
    #703: Sheila Heen — How to Master the Difficult Art of Receiving (and Giving) Feedback

    enNovember 09, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Difficult Conversations: Seeking Understanding and Growth Through CuriosityShifting our mindset when receiving feedback by asking open-ended questions and using phrases like "help me understand" fosters growth and improvement in our relationships.

      Difficult conversations are the foundation of our most important relationships. They define whether a relationship is good or bad. When receiving feedback, it's important to shift from immediately finding faults to seeking understanding. Rather than focusing on agreement or disagreement, approach feedback with curiosity and ask questions to clarify the message. These questions can be either about the past or the future. Backward-looking questions help understand the reasons behind the feedback, while forward-looking questions provide guidance on how to improve. By asking these questions, we can avoid getting defensive and instead focus on practical steps for growth and change. One powerful phrase to use is "help me understand," which demonstrates a willingness to listen and learn.

    • Managing Difficult Feedback: Acknowledging Emotions, Asking for Understanding, and Maintaining Respectful CommunicationAcknowledge your initial emotional response, ask for understanding, and maintain respectful communication to effectively manage difficult feedback and promote open dialogue.

      When receiving difficult feedback, it can be helpful to acknowledge your initial emotional response and name it. Admitting that you feel surprised, caught off guard, defensive, or knocked off balance can allow you to regain your footing in the conversation. Additionally, asking the other person what they feel you don't understand about the situation or how it impacted them directly cuts through the noise and gets to the heart of the matter. This approach allows for a more open dialogue and can help diffuse tension. Lastly, it's important to remember that even if you are in a position of authority, such as being a team leader, listening and responding respectfully to feedback is crucial.

    • Shifting focus from intentions to impact in difficult situationsIn challenging situations, it is more productive to focus on describing the impact rather than trying to prove intentions. Taking responsibility for clear communication can help navigate and resolve issues.

      When faced with difficult situations, it is important to focus on describing the impact rather than trying to prove intentions. This realization came to Sheila Heen when she found herself paralyzed by the need to be sure about her colleague's intentions, which made it hard to address the issue. She learned that by changing her own contributions to the problem, such as being more clear about her lack of interest and not sending mixed signals, she could effectively navigate the situation. However, some readers reacted strongly to this approach, feeling that it blamed the victim and left them to deal with the problem alone. It is crucial to recognize that cultural differences and generational perspectives may influence our reactions, but addressing difficult conversations is necessary for progress.

    • Taking Control and Addressing Uncomfortable SituationsSelf-reflection and communication are essential in addressing uncomfortable situations, but it is important to anticipate readers' reactions when sharing personal examples to maintain a meaningful conversation.

      Addressing uncomfortable situations requires self-reflection and taking control over what you can change. Sheila Heen realized that she had contributed to the situation and decided to have a conversation with the person involved. She clarified her boundaries and made it clear that she was not interested in a romantic or personal relationship. This empowered her and allowed her to regain control in the situation. However, some readers misunderstood her intentions and accused her of blaming the victim. This highlights the importance of anticipating readers' reactions and addressing them in a book to maintain a meaningful conversation. Ultimately, Sheila realized that the example she shared was causing more confusion than help and decided to remove it in the third edition.

    • The Importance of Analyzing Feedback with CautionConsider both positive and negative feedback, but be mindful of selection bias. Prioritize proofreader feedback for a more controlled sample size and use feedback to enhance the reader experience.

      Feedback, whether it's from readers or proofreaders, should be analyzed with caution. It's important to consider the selection bias that often occurs with negative feedback. Just because a few people criticize something doesn't mean that everyone feels the same way. It's crucial to pay attention to both positive and negative feedback, but also recognize that not all feedback carries equal weight. When it comes to reader feedback, Tim Ferriss prioritizes proofreader feedback because it comes from a more controlled sample size. He takes into account what confuses readers, what should be kept in a chapter, and what can be cut based on patterns noticed by multiple proofreaders. Additionally, Tim aims to keep readers engaged by addressing any issues that cause their minds to wander. Ultimately, feedback should be used to improve and enhance the overall reader experience.

    • The importance of clear communication in seeking feedbackClear communication avoids ambiguity and ensures valuable feedback, prioritize friends willing to offer constructive criticism, actively participate in seeking clarity and refining the feedback request.

      Clear and specific communication is crucial when seeking feedback. Tim Ferriss recognizes the importance of letting his proofreaders know the kind of feedback he desires, which avoids ambiguity and ensures that he receives valuable insights. He acknowledges his past mistake of asking friends for feedback without providing clear guidance, resulting in surface-level responses that didn't address the areas for improvement. Through his experience, he now prioritizes selecting friends who are willing and capable of offering constructive criticism. Sheila Heen emphasizes the shared responsibility in a feedback conversation, highlighting that both parties should actively participate by seeking clarity and refining the request if needed. This takeaway demonstrates the value of open and precise communication when seeking feedback and fostering growth.

    • The Importance of Different Types of FeedbackUnderstanding and utilizing different types of feedback, such as appreciation, coaching, and evaluation, is crucial for personal and professional growth and development. Remember to be clear about what you need when seeking feedback and ask for it explicitly.

      Feedback can be categorized into three types: appreciation, coaching, and evaluation. Appreciation is about recognizing and encouraging someone's effort and value. Coaching focuses on helping others improve and be better. Evaluation involves assessing and ranking based on standards and criteria. Understanding the different types of feedback is crucial because we might need different types at different times. When seeking feedback, it is essential to be clear about what you need and ask for it explicitly. Similarly, when giving feedback, ask the person what they specifically want. Remember the ACE framework: Appreciation, Coaching, and Evaluation, and recognize that all three types are valuable for growth and development.

    • Navigating Coaching and Evaluation: Overcoming Miscommunication and Embracing Growth OpportunitiesEmbrace feedback by seeking external perspectives and understanding its value, allowing for personal and professional growth.

      Coaching and evaluation can often get tangled, leading to miscommunication and misunderstanding. While coaching focuses on providing suggestions and steps for improvement, evaluation involves rating or ranking against set expectations or standards. However, evaluation can be emotionally challenging as it often triggers a fear of being judged. When receiving feedback, our natural inclination is to find what's wrong with it and dismiss it. This can prevent us from recognizing the potential growth opportunities hidden within the feedback. To overcome this, it is helpful to engage in the practice of "phoning a friend" – reaching out to someone we trust to provide a supportive mirror, helping us see both the flaws and insights in the feedback. By understanding feedback, sorting what's right and wrong, and seeking external perspectives, we can cultivate the ability to receive feedback effectively and embrace opportunities for growth.

    • Embracing Honest Feedback for Personal GrowthSeeking honest feedback from friends helps us gain a clearer understanding of ourselves, navigate difficult conversations, and make better choices in relationships.

      Seeking honest feedback from trusted friends is crucial for personal growth and improvement. Often, we only focus on receiving support and validation, which can create a distorted view of ourselves. By asking our friends to serve as supportive mirrors, we gain comfort and reassurance. However, we also need their help as honest mirrors, showing us what we might be missing or avoiding. Just like a hair stylist handing us a mirror to see the back of our head, our friends can offer a different perspective on our blind spots. This feedback can be uncomfortable, but it provides valuable insights that can help us navigate difficult conversations and make better choices in relationships. By embracing honest feedback, we can avoid wasting time on incompatible partners and gain a clearer understanding of ourselves and others.

