
    70: All Food Comes with Risk with Josh Scherer

    enApril 15, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Personal Improvement and New ExperiencesInvest in yourself through affordable clear liners from Byte or try holistic healing with Reiki. Discover new things and be entertained with Jake and Garf's podcast.

      2024 is the year for personal improvement, and prioritizing yourself is key. Whether it's starting a new smile journey with Byte, or exploring new experiences like Reiki, investing in yourself is important. Byte offers affordable, doctor-directed clear liners with financing options and a discounted impression kit. Reiki, a holistic healing practice, could be an intriguing new experience. Meanwhile, Jake and Garf discussed various topics, including the origins of Joe Pesci's comedy style and their excitement for their upcoming guest, Josh Sheer, the Mythical Chef, known for his unique YouTube show, Last Meals. Josh's cookbook is also worth checking out. Overall, the podcast emphasizes self-improvement, entertainment, and the joy of discovering new things.

    • Exploring and expressing interests can evolve over timePeople can become deeply invested in shared interests, which can evolve and become a significant part of their identity.

      People often enjoy exploring and expressing their interests, even if they start as simple jokes or passing comments. Garrett's girlfriend took his casual mention of liking raccoons and turned it into a full-blown obsession, leading Garrett to receive raccoon-themed gifts and eventually getting a raccoon tattoo. This escalation shows how people can become invested in shared interests and how they can evolve over time. The conversation also highlights the idea that once we embrace and lean into something, it can become a significant part of our identity. While Garrett may not have intended to become a "raccoon guy," he now finds himself deeply connected to this aspect of his life. The discussion also touches upon the idea that communication and transparency are essential when it comes to sharing and expressing our true feelings, especially when it comes to relationships.

    • Two friends bond over shared interests and charitable tattoosFriends Garrett and Josh bonded over their unique tattoos with meaningful stories. Garrett's raccoon tattoo represents a shared interest, while also being a charity one for No Kid Hungry. Josh's goat tattoo is part of a campaign to provide hats to children in need. Their conversation also shed light on cultural differences in tattoo acceptance.

      Garrett and Josh got tattoos with unique stories behind them. Garrett's tattoo is of a raccoon cosplaying as Ash Ketchum from Pokemon, which is a shared interest between them. The idea came from both Garrett and his partner. Josh's tattoo is of a goat, and they all had a moment of recognition when they realized they all had tattoos visible during their conversation. Garrett's tattoo is also a charity one for No Kid Hungry, raising funds for meals for underserved kids. In contrast, Josh's tattoo, Cats for Hats, aims to provide hats to children in need. The conversation also highlighted the cultural differences in perceptions of tattoos, with some finding them more acceptable in Western societies than others.

    • Reframe a unique personality traitInstead of hiding or explaining away a unique personality trait, embrace it and create a story around it to gain support or understanding from others.

      Garrett's raccoon tattoo, while seemingly unusual, can be reframed as a unique aspect of his personality rather than a reason for concern. His friends suggest that he could create a story around the tattoo, such as using it to raise emotional support or charity for elderly inner city citizens. They also suggest that he could explain to his girlfriend that he has "peaked" with his raccoon obsession and no longer desires more raccoon-themed items. Overall, the group encourages Garrett to embrace his raccoon tattoo and the personality traits it represents, rather than feeling the need to hide or explain it away.

    • Honesty in Relationships: The Importance of Being TruthfulBeing truthful in relationships builds trust and avoids misunderstandings. Lying consistently can lead to fear and confusion, so it's important to communicate openly and honestly.

      Honesty is crucial in relationships. Garrett's situation with his raccoon obsession and the gifts he received illustrates the importance of being truthful with your partner. Lying consistently can lead to fear of admitting the truth, causing tension and confusion in the relationship. If Garrett wants to "curb this raccoon stuff," he should consider being honest with his partner about his feelings and intentions. He could approach the situation by expressing his appreciation for the raccoon-themed gifts but stating that he no longer wants to collect more raccoon items. Alternatively, he could come up with a creative explanation for his change of heart, such as pretending he was attacked by a raccoon. Ultimately, the key is to communicate openly and honestly with his partner to avoid misunderstandings and build trust in the relationship.

