
    7/27/23: Hunter Pleads Not Guilty, McConnell Freezes At Press Event, Congress Holds UFO Hearings, Rudy Giuliani Admits Election Lies, Biden Dog Bites Secret Service, Abigail Disney Calls Out Greed and AOC Folds Into Democrat Establishment

    enJuly 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the World of Extraordinary Women, Intergenerational Conversations, and In-Depth News AnalysisRachel Zoe's Climbing in Heels, Tiffany Cross's Across Generations, and Points podcasts offer unique and engaging content, with premium subscriptions enhancing reach and providing exclusive interviews, additional coverage, and new formats.

      These podcasts, hosted by Rachel Zoe, Tiffany Cross, and Points, offer unique and engaging content for their audiences. Rachel Zoe's Climbing in Heels brings stories of extraordinary women, Tiffany Cross's Across Generations fosters intergenerational conversations, and Points delivers in-depth news coverage. Premium subscriptions play a crucial role in expanding their reach and providing better content, including exclusive interviews, additional coverage, and new formats. These podcasts showcase the power of storytelling, knowledge sharing, and community building. Listeners can look forward to weekly doses of glamour, inspiration, wisdom, and laughter from Climbing in Heels, sisterhood and intergenerational conversations from Across Generations, and thought-provoking news analysis from Points.

    • Unlike traditional cable news, The Breaking Points team uses subscription money to secure in-depth interviews and analysisThe Breaking Points team uses viewer's subscription money to provide longer interviews and thorough analysis, unlike traditional cable news which often limits interview time.

      The Breaking Points team is committed to using viewer's subscription money to grow the show and provide in-depth interviews and analysis, unlike traditional cable news which often limits interview time. A recent example of this commitment was seen during the legal proceedings of Hunter Biden's case, where the team was able to secure an hour-long interview with Chris Clark, Hunter Biden's lawyer. During this interview, it was revealed that there was a disagreement between Hunter Biden's team and the Department of Justice over the terms of a plea deal. The Department of Justice agreed to grant some form of immunity to Hunter Biden during a 10-minute recess, but the judge ultimately rejected the deal, highlighting the importance of thorough examination and consideration in legal proceedings.

    • Judge's uncertainty with plea deal puts Hunter Biden's case in limboThe judge's unease with the proposed plea deal could lead to additional charges for Hunter Biden and prolong public scrutiny of the Biden family's dealings.

      The ongoing legal proceedings involving Hunter Biden took an unexpected turn during a court hearing, as the judge expressed uncertainty and discomfort with the proposed plea deal, potentially putting its approval in jeopardy. This development could lead to additional charges for Hunter Biden regarding his foreign entanglements, which have been a source of controversy. The judge's decision also validates the concerns raised by career IRS officials about the handling of the investigation into Hunter Biden's tax affairs, suggesting a political influence in the case. The potential consequences of this situation are significant, as it could drag on the public scrutiny of the Biden family's dealings and potentially lead to more legal trouble for Hunter Biden.

    • Hunter Biden's questionable financial dealings raise concerns of conflicts and transparencyJudge scrutinizes $800,000 painting deal, Hunter put father on calls with business associates during VP tenure, calls for further investigation into Biden family dealings

      Hunter Biden's financial dealings, which include questionable business arrangements and potential tax evasions, raise serious concerns about the Biden administration's transparency and potential conflicts of interest. The latest revelation of a mega Democratic donor paying $800,000 for Hunter's paintings adds to the mounting evidence of Hunter's financial dealings, which reportedly involve Joe Biden and his administration. The judge overseeing the case, who was appointed by former President Trump, has rightfully scrutinized the deal due to its atypical elements. Additionally, Hunter's business associates have testified that he put his father, Joe Biden, on the phone with them multiple times during his tenure as Vice President. These allegations, combined with Hunter's history of personal struggles and legal issues, underscore the need for further investigation into the Biden family's dealings. Despite the administration's attempts to downplay the significance of these matters, the public's trust in the Biden administration's integrity is at stake.

    • Hunter Biden Introduced Ukrainian Business Associates to His Father at the Four Seasons Hotel in DubaiTestimony from a witness and photos suggest Hunter Biden introduced his father, Joe Biden, to Ukrainian business associates, but the reliability of the witness is in question

      There is evidence suggesting that Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian business associates to his father, Joe Biden, during a meeting at the Four Seasons Hotel in Dubai. Devin Archer, one of these associates, has testified under oath that Biden spoke with him and Hunter about business deals. Archer, who has had past business issues with Hunter, is facing jail time and is not seen as a reliable source by some. However, his testimony, along with photos of Biden, Hunter, and Archer playing golf, adds credence to the allegations. The White House has shifted its messaging on Biden's involvement in Hunter's business dealings, from denying any conversations to stating that Biden has never been in business with his son. This change in language raises questions about the truthfulness of Biden's initial denials. The inconsistencies in the White House's messaging and the testimony of a witness under oath add to the growing controversy surrounding the Biden family's business dealings.

