
    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating the complexities of AI with CenturyUnderstanding AI jargon and components like models, Hugging Face, tokenization, temperatures, fine-tuning, and more is crucial for building a foundation in AI and machine learning.

      Understanding the jargon and components of AI and machine learning is essential for anyone exploring this field. Wes, Barracuda, Boss, and Scott from Syntax discussed the importance of having a companion tool like Century to help navigate the complexities of AI development. Wes shared his experience of feeling overwhelmed by the new terminology and how they plan to clarify various AI-related concepts. Models or Large Language Models (LLMs) are the foundation of AI. They are large datasets trained on vast amounts of data. For instance, a picture model can learn to identify hot dogs by being shown many pictures of hot dogs and wiener dogs. Models come in various speeds, prices, sizes, and qualities. Another term discussed is Hugging Face, a popular AI provider, which can seem daunting for beginners. Wes mentioned feeling confused when he first visited their website, unsure of how to use their offerings. Additionally, they touched on other concepts such as tokenization, temperatures, top percentiles, fine-tuning, streaming, SSE, web streams, embedding, vector, vector DB, evals, Langchain, PyTorch, TensorFlow, and SageMaker. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of familiarizing yourself with these terms and understanding how they fit together to build a solid foundation in AI and machine learning.

    • Explore Hugging Face: A Platform for Machine Learning Models and DatasetsHugging Face is a user-friendly platform offering a wide range of machine learning models and datasets, allowing users to test, download, and run models directly or via Cloudflare. Its extensive library covers various applications, and it provides access to large datasets for training and testing.

      Hugging Face is a platform offering a vast collection of machine learning models and datasets, allowing users to test, download, and run models directly on their platform or use them via Cloudflare. These models range from small, browser-runnable ones to large, high-performance ones requiring significant resources. Hugging Face's extensive library covers various applications, including image creation, text-to-speech, speech-to-text, and text generation. The platform's user-friendly interface, with an accessible library and testing capabilities, helps users navigate the vast array of models and datasets, making it an essential tool for machine learning enthusiasts and professionals. Additionally, Hugging Face provides access to large datasets, such as Amazon reviews and Truthful QA, which can be used for training or testing machine learning models.

    • Exploring Different Language Models, Platforms, and ToolsExplore various language models, platforms, and tools like Hugging Face's Spaces, OpenAI, and Anthropic's Claude for text generation, code interaction, and more. Consider factors like model size, speed, output quality, and user interface when choosing which one to use. Adjust temperature settings to control randomness and creativity.

      There are various platforms and tools, such as Hugging Face's Spaces and services like OpenAI and Anthropic's Claude, which provide access to large language models like Llama. These models can be used for various applications, including text generation, code interaction, and more. However, the effectiveness and suitability of these models can vary, and users may need to consider factors like model size, speed, and output quality when choosing which one to use. For instance, Hugging Face's Spaces offer a user-friendly interface for interacting with models directly, while services like OpenAI and Anthropic provide APIs for developers to integrate AI capabilities into their applications. Anthropic's Claude, in particular, has been noted for its ability to generate human-like text, but it may require more effort to get the desired output. Another important factor to consider is the model's temperature setting, which can affect the randomness and creativity of the generated text. A higher temperature setting can result in more diverse and imaginative outputs, while a lower temperature setting can produce more focused and precise results. In summary, understanding the different language models, platforms, and tools available, as well as their strengths and limitations, can help developers and businesses make informed decisions about how to best leverage AI technology for their specific needs.

    • Understanding AI language model token limitationsToken limitations determine data size and model capabilities, requiring efficient use to minimize costs and maximize processing.

      While there are numerous popular AI language models available through APIs, each model has its own token limitations, which determine the amount of data you can send and receive. These tokens represent the data being sent to the model, and the cost and capabilities vary between models. For instance, a 1-hour podcast transcript is approximately 17,000 tokens, but models like GPT 3.5 can only handle up to 8,000 tokens at a time. To provide more context, models cannot remember past interactions, so every new message requires additional tokens, making efficient use of token limits crucial. Additionally, models like Anthropic's have increased their token limits, allowing for more comprehensive data processing. However, they cannot access or learn from past interactions, so context must be provided in full with each new interaction.