    • The importance of recognizing how partners handle stress and conflictPay attention to how your partner handles stress and conflict early on in the relationship to avoid potential issues in the future. Open and timely conversations, shared language, and practices can help maintain a healthy connection.

      Early in relationships, we often overlook how our partners handle stress and conflict because we're caught up in the excitement and positive feelings. However, this can become problematic later on. It's important to pay attention to how a person handles stressful situations and conflicts, as it can be a red flag for potential issues in the long run. Some people may freak out and scream, while others may avoid addressing the situation altogether. Both extremes can be problematic for a healthy relationship. It's crucial to have open and timely conversations about stress and conflict, finding the right moment and duration to address concerns effectively. Having a shared language and practices can also be helpful in resolving conflicts and maintaining a healthy connection.

    • The Contextual Nature of FeedbackFeedback can be valuable or detrimental depending on the relationship and expertise of the person giving it, emphasizing the importance of context and individual perception.

      Feedback is context-dependent. Tim Ferriss shares his experiences with receiving feedback in sports and personal relationships, highlighting the importance of the relationship and the expertise of the person giving the feedback. He explains how he values fast, direct, and matter-of-fact feedback, especially when it is given by someone he respects and admires. However, he also acknowledges that the same feedback given by a different person or in a different setting may be received very differently. This highlights the conundrum of feedback, where sometimes it is seen as a valuable gift, and other times it can lead to feelings of resentment and disconnection.

    • Understanding the factors that influence our reactions to feedback can help us navigate relationships and personal growth effectively.Evaluating the truth of feedback, considering the relationship with the giver, and understanding our own identity can help us better receive and benefit from feedback.

      Our reactions to feedback are often triggered by three factors: the truth, the relationship, and our identity. We tend to evaluate the quality of the feedback and whether it aligns with our beliefs (truth trigger). We also react based on our perception of the person giving the feedback, considering factors such as trust and credibility (relationship trigger). Lastly, our personal identity and how we perceive ourselves can also influence our reaction to feedback (identity trigger). Additionally, our sensitivity to feedback can vary significantly, with some individuals taking much longer to recover than others. Understanding these triggers and our own reactions can help us better understand and receive feedback, as well as navigate relationships and personal growth effectively.

    • Assessing Compatibility in RelationshipsPay attention to how you feel about yourself when you're with someone. If they bring out your best self and you feel calm and relaxed in their presence, it may indicate compatibility.

      When it comes to relationships, it's important to pay attention to how you feel about yourself when you're with someone. Rather than focusing solely on specific qualities or criteria, ask yourself if you like who you are around that person. Do they bring out your best self? This can be a reliable indicator of compatibility. While it's easy to be swayed by someone who tries to make you feel good, it's more important to assess how you feel on a deeper level. Feeling calm and relaxed in their presence, not just based on what they say or how they act, can be a sign of a more easeful relationship, even during times of conflict.

    • Building resolution through communication in relationships.Effective communication and mutual agreement on problem resolution are essential for navigating conflicts and fostering happiness in relationships.

      Achieving resolution in a relationship requires a shared framework and clear communication. Tim Ferriss and Sheila Heen discuss the importance of recognizing when conflicts arise and addressing them effectively. They emphasize the need for mutual agreement on what resolution looks like, whether it involves scheduling a time to discuss an issue or using tools like nonviolent communication. The goal is not necessarily to completely resolve all conflicts, but rather to navigate and manage them together. Additionally, the Gottman Institute's research on long-term relationships sheds light on the importance of addressing both the good and the bad aspects of a partnership. By actively addressing issues, couples can strive for greater happiness and understanding in their relationship.

    • Addressing "bad" in relationships for a more balanced and harmonious connection.Speaking up about bothersome issues, acknowledging conflicts with humor and affection, and being honest and direct can lead to a healthier and more harmonious relationship.

      Addressing the "bad" in a relationship is crucial to avoid underlying issues from festering. Sheila Heen emphasizes the importance of speaking up about the things that bother us, even if the relationship seems good on the surface. The work done by the Gottman Institute in identifying variables that correlate with relationship breakdowns is valuable. Eye-rolling, for example, is a strong indicator of contempt and lack of listening. This aligns with the diagnostic and prescriptive work done by Heen and others to understand and resolve relationship conflicts. It is essential to notice and acknowledge conflicts, holding them with humor and affection, while still being honest and direct. By doing so, issues become less loaded over time, creating a more balanced and harmonious relationship.

    • Navigating Relationships: From Tolerating Drama to Seeking ResilienceBuilding resilience and effective communication skills is vital in relationships, as constantly dwelling on problems can be draining. Focus on cultivating independence and interpersonal resilience for a healthier dynamic.

      Relationships and the challenges they bring vary depending on our age and life circumstances. When we are young, we may be more willing to tolerate drama and difficult situations in order to be with someone exciting. However, as we grow older and gain more life experience, our priorities and tolerance levels may shift. For many people, it's not always the actual problem that poses the biggest difficulty, but rather the way it is discussed and the length of time spent on discussing it. Constant processing and circular discussions can become overwhelming and drain our energy. Ultimately, it's important to cultivate independent resilience and interpersonal resilience in a relationship, so that the majority of time does not feel like heavy lifting.

    • Recognizing Deal Breakers and Setting Boundaries in RelationshipsIt is important to be aware of deal breakers in relationships and establish boundaries for conflict resolution, while continuously learning and effectively communicating with your partner.

      When it comes to dating and relationships, it's important to be aware of your deal breakers. While it's natural to focus on the positive traits of a potential partner, it's equally valuable to consider the red flags that may indicate irreconcilable differences. Some common deal breakers include endless processing, sharp elbows (being vindictive or aggressive), and being a monologue instead of a good listener. It's crucial to establish boundaries and implicit rules for conflict, ensuring that even in challenging moments, you avoid hurting the other person gratuitously. Moreover, the process of understanding and resolving friction in a relationship is a continuous learning experience, where both partners need to reflect on their own behaviors and communicate their needs effectively.

    • Navigating Communication Styles in RelationshipsUnderstanding and accepting each other's communication styles is essential. It's important to be mindful of natural inclinations, embrace strengths, and find a balance that works for both individuals in a relationship.

      Understanding and accepting each other's communication styles and preferences is crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship. Sheila and Tim discuss how they have different ways of processing emotions and resolving conflicts. Sheila shares that speaking up and processing emotions helps her feel connected and reassured, while Tim tends to lean towards logic and analysis. They both realize that they need to be mindful of their natural inclinations and not force the other person into their preferred mode of communication. They also emphasize the importance of recognizing when change may not be possible and instead focusing on finding ways to coexist peacefully. Ultimately, it's about embracing each other's strengths and finding a balance that works for both individuals in the relationship.

    • The Importance of Love Languages and Communication in RelationshipsCommunication and understanding of love languages are essential for healthy relationships. Tim Ferriss and Sheila Heen discuss their experiences with words of affirmation and the need for open and effective communication.

