leaving 2/3 reliant on supply-side solutions. The potential for a recession and the challenges it poses to labor are significant concerns.

    • Economic hardship and delayed response crisis managementThe current economic climate may lead to prolonged hardship, exacerbating inequality, while delayed responses to crises can cause unnecessary suffering and chaos

      The current economic climate, with interest rates not high enough to prevent underlying problems but also not addressing them, may lead to a prolonged period of hardship for many, particularly the working class. This follows a decade of easy money and exacerbates existing inequality. The Fed's hiking of rates also increases the cost of debt for developing countries, potentially causing instability and chaos around the world. Regarding the Uvalde tragedy, the delayed response from law enforcement was distressing and led to unnecessary suffering. The failure to act swiftly resulted in prolonged chaos and trauma for those involved. These events underscore the importance of decisive action and accountability in times of crisis.

    • Uvalde school shooting: First responders failed to actDuring the Uvalde school shooting, first responders failed to act, resulting in unnecessary deaths and injuries. Immediate action and accountability are crucial in crisis situations.

      During the Uvalde school shooting, first responders, including police departments, sheriff's departments, Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Rangers, US Border Patrol, and US Marshals Service, were present on the scene but failed to act and rescue children and teachers in need. Instead, they remained casual and did nothing for over an hour, despite hearing gunfire and children's screams. The officers' inaction resulted in unnecessary deaths and injuries. The mayor of Uvalde initially tried to cover up the situation by criticizing the release of footage before families had seen it, but eventually, the truth came to light. The incident highlights the importance of immediate action and accountability in crisis situations.

    • The importance of transparency and accountability during crisesTransparency and accountability are essential during crises to prevent potential cover-ups and maintain public trust. The recent Uvalde school shooting incident highlights the need for clear communication and consequences for those involved.

      Transparency and accountability are crucial during times of crisis. The recent events in Uvalde, Texas, highlight the importance of public figures taking responsibility for their actions and providing clear communication to the public. The leak of the video showing the law enforcement response during the school shooting was disappointing, but it underscores the need for transparency. Furthermore, the lack of consequences for those involved in the incident and the withholding of relevant information from the public raises concerns about a cover-up. Additionally, the discussion about arms smuggling from Ukraine into Europe serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of sending large amounts of weapons to conflict zones without proper oversight. The lack of accountability and transparency in the distribution of these weapons can lead to unintended consequences and further instability. Overall, these incidents underscore the importance of transparency and accountability in times of crisis, and the potential consequences of their absence.

    • Military aid distribution lacking accountability and oversightWeapons supplied to Ukraine could end up in wrong hands, with potential serious consequences. Greater transparency and accountability needed to prevent this.

      The lack of accountability and oversight in military aid distribution can lead to weapons ending up in the wrong hands, with potential serious consequences. The discussion highlighted the issue of weapons supplied to Ukraine potentially falling into the hands of various separatist groups and militias, and the difficulty in tracking their location once they leave Polish borders. This is not a new problem, as history shows that similar situations have occurred in the past, including in Ukraine itself, which was once a major shipping ground for black market weapons. The consequences of such events can be far-reaching, including the potential for these weapons to end up in the hands of terrorists or other hostile actors. It is crucial that there is greater transparency and accountability in military aid distribution to prevent such outcomes.

    • The ongoing war in Ukraine causing global chaos and sufferingThe war in Ukraine is leading to food insecurity, economic instability, and potential conflict in other countries, with no end in sight and innocent people suffering the most.

      The ongoing war in Ukraine is causing widespread suffering and chaos around the world. The conflict has led to higher food prices and decreased crop productivity, resulting in food insecurity and even famine in some countries. Nations are struggling to import basic necessities, leading to economic instability and potential default on sovereign debt. The war is also pushing some countries closer to the brink of conflict and instability. Meanwhile, efforts to end the conflict have been lacking, with the focus instead on pressuring Ukraine to continue the fight. The situation is a disaster for the global community, and it is the Ukrainian people who are suffering the most. Elsewhere, former national security adviser John Bolton, who has been involved in planning coups in the past, openly admitted to his involvement on CNN. This revelation highlights the complex and often dangerous nature of international politics.

