
    7/31/23: Trump Employee Flips On Mar A Lago Coverup?, Megyn Kelly Vs DeSantis, Black Republicans Blast DeSantis, Biden Facebook Censorship, Biden Acknowledges Secret Grandchild, Staff Coach Feinstein To Vote Aye, Seniors Robbed By Gold Scammers

    enJuly 31, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Affordable wireless options and education opportunitiesConsumer Cellular offers affordable wireless plans with equal coverage to leading carriers. Purdue Global provides a respected education for working adults online.

      There are cost-effective alternatives for wireless service with Consumer Cellular offering the same fast and reliable coverage as leading carriers for less. New customers can even receive their second month free by signing up and using the promo code "monthfree" by May 31st. Additionally, for those seeking higher education, Purdue Global, an online university for working adults backed by Purdue University, offers a respected education for adults bringing their life experience into the online classroom. In the world of news and entertainment, Breaking Points reminds premium subscribers to use Spotify for an ad-free experience, while also covering ongoing political news, potential Trump indictments, and attempts at censorship within the Biden administration.

    • New evidence in Trump investigation: Employees tried to delete security footageTwo Trump employees, Carlos de Oliveira and Youscale Tavares, are under investigation for attempting to delete security footage and potentially cooperating with investigators, suggesting a deep penetration into the Trump staff and a cover-up attempt.

      New evidence and charges have been brought against a Trump employee, Carlos de Oliveira, who allegedly tried to delete security footage related to an investigation, and another Trump employee, Youscale Tavares, may have already flipped and is cooperating with investigators. This comes after the government had requested the very same security footage. These developments add substance to the case against Trump and suggest that investigators have penetrated deep into the Trump staff. The conversations between the employees indicate a cover-up attempt, and the electronic evidence involved makes this a significant development in the investigation. The indictment provides clear evidence that can go over well with a jury in the current day and age, increasing the pressure on Trump.

    • Donald Trump Faces Legal Troubles with Indictment and Alleged ObstructionFormer President Trump faces legal charges for mishandling classified documents and obstruction of justice. He's indicted for retaining a highly classified document and obstructing investigations, despite potential May 2023 trial during Republican nomination process. More indictments may come from Georgia and D.C. investigations.

      Former President Donald Trump is facing mounting legal troubles, including a superseding indictment related to the mishandling of classified documents and the alleged obstruction of justice. Trump and his team have been trying to obstruct and obfuscate the government's attempts to retrieve these documents. The indictment includes a charge for willful retention of a highly classified document regarding military activity in a foreign country, which Trump had previously bragged about. This trial is set for May 2023, during the Republican nomination process, potentially limiting Trump's options to avoid being the nominee. Despite this, Trump has stated that he will continue to run for president regardless of the legal outcomes. Another Trump employee has also reportedly flipped and provided new information. The legal investigations in Georgia and Washington D.C. are nearing completion, indicating that indictments may soon be unsealed.

    • Trump's legal issues pose challenges for GOP in electionsTrump's legal battles could strain GOP resources, potentially impacting their ability to win elections, while his supporters continue to donate despite ethical concerns.

      Former President Trump's potential legal issues could pose significant challenges for the Republican Party in upcoming elections. With no clear process for removing him as their nominee, the GOP may face difficulties winning the presidency if Trump is in prison. Meanwhile, Trump's legal bills have mounted, with his PAC spending over $40 million on his defense and those of his employees, and even requesting a refund on a large campaign contribution due to financial strain. Despite this, Trump's supporters continue to donate, viewing his legal battles as evidence of his persecution. However, the misalignment between the intended use of these donations and their actual application raises ethical concerns. Trump's upcoming establishment of a separate legal defense fund further highlights the financial burden of his legal battles. Overall, the intersection of Trump's legal issues and the political landscape could result in unexpected outcomes.

    • 2024 Republican Primary: Trump Calls on Rivals to Drop Out and Focus on Building a Strong GOP Vote-Gathering OperationTrump leads the 2024 Republican primary race, urging opponents to drop out and support his campaign to build a strong GOP vote-gathering operation. Critics question opponents' priorities and resources, while high-level Republicans reportedly turn against DeSantis at exclusive gatherings.

