
    About this Episode

    Is parking a reward? Is parking more than mere chance? What does parking have to do with making money? Gain insight to parking and forever look at that spot with gratitude!

    Recent Episodes from Ghost Helpers

    Exposing Possession to better Your Legacy with Angelina Carleton and Tina erwin

    Exposing Possession to better Your Legacy with Angelina Carleton and Tina erwin
    Many people find it impossible to break the pattern of living with depression, alcoholism or addiction. They may want better for their lives, but they’ve lived through soul-shattering trauma, seen the familiar examples in front of them for generations, and feel as if there is a vice like control. This often leads to parts of their soul feeling shaved off or in a gritty rage and resentment that keeps them unable to navigate out of this place. So I brought in one of my favorite guests to help you see the spiritual side to possession, even with soldiers returning home from war. In this episode of “Design Your Legacy”, hostess Angelina Carleton teams up with Tina Erwin, author of multiple books and a retired US Naval Commander, to speak into the questions of “will your family’s legacy be brutality?” to “what caused a person to partake in drugs and alcohol?”. She talks about multiple remedies that work based on her life’s experiences of facing possession that show(s) up in many forms. From suicide patterns to restoring one’s soul, this episode covers why prayer, seeking a relationship with God and raising one’s frequency on a daily basis make a difference as starting points.

    Karma is a Law of Physics with Metaphysical Author Tina Erwin

    Karma is a Law of Physics with Metaphysical Author Tina Erwin
    Why is it so important to understand karma? Can embracing this concept that all that we have created will come back to us a path to healing? Can you erase your karma? Why would you want to erase your karma? Why is it important to understand and welcome wonderful things in your life? Is this the karma of the past being returned to you? Karma is balance in all things and the hope that all dark deeds will in fact find justice is a way of healing the past and embracing the future.
    Ghost Helpers
    enJanuary 04, 2024