
    #7 Cybersecurity & Transatlantic Cooperation with MEP Marina Kaljurand

    en-gbJanuary 27, 2021

    About this Episode

    Discussion with MEP Marina Kaljurand, former Estonian Foreign Minister with interests in cybersecurity, transatlantic cooperation and digitalisation on all levels.

    What you’ll hear:

    • Estonia as an e-nation:  “nobody has so far proved that online voting services are less secure than offline.” Estonia is the only country in the world that gives its citizens rights to vote online.
    • The digital revolution has come to stay, smart ones are taking advantage and facing challenges. The majority of international law was written before the IT revolution but still, there are principles that should apply also to the digital cyber and online world.
    • For centuries the state was the only one dealing with security (nuclear, chemical and conventional weapons) but cyber is different. The private sector owns critical infrastructure, is providing online services, and has the brightest IT geeks. We are at a stage where the government has to work with others.
    • The topic of cybersecurity has come out of the basement. And there are more and more politicians who have overcome the stereotypes and are ready to accept that that's our new reality. We can't escape it. We don't write “internet” with a capital “I” anymore, that's a sign!
    • Europe’s investment into R&D: “No regulation is better than bad regulation, and less regulation is better than more regulation”  
    • How will transatlantic cooperation change with Biden? “We are natural partners. it's in the European DNA and in the US DNA to cooperate. Yes, we are competitors, like all good neighbours, but it's a positive competition, so I think that together we can be much stronger facing the new challenges, for example coming from China.”
    • UN Digital Roadmap: I hope the roadmap will be a push and I hope that at some point we will come to a better organisation for digital cooperation globally. And it has to be on all levels, global, regional, state-to-state. Last year we celebrated 75 years of the UN and for the first time, the declaration included digital cooperation and cybersecurity. The UN security council is still stuck in 1945, it does not reflect today’s international affairs, but that's the only thing we have today
    • Will COVID help build trust between sectors?: I would argue that the government has all the tools, all the opportunities to provide that they do care about people and they do bring digital into people's lives with best intentions doing it responsibly and respecting all their fundamental and human rights. The chance is there, whether governments will take advantage or not.

    Marina Kaljurand is a member of the European Parliament, served as Estonian Foreign Minister, and Ambassador to several countries, including Russia during the cyber attack on Estonia in 2007 and to the United States, during the 2013 Snowden leak of highly-classified information from the NSA. She has played an important role as expert and negotiator in the accession negotiations of Estonia to the European Union and to the OECD.

    Marina is a member of the

    If you want better insights into challenges and decisions you or your business are facing, GARI’s analytical services are of unmatched complexity and high accuracy - whether your questions are on the green energy transition, trade and supply chains, or political and security related - contact us for a free consultation and see how you can optimise your decision-making.
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    If you want better insights into challenges and decisions you or your business are facing, GARI’s analytical services are of unmatched complexity and high accuracy - whether your questions are on the green energy transition, trade and supply chains, or political and security related - contact us for a free consultation and see how you can optimise your decision-making.
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    The importance of data with Theresa Kushner

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    Theresa Kushner's journey in the world of high technology serves as an inspiration to aspiring professionals. From her early days in the field of journalism to her influential roles in renowned companies she is a true data-vangelist. 

    Theresa graduated from the Mayborn School of Journalism at the University of North Texas. Over the course of her career, Theresa has held prominent positions in several industry-leading companies. She has showcased her expertise and leadership abilities in organizations such as IBM, Cisco Systems, VMware, Dell/EMC, and NTT DATA,  helping these companies use the value they have in their data.  Today Theresa has co-founded the company Business Data Leadership with Maria Villar, focusing on leadership, advising, and consulting in the realm of data analytics. 

    Theresa has made significant contributions to the literature on data and its application in business. She co-authored two notable books: "Managing Your Business Data: From Chaos to Confidence" in collaboration with Maria Villar, and "B2B Data-Driven Marketing: Sources, Uses, Results" co-authored with Ruth Stevens. These publications have been recognized for their valuable insights into leveraging data for improved business outcomes.