      The 2024 Republican primary race is heating up, with former President Donald Trump calling on his opponents, including Ron DeSantis, to drop out and focus their resources on building a strong Republican vote-gathering operation. Trump's legal bills totaling $65 million have been a topic of discussion, but he is now embracing mail-in voting, a stance that is resonating with many Republican voters who see him as the most electable candidate. DeSantis and other rivals are facing criticism for wasting resources on their campaigns when they could be supporting Trump's efforts. Meanwhile, some high-level Republican elites, including former House Speaker Paul Ryan and ex-Florida Governor Jeb Bush, are reportedly turning against DeSantis at exclusive gatherings like the Bohemian Grove and the Republican Governors Association retreat. The polls show Trump leading the pack, making it unlikely that anyone else can gain significant ground even if all other contenders dropped out.

    • Donors turning away from DeSantis due to fundraising concernsDeSantis faces challenges in securing nomination due to disconnect between donor class and Republican base, as well as concerns about his fundraising abilities.

      The donor class, represented by attendees at events like Bohemian Grove, are increasingly turning away from Governor Ron DeSantis due to concerns about his fundraising capabilities. This is problematic for DeSantis, who has a smaller grassroots fundraising base and has been heavily reliant on large donors. Meanwhile, potential contenders like Tim Scott and Glenn Youngkin are receiving attention from the donor class. However, the disconnect between the donor class and the Republican base was highlighted in an exchange between DeSantis and Megyn Kelly, where DeSantis defended his decision to target companies like Anheuser Busch for their social activism, despite criticism that it amounts to government punishment for political "wrong think." The base, on the other hand, wants to punish the left and media, and sees politicians like Trump as the best way to do so. This disconnect could make it difficult for DeSantis to secure the nomination if he can't win over both the donor class and the base.

    • Political leaders have the power to revoke corporate benefitsPolitical leaders can revoke corporate benefits, but transparency in motivations is key to avoid perceived punishment and maintain trust.

      Political leaders have the power to revoke special benefits given to corporations, but it's important to acknowledge that this can be perceived as punishment, even if it's not the intention. The example of Disney in Florida and Anheuser Busch illustrates this point. While some argue that taxpayers should not subsidize companies that go against state policy, others believe that political leaders should be upfront about their motivations instead of trying to hide behind supposedly neutral justifications. The discussion also touched upon the idea that there's no such thing as a purely conservative or liberal company in today's business landscape. Instead, corporations engage in various practices, such as union busting and lobbying for tax legislation, that can be seen as conservative or liberal depending on the perspective. Ultimately, it's crucial for political leaders and corporations to communicate transparently and honestly about their actions and intentions.

    • DeSantis' Controversial Approach to GovernanceDeSantis' efforts to enforce cultural outcomes through government intervention divide his coalition, with some donors opposing business interference and his base supporting such actions. Controversy over a new American history curriculum's pro-slavery section adds complexity.

      Ron DeSantis' approach to governance and his use of state power to enforce cultural outcomes has sparked controversy and divided his coalition. His decision to sue Budweiser over a marketing campaign was criticized by some donors who are opposed to government intervention in business decisions. At the same time, his base supports such actions and DeSantis is trying to appease both groups. The situation became even more complicated when it came to light that he had implemented a new American history curriculum for middle schoolers, which included a section about the benefits of slavery. The controversy surrounding this issue has not only drawn criticism from the liberal media but also from some black MAGA Republicans. Despite this, DeSantis has not backed down from his stance and has defended the curriculum as factual. Overall, DeSantis' approach to governance highlights the tension between appealing to the base and satisfying the donor class, which could be a challenge for him in his bid for the presidency.

    • Florida Education Curriculum: A Heated Public DisputeThe portrayal of slavery in Florida's education curriculum has sparked a heated public dispute between Senator Tim Scott, congressmen Byron Donalds and John James, Ron DeSantis, and the Trump campaign, highlighting the sensitivity around issues of race and history in American politics.