    • Discovering New InterestsExploring new hobbies and interests can help distract from obsessions and broaden horizons.

      Exploring new interests and hobbies can help distract from obsessions. In this conversation, the speakers discussed a woman's obsession with raccoons and suggested alternative interests such as nature, Colorado, and Pokemon. They also shared characteristics of raccoons that might appeal to her, like being nocturnal and having claws. The speakers also mentioned their personal experiences with DoorDash and Booking.com, praising their convenience and versatility. The conversation ended with a Mother's Day promotion for DoorDash using the code "Gil sent me." Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of broadening horizons and finding new ways to engage with the world.

    • Following an Acquaintance Across the Country for 12 YearsPeople's past experiences and encounters can lead to intriguing situations, even if they don't acknowledge each other directly. The importance of communication and acknowledgement in relationships should not be underestimated.

      Sometimes people's past experiences and encounters can lead to intriguing situations, even if they don't acknowledge each other directly. Lauren shared a story about following a college acquaintance, Jerry, across the country for 12 years without his knowledge or acknowledgment. They had gone to the same small chemistry department in college but were not friends. After graduation, they both moved to different places, and they only reconnected when they both ended up in Texas for medical training. Despite recognizing each other, Lauren did not approach Jerry, and they did not acknowledge each other. This situation raises questions about the importance of communication and acknowledgement in relationships, even if they are not romantic. It also highlights the complexity of human interactions and the nuances that can make them intriguing.

    • Approaching an Old AcquaintanceInitiate conversations with old acquaintances by reminiscing about shared experiences and take the risk to form new relationships.

      Overcoming fears and making connections can be a challenging but necessary experience. In the discussion, Lauren and Josh discuss their hesitation to approach an old acquaintance, Jerry, despite having shared experiences and being in the same place. They ponder the possibility of a romantic connection and debate on the best approach to initiate a conversation. Josh suggests starting small and reminiscing about shared experiences as a way to break the ice. The conversation also touches on the idea that people often fail to acknowledge or approach those they recognize but don't know well, creating a missed opportunity for connection. The takeaway is that it's essential to take the initiative and make yourself vulnerable, as doing so can lead to meaningful interactions and the formation of new relationships.

    • Making a bold first move in social situationsConfidently initiating conversations with unique opening lines can lead to unexpected connections or memorable interactions.

      Making an aggressive and confident first move can lead to unexpected connections. In this discussion, the group brainstormed various opening lines for someone named Lauren to use when encountering an old acquaintance named Jerry. They suggested using a unique and memorable approach, such as referencing a shared past or an eccentric professor, to grab Jerry's attention and spark a conversation. The group believed that this approach could potentially lead to a deeper connection if Jerry remembers Lauren, or it could result in a humorous and memorable interaction if he doesn't. The discussion emphasized the importance of confidence and taking risks in social situations, even if there's a chance of rejection. The group also acknowledged that shy or introverted individuals may struggle with initiating conversations, but encouraged them to embrace their unique qualities and approach potential connections in a bold and memorable way.

    • Taking Risks Can Lead to Delightful ExperiencesApproaching risks with confidence can result in unexpected and enjoyable outcomes. Use shared experiences and references as icebreakers or conversation starters.

      Life and interactions come with risks, but they can also lead to unexpected and delightful experiences. Using the analogy of a raw meat sandwich, the idea is that taking risks can be odd or uncomfortable, but if you commit and approach it with confidence, it might result in something delicious. The discussion also touched upon shared experiences and references from the past as potential icebreakers or conversation starters. In the context of the conversation, the participants referenced their college days and a physics concept called "particle in a box." This concept was used as a metaphor for unpredictability and uncertainty in relationships, highlighting the importance of being bold and leading with references or initiatives to navigate social situations.