      Communication and understanding of each other's love languages are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. Tim Ferriss and Sheila Heen discuss how their deficiency in words of affirmation affected their personal and work relationships. They both acknowledge that they grew up in non-demonstrative families and had to consciously work on giving words of affirmation. Sheila suggests setting reminders or using specific examples to show genuine appreciation. Tim mentions putting calendar reminders to say something nice to specific individuals. They also recognize that feeling underappreciated can contribute to the need for reassurance and processing. In terms of giving feedback, Sheila emphasizes the importance of understanding how each individual prefers to receive feedback. Overall, open and effective communication is key in fostering meaningful connections with others.

    • Building a Feedback Culture through Effective CommunicationOpen conversations, proactive feedback-seeking, and receptiveness to feedback are key factors in creating a feedback culture and becoming better leaders.

      Effective communication lies at the heart of creating a feedback culture and fostering strong relationships. It's important to have open conversations about what makes individuals feel appreciated and to understand their preferences for receiving feedback. By proactively seeking feedback and valuing it, we can set an example for others to follow. Asking specific questions like "What's one thing I could do differently?" or "What's one thing that would make a difference to you?" can help lower the stakes and encourage honest feedback. Additionally, being receptive to feedback ourselves and recognizing our own contributions to situations can make us better receivers and leaders. Creating a feedback culture requires continuous learning, open dialogue, and a willingness to improve.

    • The Power of Feedback in Learning and GrowthActively seeking feedback from others and being open to different perspectives can make us skilled and fast learners, benefitting both personal and professional relationships.

      Receiving feedback is a crucial skill that can be learned and applied in various aspects of our lives. Just like Tim Ferriss mentioned, being a super learner doesn't only pertain to professional relationships but can be beneficial in personal and intimate settings as well. Sheila Heen highlighted the importance of actively seeking feedback from others and being open to hearing different perspectives. This mindset shift from a push model of learning to a pull model allows us to become skilled and fast learners. Additionally, leaders can gain valuable insights by asking others for their opinions and understanding how their actions may affect those around them. Overall, feedback is a powerful tool for growth and self-improvement in all areas of life.

    • The Importance of Seeking Help and Resources for Personal Growth and RelationshipsSeeking support, guidance, and resources is essential for personal growth and building healthy relationships. Understanding oneself and others, as well as effective communication, are key factors in creating fulfilling connections.

      Seeking help and resources is crucial when navigating personal growth and relationships. Sheila Heen and Tim Ferriss discuss the importance of finding support and guidance along the journey of self-improvement. They highlight the value of books, consulting groups, and online platforms like LinkedIn for accessing helpful resources. Additionally, their conversation touches on the significance of understanding oneself and others in relationships. They emphasize the need for relationships to be energizing, rewarding, and fun, rather than anxiety-provoking and draining. This reinforces the idea that self-awareness and effective communication are vital for building healthy and fulfilling connections. Overall, the takeaway is that seeking help, learning from others, and exploring resources can greatly contribute to personal growth and successful relationships.

    Recent Episodes from The Tim Ferriss Show

    #736: A Strategic Deep Dive on TikTok, The Boiling Moat of Taiwan, and China’s Next-Gen Statecraft — Matt Pottinger, Former U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor

    #736: A Strategic Deep Dive on TikTok, The Boiling Moat of Taiwan, and China’s Next-Gen Statecraft — Matt Pottinger, Former U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor

    Matt Pottinger is a distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution and chairman of the China Program at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Matt served as U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor from 2019 to 2021. Before his White House service, Matt spent the late 1990s and early 2000s in China as a reporter for Reuters and The Wall Street Journal. He then fought in Iraq and Afghanistan as a U.S. Marine during three combat deployments between 2007 and 2010. Matt’s new book is The Boiling Moat: Urgent Steps to Defend Taiwan.


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    [05:55] Bao Tong’s calligraphy.

    [08:20] Matt’s decision to study East Asian languages.

    [10:13] Studying with Perry Link and the challenges of learning Chinese.

    [12:19] Tips for learning Chinese and other languages.

    [17:17] How TikTok has been weaponized by the Chinese Communist Party.

    [20:58] The origins of TikTok and its obfuscatory ownership structure.

    [26:30] How sowing chaos in the West serves the CCP’s aims.

    [31:37] “Politics stops at the water’s edge.”

    [33:11] How should the US rein in TikTok’s influence over its population?

    [40:23] The significance of Taiwan geographically, ideologically, and economically.

    [49:59] The semiconductor industry in Taiwan and its global importance.

    [52:07] Deterring China from attacking or coercing Taiwan.

    [58:51] Cultivating social depth in Taiwan.

    [1:01:09] Guessing at Xi Jinping’s timeline.

    [1:05:33] Demonstrating the will to match the capacity of following through.

    [1:07:47] Matt’s top priorities for stemming Chinese ambitions.

    [1:10:15] Architects of chaos.

    [1:14:21] Staying alert against informational warfare and united front activity.

    [1:21:00] Countering China’s influence on its Western-based citizens.

    [1:25:05] Checkers vs. Go.

    [1:26:56] How can the US reassert its position as a beacon of democracy?

    [1:33:05] What prompted Matt to join the Marine Corps at age 32?

    [1:38:50] Getting in shape for the occasion.

    [1:40:45] Leadership lessons learned.

    [1:46:59] The Boiling Moat, the importance of public service, and parting thoughts.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

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    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

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    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

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    #735: Craig Foster of My Octopus Teacher — How to Find the Wild in a Tame World

    #735: Craig Foster of My Octopus Teacher — How to Find the Wild in a Tame World

    Craig Foster is an Oscar- and BAFTA-winning filmmaker, naturalist, author, and ocean explorer. He is the co-founder of the Sea Change Project, an NGO dedicated to the long-term conservation and regeneration of the Great African Seaforest. His film My Octopus Teacher has led to making the Great African Seaforest a global icon. His new book is Amphibious Soul: Finding the Wild in a Tame World


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    [08:39] A morning ray.

    [11:01] Connecting with the sea is a family tradition.

    [13:24] Making The Great Dance.

    [15:28] Unnatural powers granted by natural attunement.

    [22:40] Observing the secret lives of animals.

    [26:44] What makes Kalahari trackers so impressive?

    [29:37] Connecting with nature in the big city.

    [32:43] Breath holding and cold exposure.

    [37:25] Land lessons via underwater tracking.

    [42:55] Connecting with a Cape clawless otter.

    [46:20] Interspecies alliances.

    [49:39] What compelled Craig to write Amphibious Soul?

    [52:58] Why pristine nature comforts and inspires us.

    [1:00:03] Is ancestral memory real?

    [1:04:16] Nature as a mirror.

    [1:07:48] The pros and cons of discovering new species.

    [1:10:03] Song catching.

    [1:16:30] The meaning of “home.”

    [1:19:03] Parenting lessons.

    [1:23:41] The psychic cost of sudden fame.

    [1:31:18] For whom was Amphibious Soul written?

    [1:33:58] Sea Change Project.

    [1:35:53] The short-sightedness of current climate policy.

    [1:41:52] Changing entrenched minds.

    [1:52:37] A camera-stealing octopus.

    [1:55:25] Hope for a shift in human perspective.