    If you want better insights into challenges and decisions you or your business are facing, GARI’s analytical services are of unmatched complexity and high accuracy - whether your questions are on the green energy transition, trade and supply chains, or political and security related - contact us for a free consultation and see how you can optimise your decision-making.
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    M8 Alliance with Ambassador Sampaio

    M8 Alliance with Ambassador Sampaio

    Luís de Almeida Sampaio, the Ambassador from Portugal to the Czech Republic, has held numerous posts around the world and has a deep interest in global health care. In this episode he covers the M8 Alliance. 

    With regards to Ukraine, what has been the war's impact on European healthcare? What changes in the discussions when there is a war like this? 
    How do politics and policy impact the global discussion around health care? 
    What are Portugal's involvements in the M8 alliance?
    What are the significant developments the M8 alliance has contributed to in the last decade?
    What is the relationship between the M8 alliance and the world health organization?
    What is going to be the most hot topic at the M8 conference this year?
    What are the similarities between the Czech Republic and Portugal's economies, and what are the opportunities for synchronization and collaboration? 

    Sampaio began his career studying Law at the Coimbra University, his first diplomatic post was  NATO (1987), eventually becoming ambassador to NATO. Since then the Ambassador has held diplomatic positions in Brussels, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgrade, Serbia, Germany, and holds the ambassadorial post of Permanent Representative of Portugal in the North Atlantic Council.   

    If you want better insights into challenges and decisions you or your business are facing, GARI’s analytical services are of unmatched complexity and high accuracy - whether your questions are on the green energy transition, trade and supply chains, or political and security related - contact us for a free consultation and see how you can optimise your decision-making.
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    Earth's past & future with Director of Max Planck Institute Bjorn Stevens

    Earth's past & future with Director of Max Planck Institute Bjorn Stevens

    Bjorn Stevens is the Director of the Max Plank Institute for Meteorology in Berlin - Bjorn is a top climate scientist, with particular expertise in clouds. 

    • New climate model simulations of the world - EVE) Earth Virtualisation Engines
    • Human vs science-centric climate science
    • Earth in 100 years
    • Darwin and the theory of e-0volution
    • It's also clear that humans are responsible for global warming and not enough is being done if the goal is to stop the warming, whats the scientific consequence of that?
    • What's the difference between 2 and 1,5 degrees of warming?
    • How AI aids people with different backgrounds and knowledge bases to understand the same things
    • What is Bjorn Stevens’s favourite thing about clouds?

    Born 1966 in Augsburg. Master of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering, Iowa State University, USA (1990), PhD in Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, USA (1996), Post-Doctoral Fellow with the Advanced Study Program of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, USA (1996 - 1998), Humboldt Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (1998 - 1999), University of California (UCLA), USA, Department of Atmospheric Sciences: Assistant Professor (1999), Associate Professor (2003), Professor (tenured, 2007), Affiliate Scientist at NCAR (since 2000), Director and Scientific Member at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (since 2008).

    The Max Planck Society conducts basic research in the natural sciences, life sciences, and humanities. It was founded in 1948 as a successor organisation to the Kaiser Wilhelm Society and has 30 Nobel laureates in its ranks. With its 85 Max Planck Institutes and facilities, it is the international flagship for German science: in addition to institutions outside of Germany, it operates another 20 Max Planck Centers with research institutions such as Princeton University in the USA, the Paris University Science Po in France, the University College London in UK, and the University of Tokyo in Japan. Equally funded by federal and state governments, the University College London in UK, and the University of Tokyo in Japan. Equally funded by federal and state governments, the Max Planck Society had an annual budget of 1.98 billion Euros in 2022.