    • Managing Costs with AI Libraries and Data FormatsUnderstand and manage token costs with libraries like TikTokken and Anthropic. Save tokens using YAML instead of JSON. Focus on token budgets may not be necessary due to increasing context windows and decreasing costs.

      When working with AI models, understanding and managing the cost, specifically in terms of tokens, is essential. TikTokken and Anthropic are libraries that help estimate token costs. JSON and YAML are common data formats, and using YAML instead of JSON can save significant tokens due to the difference in syntax. However, the focus on token budgets may not be a concern in the near future due to the increasing size of context windows and decreasing costs of these services. Additionally, some models, like Anthropic, offer settings such as temperature to control the creativity or randomness of responses. These settings can be beneficial when dealing with coding or specific responses, but for more exploratory tasks or generating creative content, a higher temperature setting may be preferred. While it's unclear if users can adjust the temperature directly in ChatGPT, it's important to note that these models are not pure functions and introducing randomness can result in varied outputs.

    • Interacting with AI models: Tools, techniques, and capabilitiesDevelopers can use various tools like Raycast and Claude to interact with AI models, with different capabilities and control levels. Prompts and streaming are essential concepts, and fine-tuning models can be done using OpenAI or external tools.

      There are various tools and techniques to interact with AI models like GPT 3.5 and Claude, each offering different capabilities. For developers seeking more control, Raycast's AI chat using GPT 3.5 is an option. For more power and the ability to import CSV files, Claude is preferred. OpenAI's top percentile setting determines the model's predictability, with lower values offering more deterministic results and higher values introducing unpredictability. Fine-tuning models involves extending existing ones with custom datasets, and this can be done with OpenAI or external tools like Hugging Face models and AWS SageMaker. Prompts are essential inputs for AI models, and the quality of the output depends on how well the prompt is engineered. Streaming is another essential concept when working with AI models, allowing users to receive results as they are generated instead of waiting for the entire response.

    • Exploring the Power of Streaming and Embeddings in AIStreaming technology and embeddings enhance AI capabilities for real-time applications and data analysis. Streaming allows for word-by-word contextual answers, while embeddings convert inputs into numerical representations for comparisons and similarity searches. Tools like OpenAI evaluations and vector databases make these technologies even more effective.

      Streaming technology and embeddings are powerful tools in the world of AI and machine learning. Streaming, which can be done through web streams or server sent events, is particularly well-suited for real-time applications where the answer is generated word by word based on the context. Embeddings, on the other hand, convert inputs (such as text or images) into numerical representations, allowing for mathematical comparisons and similarity searches. For example, when it comes to text, embeddings can help determine if two seemingly unrelated sentences, like "how do I center a div?" and "use grid to put an element in the middle," are actually similar. In the case of images, embeddings are what make Google Lens work, allowing for the finding of similar images based on various visual features. To make use of these technologies, you can either load and compare the data yourself or use a vector database, which allows for more efficient cosine similarity searches. Additionally, OpenAI maintains evaluations (evals) that can be run against models to determine if their performance has improved or deteriorated over time. These tools offer exciting possibilities for data analysis and comparison, making it easier to find related information and understand the performance of AI models.

    • Using Langchain, PyTorch, TensorFlow, and AWS SageMaker for AI-powered podcast projectsExplore Langchain for language models, PyTorch and TensorFlow for machine learning, and AWS SageMaker for custom model training and machine learning tasks to create AI-powered podcast projects

      When it comes to working with AI and podcasts, using a combination of libraries and tools can help you create and embed episodes, and find similar content. Langchain is a useful toolkit for working with various language models, while PyTorch and TensorFlow are popular machine learning frameworks. For a more streamlined experience, consider using a library like Vercel's AI package, which offers easy access to multiple APIs. Additionally, AWS SageMaker is a powerful platform for training custom models and running machine learning tasks. Overall, understanding the strengths and limitations of each tool can help you build more effective AI-powered projects.

    • Support creators and engage with communityEngaging with podcasts through subscriptions and reviews supports creators and expands your network, leading to valuable connections and new learning opportunities.

      Importance of staying engaged with the content you enjoy, whether it's through subscribing to a podcast or leaving a review. By doing so, you not only support the creators of that content, but you also contribute to the larger community of listeners who share similar interests. This simple action can help ensure that the podcast continues to produce high-quality content and reach a wider audience. Additionally, engaging with the podcast community can lead to valuable connections and new learning opportunities. So, take a few minutes to subscribe and leave a review for your favorite podcasts – it's a small but meaningful way to make a big impact.