      The ongoing debate between Senator Tim Scott, congressmen Byron Donalds and John James, and the Ron DeSantis campaign over the portrayal of slavery in Florida's education curriculum has escalated into a heated public dispute. Senator Tim Scott criticized DeSantis for suggesting any potential benefits of slavery, emphasizing the devastating impact it had on families and individuals. The comments sparked a response from both Donalds and James, who condemned the attempt to rewrite history and personally attacked DeSantis. The situation intensified when members of the DeSantis campaign, including spokesperson Christina Pushaw, retaliated by accusing Scott, Donalds, and James of repeating Democratic talking points. The Trump campaign also entered the fray, defending Donalds as a conservative hero and criticizing DeSantis for his handling of the issue and his attacks on fellow Republicans. The incident highlights the sensitivity around issues of race and history in American politics and the potential for even mild criticisms to escalate into public feuds.

    • Focus on factual information and historical context in Florida's slavery debateDiscussions on Florida's slavery curriculum should stick to factual information and historical context, avoiding political posturing and 'buts'.

      The debate surrounding the history curriculum in Florida regarding slavery and its impact should focus on factual information and historical context rather than adding "buts" or engaging in political posturing. Recommended historical texts on the subject include Dan Carlin's most recent history on chattel African slavery, Hugh Thomas' book on the history of African slavery, Battle Cry Freedom on the American Civil War, and Party in the Waters on the civil rights era. The discussion also touched upon the political dynamics of the ongoing debate, with some politicians being criticized for insincerity and being weaponized for political gain. The release of Facebook files revealing emails between Facebook (Meta) and the Biden White House added another layer to the ongoing political discourse.

    • Facebook censored content and demoted posts without public notice under White House pressureFacebook secretly complied with White House requests to censor vaccine hesitancy content, potentially suppressing free speech and public discourse, while facing potential backlash and internal concerns

      The discussion reveals instances where Facebook, under pressure from the Biden White House, censored content and secretly demoted posts, including memes and videos, without violation of policies. These actions were taken behind the scenes, and the public was unaware in real-time. The emails show that Facebook was concerned about the potential backlash from suppressing vaccine hesitancy content and being at odds with the administration over censorship requests. The company appeared to comply with the administration's demands to appease them and focus on other business priorities. This dynamic highlights the complexity of balancing free speech and government pressure in the digital age.

    • Government Pressure on Tech Companies: A Case Study with Facebook's COVID-19 ContentThe government's influence on tech companies can result in policy changes, but transparency and clear guidelines are necessary to prevent speculation and ensure accountability.

      The government's pressure on tech companies can lead to significant policy changes. The discussion around Facebook's handling of COVID-19 content serves as a prime example. The president's criticism alone was enough for internal reevaluations, demonstrating the power of public statements. However, the situation raises concerns about transparency and potential censorship of content, even if unintended. The ambiguity around content removals and demonetization leaves creators questioning the reasons behind these decisions. Clear guidelines and transparency would help prevent speculation and ensure accountability. Furthermore, the government's role in content regulation should be carefully balanced to avoid potential abuse of power. The debate around free speech and censorship is complex, with valid concerns on both sides. Ultimately, it's crucial to maintain an open dialogue and uphold principles of transparency and accountability.

    • The importance of transparency and accountability in public figures' personal livesThe lack of transparency and trust in a public figure's personal matters can lead to significant distrust and skepticism from the public. Transparency and accountability are crucial to maintaining trust and avoiding negative media scrutiny.

      The lack of transparency and trust, especially when it comes to personal matters involving public figures, can lead to significant distrust and skepticism from the public. This was highlighted in the discussion about President Biden and his acknowledgement of his 7th grandchild. The way the situation was handled, with the White House releasing a statement to People Magazine instead of addressing it directly with the media, fueled speculation and mistrust. The underlying issue of Hunter Biden's treatment of his child's mother and the denial of the child the use of the Biden family name added to the disgraceful behavior and elitist attitude. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and accountability in public figures' personal lives, especially when they use their family as a political pitch. The power of scrutiny from the media was also emphasized, as the New York Times' column on the matter was able to shame the White House into acknowledging the child's existence.