    [1:58:21] Parting thoughts.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

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    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

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    #734: In Case You Missed It: March 2024 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show"

    #734: In Case You Missed It: March 2024 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show"

    This episode is brought to you by 5-Bullet Friday, my very own email newsletter.

    Welcome to another episode of The Tim Ferriss Show, where it is my job to deconstruct world-class performers to tease out the routines, habits, et cetera that you can apply to your own life. 

    This is a special inbetweenisode, which serves as a recap of the episodes from last month. It features a short clip from each conversation in one place so you can easily jump around to get a feel for the episode and guest.

    Based on your feedback, this format has been tweaked and improved since the first recap episode. For instance, listeners suggested that the bios for each guest can slow the momentum, so we moved all the bios to the end. 

    See it as a teaser. Something to whet your appetite. If you like what you hear, you can of course find the full episodes at tim.blog/podcast

    Please enjoy! 


    This episode is brought to you by 5-Bullet Friday, my very own email newsletter that every Friday features five bullet points highlighting cool things I’ve found that week, including apps, books, documentaries, gadgets, albums, articles, TV shows, new hacks or tricks, and—of course—all sorts of weird stuff I’ve dug up from around the world.

    It’s free, it’s always going to be free, and you can subscribe now at tim.blog/friday.



    Scott Glenn: 00:03:20

    Barbara Corcoran: 00:05:10

    Seth Godin: 00:08:11

    Hugh Howey: 00:15:44

    Full episode titles:

    Legendary Actor Scott Glenn — How to Be Super Fit at 85, Lessons from Marlon Brando, How to Pursue Your Purpose, The Art of Serendipity, Stories of Gunslingers, and More (#729)

    Barbara Corcoran — How She Turned $1,000 into a $5B+ Empire: PR Stunts, Sales Techniques, Critical Early Wins, Fighting Trump, and Becoming a Real Estate Mogul (#725)

    Seth Godin — Coaching Tim on Overcoming Resistance, Lessons from Isaac Asimov, Writing Secrets After 8,500+ Daily Blog Posts, The Dangers of Authenticity, Practices for Consistency, and Much More (#728)

    Hugh Howey, Author of Silo and Wool — A Masterclass on Writing, Unorthodox Self-Publishing, and Living in The AI Age (#726)


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

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    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #733: Live 10th Anniversary Random Show with Kevin Rose — Exploring What’s Next, Testing Ozempic, Modern Dating, New Breakthrough Treatments for Anxiety, Bitcoin ETFs, Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul, and Engineering More Awe in Your Life

    #733: Live 10th Anniversary Random Show with Kevin Rose —  Exploring What’s Next, Testing Ozempic, Modern Dating, New Breakthrough Treatments for Anxiety, Bitcoin ETFs, Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul, and Engineering More Awe in Your Life

    This week is officially the podcast’s 10-year anniversary, and there is no better way to commemorate such a wild milestone than with Kevin Rose and a little tequila. As many listeners know, Kevin was my very first guest for episode 1, way back in April 2014. Timestamps for this episode are available below.


    Nordic Naturals, the #1-selling fish-oil and algae-oil brand in the U.S.: https://www.nordic.com/tim (20% off)

    Eight Sleep’s Pod Cover sleeping solution for dynamic cooling and heating: https://eightsleep.com/tim (save $200 on the Pod Cover)

    AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement: https://drinkag1.com/tim (1-year supply of Vitamin D (and 5 free AG1 travel packs) with your first subscription purchase.)


    [07:20] First live Random Show?

    [07:50] Reasons to celebrate.

    [08:30] How long can this go on?

    [10:15] Mmm…Mmm.

    [11:53] Inflection points.

    [13:00] Interesting over impulse.

    [14:46] Bitcoin ETFs.

    [17:22] PROOF news.

    [18:41] What’s Kevin’s next project?

    [21:15] Don’t DIY your TMS.

    [22:57] The SAINT protocol and accelerated TMS.

    [23:42] Kevin wonders how magnets work.

    [24:27] How accelerated TMS has helped me.

    [28:02] Consumer access to accelerated TMS.

    [31:50] How TMS feels, and other possible uses.

    [32:49] Potential downsides.

    [35:10] How to find out more about accelerated TMS.

    [38:18] How to appear human in social situations.

    [45:20] Jinjer and Sohn.

    [46:24] Android and Gemini.

    [48:41] Content production and future fame.

    [49:58] Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson.

    [52:02] Kevin’s deflated balls.

    [55:49] My single life.

    [59:39] Extending experiential lifespan.

    [1:06:12] This is (Henry Shukman’s) The Way.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #732: Martha Beck — The Amazing and Brutal Results of Zero Lies for 365 Days, How to Do a Beginner “Integrity Cleanse,” Lessons from Lion Trackers, and Novel Tactics for Reducing Anxiety

    #732: Martha Beck — The Amazing and Brutal Results of Zero Lies for 365 Days, How to Do a Beginner “Integrity Cleanse,” Lessons from Lion Trackers, and Novel Tactics for Reducing Anxiety

    Dr. Martha Beck has been called “the best-known life coach in America” by NPR and USA Today. She holds three Harvard degrees in social science and has published nine non-fiction books, one novel, and more than 200 magazine articles. Her recent book, The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self, was an instant New York Times Best Seller.


    Momentous high-quality supplements: https://livemomentous.com/tim (code TIM for 20% off)

    Eight Sleep’s Pod Cover sleeping solution for dynamic cooling and heating: https://eightsleep.com/tim (save $200 on the Pod Cover)

    AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement: https://drinkag1.com/tim (1-year supply of Vitamin D (and 5 free AG1 travel packs) with your first subscription purchase.)


    Note from the editor: Timestamps will be available shortly.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #731: Dr. David Spiegel, Stanford U. — Practical Hypnosis, Meditation vs. Hypnosis, Pain Management Without Drugs, The Neurobiology of Trance, and More

    #731: Dr. David Spiegel, Stanford U. — Practical Hypnosis, Meditation vs. Hypnosis, Pain Management Without Drugs, The Neurobiology of Trance, and More

    Dr. David Spiegel is Willson Professor and Associate Chair of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Director of the Center on Stress and Health, and Medical Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, where he has been a member of the academic faculty since 1975. He is the founder of Reveri, the world's first interactive self-hypnosis app.

    Timestamps for this episode are available below. Links to everything discussed: https://tim.blog/2024/04/10/dr-david-spiegel-hypnosis/


    Momentous high-quality supplements: https://livemomentous.com/tim (code TIM for 20% off)

    Helix Sleep premium mattresses: https://helixsleep.com/tim (20% off all mattress orders and two free pillows)

    AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement: https://drinkag1.com/tim (1-year supply of Vitamin D (and 5 free AG1 travel packs) with your first subscription purchase.)


    [07:00] How Herbert Spiegel was exposed to hypnosis.

    [10:14] Using hypnosis to cure non-epileptic seizures.

    [11:53] What is a forensic psychiatrist?

    [14:43] How hypnosis works.

    [17:54] Hypnosis and the flow state.

    [21:03] How hypnosis differs from meditation.

    [22:38] Determining one’s susceptibility to hypnosis.

    [27:21] I take the eye-roll test.

    [29:33] Thoughts on EMDR.

    [36:29] Therapeutic psychedelics and ego dissolution.