    • Approaching uncomfortable situations with confidenceConfidence can lead to unexpected outcomes. Invest in personal growth through continuous learning and upgrading, like with Babbel.

      Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone and approaching uncomfortable situations with confidence can lead to unexpected outcomes. During a conversation on a podcast, Lauren was encouraged to approach an awkward situation with a man she had previously interacted with, despite her discomfort. She was advised to be assertive and not to let her initial reaction define the interaction. The conversation took an unexpected turn when they discovered they had both been sent sponsor clothes from the same brand, Dior. This led to a lighthearted moment and a realization that they had chemistry. Another takeaway from the discussion was the importance of continuous learning and upgrading, as emphasized by the mention of Babbel, a language learning app. The app was praised for its effectiveness in helping users learn languages and accents through interactive lessons and speech recognition technology. Overall, the conversation highlighted the value of approaching new situations with confidence, being open to unexpected opportunities, and investing in personal growth.

    • Learning a new language with Babbel is like a semester at college in just 15 hoursBabbel offers an effective and affordable way to learn a new language, providing the equivalent of a college semester's worth of learning in just 15 hours.

      Using Babbel for just 15 hours on your own can provide the equivalent learning experience of a full semester at college. This is an incredible deal, and currently, our listeners can get up to 60% off their Babbel subscription at babel.com/hth. During the discussion, we heard the inspiring journey of Josh, a YouTube cooking sensation, who started cooking family dinners at a young age as a chore given by his father. His passion for cooking grew, and despite his initial struggles, he went on to create a successful YouTube show and even published a Number 1 New York Times cookbook. His story is a testament to the power of pursuing one's passion, even in the face of adversity. The wild calls on the show may vary, but the theme of transformation and overcoming challenges remains consistent.

    • Unexpected opportunities can lead to significant life changesSeizing opportunities and being adaptable to new platforms can lead to unexpected collaborations and career growth.

      Sometimes opportunities come unexpectedly and can significantly change the course of your life. For the speaker, it was a blog post that caught the attention of a literary agent, leading him to drop out of college and pursue a writing career. Later, he sent a cookbook to Mythical Entertainment, which led to a collaboration on YouTube. The speaker was surprised by the production value and long-form nature of YouTube shows compared to traditional media. He also noted that the hosts on YouTube shows do thorough research and preparation, leading to unexpected and intriguing interviews. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the importance of seizing opportunities and being adaptable to new platforms and mediums.

    • Unexpected opportunities from genuine connectionsGenuine connections and follow-ups can lead to meaningful interactions and revealing conversations, creating unexpected opportunities for growth and learning.

      The power of genuine connections and follow-ups can lead to unexpected opportunities and deep conversations. This was evident in the story of how a coworker's appearance on a podcast led to a meaningful interaction with a guest, and how a thoughtful gesture from a colleague resulted in a heartfelt response. The organic style of interviewing, where people are comfortable and relaxed, can lead to revealing and insightful discussions. The podcast "Last Meals" was inspired by the idea that deep conversations often occur when people are in a comfortable setting, sharing food and drinks. The hosts' approach of not using a confrontational interview style and instead allowing guests to open up naturally, resonates with the style of shows like Anthony Bourdain's, and can lead to transformative experiences for both the guests and the audience.

    • Dream Guests for Mythical Show: Guy Fieri, Travis Kelce, and Ryan ReynoldsMythical show hosts share their dream guests: Guy Fieri, Travis Kelce, and Ryan Reynolds. They also discuss their fans, upcoming cookbook, and love for catchphrases and children's stories.