    • Former NSA Bolton admits US attempted coup in VenezuelaBolton's admission of US involvement in Venezuela coup raises concerns about normalization of such actions in US foreign policy, lack of democratic input, and need for accountability and transparency.

      The admission by former National Security Advisor John Bolton of the US involvement in attempting to orchestrate a coup in Venezuela raises questions about the normalization of such actions in American foreign policy. Bolton's comments were met with surprising nonchalance, with some observers noting the extreme nature of a former official openly discussing coups on television. The lack of democratic input and bipartisan consensus on such matters highlights the need for accountability and transparency in US foreign policy. Bolton's admission also contrasts with the ongoing focus on the January 6th hearings and the lack of scrutiny on other coups orchestrated by US officials. The normalization of coups in American foreign policy is a dangerous trend that sets a false narrative for the American people and undermines democratic values.

    • The Role of Informants and Agencies during Capitol RiotsThe case of Ray Epps, a protester who urged others to enter the Capitol, raises questions about the involvement and knowledge of police informants and FBI during the Capitol riots. Epps's sudden change in tone and potential coercion, along with inconsistencies in the narrative, warrant further investigation for accountability.

      The role of police informants, FBI, and other agencies during the Capitol riots is a topic deserving of further scrutiny. The case of Ray Epps, a protester who urged others to enter the Capitol, highlights the need for transparency regarding the level of involvement and knowledge these agencies had before and during the event. Epps's sudden change in tone and potential legal actions against "Stop the Steal" supporters raise questions about his motivations and possible coercion. Despite his admission of contacting the FBI and breaching the Capitol barriers, he has not been charged. The lack of accountability and inconsistencies in the narrative surrounding Epps and other individuals involved in the riots warrant further investigation.

    • Selective Portrayal of Capitol RiotersThe article's portrayal of some Capitol rioters as sympathetic figures contradicts the evidence, and the inconsistent application of justice raises concerns about equal application of the law.

      While there is sympathy for the complexity of human actions and mistakes, there is concern over the selective and favorable portrayal of some individuals involved in the Capitol riots, such as the case of Epps. The article's portrayal of Epps as a sympathetic figure who tried to prevent violence contradicts the evidence of his repeated efforts to orchestrate the movements of protesters towards the Capitol. Additionally, the lack of curiosity and dismissal of questions regarding potential FBI involvement in the riots is seen as problematic. The inconsistency in the application of justice, with some rioters receiving lengthy prison sentences while others, like Epps, have not been charged, raises valid concerns about equal application of the law.

    • Understanding Washington decorum and etiquetteDecorum and etiquette shape public perception of political actions, and failure to adhere to them can lead to public outrage, while similar actions with proper etiquette are accepted.

      The line between acceptable and monstrous actions in Washington politics can be blurry, and the decorum and etiquette of the political elite often play a role in determining the public perception of these actions. The example of John Bolton's admission of his involvement in planning coups illustrates this, as his breach of Washington decorum led to public outrage, while similar actions carried out with proper etiquette, such as the 2000 election coup, were accepted and even celebrated. The double standard highlights the importance of understanding the unspoken rules and expectations of the political elite, and the consequences of not adhering to them. The discussion also touched upon the notion that corruption and assaults on democracy have long been tolerated in Washington, but it's the lack of decorum and adherence to rules that truly upsets the political establishment.

    • A Divide Between Traditional Power Structures and Disruptive Approaches in PoliticsThe political landscape is divided between those who prioritize decorum and traditional power structures, like Ron DeSantis, and those who embrace disruptive approaches, symbolized by Donald Trump. This divide is reflected in the education gap and class divide in American society.

      The current political landscape is marked by a stark divide between those who prioritize decorum and adherence to traditional power structures, represented by figures like Ron DeSantis, and those who embrace the more brazen, disruptive approach, symbolized by Donald Trump. This divide is particularly evident in the education gap, with college-educated individuals more likely to support DeSantis and his more "highbrow" version of Trumpism, while those without degrees continue to back the former president. This divide also reflects a larger class divide in American society, where access to higher education is increasingly becoming a defining factor in one's worldview and political allegiance. Trump's presidency brought to light the accepted criminal, immoral, and authoritarian behavior of Washington elites, but amplified it to an unprecedented degree. While some may argue that a "highbrow" coup or corruption is preferable to the chaotic and public version championed by Trump, the underlying issues continue to fester, masked by a thin veneer of respectability. Ultimately, the direction of the United States since the 1990s can be understood through the lens of this growing class divide, with education serving as a key determinant of one's perspective on the world.