    [41:05] Potential adverse effects of hypnosis?

    [42:34] Accelerated TMS improves response to hypnosis.

    [44:25] Hypnosis as a tool for stress and pain relief.

    [48:56] David treats my back pain with hypnosis.

    [57:09] Replicating this effect with self-hypnosis.

    [57:57] Understanding the science of pain relief.

    [1:03:18] Filtering the hurt from the pain.

    [1:06:37] For us, not against us.

    [1:09:12] Hypnosis vs. other addiction interventions.

    [1:11:41] A mesmerizing tale of hypnotic history.

    [1:16:10] Most surprising patient outcomes.

    [1:24:53] Finding connection to treat the agitated.

    [1:28:40] Who is Reveri designed for?

    [1:31:15] Hypnosis as a first rather than last resort.

    [1:35:02] Further resources and final thoughts.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #730: Reed Hastings, Co-Founder of Netflix — How to Cultivate High Performance, The Art of Farming for Dissent, Favorite Failures, and More

    #730: Reed Hastings, Co-Founder of Netflix — How to Cultivate High Performance, The Art of Farming for Dissent, Favorite Failures, and More

    Reed Hastings became executive chairman of Netflix in 2023, after 25 years as CEO. He co-founded Netflix in 1997. Reed is also a majority owner of Powder Mountain. He is currently on the board of several educational organizations including KIPP and Pahara.

    Timestamps for this episode are available below.


    AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement: https://drinkag1.com/tim (1-year supply of Vitamin D (and 5 free AG1 travel packs) with your first subscription purchase.)

    Wealthfront high-yield savings account: https://wealthfront.com/tim (Start earning 5% interest on your savings. And when you open an account today, you’ll get an extra fifty-dollar bonus with a deposit of five hundred dollars or more.)

    Shopify global commerce platform, providing tools to start, grow, market, and manage a retail business: https://shopify.com/tim (one-dollar-per-month trial period)


    [06:34] Alfred Lee Loomis and Tuxedo Park.

    [07:53] Risk tolerance: nature or nurture?

    [10:56] Cultivating culture that “eats strategy for lunch.”

    [15:41] The logic behind generous severance.

    [17:02] Adapting to Pure chaos.

    [18:44] Reference checking potential hires.

    [20:29] Context vs. control.

    [22:35] Radical candor.

    [24:15] Guardrails for maintaining work/life balance.

    [27:04] Farming for dissent.

    [28:39] Believing in the green crystals.

    [30:54] High-performance team, not family.

    [31:59] The keeper test.

    [32:49] Fire and replace, or replace and fire?

    [33:59] Beyond Entrepreneurship and other recommended reading/viewing.

    [37:46] A favorite failure.

    [40:32] Outstanding leaders.

    [41:10] Reed’s two “religions.”

    [42:19] Powder Mountain.

    [44:44] How Powder Mountain differs from Reed’s other projects.

    [46:24] Powder Mountain’s biggest challenges ahead.

    [47:02] Could Reed ever really retire?

    [47:19] Best investments of time, energy, or money.

    [48:49] How can we improve education in the US?

    [52:48] What class would Reed teach?

    [53:59] Juggling projects without losing focus.

    [55:04] Philanthropy: Why Africa?

    [55:32] Being “big-hearted champions who pick up the trash.”

    [56:28] Reed’s billboard.

    [58:01] Parting thoughts.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #729: Legendary Actor Scott Glenn — How to Be Super Fit at 85, Lessons from Marlon Brando, How to Pursue Your Purpose, The Art of Serendipity, Stories of Gunslingers, and More

    #729: Legendary Actor Scott Glenn — How to Be Super Fit at 85, Lessons from Marlon Brando, How to Pursue Your Purpose, The Art of Serendipity, Stories of Gunslingers, and More

    Scott Glenn’s acting career spans nearly 60 years. His impressive film resume includes performances in Apocalypse Now, Urban Cowboy, The Right Stuff, Silverado, The Hunt for Red October, The Silence of the Lambs, Backdraft, The Virgin Suicides, and The Bourne Ultimatum. This year, Scott will return to HBO to join season 3 of The White Lotus.

    Timestamps for this episode are available below. Links to everything discussed: https://tim.blog/2024/03/27/scott-glenn/


    Momentous high-quality supplements: https://livemomentous.com/tim (code TIM for 20% off)

    LMNT electrolyte supplement: https://drinklmnt.com/tim (FREE sample pack with any purchase)

    AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement: https://drinkag1.com/tim (1-year supply of Vitamin D (and 5 free AG1 travel packs) with your first subscription purchase.)


    [07:10] Idaho vs. Los Angeles.

    [13:26] Apocalypse Now, self-confidence soon after.

    [17:26] Burt Lancaster’s movie star lessons.

    [23:06] The birth and death of Wes Hightower.

    [32:22] Catching the attention of James Bridges.

    [35:42] Scarlet fever.

    [37:29] From Marine to police reporter.

    [42:12] Berghof Studios and parental advice.

    [50:44] Converting to Judaism.

    [53:36] Lao Tzu: the ultimate mystic?

    [58:16] Letting go with Killer Joe.

    [1:02:53] “Crazy Whitefella Thinking.”

    [1:08:31] Getting out of the way and Erwan Le Corre.

    [1:11:51] Lessons from the “morally phenomenal” Marlon Brando.

    [1:16:26] How Scott’s childhood bout with scarlet fever informed his life’s course.

    [1:19:05] Daily routines and exercises of an in-shape 85-year-old.

    [1:35:12] Securing a serendipitous skill set.

    [1:42:13] Thailand talk.

    [1:46:18] Increasing surface luck.

    [1:47:04] How Scott met and fell in love with his wife.

    [1:53:04] “Just dance.”

    [1:53:46] Mistakenly calling Rudolf Nureyev Russian.

    [1:55:57] Poetry.

    [2:00:01] What Laurence Olivier knew about the value of tenacity.

    [2:01:41] Parting thoughts.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #728: Seth Godin — Coaching Tim on Overcoming Resistance, Lessons from Isaac Asimov, Writing Secrets After 8,500+ Daily Blog Posts, The Dangers of Authenticity, Practices for Consistency, and Much More

    #728: Seth Godin — Coaching Tim on Overcoming Resistance, Lessons from Isaac Asimov, Writing Secrets After 8,500+ Daily Blog Posts, The Dangers of Authenticity, Practices for Consistency, and Much More

    Seth Godin is the author of 21 international bestsellers that have changed the way people think about work. Seth’s books include Tribes, Purple Cow, Linchpin, The Dip, and This Is Marketing. Seth writes one of the most popular marketing blogs in the world, and two of his TED talks are among the most popular of all time. His latest book is The Song of Significance: A New Manifesto for Teams

    Timestamps for this episode are available below.


    1Password easy-to-use and secure password manager for individuals, families, and businesses: https://1password.com/tim (14-day free trial)

    LinkedIn Jobs recruitment platform with 1B+ users: https://linkedin.com/tim (post your job for free)

    Eight Sleep’s Pod Cover sleeping solution for dynamic cooling and heating: https://eightsleep.com/tim (save $200 on the Pod Cover)


    [06:14] Writing a provocation rather than a prescription.