    • Political figures' lack of transparency and acknowledgementThe aging political class' lack of transparency and acknowledgement of private matters can hinder progress and disconnect them from the public, especially those in need.

      The lack of transparency and acknowledgement from political figures, especially those in power, can have significant impacts on individuals and society as a whole. The recent discussion about the private matter regarding President Biden's grandchild and his son Hunter highlights this issue. It took years for the existence of the child to be acknowledged publicly, leaving many questioning the motivations behind the silence. This situation is not unique, as many grandparents are raising their grandchildren due to various circumstances. Politically, the aging political class, represented by figures like Senator Schumer, Senator Feinstein, and President Biden, is a concern as they fail to respond to the needs of a dynamic populace. The aging baby boomers in Congress, who make up almost 50% of the current Congress, are internalized in a system where competitive primaries are rare and social norms no longer force people to retire. This results in a median age of Congress at an all-time high, which can hinder progress and represent a dying system. The lack of transparency and acknowledgement from political figures and the aging political class can lead to a lack of empathy and connection with the public, especially those in working-class and poor communities. It is essential for political figures to acknowledge their private matters and prioritize the needs of the public to maintain a healthy democracy.

    • Aging Congress: Concerns Over Limited Fresh PerspectivesThe increasing number of older members in Congress limits fresh perspectives and energy, with 25% currently over 70. The seniority system and lack of pressure to retire exacerbates the issue, requiring an age limit as a solution.

      The U.S. Congress has seen a significant increase in the number of members over the age of 70, with 25% of the entire chamber currently falling into this category. This trend, which began in earnest after 2004, is a cause for concern as it limits the fresh perspectives and energy that younger representatives can bring to the table. The seniority system, which once enabled the South to maintain a grip on power, is now being used by some long-serving politicians to cling to their seats. Shame and public pressure have proven ineffective in encouraging these individuals to step down, leaving an age limit as the only viable solution. The issue is further complicated by the prevalence of gold IRA ads targeting older Americans, which can exploit their fears and financial vulnerabilities. It's crucial that we address this issue to ensure that Congress remains a dynamic and representative body.

    • Gold IRAs: A scam targeting seniors with economic anxiety and political trustSome companies exploit economic uncertainty and political trust to charge exorbitant fees and misrepresent investments in gold IRAs, putting seniors at risk of losing significant retirement savings.

      Some companies, like Hartford and Red Rock Secured, prey on economic anxiety and political trust to scam seniors out of their retirement savings through gold IRAs. These affinity scams, which target conservative audiences through right-wing figures and networks, can result in exorbitant fees and misrepresented investments. For example, Hartford marked up Ed DeSanto's gold purchase by 92%, effectively stealing half of his $100,000 investment. Red Rock Secured allegedly lied to customers about fees and bonuses while claiming executive credentials they did not possess. These scams have been around for decades, fueled by economic precarity, partisan fearmongering, and an ideological association of gold with libertarian politics. The government needs to crack down on these scams to protect consumers, and seniors should be cautious of investments, no matter who is promoting them.

    • Affordable travel and indoor air quality improvementsViking Cruises offers adult-only, all-inclusive European tours. Undercover Tourist discounts theme park tickets for adults. Easy Breathe Ventilation System improves indoor air quality.

      There are opportunities for affordable travel and improving indoor air quality. Viking Cruises invites adults to explore Europe in comfort with no children and no casinos, offering an all-inclusive, destination-focused experience. Meanwhile, Undercover Tourist provides discounted adult theme park tickets to Walt Disney World, allowing visitors to enjoy magical experiences at lower costs. Lastly, Easy Breathe Ventilation System ensures good indoor air quality by exchanging stale air with cleaner, healthier air, whether through professional installation or DIY kits.

    Recent Episodes from Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

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    6/29/24: Dave Smith VS Vaush: Did NATO Expansion Push Ukraine Invasion?

    Libertarian comedian Dave Smith and politics streamer Vaush join Counterpoints Fridays for a debate on the Ukraine war.

