
    7.15.24 Homily

    enJuly 15, 2024
    What is the main mission of the eucharistic pilgrimage?
    How should we respond to love and rejection during this journey?
    What teachings must we accept to welcome Jesus fully?
    Who was St. Bonaventure and what did he teach?
    How can we perform greater works in God's kingdom?

    Podcast Summary

    • Eucharistic pilgrimage, sharing Jesus' personDuring eucharistic pilgrimages, we bring Jesus to the world and invite others to recognize His presence, but it requires selfless and sacrificial love, putting Him above all else, including family and personal life.

      During this eucharistic pilgrimage, we are called to share the person of Jesus, not just his words or message. By participating in eucharistic processions, we bring Jesus to the world and invite others to recognize his presence. This mission comes with challenges, as we will experience both love and rejection. Our response to the Lord should be a selfless and sacrificial love, putting Him above all else, including family and personal life. The pilgrims on this journey have demonstrated their love for the Lord by sacrificing their comforts and even their health for the journey. We are called to love the Lord above all else, treating Him as the pearl of great price.

    • Choosing Jesus during challenging timesDuring hardships, fully committing to Jesus leads to a deeper understanding of humanity and purpose, and allows us to bring God's love to the world through acts of service.

      During challenging times, prioritizing our relationship with Jesus and committing ourselves fully to Him is the most valuable and meaningful choice we can make. This decision goes beyond temporary sacrifices and requires us to give our whole being to Him, allowing us to gain a deeper understanding of our humanity and our purpose in life. By loving Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, we not only don't lose ourselves but also become more human and divine. Jesus, as the King of Kings, is always present with us in the Holy Eucharist, and He calls us to love Him selflessly and wholeheartedly, not out of fear or desire for control, but out of a deep love and commitment to Him. In doing so, we are able to perform greater works and bring God's kingdom to the world through acts of love and service to others.

    • Jesus' message of peace and love vs divisionDespite potential rejection and division, Jesus calls us to continue sharing His message of peace, love, mercy, and forgiveness, and to establish institutions like hospitals, schools, and charities to care for others and spread the faith.

      While Jesus calls us to spread His message of peace and love, we may encounter rejection and division. We are to continue sharing God's mercy and forgiveness, even when met with resistance. Founding institutions like hospitals, schools, and charities are essential in caring for the sick and spreading the faith. Jesus' teachings on peace and forgiveness are not contradictory to the gospel's message of division; rather, sin and selfishness create the division. As children of God, we are called to be peacemakers and continue spreading God's love, even in the face of rejection.

    • Welcoming God and His messengersOpenly welcoming God and His representatives is crucial for a deep relationship with Him, and rejecting them is equivalent to rejecting Him directly.

      Welcoming God and His messengers is essential for a meaningful relationship with Him. The scripture readings illustrate the importance of receiving God with openness and love, as well as welcoming those He sends as His representatives. Rejecting God or His messengers is equivalent to rejecting Him directly. As individuals and as a community, we must revive our faith and truly understand the nature of the Eucharist to effectively welcome Jesus. By prioritizing our relationship with God, we can give Him the welcome He deserves and bring others to Him as well.

    • Embracing the mystery of the EucharistTo fully welcome Jesus in the Eucharist, we must accept His teachings and believe in Him, even when they are challenging, and embrace the mystery of receiving His body and blood.

      To truly welcome and receive Jesus, we must accept His teachings in their entirety, even when they are difficult or hard to understand. This includes embracing the mystery of the Eucharist, where we receive Jesus' body and blood. Jesus' closest followers, like Peter, had faith in Him and trusted that He would show them how to do this. By believing in Jesus and His words, we can overcome obstacles and receive Him fully. St. Bonaventure, a great teacher of the faith, teaches us the importance of receiving Jesus correctly, even when we may feel unworthy or uncertain. His life and teachings serve as an inspiration for us to open ourselves up to God's love and mercy.

    • Spiritual reception of the EucharistSeek spiritual reception of the Eucharist with open hearts for deep transformation, extending the same welcome to others for a more welcoming church.

      We should seek to welcome God not just intellectually or through routine actions, but spiritually, with open hearts and a deep desire for transformation. Saint Bonaventure emphasized the importance of receiving the Holy Eucharist not only physically but also spiritually, allowing God to work deeply within us and unite us as one body in Christ. By focusing on spiritual reception, we can extend the same welcome to others and create a more welcoming church. As Pope Francis encourages, we should all strive to become experts in welcoming God and others, recognizing that even the smallest gestures of welcome can lead to great rewards.

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