    • Joe Biden Criticizes Trump Over Phone Call, Media Coverage, and Son's AllegationsRepublicans are considering launching an impeachment investigation into President Biden over allegations of corruption, but it's uncertain how this will proceed and what the outcome might be.

      During a campaign event, Joe Biden criticized Donald Trump for his phone call with a foreign leader, accusing him of using the presidency to smear his rival. Biden also called out media outlets for not pressing Trump enough on the issue, and he addressed allegations against his son Hunter Biden. Trump, on the other hand, has denied any wrongdoing and has not been impeached. Now, there are discussions among House Republicans about potentially launching an impeachment investigation into President Biden, focusing on allegations of corruption. However, it remains to be seen how this will unfold, as some Republicans are hesitant to pursue such a move. If they do decide to go forward, it could set a historical precedent and potentially lead to a trial.

    • Using impeachment responsiblyThe impeachment process should be used seriously for actual corruption, not for political dramas or personal scandals. Avoid sensationalism and focus on merits of allegations.

      The impeachment process should be used responsibly and for actual corruption, rather than for political dramas or personal scandals. The speaker expresses his opinion that the first impeachment of Trump was unnecessary and that the ongoing discussions about impeaching President Biden lack sufficient evidence. He also emphasizes the importance of avoiding sensationalism and focusing on the merits of the allegations. The speaker also criticizes the media for their handling of the situation and their focus on salacious details. Ultimately, he believes that the impeachment process should be used with historical gravity and not as a political tool for partisan gain. Additionally, he highlights the importance of following the law and prosecuting individuals regardless of their political affiliations. The speaker's tone is critical of the current state of political discourse and the media's role in shaping public opinion.

    • McConnell's Health Concerns Raise Questions About His LeadershipMitch McConnell's health issues and struggles during a press conference have raised concerns about his ability to effectively lead the Republican party, emphasizing the importance of transparency and addressing the health of elderly leaders in power.

      Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's behavior during a recent press conference raised concerns about his health and ability to effectively lead the Republican party. McConnell, 81, has reportedly been using a wheelchair and has suffered multiple falls, including a recent one on July 14th. He also previously suffered a concussion that kept him out of the Senate for a while. During the press conference, McConnell appeared to struggle with answering questions about his health, leading to speculation and concern. It is not clear if he has received medical attention since the incident. The situation highlights the importance of addressing the health and well-being of elderly leaders in positions of power, and the need for transparency and communication about their condition. The lack of clear information and McConnell's refusal to address the issue directly is causing unease among the public and his colleagues in the Senate.

    • Politicians hiding their health issuesTransparency in politicians' health is essential for public trust and accountability, but some conceal their declining health from the public, damaging democracy and fueling frustration.

      Transparency and honesty are crucial in public figures, especially those in positions of power. The discussion highlighted the lengths some politicians and their teams go to conceal their aging and declining health from the public. This lack of transparency undermines trust in democracy and fuels frustration among the public. A notable example is the recent incident involving Mitch McConnell's health, where the lack of information and stonewalling from his team added to the speculation and concern. Additionally, voters believe that presidential candidates should be required to debate to ensure transparency and accountability.

    • Debates allow voters to understand candidates' views and capabilitiesDebates provide a crucial platform for voters to assess candidates' policies, engage with opponents, and hold them accountable for records.

      Public debates are an essential part of the democratic process, allowing voters to understand the views and capabilities of candidates for office. Debates provide a platform for candidates to defend their policies, engage with opponents, and be held accountable for their records. Historically, debates have played a significant role in shaping public opinion and informing voters, particularly in the absence of other forms of media or access to information. The lack of debates in the current political climate is a disconnect from this tradition and undermines the transparency and accountability that debates provide. Debates matter because they allow voters to get to know candidates beyond their campaign messaging and help ensure that those in positions of power are responsive to the needs and concerns of the public.

    • Concerning decline in political debates among top contendersThe absence of debates among top presidential contenders is a worrying sign of political decline, as they reach a massive audience and engage the public in important discussions.

      The lack of debates in primaries among top presidential contenders is a concerning sign of political decline, as evidenced by the massive viewership of past debates, which reach up to half of the US adult population. Debates are not just for "nerds," but major cultural events that engage a significant portion of the population. The recent UFO hearings in Congress were also electric, with the revelation of nonhuman biologics recovered from crashes being a standout moment. This moment, where a UFO whistleblower testified under oath, was extraordinary and while it may seem unbelievable, it was taken seriously by members of Congress. These events underscore the importance of giving the public opportunities to engage with politics and be informed.