    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    Ryan and Emily discuss Hillary warning Biden that debating Trump is impossible, Bowman crushed by AIPAC in New York election, Kenya parliament on fire as troops occupy Haiti, Ryan exposes pro-Israel group lying about campaign funding, MIT nuclear expert dire warning on Russia Ukraine war. 


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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump flips on immigration green cards, Trump to reveal VP at debate, GenZ rages at boomer economic nightmare, and corporate greed screws Americans. 


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    6/20/24: Nvidea Surge Exposes DotCom Bubble, Putin North Korea Screw You To Biden, Zyn Online Sales Shutdown

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Nvidea surge exposes possible dotcom bust, Putin North Korea screw you to Biden, Zyn online sales shutdown. 


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    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    Krystal and Saagar discuss CNN blames fake videos for Biden age concern, Hezbollah threatens massive war, Boeing victim mom goes off on CEO, Biden Gaza pier crumbles.


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    Related Episodes

    E708 First Responders: Don't Drive Yourself Like You Stole It - The Burnout Pitfall

    E708 First Responders: Don't Drive Yourself Like You Stole It - The Burnout Pitfall

    In this captivating episode of the Tactical Living Podcast, we shed light on an often-overlooked analogy that first responders unconsciously apply to their lives: treating themselves like a department-issued vehicle that can easily be replaced.

    How often do you hear the saying among those who aren’t responsible for maintenance on their department vehicles? They drive without caution, speed, dart across lanes, hard brake, and treat their cars with little to no respect, thinking, "It's not my responsibility; I'll get another one if this breaks down." It’s a reckless mentality, but what happens when this mindset extends beyond the vehicle?

    The hard truth is that many first responders, heroes in our eyes, are treating their bodies and minds in the same way. A fast-paced life with limited attention to health, exercise, a balanced diet, proper rest, and self-care. There's this underlying notion that when they "break down", they'll somehow upgrade or rejuvenate magically. But, unlike department vehicles, we only get one body and one mind.

    Throughout a long career spanning decades, the constant wear and tear without any resilience strategies can lead to frequent and sometimes irreversible "breakdowns". Burnout, mental fatigue, and physical ailments aren’t just possibilities, they become certainties.

    Buddy Check Nation highlights the urgency of this issue. They're calling for a shift in perspective. Instead of pushing until breaking, prioritize building resilience, practicing regular self-care, and being proactive in maintaining your physical and mental health.

    In essence, slow down, cherish, and nourish yourself. Remember, unlike a vehicle, you don't get a replacement. Make the one life you have count.

    Stay with us in this episode as we unpack strategies to avoid burnout and ensure longevity in service and health. And as always, subscribe to the Tactical Living Podcast for more insights tailored to our first responder community.





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    E271 Facebook Is Stealing Your Mind...This Is How

    E271 Facebook Is Stealing Your Mind...This Is How

    I'll venture to say that you never thought that a young man who created a social site for his college to be able to stay connected would discover a way to tap into your mind. 


    Yes...Through algorithms and censorship, you are being played like a puppet each time that you pop onto Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. 


    Luckily, there are ways to use these platforms with intention and to shift technology so that it works in your favor. 


    Like what you hear? We are honored. Hit that subscribe button and share your thoughts in a review. If you or someone you know may be a fit to be a guest on our show, please reach out to us!

    Balance. Optimize. Tactics. 

    Hit that subscribe button so that you don’t miss a day of the added value that I am dedicated to sharing with you weekly. 

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    E258 Your Online Life Is Being Censored

    E258 Your Online Life Is Being Censored

    What if I told you that there could soon come a time where everything that you Googled, looked up on YouTube and saw on every social platform was being censored. 


    This would mean that you pop in a simple Google search and instead of getting ALL information, you could soon only see what the tech companies WANT you to see. 


    Tune in for today's episode where we dive into just how dangerous this is...


    And how history could literally be re-written if this continues. 


    Like what you hear? We are honored. Hit that subscribe button and share your thoughts in a review. If you or someone you know may be a fit to be a guest on our show, please reach out to us!

    Balance. Optimize. Tactics. 

    Hit that subscribe button so that you don’t miss a day of the added value that I am dedicated to sharing with you weekly. 

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