    • The 2020 election: Beyond race, it was about education and college attendanceDemocrats gained support from white college graduates, while Republicans lost votes from white college-educated men. Understanding the college divide is crucial for both parties to govern effectively and connect with voters.

      The 2020 election was not solely about race, but more about education and college attendance. Trump saw an increase in votes from every demographic group except for white college-educated men. White college-educated women and men were the major swing voters for Joe Biden and the Democratic victories in the 2018 midterm elections. The New York Times poll shows that for the first time, Democrats have a larger share of support amongst white college graduates than amongst non-white voters. White college graduates are more likely to prioritize issues like guns, abortion, and democracy, while non-college educated voters prioritize the economy and inflation. This college divide is crucial to understanding the electorate and the political landscape. It holds warnings for both parties. Democrats must remember that not everyone has a college degree, and Republicans must govern effectively on economic issues to keep their voters. The college-educated voters, who are more likely to support Democrats, make up only about 40% of Americans. Understanding this college divide can help make sense of current political trends and discourse.

    • New Middle Eastern military alliance may not bring peaceThe Abrams Accord could further entangle US in Middle Eastern conflicts, increase tensions with Iran, and abandon diplomacy for a more confrontational stance, potentially leading to instability and nuclear proliferation.

      The recently announced Abrams Accord, intended to create a military alliance between Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE against Iran, is unlikely to bring peace to the region or reduce American involvement. Instead, it risks further entangling the US in Middle Eastern conflicts and increasing tensions with Iran. Additionally, the Biden administration's approach to the Iran nuclear deal seems to be abandoning diplomacy in favor of a more confrontational stance, which experts warn could lead to instability and potential nuclear proliferation. The failure of past US efforts to contain and isolate Iran, as highlighted by Rob Malley and Tony Blair, underscores the need for a different approach. Instead of relying on military alliances and increased troop presence, the US should focus on diplomacy, de-escalation, and regional cooperation to address the complex issues in the Middle East.

    • U.S. Middle East Policy: Sticking to the Status QuoThe Biden administration's Middle East policy continues traditional U.S. approaches of geopolitical alliances and military involvement, hindering regional diplomacy and potentially perpetuating conflict.

      Despite criticisms and expressed intentions to change course, the Biden administration's Middle East foreign policy closely resembles that of previous administrations. The U.S. is continuing down a path of geopolitical alliances and military involvement, rather than promoting regional diplomacy. The ongoing tensions between countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia could be resolved through initiatives like the Baghdad dialogue, but the U.S. has chosen not to support these regional efforts. Instead, the U.S. is maintaining its traditional role as an external power, which may lead to further entanglement in the Middle East. This pattern of policy is not new and has been criticized for its lack of progress and potential for perpetuating conflict.

    • California Avocados: A Labor of LoveCalifornia avocados are a delicious and nutritious food item, supporting local farmers and contributing to a sustainable food system

      California avocados are a prime example of commitment to responsible and sustainable farming. These avocados are not just a product, but a labor of love from dedicated local farmers. The superior quality of California avocados can be seen and tasted when you open one up. Currently, these avocados are in season, making it the perfect time to try them out. For more information about the farmers, their practices, and the benefits of California avocados, visit californiaavocado.com. By supporting these farmers and choosing California avocados, you're not only getting a delicious and nutritious food item, but also contributing to a more sustainable and responsible food system.

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    The Myth of Independence

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    The FT News Briefing is produced by Fiona Symon, Sonja Hutson, Kasia Broussalian and Marc Filippino. Additional help by Joanna Kao, Sam Giovinco, Peter Barber, Michael Lello, David da Silva and Gavin Kallmann. Our engineer is Monica Lopez. Topher Forhecz is the FT’s executive producer. The FT’s global head of audio is Cheryl Brumley. The show’s theme song is by Metaphor Music. 

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    Chicago Tickets: https://www.axs.com/events/449151/breaking-points-live-tickets 

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