    [13:08] Divvying up concepts.

    [16:25] Comprehension over complication.

    [18:58] How Seth fulfills a blog post’s purpose.

    [22:28] Claude AI vs. ChatGPT.

    [23:41] How Seth Godin as a Service (SGaaS) maintains consistency.

    [27:23] Simplification over exaggeration.

    [31:56] Working with Isaac Asimov and getting a Clue.

    [36:53] How Seth moves life’s story forward (even when he loves the current chapter).

    [43:28] Why does Seth write?

    [44:59] Is an ounce of prevention worth a pound of sinecure?

    [45:15] Parting thoughts.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #727: In Case You Missed It: February 2024 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show"

    #727: In Case You Missed It: February 2024 Recap of "The Tim Ferriss Show"

    This episode is brought to you by 5-Bullet Friday, my very own email newsletter.

    Welcome to another episode of The Tim Ferriss Show, where it is my job to deconstruct world-class performers to tease out the routines, habits, et cetera that you can apply to your own life. 

    This is a special inbetweenisode, which serves as a recap of the episodes from last month. It features a short clip from each conversation in one place so you can easily jump around to get a feel for the episode and guest.

    Based on your feedback, this format has been tweaked and improved since the first recap episode. For instance, listeners suggested that the bios for each guest can slow the momentum, so we moved all the bios to the end. 

    See it as a teaser. Something to whet your appetite. If you like what you hear, you can of course find the full episodes at tim.blog/podcast

    Please enjoy! 


    This episode is brought to you by 5-Bullet Friday, my very own email newsletter that every Friday features five bullet points highlighting cool things I’ve found that week, including apps, books, documentaries, gadgets, albums, articles, TV shows, new hacks or tricks, and—of course—all sorts of weird stuff I’ve dug up from around the world.

    It’s free, it’s always going to be free, and you can subscribe now at tim.blog/friday.



    Cal Newport: 00:03:17

    Claire Hughes Johnson: 00:07:56

    William Ury: 00:15:52

    Soman Chainani: 00:23:38

    Full episode titles:

    Cal Newport — How to Embrace Slow Productivity, Build a Deep Life, Achieve Mastery, and Defend Your Time (#722)

    Claire Hughes Johnson, Building Stripe from 160 to 6,000+ Employees — How to Take Radical Ownership of Your Life and Career (#724)

    Master Negotiator William Ury — Proven Strategies and Amazing Stories from Warren Buffett, Nelson Mandela, Kim Jong Un, Hugo Chávez, and More (#721)

    Life Lessons from Taylor Swift, Conquering Anxiety, Coaching Teens, Career Reinvention, Supposedly Gay Bulls, Your Shadow Side, and More — Soman Chainani (#720)


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Related Episodes

    #721: Master Negotiator William Ury — Proven Strategies and Amazing Stories from Warren Buffett, Nelson Mandela, Kim Jong Un, Hugo Chávez, and More

    #721: Master Negotiator William Ury — Proven Strategies and Amazing Stories from Warren Buffett, Nelson Mandela, Kim Jong Un, Hugo Chávez, and More

    William Ury, cofounder of Harvard’s Program on Negotiation, is one of the world’s best-known experts on negotiation. He is coauthor of Getting to Yes, the all-time best selling negotiation book in the world, the author of one of my favorite books on negotiation (Getting Past No: Negotiating in Difficult Situations), and author of the new book: Possible: How We Survive (and Thrive) in an Age of Conflict.

    Please enjoy!

    Timestamps for this episode are available below.


    Helix Sleep premium mattresses: https://helixsleep.com/tim (25% off all mattress orders and two free pillows)

    AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement: https://drinkag1.com/tim (1-year supply of Vitamin D (and 5 free AG1 travel packs) with your first subscription purchase.)

    Shopify global commerce platform, providing tools to start, grow, market, and manage a retail business: https://www.shopify.com/tim (Start for free, then get your first 3 months for $1/mo.)


    [06:53] Connecting with Roger Fisher.

    [10:08] Devising Seminars.

    [12:31] Negotiating the Camp David Accords.

    [18:23] Writing the other side's victory speech.

    [21:17] Writing Kim Jong-un's victory speech.

    [26:20] Pondering possibilities in the modern Middle East.

    [29:26] Lessons from iconic possibilist Nelson Mandela.

    [32:17] Going to the balcony.

    [36:11] Mitigating the risk of emotional spiraling with Hugo Chávez.

    [40:50] The power of silence.

    [44:09] Respect and saving face.

    [51:08] Best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA).

    [1:02:49] The trust menu.

    [1:06:29] The positive no.

    [1:12:14] Closing on a positive note.

    [1:14:56] What prompted William to write Possible?

    [1:19:38] Negotiating as a creative endeavor.

    [1:22:48] Sabbatical considerations.

    [1:23:56] Exercise and self-care routines.

    [1:29:27] Uncovering interests, not just positions.

    [1:35:18] Hopes for the impact of Possible.

    [1:37:25] Parting thoughts.


    Resources from this episode: https://tim.blog/2024/02/13/william-ury/

    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #719: Walk & Talk with Greg McKeown — How to Find Your Purpose and Master Essentialism in 2024

    #719: Walk & Talk with Greg McKeown — How to Find Your Purpose and Master Essentialism in 2024

    Brought to you by AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement, Helix Sleep premium mattresses, and Momentous high-quality supplements.

    Greg McKeown (@GregoryMcKeown) is the author of two New York Times bestsellers, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less and Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most. Together they have sold more than two million copies in 37 languages. He is also a speaker, host of The Greg McKeown Podcast and founder of The Essentialism Academy with students from 96 countries. More than 175,000 people have signed up to his 1-Minute Wednesday newsletter.

    He is currently doing a doctorate at The University of Cambridge, and he is easily one of my favorite thinkers on all things related to effectiveness, efficiency, and—at the end of the day—quality of life. 

    Greg is originally from London, England, and he and his wife Anna are parents to four children.

    Please enjoy!

    This episode is brought to you by Helix SleepHelix was selected as the best overall mattress of 2022 by GQ magazine, Wired, and Apartment Therapy. With Helix, there’s a specific mattress to meet each and every body’s unique comfort needs. Just take their quiz—only two minutes to complete—that matches your body type and sleep preferences to the perfect mattress for you. They have a 10-year warranty, and you get to try it out for a hundred nights, risk-free. They’ll even pick it up from you if you don’t love it. And now, Helix is offering 20% off all mattress orders plus two free pillows at HelixSleep.com/Tim.


    This episode is also brought to you by AG1! I get asked all the time, “If you could use only one supplement, what would it be?” My answer is usually AG1, my all-in-one nutritional insurance. I recommended it in The 4-Hour Body in 2010 and did not get paid to do so. I do my best with nutrient-dense meals, of course, but AG1 further covers my bases with vitamins, minerals, and whole-food-sourced micronutrients that support gut health and the immune system. 

    Right now, you’ll get a 1-year supply of Vitamin D free with your first subscription purchase—a vital nutrient for a strong immune system and strong bones. Visit DrinkAG1.com/Tim to claim this special offer today and receive your 1-year supply of Vitamin D (and 5 free AG1 travel packs) with your first subscription purchase! That’s up to a one-year supply of Vitamin D as added value when you try their delicious and comprehensive daily, foundational nutrition supplement that supports whole-body health.