      The hosts of the popular YouTube show "Mythical" have revealed their dream guests for the show, which includes celebrity chef Guy Fieri, NFL player Travis Kelce, and actor Ryan Reynolds. They also discussed their fans, whom they've named "Helpers," and their upcoming cookbook, "The Mythical Cookbook," which includes unique recipes and unconventional ideas like making bacon from penguins. The hosts also shared their love for creating catchphrases and animating children's stories. Despite the unusual topics, the show has gained a large following and critical acclaim, with over 3,000 episodes and a New York Times bestseller to its name.

    • Exploring Australia's unique approach to managing kangaroosAustralia's native kangaroos can provide income for farmers, but overpopulation and potential crop damage are concerns. Humans are the invasive species in Australia, and kangaroos would not typically pose a danger to humans.

      Australia has a unique approach to managing its native wildlife, specifically kangaroos, which can be a source of income for farmers by selling them to the government for cash. However, this can lead to overpopulation and potential damage to crops. It's important to note that humans are actually the invasive species in Australia, and kangaroos, being native, would not typically pose a danger to humans. The We're Here to Help podcast, hosted by Jake Johnson and Gareth Reynolds, explores various topics with a lighthearted and humorous approach. The show is produced and edited by Kevin Bartelt, AJ McKeon, and John Debreu, with artwork by Oliver Raleigh, James Fosdike, and Patty Holland. For early access to episodes, consider subscribing to their Patreon. And if you have a question you'd like answered on the show, email helpfulpod@gmail.com. All advice given on the show is for entertainment purposes only, and adults should make their own decisions.

    Recent Episodes from We're Here to Help

    92: Goofin' Around

    92: Goofin' Around

    Jake and Gareth talk to callers about a chef forgetting her recipes and a bizarre neighbor hook-up. Later, the guys follow up with the first caller from episode 61 "Are You Going To Do This Madness?" and the second caller from episode 81 "You HAVE To Follow Up."

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    We're Here to Help
    enJuly 01, 2024

    91: I Talk You Talk with Jameela Jamil

    91: I Talk You Talk with Jameela Jamil

    Jake, Gareth and special guest Jameela Jamil talk to callers about a friend with a tissue issue and a husband who doesn’t make listening sounds. 

    Later, the guys follow up with the first caller from episode 51 “It’s Your World, We’re Just Pitching In It with Chris Distefano” and chat with Jameela about her experience on The Good Place. 

    Video we watched:

    Want to call in? Email your question to helpfulpod@gmail.com.

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    VIDEO: Youtube.com/@HeretoHelpPod

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    We're Here to Help
    enJune 27, 2024

    90: Hunk With a Little Chunk

    90: Hunk With a Little Chunk

    Jake and Gareth talk to callers about curtains, a dad’s Instagram and a boyfriend’s bad band. Later, they follow up with the first caller from episode 46 “A Face for Animated Spider-Man with Stavros Halkias.” 

    Pic discussed in ep:

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    VIDEO: Youtube.com/@HeretoHelpPod

    MERCH: heretohelppod.com

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    If you’re enjoying the show, make sure to rate We’re Here to Help 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts.

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    We're Here to Help
    enJune 24, 2024

    89: Wanted Read or Alive with Derek Waters and Luka Jones

    89: Wanted Read or Alive with Derek Waters and Luka Jones

    Jake, Gareth and special guest Derek Waters talk to callers about tarantulas and try to find someone ripping up books. 

    Later, the guys and special guest Luka Jones chat with a caller about naming your son Garland and follow up the second caller from 10 “Spaghetti Again with Damon Wayans Jr.”

    Pics discussed in the episode:

    Want to call in? Email your question to helpfulpod@gmail.com.

    PATREON (Early Access, Bonus Calls and Q&As): Patreon.com/HereToHelpPod

    VIDEO: Youtube.com/@HeretoHelpPod

    MERCH: heretohelppod.com

    INSTAGRAM: @HereToHelpPod

    TIKTOK: @HereToHelpPod

    If you’re enjoying the show, make sure to rate We’re Here to Help 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts.