    If you want better insights into challenges and decisions you or your business are facing, GARI’s analytical services are of unmatched complexity and high accuracy - whether your questions are on the green energy transition, trade and supply chains, or political and security related - contact us for a free consultation and see how you can optimise your decision-making.
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    AI deep fakes - current & future impact with Henry Ajder

    AI deep fakes - current & future impact with Henry Ajder

    Henry Ajder, a globally recognised advisor, speaker, and broadcaster working at the frontier of the generative AI and synthetic media revolution. 

    AI-generated deep fakes - their current and future impact, synthetic media 

    • How to do news sourcing and verifications and break breaking news as soon as possible? especially when Twitter has become the place for breaking news
    • AI generated fakes are being used to cause stock market manipulation or to target companies to artificially inflate or attack their stock prices 
    • Ethical AI development and use - are there realistic cohesive and multistakeholder dialogues and strategies taking place? Actual well-informed legislation and regulation?
    • Which labour sectors will be most impacted and which won't?
    • We will see increasing social unrest - If people are unhappy with any innovation - people will protest
    • A lot of the jobs that are at risk are where people actually refuse to innovate and adapt. So people using AI are going to replace people who don’t. Human-guided AI will be the key, for both businesses and individuals (graphic design, artists, content journalists, education and educational content)
    • If we take a bird’s eye view of history, where are we in time? In terms of invention and our perception of our abilities and opportunities?
    • Synthetic resurrection, AI companions, romantic attachments to chatbots,
    • We’ve never been able to replicate reality before

    Henry Ajder is a globally recognised advisor, speaker, and broadcaster working at the frontier of the generative AI and synthetic media revolution.

    Henry’s work has transformed society’s understanding of deepfakes and generative AI. He has led pioneering research at organisations including MIT, WITNESS, and Sensity AI, influencing international legislation and corporate AI strategy.

    He advises organisations on the opportunities and challenges these game-changing technologies present, including Meta, The European Commission, BBC, The Partnership on AI, and The House of Lords.

    Previously, Henry led Synthetic Futures, the first initiative dedicated to ethical generative AI and metaverse technologies, bringing together over 50 industry-leading organisations.

    Henry presented the BBC documentary series, The Future will be Synthesised, and regularly features in global media including The New York Times, MIT Tech Review, CNN, Reuters, and The Financial Times. He has been published by outlets including WIRED, The Next Web, NYU, and The World AI Summit. 

    An established keynote speaker and guest expert, Henry has spoken at venues including SXSW, CogX, The University of Oxford, and Adweek. He has been named in the top 20 European power players in Generative AI by the publication Sifted, and a top 15 Generative AI Expert by Champions Speaking Agency.


    If you want better insights into challenges and decisions you or your business are facing, GARI’s analytical services are of unmatched complexity and high accuracy - whether your questions are on the green energy transition, trade and supply chains, or political and security related - contact us for a free consultation and see how you can optimise your decision-making.
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    Stakeholder Capitalism with Sibylle Barden

    Stakeholder Capitalism with Sibylle Barden

    Sibylle Barden is an author and SDG and ESG strategist. She is an early champion of Stakeholder Capitalism. Her latest political novel „The Honeyguide“ was selected by the Frankfurt Book Fair as “one of 8 revolutionary books recommended for film adaptation”. Your host for this episode is Michal Koran, the Founder of the Global Arena Research Institute. Enjoy subscribe and share!

    • Stakeholder capitalism - what is it?
    • Regions are developing or even stagnating unevenly - despite all the funds and strategies - creating a divisive environment in Europe
    • Klaus Schwab's “great reset”
    • 200 big global players committed to the ESGs and SDGs  
    • Biodiversity and climate change
    • Almost a million plant and animal species to become extinct in the coming decades
    • Issue of taxation - corporations to pay their fair share
    • Call for a global tax system?
    • ESG is not just there for the planet, it's a new business model 
    • Clean supply chains
    • More regulation and measuring 

    "The world of tomorrow was yesterday" - Michal Koran


    If you want better insights into challenges and decisions you or your business are facing, GARI’s analytical services are of unmatched complexity and high accuracy - whether your questions are on the green energy transition, trade and supply chains, or political and security related - contact us for a free consultation and see how you can optimise your decision-making.
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    The Metaverse with Claudia May Del Pozo

    The Metaverse with Claudia May Del Pozo

    All there is to know about the metaverse with Claudia May del Pozo, Executive Director of the Eon Resilience Lab, under C Minds, a women-led action tank that works at the intersection of digitalization, new technologies, and society with a strong focus on Latin America. We’re going to be chatting about the metaverse.

