
    7/25/23 EXCLUSIVE: Vivek Ramaswamy PRESSED On Trump, Climate, Mexico War, and Krystal And Saagar SPAR With 2024 Candidate Doug Burgum

    enJuly 25, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Explore Europe in Comfort with Viking, Disney World Offers Affordable Adult Tickets, and Vivek Ramaswami's Positive Vision for AmericaViking offers a luxurious European travel experience, Disney World caters to adults with affordable tickets and apps, and Vivek Ramaswami advocates for a purposeful America focusing on individual, family, nation, and God.

      Viking invites travelers to explore Europe in comfort on their elegant longships, offering thoughtful service, destination-focused dining, cultural enrichment, and an all-inclusive experience with no children or casinos. US Cellular encourages us to put down our phones for five minutes to reevaluate our relationship with technology. Disney World invites adults to take advantage of child-priced tickets and apps for a more affordable and convenient vacation experience. Vivek Ramaswami, a presidential candidate, emphasizes the importance of addressing the underlying void of purpose and meaning in American society rather than just opposing the left's agenda. He believes that focusing on individual, family, nation, and God can help ground us and lead us to a positive vision for the future. Ramaswami also maintains that the 2020 election was not stolen through systematic ballot fraud but through big tech interference, which he believes led to the events of January 6th.

    • Nikki Haley's stance on potential Trump indictmentsNikki Haley intends to uphold the rule of law and protect former presidents' rights, stating she would pardon Trump if elected and criticizing politically motivated indictments

      During the Republican primary race, Nikki Haley expressed her intention to lead the nation towards unity and spoke about her position on potential indictments against former President Trump. She stated that she would pardon Trump for the documented case and the New York case based on her understanding of the law and her belief that the indictments were politically motivated. Haley also criticized the use of police force to indict political opposition and argued for the importance of upholding American values. She acknowledged the legal complexities surrounding the Presidential Records Act and the Espionage Act, and maintained that she would have made different judgments than Trump in similar situations. Overall, Haley's stance emphasized her commitment to preserving the rule of law and protecting the rights of former presidents.

    • Separating Bad Judgment from Criminal ChargesEmphasizing fairness in applying the law, Ramaswamy criticized politicized indictments against Trump and highlighted unique legal considerations for presidents under the presidential records act. He positioned his campaign as focused on moving the country forward and addressing deeper issues of meaning and purpose.

      During a discussion on the ongoing legal issues surrounding former President Donald Trump, candidate Vivek Ramaswamy emphasized the importance of separating bad judgment from criminal charges and applying the law fairly. He criticized the indictments against Trump as politicized and lacking a clear connection to the relevant laws. Ramaswamy also highlighted the unique legal considerations for presidents under the presidential records act. Regarding his opponent, Governor Ron DeSantis, Ramaswamy acknowledged DeSantis's accomplishments as a governor but emphasized the need for a leader with a clear vision for the nation's identity and purpose beyond small-scale grievances. He positioned his campaign as focused on moving the country forward and addressing the deeper issues of meaning and purpose.

    • Emphasizing Governor DeSantis' accomplishments and experience, Vivek Ramaswamy criticizes super PACs in politics and offers a deal to his opponent to shun them.Vivek Ramaswamy criticizes the influence of super PACs in politics and proposes a deal to his opponent to run a clean campaign without their involvement.

      During the discussion, Vivek Ramaswamy emphasized Governor DeSantis' political accomplishments and experience, while highlighting his own business successes. He also criticized the influence of super PACs in politics and expressed his willingness to make a deal with his opponent to shun Super PAC money in the general election. Ramaswamy argued that being unconstrained by super PAC funding is less problematic than being a representative of their interests. He acknowledged the complexity of the issue and the need for a reasonable middle ground that respects First Amendment protections for advocating for issues.

    • Reviving the core principles of the American experimentDemocrats and Republicans should focus on equal representation and making civic participation a requirement for voting, including a civics test or military/first responder service for young adults.

      Both Democrats and Republicans should focus on reviving the core principles of the American experiment, which includes equal representation through one person, one vote, and making civic participation a requirement. The proposal suggests that high school graduates between the ages of 18 and 25 should pass a civics test or serve in the military or as first responders before being allowed to vote. This idea is based on the belief that civic privileges come with civic duties, as envisioned by the founding fathers. The ultimate goal is to increase civic engagement and revive the importance of being an informed and active citizen. This is not just a proposal for young people, but a vision for a civic requirement for every citizen.

    • Encouraging civic duty among young, educated votersCandidates are focusing on reaching out to young, educated voters to potentially shift the political landscape, but motivations behind this approach are debated, with some suggesting it could be a strategic move.