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    We're Here to Help
    enJune 20, 2024

    88: The Problem Is You're Exactly Like Us

    88: The Problem Is You're Exactly Like Us

    Jake and Gareth talk to callers about tire troubles and a nickname between parents. Later the guys follow up with the second caller from episode 40 “Parental Guidance with Eduardo Franco.”

    Want to call in? Email your question to helpfulpod@gmail.com.

    PATREON (Early Access, Bonus Calls and Q&As): Patreon.com/HereToHelpPod

    VIDEO: Youtube.com/@HeretoHelpPod

    MERCH: heretohelppod.com

    INSTAGRAM: @HereToHelpPod

    TIKTOK: @HereToHelpPod

    If you’re enjoying the show, make sure to rate We’re Here to Help 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts.

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    We're Here to Help
    enJune 17, 2024

    87: Party City's Where You Go to Party with Tony Hale

    87: Party City's Where You Go to Party with Tony Hale

    Jake, Gareth and special guest Tony Hale talk to callers about what to do with the world’s largest ball of chewed gum and a boss writing fake reviews. Later, the guys follow up with the second caller from episode 85 "The Muffin Man with Bobby Moynihan" and chat with Tony about behind the scenes on Arrested Development. Make sure to check out Tony in Inside Out 2!

    Pictures discussed in the episode:

    Want to call in? Email your question to helpfulpod@gmail.com.

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    VIDEO: Youtube.com/@HeretoHelpPod

    MERCH: heretohelppod.com

    INSTAGRAM: @HereToHelpPod

    TIKTOK: @HereToHelpPod

    If you’re enjoying the show, make sure to rate We’re Here to Help 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts.

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    We're Here to Help
    enJune 13, 2024

    86: Seeing Past The Piggies

    86: Seeing Past The Piggies

    Jake and Gareth talk to callers about a co-worker's lack of shoes and an engagement photo mishap.

    Later, the guys follow up with the second caller from episode 79 "Mamas’ Boys with Eve" and the second caller from episode 80 "Identical in Every Way with Max Greenfield." 

    Pictures discussed in the episode:

    Want to call in? Email your question to helpfulpod@gmail.com.

    PATREON (Early Access, Bonus Calls and Q&As): Patreon.com/HereToHelpPod

    VIDEO: Youtube.com/@HeretoHelpPod

    MERCH: heretohelppod.com

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    We're Here to Help
    enJune 10, 2024

    85: The Muffin Man with Bobby Moynihan

    85: The Muffin Man with Bobby Moynihan

    Jake, Gareth and special guest Bobby Moynihan talk to callers about muffin issues and a neighbor who loves to chainsaw logs. 

    Later, the guys chat with Bobby about Saturday Night Live and being directed by Jerry Seinfeld in Unfrosted.

    Want to call in? Email your question to helpfulpod@gmail.com.

    PATREON (Early Access, Bonus Calls and Q&As): Patreon.com/HereToHelpPod

    VIDEO: Youtube.com/@HeretoHelpPod

    MERCH: heretohelppod.com

    INSTAGRAM: @HereToHelpPod

    TIKTOK: @HereToHelpPod

    If you’re enjoying the show, make sure to rate We’re Here to Help 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts.

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    We're Here to Help
    enJune 06, 2024

    84: Kevin's Fresh Lobotomy Smile

    84: Kevin's Fresh Lobotomy Smile

    Jake and Gareth talk to callers about a big lie at work and naked neighbors.

    Later, the guys follow up with the second caller from episode 15 “Dougie McBuckets.” 

    Want to call in? Email your question to helpfulpod@gmail.com.

    PATREON (Early Access, Bonus Calls and Q&As): Patreon.com/HereToHelpPod

    VIDEO: Youtube.com/@HeretoHelpPod

    MERCH: heretohelppod.com

    INSTAGRAM: @HereToHelpPod

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    If you’re enjoying the show, make sure to rate We’re Here to Help 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts.

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    We're Here to Help
    enJune 03, 2024

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