    • monopoly on metaverse? or utopian version built on blockchain?
    • when will we have a metaverse? 
    • next stage of social media
    • problems:
      • accessibility
      • inclusion
      • privacy and security 
    • uses of virtual reality

    Questions posed:

    1. What is the metaverse, and how is it different from virtual reality or augmented reality? 
    2. How do you envision the metaverse evolving in the coming years, and what impact do you think it will have on our daily lives?
    3. What ethical considerations should be taken into account when designing and implementing the metaverse, particularly with regards to data privacy and security? 
    4. What is being done so that the metaverse is accessible to all, regardless of their socioeconomic background or geographic location?
    5. How can the metaverse be used to promote social and environmental causes, and what are some examples of this in action? 
    6. What role do you see governments playing in regulating the metaverse, and what challenges do you think they will face in doing so? 


    If you want better insights into challenges and decisions you or your business are facing, GARI’s analytical services are of unmatched complexity and high accuracy - whether your questions are on the green energy transition, trade and supply chains, or political and security related - contact us for a free consultation and see how you can optimise your decision-making.
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    The Progress of AI: AI Index Report 2023 with Nestor Maslej, Stanford HAI

    The Progress of AI: AI Index Report 2023 with Nestor Maslej, Stanford HAI

    Today’s guest is Stanford Institute of Human Centered AI’s Nestor Maslej here to chat about this year’s AI Index Report - this is the second time we’re here together and I’d highly recommend listening to last year’s episode with Nestor on the 2022 Report. What are the trends, opportunities and challenges in AI from this last year?

    • AI is being used to tangibly increase scientific advancement in energy
    • Tricking chat gpt into building a dirty bomb or listing pirated movie websites
    • Humanity faces the challenge of finding a way to manage the risks associated with artificial intelligence while ensuring that the benefits are shared by everyone.
    • Top AI trends this year, compared to last year
    • Career advice 2013 vs 2023 - 2013: “study computer science that is the future instead of being, say, a welder”, to 2023: “go back to being a welder, AI is going to replace all the computer science jobs”
    • Generative AI seems to be going after creatives
    • How much money is AI generating?
    • AI ethics on the rise
    • Public Opinion on AI
    • When will we get to Artificial General intelligence?

    Listen to last year’s episode with Nestor on the 2022 AI Index Report: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1477957/10744662

    Nestor Maslej: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nestor-maslej-b565b779/

    AI Index Report: https://aiindex.stanford.edu/report/

    Nestor Maslej, Loredana Fattorini, Erik Brynjolfsson, John Etchemendy, Katrina Ligett, Terah Lyons, James Manyika, Helen Ngo, Juan Carlos Niebles, Vanessa Parli, Yoav Shoham, Russell Wald, Jack Clark, and Raymond Perrault, “The AI Index 2023 Annual Report,” AI Index Steering Committee, Institute for Human-Centered AI, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, April 2023.

    Your host of Last Week on Earth with GARI: Odessa Primus: https://www.linkedin.com/in/odessa-primus/

    If you want better insights into challenges and decisions you or your business are facing, GARI’s analytical services are of unmatched complexity and high accuracy - whether your questions are on the green energy transition, trade and supply chains, or political and security related - contact us for a free consultation and see how you can optimise your decision-making.
    @GARInstitute) / Twitter

    Chat GPT, Destination Earth & progress of science with Peter Bauer of ECMWF

    Chat GPT, Destination Earth & progress of science with Peter Bauer of ECMWF

    We chat today about chat GPT, Destination Earth as well as the changing approach to discovery and the advancement of science and technology. Enjoy, subscribe and share!