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

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    Consensus 2022, the industry’s most influential event, is happening June 9–12 in Austin, Texas. If you’re looking to immerse yourself in the fast-moving world of crypto, Web 3 and NFTs, this is the festival experience for you. Use code BREAKDOWN to get 15% off your pass at www.coindesk.com/consensus2022.


    “The Breakdown” is written, produced by and features Nathaniel Whittemore aka NLW, with editing by Rob Mitchell, research by Scott Hill and additional production support by Eleanor Pahl. Jared Schwartz is our executive producer and our theme music is “Countdown” by Neon Beach. The music you heard today behind our sponsor is “I Don't Know How To Explain It” by Aaron Sprinkle. Image credit: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images, modified by CoinDesk. Join the discussion at discord.gg/VrKRrfKCz8. 

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    A Featured Story

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    This episode is sponsored by the Stellar Community Fund

    Follow the show here for more.

    In this installment of "The Protocol," hosts Brad Keoun, the founding editor of The Protocol Newsletter, and tech journalists Sam Kessler and Margaux Nijkerk, explore the following stories:

    TOPICS | 

    Lido DAO Endorses Rivals 

    LayerZero launched a Lido stETH bridge last October without asking for Lido DAO's permission. The community responded this week by endorsing a pair of its biggest competitors.

    "Blockchain protocols frequently pride themselves on their "permissionlessness" – the idea that anyone, anywhere can build on top of a protocol without asking for explicit approval. But in practice, it is sometimes wiser to ask for permission."

    Blockchains and Decentralization

    The goal of these "protocol councils,” sometimes called “security councils,” is to nudge these nascent networks toward increasing decentralization, by gradually removing them from under the control of their original developers. How are they different from boards of directors?


    Guest: Riad Wahby 

    Riad Wahby is the co-founder and CEO of Cubist, a developer of hardware-backed, non-custodial key storage and signing infrastructure that enables companies to protect staking keys and secure withdrawals.

    Takeaways | 

    Keys are fundamental in blockchain interactions and require careful management to ensure security.

    Restaking introduces risks and potential contagion effects that can impact the security of the underlying blockchain.

    The restaking ecosystem offers opportunities for innovation and collaboration, but reputation and risk assessment are crucial for making informed decisions.

    Building systems that can withstand non-compliant users and incentivize responsible behavior is essential for the long-term success of blockchain networks.

    There is continued interest in blockchain and crypto among students, with a focus on computer security, cryptography, and the intersection of blockchain and AI.

    Balancing entrepreneurship and academia requires efficient time management and leveraging the support of graduate students and teaching assistants.



    Lido DAO Rebukes LayerZero by Endorsing Rivals Wormhole, Axelar for Crypto Bridge

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    Riad S. Wahby 

    Riad S. Wahby - Google Scholar 


    Cubist Launches Bank-Grade Ethereum Key Management Service 


    From Our Sponsor: 

    The Stellar Community Fund (SCF) is an open-application awards program that draws on community input to support developers and startups building on Stellar and Soroban. Accelerate your web3 project today.

    Apply for Funding at communityfund.stellar.org


    The Protocol has been produced and edited by senior producer Michele Musso and our executive producer is Jared Schwartz. Our theme song is “Take Me Back” by Strength To Last.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    This episode is sponsored by Nexo.io and Casper.

    Today on the Brief:

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    Our main discussion: Citi’s analysis of bitcoin. 

    February saw a non-stop barrage of bullish bitcoin news with regard to institutional uptake. March is off to a similar start with a massive research report arguing that:

    • Bitcoin’s evolution over the last seven years has been spectacular 
    • CBDCs are likely to become more important
    • If CBDCs do become more important, it could spur more corporations to use bitcoin as a global settlement currency 

    NLW argues that the report itself may be the beginning of a new, important part of the institutional bitcoin narrative. 


    Nexo.io lets you borrow against your crypto at 5.9% APR, earn up to 12% on your idle assets, and exchange instantly between 75+ market pairs with the tap of a button. Get started at nexo.io.


    Launching in mid-March, Casper is the future-proof blockchain protocol that finally address the blockchain trilemma. Learn more at Casper.Network.


    Image credit: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg/Getty Images

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