    • Former DOD employee's UFO testimony fuels ongoing investigationA former DOD employee's whistleblower process reveals instances of harmful UFO activity, but lack of access to classified info and secure debriefing facilities hinders investigation and fuels skepticism.

      The ongoing UFO investigation in the US has gained significant momentum due to the testimony of a former Department of Defense employee, Dave Grush. Grush, who is going through the formal whistleblower process, has been unable to provide direct testimony in an unclassified setting due to the potential release of classified information. He has claimed that there have been instances of harmful activity involving non-human technology or beings that have caused harm to humans. Despite this, members of Congress have been denied access to secure facilities to debrief Grush and have been calling him a liar. Grush also revealed that the US government's awareness of unexplained phenomena dates back to at least the 1930s. The lack of access to classified information and the ongoing denial of access to secure facilities for debriefing is hindering the investigation and fueling skepticism.

    • Military UFO Encounters and Cover-UpsMilitary personnel report encounters with UFOs and non-human biologics, but the military denies access and withholds information, leaving the validity of these claims uncertain

      There are compelling testimonies from military personnel about UFO encounters and potential cover-ups dating back to the 1930s. These accounts include incidents at Elgin Air Force Base and involve US personnel reporting encounters with non-human biologics and UFOs. The military's response has been to deny access to these individuals and withhold information. The testimonies come from credible sources, including commanding officers and test pilots, who insist that what they saw did not originate from human technology. The implications of these claims are significant, and if proven true, would require a major reevaluation of our understanding of the universe and our place in it. However, without concrete evidence, these claims remain controversial and require further investigation.

    • Pentagon vs. Military Veteran: Truth Behind Extraterrestrial Technology ClaimsThe Pentagon denies reverse engineering of extraterrestrial technology while a veteran insists otherwise, leading to serious allegations and potential risks for both parties. Giuliani faces a defamation lawsuit over false accusations, emphasizing the importance of truth and accountability.

      The truth behind claims of extraterrestrial technology and the Pentagon's stance on them remains unclear, with both parties making accusations against each other. The Pentagon maintains that testimonies about reverse engineering of extraterrestrial technology are lies, while the speaker, a decorated military veteran, insists otherwise. The situation has led to serious allegations and potential risks for both parties. Meanwhile, Rudy Giuliani, a former mayor of New York City and lawyer for former President Trump, is facing a defamation lawsuit over false accusations he made about two Georgia election workers. Giuliani admitted to lying about their involvement in election fraud but argues he has legal defenses as he doesn't believe they suffered damages. The incident highlights the importance of truth and accountability in public discourse.

    • Rudy Giuliani's False Claims About the 2020 ElectionRudy Giuliani knowingly spread false information about the 2020 election, undermining trust in the democratic process and leading many to believe in conspiracy theories. His actions, which included claims about USB drives and women, had a significant impact on the Republican base and may have consequences for ongoing investigations.

      Rudy Giuliani, a former New York City mayor and a key figure in the Republican Party, knowingly spread false information about the 2020 election being stolen, which led many people to question the integrity of the electoral process and believe in conspiracy theories. This misinformation campaign, which included claims about USB drives being passed between women at polling stations, had a significant impact on the Republican base, with around 60-70% still believing the election was stolen. Giuliani's actions were particularly egregious because he used his credibility and reputation to deceive the public. Additionally, there is ongoing speculation about Giuliani's involvement in ongoing investigations related to the January 6th Capitol riots and potential deals he may be making with the government. The consequences of these actions have been devastating for the women falsely accused and the overall trust in the democratic process.

    • Biden administration's German Shepherds and security concernsThe Biden administration's handling of their German Shepherds, Commander and Major, has raised concerns due to multiple biting incidents towards Secret Service officers and staff members, potentially indicating a lack of training, exercise, and overall care for the dogs, putting security personnel at risk.

      The Biden administration's handling of their German Shepherd, Commander, raises concerns about the care and attention given to the dog, resulting in multiple biting incidents towards Secret Service officers and other staff members. This issue is not unique to Commander, as the previous dog, Major, also had aggressive behavior and was removed from the residence. The frequent occurrence of such incidents, which were not previously reported, highlights a potential lack of training, exercise, and overall care for the dogs. This is particularly concerning given the resources available to the Biden household and the potential risks posed to the security personnel. The situation echoes the experiences of many German Shepherd owners, who emphasize the importance of proper training, exercise, and care to prevent such incidents. The failure to provide these basic needs for the dogs may not only endanger the people around them but also undermine the bond between the dog and its owner.