    This episode is also brought to you by Momentous high-quality supplements! Momentous offers high-quality supplements and products across a broad spectrum of categories, and I’ve been testing their products for months now. I’ve been using their magnesium threonateapigenin, and L-theanine daily, all of which have helped me improve the onset, quality, and duration of my sleep. I’ve also been using Momentous creatine, and while it certainly helps physical performance, including poundage or wattage in sports, I use it primarily for mental performance (short-term memory, etc.).

    Their products are third-party tested (Informed-Sport and/or NSF certified), so you can trust that what is on the label is in the bottle and nothing else. If you want to try Momentous for yourself, you can use code Tim for 20% off your one-time purchase at LiveMomentous.com/TimAnd not to worry, my non-US friends, Momentous ships internationally and has you covered. 


    [10:02] How 2023 informed 2024’s highest priorities.

    [16:09] Greg’s system for effortless execution of daily tasks.

    [27:42] Directional documents, shameless repentance, and shifting success.

    [36:53] Poetic mysticism and matchmaking introspection.

    [41:51] What compass guides you toward purpose?

    [45:10] The truth as a path to your best possible future.

    [50:34] Maslow’s forgotten pinnacle of self-transcendence.

    [54:28] Why self-actualization is an insufficient foundation for meaningful relationships.

    [1:03:09] Recommended reading for relationship cultivation.

    [1:07:43] A true, bittersweet tale of progressively deepening love.

    [1:13:28] The benefits of treating social media as an option rather than an obligation.

    [1:16:12] AI: good servant, poor master.

    [1:17:23] Blocking time for a top priority.

    [1:27:55] “It’s the tools, stupid.”

    [1:30:56] Embracing the constraints that stack the decks in your favor.

    [1:35:41] How to sign up for Greg’s free “Less, But Better” 30-day email program.

    [1:37:09] Employing the George Costanza opposite life hack.

    [1:40:53] Parting thoughts.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #532: Sheila Heen of The Harvard Negotiation Project — How to Navigate Hard Conversations, the Subtle Art of Apologizing, and a Powerful 60-Day Challenge

    #532: Sheila Heen of The Harvard Negotiation Project — How to Navigate Hard Conversations, the Subtle Art of Apologizing, and a Powerful 60-Day Challenge

    Sheila Heen of the Harvard Negotiation Project — How to Navigate Hard Conversations, the Subtle Art of Apologizing, and a Powerful 60-Day Challenge | Brought to you by LinkedIn Jobs recruitment platform with 750M users, Eight Sleep’s Pod Pro Cover sleeping solution for dynamic cooling and heating, and Public Goods high-quality everyday essentials. More on all three below.

    Sheila Heen is a New York Times best-selling author, founder of Triad Consulting Group, and a deputy director of the Harvard Negotiation Project at Harvard Law School, where she has been a member of the faculty for 25 years. Sheila specializes in particularly difficult negotiations, where emotions run high and relationships become strained. She often works with executive teams, helping them to resolve conflict, repair professional relationships, and make sound decisions together. In the public sector, she has provided training for the New England Organ Bank, the Singapore Supreme Court, the Obama White House, and theologians struggling with disagreement over the nature of truth and God.

    Sheila is co-author of the New York Times bestsellers Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most and Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well (even when it’s off base, unfair, poorly delivered, and, frankly, you’re not in the mood). She has written for the Harvard Business Review and the New York Times — as a guest expert and contributor to the “Modern Love” column — and she has appeared on NPR, Fox News, CNBC’s Power Lunch, and shows as diverse as Oprah and The G. Gordon Liddy Show. She has spoken at the Global Leadership Summit, the Nordic Business Forum, the Smithsonian, Apple, Google, and Microsoft. Sheila is a graduate of Occidental College and Harvard Law School. She is schooled in negotiation daily by her three children.

    Please enjoy!

    This episode is brought to you by Eight Sleep! Eight Sleep’s Pod Pro Cover is the easiest and fastest way to sleep at the perfect temperature. It pairs dynamic cooling and heating with biometric tracking to offer the most advanced (and user-friendly) solution on the market. Simply add the Pod Pro Cover to your current mattress and start sleeping as cool as 55°F or as hot as 110°F. It also splits your bed in half, so your partner can choose a totally different temperature.

    And now, my dear listeners—that’s you—can get $250 off the Pod Pro Cover. Simply go to EightSleep.com/Tim or use code TIM. 


    This episode is also brought to you by Public Goods! Public Goods is the one-stop shop for sustainable, high-quality, everyday essentials made from clean ingredients at an affordable price. Public Goods searches the globe to find healthy, eco-friendly, and innovative products and then packages them using a single, streamlined aesthetic for your home so you can get all of your premium essentials in one place and avoid buying from a bunch of mismatched, single-product brands. Multiple people on my team were already using Public Goods, and now, so am I.

    Visit PublicGoods.com/Tim to receive $20 off the products in your first Public Goods order using code TIM, with no minimum purchase required! 


    This episode is also brought to you by LinkedIn Jobs. Whether you are looking to hire now for a critical role or thinking about needs that you may have in the future, LinkedIn Jobs can help. LinkedIn screens candidates for the hard and soft skills you’re looking for and puts your job in front of candidates looking for job opportunities that match what you have to offer.

    Using LinkedIn’s active community of more than 750 million professionals worldwide, LinkedIn Jobs can help you find and hire the right person faster. When your business is ready to make that next hire, find the right person with LinkedIn Jobs. And now, you can post a job for free. Just visit LinkedIn.com/Tim.


    If you enjoy the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests. I also love reading the reviews!

    For show notes and past guests, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (“5-Bullet Friday”) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren Aronofsky, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #395: Jocko Willink Takeover — On Quitting, Relationships, Financial Discipline, Contrast Baths, and More

    #395: Jocko Willink Takeover — On Quitting, Relationships, Financial Discipline, Contrast Baths, and More

    "You might have to make some tactical retreats in order to win the long war, but never quit on your strategic vision. Never quit on getting to the ultimate place where you want to go." — Jocko Willink

    Jocko Willink (@jockowillink) takes over the show for a special episode. Jocko is one of the scariest human beings imaginable. He is a lean 230 pounds and a Brazilian jiu jitsu black belt who used to tap out 20 Navy SEALs per workout. He is a legend in the special operations world, and his viral podcast interview with me was the first public interview he ever did. Jocko spent 20 years in the U.S. Navy and commanded SEAL Team Three's Task Unit Bruiser, the most highly decorated special operations unit from the Iraq War. Upon returning to the United States, Jocko served as the officer-in-charge of training for all West Coast SEAL Teams, designing and implementing some of the most challenging and realistic combat training in the world.

    After retiring from the Navy, he co-founded Echelon Front, a leadership and management consulting company, and co-authored the #1 New York Times bestseller Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win. He is also the author of The Dichotomy of Leadership, Way of the Warrior Kid, and Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual. His new book, Leadership Strategy and Tactics: Field Manual, is coming out in January.

     Jocko also discusses human nature through the lens of war, leadership, and business on the top-rated Jocko Podcast.

