
    7.20.24 Landry ConCon

    enJuly 18, 2024
    What does Jesus invite us to do amidst our busy lives?
    How does observing the Sabbath help us in daily life?
    What was Jesus' purpose for taking the apostles away?
    Why is Sunday important for renewal and rest?
    How does reflecting on our experiences benefit us spiritually?

    Podcast Summary

    • Find rest with JesusJesus invites us to take a break from our busy lives and find rest with him during Mass and in deserted places, physically or spiritually, to be restored and renewed for serving others

      Jesus invites us to take a break from our busy lives and come away with him to find rest and refreshment. Just as he did for the apostles in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus summons us to be with him, especially during Mass, to be restored and renewed. This is not just a one-time event, but a regular invitation for us to connect with him and be sent out to serve others. Despite the hustle and bustle of our daily lives and the distractions around us, Jesus continues to call us to deserted places, whether physically or spiritually, to be with him and find our rest in him. So let us make time for this heart-to-heart conversation with Jesus and allow him to restore and remake us.

    • Sabbath RestTaking breaks from our busy lives for rest and reflection with God is essential for recharging, reviewing life's meaning, and investing our lives wisely.

      Just as God rested and reflected on the seventh day, we too need to take breaks from our busy lives to rest and refocus with God. These breaks are not just for recharging, but also for reviewing the meaning of our experiences and investing our lives wisely. Jesus took his apostles away for similar reasons, and he seeks to draw us away from the daily grind to refresh and strengthen us. This time away allows us to press the reset button on our existence, prioritize what's truly important, and thank God for His blessings. During my recent experience as chaplain for the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage, I witnessed firsthand the exhausting nature of daily pilgrimage activities. Despite the long hours and lack of downtime, these moments of rest and reflection with God proved invaluable for both the pilgrims and myself.

    • SabbathThe Sabbath, or Sunday, is a day of rest, reflection, and renewal in the presence of God, essential for prioritizing our relationship with Him and avoiding slavery to work and distractions.

      Sunday is more than just another day of the week; it's a day set aside for renewal and rest in the presence of God. Jesus invites us to come away with Him, away from distractions and the pressures of work and daily life, to converse with Him and be filled with His love. This is a daily summons, a call to prioritize our relationship with God. The Sabbath, or Sunday, is a reminder of our freedom from slavery and the importance of putting God at the center of our lives. When we neglect this day of rest, we risk becoming slaves to work, errands, and other distractions. By observing the Sabbath, we are able to renew ourselves, love God, and love those around us. The third commandment, to observe the Sabbath, is a reminder of our history as God's people and our call to prioritize our relationship with Him. In a world that often values productivity and busyness above all else, it's essential that we make time for God and allow ourselves to be renewed in His presence. So let us embrace Sunday as a day of the Lord, a day to rest, reflect, and be filled with His love.

    • Spiritual growth and renewalRegular prayer and reflection are essential for spiritual growth and renewal, taking the form of daily prayer, monthly recollections, or annual retreats.

      Regular, intentional time spent in prayer and reflection with God is essential for spiritual growth and renewal. This can take the form of daily prayer, monthly days of recollection, or annual retreats. A direct election, or time spent in prayer, can range from a few hours to a full day, and can be scheduled at any time that works best for the individual. A regularly scheduled monthly recollection is a deeper dive into our relationship with Jesus, allowing us to review the trends of our life, seek His guidance for decisions, and ask for His help with the challenges we face. An annual retreat provides an extended period of time to be fully present with God and receive His light and encouragement for the upcoming year. Whether through organized retreats or personal discipline, making time for regular prayer and reflection is crucial for our spiritual journey.

    • Retreats, Spiritual GrowthRetreats, whether short or long, offer opportunity to prioritize God and deepen spiritual growth amidst busy lives, bearing fruits of deeper attraction to God.

      Retreats, whether short or long, offer an opportunity to prioritize God and our spiritual growth amidst our busy lives. Traditionally lasting a week, retreats can range from a few days to several months. While some may find the idea daunting, we often find time for other activities and can make time for God as well. Retreats, whether at retreat centers or in parish churches, provide a chance to deepen our relationship with God and return renewed and transfigured to our daily lives. Pope Francis emphasized the importance of retreats, noting the fruits they bear, such as a deeper attraction and fascination with God. Despite our busy schedules, arranging for a retreat or day of recollection is a worthwhile investment in our spiritual growth.

    • Retreats, Pope's invitationThe Pope encourages retreats for deepening relationship with God, providing opportunity for intensive prayer, and renewing commitment to Christ through daily prayer and weekly Mass attendance. Summer is an ideal time for annual retreats.

      The Pope encourages everyone to take time for a retreat to deepen their relationship with God. Retreats provide an opportunity for intensive prayer and listening to God's word in a quiet and peaceful environment. By making time for retreats, we can renew our commitment to Christ and understand the importance of daily prayer and weekly Mass attendance. Summer is an ideal time for annual retreats when many of us have some time off. By following Jesus' invitation to retreat and rest, we will be better equipped to live out our faith daily and never regret the time spent in His presence. The Pope invites us to respond generously and faithfully to this invitation during Mass this Sunday.

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