      The discussion revolved around the idea of reaching out to young, educated voters and encouraging civic duty, with the belief that this group could potentially shift the political landscape. However, the motivations behind this approach were questioned, with some suggesting it could be a strategic move to win over voters less likely to support certain candidates. The conversation then shifted to the importance of open persuasion and discourse, rather than dividing people into voting blocks. The candidate defended his position, emphasizing his engagement with young people and first-time donors to the GOP. The interview also touched upon the candidate's use of language towards those concerned about climate issues and the importance of acknowledging and addressing their concerns based on facts.

    • Complex interplay between climate change and human prosperityAcknowledges human contribution to climate change, but highlights potential negative consequences of abandoning fossil fuels and importance of alternative energy sources, social justice, and equity. Opposes climate cult mentality and questions market indicators as sole gauge of climate situation.

      While there is scientific consensus on the existence and human contribution to climate change, the degree of concern and actions taken should consider the complex interplay between positive and negative impacts on human prosperity and equity. The speaker acknowledges the importance of reducing carbon emissions, but also highlights the potential negative consequences of abandoning fossil fuels and the importance of alternative energy sources like nuclear. He also raises the issue of unequal distribution of climate risks and the need for addressing social justice and equity. The speaker challenges the notion of a climate cult and argues that opposition to carbon emissions often goes hand in hand with opposition to other energy sources, suggesting a deeper motivational factor. He uses the example of insurance companies leaving high-risk areas to illustrate the real-world costs of climate change, and questions the validity of relying solely on market indicators to gauge the situation.

    • Focusing on Diplomacy and Cooperation to Address Global IssuesVivek Ramaswamy advocates for diplomacy and cooperation to tackle global issues like climate change and drug cartels, but criticizes the use of ESG labels and the current approach to Mexico's drug cartel problem, emphasizing military intervention as a last resort.

      Vivek Ramaswamy believes in addressing global issues, such as climate change and drug cartels, but with a focus on diplomacy and cooperation rather than military intervention. He criticizes the use of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) labels as potentially misleading, but acknowledges the importance of addressing climate change. Regarding Mexico, he advocates for securing the US southern border and diplomatically pressuring Mexico to solve its drug cartel problem, but insists he would not declare war without Mexico's consent. He believes that addressing Mexico's issues is crucial for the US, as the drug cartels pose a significant threat to both countries. He also criticizes the current approach taken by the Biden administration and AMLO. However, he emphasizes that military intervention would be a last resort and that he expects Mexico to take action to solve its own problems.

    • North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum's Unconventional Campaign for PresidentBurgum, a tech exec and governor, offers unique perspective on economy, energy, and national security, ran unconventional campaign with discount card for donors, feels stacked rules favor old guard, emphasizes addressing Mexican drug cartels as greater risk than ISIS.

      Doug Burgum, a tech executive and North Dakota governor, believes his unique perspective and focus on improving every American life through a 180-degree turn on the economy, energy, and national security qualifies him for the presidency. He ran an unconventional campaign by offering supporters a discount card in exchange for donations to help reach the debate stage. Burgum argues that these rules are stacked against newcomers and fresh ideas, and he feels that his experience building a world-class business from small towns and small states gives him a unique perspective. He also discussed the importance of addressing the real risk Americans face from Mexican drug cartels, which he believes is greater than the risk from ISIS.

    • North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum's Unique Qualifications for PresidentGovernor Burgum, a successful entrepreneur, advocates for energy independence and selling to allies, criticizing dependence on adversaries' energy and Biden's policies.

      Doug Burgum, a North Dakota governor and entrepreneur, is running for president and has gained support from his friends and colleagues. He distinguishes himself from other governors by his long business experience and success, starting from humble beginnings and growing a business from scratch. Burgum and his supporters believe that all candidates, including Trump, should participate in debates. On the issue of the Ukraine war, Burgum criticizes Biden's energy policies that led to dependence on Russian energy and contributed to the conflict. Burgum advocates for selling energy to friends and allies and stopping purchases from adversaries, connecting the Ukraine situation to the larger challenge of dealing with China.

    • Russia-Ukraine Conflict and Its Impact on China's Energy MarketChina benefits from Russia-Ukraine conflict by purchasing discounted energy resources, challenging US dollar's dominance in global energy transactions.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the resulting geopolitical tensions, have significant implications for global energy markets, particularly in relation to China. China, as the largest importer of oil and gas in the world, stands to benefit from the current situation, as it allows the country to purchase Russian energy resources at discounted prices, undermining the US dollar's dominance in global energy transactions. The ongoing sanctions on Russian oil and gas have not been effective in limiting Russia's ability to sell these resources, with China being the primary buyer. The lack of a cohesive US energy policy, combined with diplomatic signals that have appeared to encourage Russian aggression, have further complicated the situation. The situation highlights the need for a more robust and strategic approach to energy policy and international diplomacy, particularly in the context of ongoing geopolitical tensions.