    This episode is brought to you by LegalZoom. I've used this service for many of my businesses, as have quite a few of the icons on this podcast, such as Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg of WordPress fame.

    LegalZoom is a reliable resource that more than a million people have already trusted for everything from setting up wills, proper trademark searches, forming LLCs, setting up non-profits, or finding simple cease-and-desist letter templates.

    LegalZoom is not a law firm, but it does have a network of independent attorneys available in most states who can give you advice on the best way to get started, provide contract reviews, and otherwise help you run your business with complete transparency and up-front pricing. Check out LegalZoom.com and enter promo code Tim at checkout today for special savings and see how the fine folks there can make life easier for you and your business.

    This episode is also brought to you by LinkedIn. If you're looking for a job, knowing where to look is the first step toward finding the right fit. LinkedIn has more than 20 million job postings—from software engineer to robotics engineer, project manager to HR manager, or associate attorney to associate veterinarian. LinkedIn also has one of the largest communities to help you connect and network with people who can open doors for you, give you valuable career advice, help you learn new skills, and introduce you to new people at companies and organizations that are hiring and looking for exactly your skill set.

    No matter what kind of job you're looking for, or where you are in your career — whether you're just starting out and wondering what to do, switching to a new role, or starting over — there are people on LinkedIn who can help you. With more than 20 million jobs posted, there's a good chance that LinkedIn has exactly what you're looking for. Find the job meant for you at LinkedIn.com/jobs.


    If you enjoy the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests.

    For show notes and past guests, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (“5-Bullet Friday”) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Interested in sponsoring the podcast? Please fill out the form at tim.blog/sponsor.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry Seinfeld, Hugh Jackman, Dr. Jane Goodall, LeBron James, Kevin Hart, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Jamie Foxx, Matthew McConaughey, Esther Perel, Elizabeth Gilbert, Terry Crews, Sia, Yuval Noah Harari, Malcolm Gladwell, Madeleine Albright, Cheryl Strayed, Jim Collins, Mary Karr, Maria Popova, Sam Harris, Michael Phelps, Bob Iger, Edward Norton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Neil Strauss, Ken Burns, Maria Sharapova, Marc Andreessen, Neil Gaiman, Neil de Grasse Tyson, Jocko Willink, Daniel Ek, Kelly Slater, Dr. Peter Attia, Seth Godin, Howard Marks, Dr. Brené Brown, Eric Schmidt, Michael Lewis, Joe Gebbia, Michael Pollan, Dr. Jordan Peterson, Vince Vaughn, Brian Koppelman, Ramit Sethi, Dax Shepard, Tony Robbins, Jim Dethmer, Dan Harris, Ray Dalio, Naval Ravikant, Vitalik Buterin, Elizabeth Lesser, Amanda Palmer, Katie Haun, Sir Richard Branson, Chuck Palahniuk, Arianna Huffington, Reid Hoffman, Bill Burr, Whitney Cummings, Rick Rubin, Dr. Vivek Murthy, Darren Aronofsky, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #704: Q&A with Tim — New Religions, AI Companions, Longevity Levers, Resurrecting “Forgotten” Languages, Stress-Testing Cherished Beliefs, Tactics for Writer’s Block, Low-Back Pain, and Much More

    #704: Q&A with Tim — New Religions, AI Companions, Longevity Levers, Resurrecting “Forgotten” Languages, Stress-Testing Cherished Beliefs, Tactics for Writer’s Block, Low-Back Pain, and Much More

    Brought to you by Eight Sleep’s Pod Cover sleeping solution for dynamic cooling and heating; Cometeer delicious hyper-fresh, flash-frozen coffee; and AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement.

    Hello, boys and girls, ladies and germs. This is Tim Ferriss. Welcome to another episode of The Tim Ferriss Show, where it is usually my job to sit down with world-class performers of all different types to tease out the habits, routines, favorite books, and so on that you can apply and test in your own life. 

    This time, we have a slightly different format. I’m the guest, and you asked the questions. 

    I recently sat down with subscribers to my email newsletter for a fun and live Q&A on YouTube.

    To join these exclusive Q&A sessions in the future, it’s simple. Just sign up at tim.blog/friday

    Every Friday, you will receive my free 5-Bullet Friday newsletter—a short email of five bullet points. It’s one of the most popular newsletters in the world.

    Each newsletter describes the five coolest things I’ve found or explored that week, often including books, gadgets, tech workarounds, tricks from experts, strange experiments, and weird stuff from all over the world. My subscribers have seen many, many things at the edges before they’ve gone mainstream. 

    In this episode, I answer questions on resurrecting “forgotten” languages, dog training, writer’s block, reducing alcohol intake, AI companions, training the “good enough” muscle, low-back pain, the importance of weight training and muscle mass, travel recommendations for Japan, managing fear of death and the descent to death, breaking negative self-talk, and much, much more. 

    Please enjoy! 


    This episode is brought to you by Cometeer! Cometeer is hyper-fresh, expertly brewed, flash-frozen coffee that produces an incredibly delicious cup. Cometeer lets you prepare your coffee with no mess, no machines, no burning, and no bitterness. Cometeer sources high-quality beans from the country’s top roasters. The coffee is brewed using proprietary technology to pull out more flavor compounds and antioxidants. It’s then flash-frozen at minus 321 degrees Fahrenheit to lock in that incredible flavor and freshness of the specialty brew. Simply add hot water and you’ve got a game-changing cup of coffee. It’s easily customizable in seconds for iced coffees, lattes, espresso martinis, and more.

    Order today at Cometeer.com/TimTim and listeners of this podcast will receive $25 off your first order.


    This episode is also brought to you by Eight Sleep! Eight Sleep’s Pod Cover is the easiest and fastest way to sleep at the perfect temperature. It pairs dynamic cooling and heating with biometric tracking to offer the most advanced (and user-friendly) solution on the market. Simply add the Pod Cover to your current mattress and start sleeping as cool as 55°F or as hot as 110°F. It also splits your bed in half, so your partner can choose a totally different temperature.

    Until November 30th, my listeners can save $350 on the Pod Cover. Go to eightsleep.com/tim for these exclusive holiday savings. That’s eightsleep.com/tim for these exclusive and very special holiday savings! Eight Sleep currently ships within the USA, Canada, the UK, select countries in the EU, and Australia. 


    This episode is also brought to you by AG1! I get asked all the time, “If you could use only one supplement, what would it be?” My answer is usually AG1, my all-in-one nutritional insurance. I recommended it in The 4-Hour Body in 2010 and did not get paid to do so. I do my best with nutrient-dense meals, of course, but AG1 further covers my bases with vitamins, minerals, and whole-food-sourced micronutrients that support gut health and the immune system. 

    Right now, you’ll get a 1-year supply of Vitamin D free with your first subscription purchase—a vital nutrient for a strong immune system and strong bones. Visit DrinkAG1.com/Tim to claim this special offer today and receive your 1-year supply of Vitamin D (and 5 free AG1 travel packs) with your first subscription purchase! That’s up to a one-year supply of Vitamin D as added value when you try their delicious and comprehensive daily, foundational nutrition supplement that supports whole-body health.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    For deals from sponsors of The Tim Ferriss Showplease visit tim.blog/podcast-sponsors

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:





    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.