    Destination Earth (DestinE), is an ambitious initiative to create a digital twin – an interactive computer simulation – of our planet to empower climate change adaptation and to prevent environmental degradation.

    As extreme weather becomes increasingly frequent and changes in climate more pronounced, there is an urgent need to forecast these events with even greater accuracy, to predict their impact on the environment, life and property.

    Using an unprecedented amount of data, innovative Earth system models and cutting-edge computing, Destination Earth will allow users to explore interactively the different components of the Earth system and natural and human-induced change. They will be able and to look at the past and present and to test and develop future scenarios.

    ECMWF, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) are the three organisations entrusted by the EU to achieve this unprecedented endeavour for climate, weather and computing sciences.

    By pushing the limits of computing and climate sciences, DestinE is a cornerstone of the European Commission’s efforts to boost Europe’s digital capabilities and the Green Deal actions on climate change and to prevent environmental degradation.

    The first phase of the programme – its initial implementation phase – will be completed by June 2024. It will focus on configuring, deploying and demonstrating the initial infrastructure building blocks that will support Destination Earth in its future phases.

    Peter’s current role at ECMWF (the European center for medium ranged weather forecasting) is as Director of Destination Earth. Destination Earth is an ambitious initiative of the European Commission to develop a highly accurate digital twin, or replica, of Earth to to monitor and predict the interaction between natural phenomena and human activities. Key to predicting the effects and building resilience to climate change

    Peter had previously founded and led the ECMWF Scalability Programme which addresses the challenges of operating complex Earth system models on future supercomputing facilities.

    As Head of the Satellite Section, he has been coordinating all scientific and technical activities related to the efficient use of space-borne observations of the atmosphere, oceans, land and the cryosphere.


    If you want better insights into challenges and decisions you or your business are facing, GARI’s analytical services are of unmatched complexity and high accuracy - whether your questions are on the green energy transition, trade and supply chains, or political and security related - contact us for a free consultation and see how you can optimise your decision-making.
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    This world isn’t for Europe: Chinese reforms and global decoupling - the Last Week on Earth

    This world isn’t for Europe: Chinese reforms and global decoupling - the Last Week on Earth

    We’re excited to launch a new series of shorter podcast episodes where we give you a deeper look into what is happening right now globally and regionally and GARI’s insights into it. GARI’s digital twin of the globalised world enables us to do complex analyses and have valuable insight into topics we deal with. Today we delve into the changing landscape of global interconnectedness, regionalization of trade, investment, technological exchange and a close look at China, Russia and Europe.
    With your hosts: GARI’s Executive Director Odessa Primus and Founder Michal Koran and this is Last Week on Earth with GARI

    1. Global decoupling until now has been pretty foggy, however, this is changing and we’re now seeing a world that is deeply fragmented - in which sectors is this most prominent and what should we be looking out for?
    2. Europe will have difficulty finding its place in the sun in this new world - what are the circumstances for Europe and how does it differ from other regions?
    3. Is Europe responding to new trends, challenges and opportunities? Why is Europe still lagging and in which areas is it most urgent?
    4. How would you describe the new trajectories of Russia and China since the invasion?
    5. What are China and Russia doing to diversify their trade and how does it compare to Europe’s efforts?
    6. What are the regional differences in Europe and how does that impact the politics, economics and society within the regions and Europe as a whole?
    7. What should Europe be paying attention to right now and what should be done?

    If you want better insights into challenges and decisions you or your business are facing, GARI’s analytical services are of unmatched complexity and high accuracy - whether your questions are on the green energy transition, trade and supply chains, or political and security related - contact us for a free consultation and see how you can optimise your decision-making.
    @GARInstitute) / Twitter