    • Diplomacy with authoritarian leaders and economic issuesFocus on American objectives, use military and economic statecraft, protect commitments to Americans, prepare for future changes, support a balanced approach to pensions, acknowledge challenges of genomic medicine, and seek mutual prosperity

      Effective diplomacy with authoritarian leaders, like Xi Jinping of China, requires a focus on American objectives and the use of both military and economic statecraft. The current situation with China is more complex than the Cold War with the Soviet Union due to interconnected economies. Regarding economic issues, while there are debates on Social Security, the speaker suggests protecting commitments to Americans and being prepared for future changes. In terms of pensions, the speaker supports a balanced approach, as demonstrated by North Dakota's closure of a defined benefit pension plan while protecting current employees. The speaker also acknowledges the challenges posed by advancements in genomic medicine and the potential impact on actuarial tables. Overall, the focus should be on finding a path forward for mutual prosperity rather than isolation or regime change.

    • Protecting Social Security for future generationsEnsure the economic viability of Social Security by promoting growth, considering revenue options, and addressing waste, while balancing the needs of current and future generations.

      Protecting Social Security commitments is crucial for the future of older Americans, but it's equally important to ensure the economic viability of the program for future generations. This can be achieved by promoting economic growth, considering revenue generation options, and addressing areas of potential waste or inefficiency. It's essential to address the concerns of those currently in the system, while also having an open dialogue about financially sustainable solutions. The focus should be on finding a balance between preserving the system's integrity and ensuring its long-term financial health. The discussion also touched upon the need to reconsider spending priorities, such as military expenditures and energy subsidies, to potentially allocate resources towards Social Security and other essential social programs.

    • Policies need to focus on growth and innovationThe US should reduce regulation, attract talent and capital, and take a realistic approach to financial issues for economic success.

      Current policies, particularly in energy and taxation, are not economically sound and could benefit from less regulation and more innovation. The speaker advocates for a focus on growth and attracting talent and capital to the US, rather than raising taxes on the wealthy or implementing burdensome regulations. Additionally, there is a need for a realistic approach to addressing financial issues, such as Social Security, which may require protecting current beneficiaries while also encouraging growth and innovation. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of competition between states in driving economic success.

    • Paul discusses economic prosperity through regulatory and tax policiesPaul advocates for low regulation and taxes to attract capital, reduce government size, and create wealth for all.

      During a presidential debate, Paul discussed the importance of a regulatory and tax regime that attracts capital to the United States for economic prosperity. He argued against high regulation and taxes, suggesting they hinder growth and opportunity for all. Paul also emphasized the need to reduce the size of the federal government and follow the constitution to pay for social programs and ensure prosperity. He believes the economy can grow and create wealth for everyone if we understand how it works. Paul's perspective is that it's not a question of taking from some to give to others, but rather finding ways to lift the economy for everyone.

    • Exploring Europe and Disney World with Special OffersViking Longships offer luxury travel in Europe, US Cellular suggests disconnecting for five minutes, and Undercover Tourist lets you save on Disney tickets by buying as a child

      Traveling through Europe on a Viking longship offers a refined experience with inclusive amenities, excellent dining, and cultural exploration, both onboard and ashore. Meanwhile, US Cellular encourages us to disconnect from our smartphones for five minutes to appreciate the world around us. Lastly, Undercover Tourist invites us to make our Walt Disney World vacation more affordable by purchasing adult theme park tickets at child prices. By doing so, we can enjoy the magic of Disney and add on additional perks through authorized apps. Overall, these messages encourage us to explore new experiences, whether it's in Europe or at a theme park, and to find a balance between technology and the real world.

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    I am a student of knowledge of multiple disciplines, a mentor, and an intercultural & Interfaith practitioner, who wants to help heal and solve problems by bringing awareness for conscious living and conscious parenting to people with flexible mindset.

    Currently hosting a weekly podcast on LightupwithShua podcast on conscious living and parenting. Additionally, actively conducting Self - Healing & Transformation Training Workshops in Pakistan and in the USA. For more information please inquire through email or phone. You can connect with me here: Shua@lightupwithshua.com

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    Copyright © 2017-2022 LUWS ACADEMY LLC & LightupwithShua Podcast All Rights Reserved Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LicenseLightupwithShua This Channel is on Conscious Living and Conscious Parenting. The topic this year is Fasting and benefits of fasting. How Fasting can help you loose weight and get your health in order.

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