    • White House Dog's Biting Incidents Raise ConcernsThe White House's handling of their German Shepherd, Major, has raised concerns due to multiple biting incidents, despite training and protocols. Disney CEO's insensitive comments towards striking employees contrasted with his high salary, emphasizing fair treatment and responsible pet ownership.

      The White House's handling of Major, the Biden family's German Shepherd, has raised concerns due to two reported incidents of the dog biting people. The dog's breed, which is known for its anxious and suspicious dispositions, and the high-traffic environment of the White House may have contributed to these incidents. However, the repeated occurrence of biting incidents despite the reported training and protocols in place has led some to question the responsibility and care being taken for the dog and its handlers. Additionally, the stark contrast between the treatment of the Secret Service agents and the first family's pets has been noted. In another news item, Abigail Disney, a Disney heiress, criticized Disney CEO Bob Iger for his insensitive comments towards striking actors and writers while earning a massive salary, which is 1,424 times the median Disney employee wage. These incidents highlight the importance of responsible pet ownership, particularly in high-profile settings, and the need for fair wages and respectful treatment for employees.

    • Realizing responsibility with wealthWealthy individuals have a responsibility to use their influence for positive change, but many fail to do so, hindering progress towards addressing issues like the wage gap and climate change.

      Wealth and privilege come with a great responsibility. Abigail Disney's realization of her immense fortune and the struggle of her colleagues led her to activism, using her influence to bring attention to climate change and the wage gap in the entertainment industry. The lack of solidarity from wealthy and influential celebrities has been disappointing, as they have the power to make a significant impact. The labor strike in the entertainment industry and the activism of figures like Abigail Disney and Arian Moied offer hope for change, but the systemic failures of democracy make progress challenging. The need for rethinking the capitalist system and sharing prosperity more equitably is emphasized. If more wealthy individuals were to question their notions of ownership and acknowledge the essential role of workers, it could lead to a revolutionary shift.

    • AOC's Actions vs Her Progressive RhetoricDespite her progressive image, AOC's voting record raises questions about her ideological consistency and motivations, with instances like her stance on railway workers' right to strike and Israeli Iron Dome funding contradicting her rhetoric, potentially due to Democratic Party influence.

      Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (AOC) actions as a member of Congress do not always align with her progressive rhetoric. The author of a recent piece, Freddie DeVore, discusses specific instances, such as her vote against railway workers' right to strike and her endorsement of Joe Biden, which contradict her portrayed image. These actions, along with her vote on Israeli Iron Dome funding, raise questions about her ideological perspective and motivations. DeVore argues that these inconsistencies highlight the Democratic Party's control over the left and the perceived lack of need for their votes. While some inconsistencies may be attributed to strategic reasons, the overall concern is the lack of a clear, coherent perspective underlying her voting behavior.

    • The Importance of a Clear Direction from the Left DemocratsThe focus on individual politicians should not overshadow the need for a clear, cohesive approach and direction from the left Democratic caucus. Evaluate politicians based on their votes and actions, not just symbols.

      The focus on individual politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) should not overshadow the need for a clear, cohesive approach and direction from the left Democratic caucus. The piece discusses AOC's perceived lack of direction and the potential consequences of her actions, such as the Israel-Palestine vote. However, the critique is not solely about AOC but rather about the need for a more defined vision and strategy from the left Democrats. The piece also emphasizes the importance of evaluating politicians based on their votes and actions rather than personal symbols. The discussion raises questions about the impact of AOC's presence in Congress compared to other representatives and the potential difference in American politics if certain events had unfolded differently. Ultimately, the piece calls for a more thoughtful and nuanced approach to evaluating political figures and their roles in shaping the political landscape.

    • Historical disadvantages for the far leftThe far left faces structural challenges due to historical factors, while the far right has been able to push through their agenda relentlessly. The far left needs to learn from the far right's tactics to make progress.

      The far left in the United States faces structural disadvantages that make it difficult for them to achieve their priorities, despite having public opinion on their side. This is due to historical factors such as red scare tactics and the crushing of labor unions. However, the far right has been able to relentlessly pursue their agenda, often without compromise, leading to significant policy changes. An example of this is the end of Roe v Wade, which was a long-term pursuit by anti-choice activists. The far left, on the other hand, tends to prioritize compromise and appearing reasonable, even when the other side is not doing the same. To make progress, the far left needs to learn from the tactics of the far right and be more assertive in pursuing their priorities.

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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    Krystal and Saagar discuss CNN blames fake videos for Biden age concern, Hezbollah threatens massive war, Boeing victim mom goes off on CEO, Biden Gaza pier crumbles.


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