
    Podcast Summary

    • Predictions for JavaScript's progress with types in 2024The hosts predict that JavaScript's types will make significant progress in 2024, moving beyond proposals and discussions to allow for type annotations and the use of tools that can parse and utilize the type data.

      The hosts of Syntax, Scott and Wes, discussed their 2024 predictions for various aspects of web development, including JavaScript, server side, frameworks, tooling, CSS, the ecosystem, and AI. One of their predictions was about the progress of types in JavaScript. They believe that types in JavaScript will make significant strides this year, moving beyond the current stage of proposal and discussion. The proposed solution, now called type annotations, would allow the browser to parse and use the types, but not perform type checking. This would enable the use of tools that can parse and utilize the type data. The hosts expressed their hope for more public conversation and movement towards implementing this feature, as they believe it's a worthwhile addition to the language. They also noted that the process of adding new features to JavaScript can be lengthy due to the long-term implications of the language.

    • Advancements in JavaScript DevelopmentIn 2023, expect enhancements in Temporal API, perf tooling, and CSS, with server-side rendering gaining popularity in 2024, leading to faster apps and fewer layers between client and data.

      The future of JavaScript development involves significant advancements in various areas, including the Temporal API, perf tooling, and the continued evolution of CSS. Regarding the Temporal API, it's predicted that at least one browser will fully implement it this year, providing developers with enhanced functionality for working with dates and times. Perf tooling is also expected to become more accessible and easier to understand, allowing developers to identify performance issues more effectively. Lastly, the advancements in CSS are making JavaScript less necessary, as the browser continues to add features that were once the domain of JavaScript. Looking beyond JavaScript, 2024 is predicted to be the year of the server, with more frameworks moving towards server-side rendering. This trend is expected to lead to snappier applications and fewer layers between the client and the data. Additionally, Angular and other frameworks are expected to continue evolving, with Angular making quiet strides in the background. In summary, the JavaScript development landscape is poised for significant changes in the near future, with advancements in the Temporal API, perf tooling, and the continued evolution of CSS, as well as the shift towards server-side rendering. These changes will provide developers with new tools and capabilities, making their work more efficient and effective.

    • Exploring Different Front-End FrameworksAngular JS, Vue, Svelte, Solid, and Astro each offer unique features and improvements. Angular JS may adopt compile-time mode, Svelte v5 is fast, Astro is flexible, and React's ecosystem is robust.

      There are several front-end frameworks, including Angular JS, Vue, Svelte, Solid, and Astro, each with their unique features and improvements. Angular JS may adopt compile-time mode like Svelte, Solid, or other frameworks to enhance performance. Svelte version 5 is expected to be very fast, and its community's code mods and tools offer great value. Astro, a flexible framework, and its usage is growing, but it remains to be seen if it will attract a significant market share. React, despite some developer complaints, continues to be widely used due to its large user base and robust ecosystem. React Server Components, which have been in development for several years, are finally starting to ship in various frameworks. Ultimately, the choice of a front-end framework depends on specific use cases, community support, and the flexibility it offers to developers.

    • Desire for a simpler state management solution in ReactThe speaker suggests that React might introduce a new state management solution, inspired by observable-based state in Svelte, to simplify managing state in complex projects.

      The current state management solutions in React, such as useState and useContext, may not be sufficient for more complex projects. The speaker expresses a desire for a simpler and more unified state management solution, similar to what Svelte offers with its signals or observable-based state. The speaker predicts that React might introduce a new state management solution in the future, possibly inspired by the success of similar patterns in other frameworks like Svelte. The speaker also mentions the Waku project, a new React framework sponsored by Vercel, which could potentially bring a new approach to state management in React. The speaker's experience with the complexity of managing state in React projects and the various solutions available adds to the argument for a more streamlined approach.

    • Developments in JavaScript frameworks: server-side JavaScript and component-based loadingRemix may adopt component-based loading, HanoJS is a popular choice for server-side JavaScript, and Node.js may add built-in TypeScript support.

      There are ongoing developments in the world of JavaScript frameworks, specifically in the area of server-side JavaScript and component-based loading. The speaker predicts that Remix may move towards component-based loading, similar to SvelteKit and React Server Components. HanoJS, a new framework, is gaining popularity as a standard for server-side JavaScript due to its compatibility with modern web standards and ease of deployment to various platforms. The speaker also suggests that Node.js may introduce built-in TypeScript support via a loader in the future. These developments aim to make building web applications more efficient and flexible, allowing developers to choose the best tool for their specific needs.

    • Web Development Landscape: New Proposals and ToolsChrome's URL pattern API proposes routing standardization, BUN targets node compatibility, and linters Biome and Prettier shape up for popular tooling choices.

      The web development landscape is continuously evolving, with new proposals, standards, and tools emerging to make development more efficient and compatible across different platforms. One such proposal is the URL pattern API, which aims to standardize routing across various frameworks. This API, currently supported in Chrome but not yet in Safari or Firefox, could lead to a more unified approach to naming folders for routing purposes. Another development is the push for node compatibility among different runtime environments, with BUN's goal to achieve full node compatibility. Regarding tooling, linters and formatters like Biome and o X c are gaining popularity, but the former is expected to win out due to its wider support for various languages, including HTML. It's an exciting time for web development as these advancements could lead to a more streamlined and unified development experience. Stay tuned for more updates on these and other developments in the web development world.

    • New projects and innovations in developer toolsBiome gains attention with solutions to Roam's overlooked issues, a new TypeScript type checker in Rust or Go predicted, and lightning CSS shows promise as a fast and functional CSS tool.

      There has been some drama surrounding the project "Roam" and its subsequent fork, "Biome." Biome, which was started by an ex-employee, has gained significant attention recently due to the passion and dedication of its new leadership. The team behind Biome has worked hard on solutions to issues that some felt were overlooked by Roam's leadership. Additionally, Biome has made strides in the development community by winning a bounty for creating a formatter in Rust. Another prediction for the year is the development of a new TypeScript type checker written in a lower-level language like Rust or Go. The current TypeScript tools only parse and strip types, and for large projects, they can become very sluggish. The person tasked with developing a new type checker faces a complex challenge, but it could significantly improve the development experience for many. Lastly, there is a tool called "lightning CSS" that has gained some attention due to its speed and functionality as a CSS parser, transformer, bundler, and minifier. However, some believe it needs more excitement or a "spark" to gain wider adoption. It's worth noting that lightning CSS will be integrated into some upcoming Tailwind projects, which could lead to a surge in installs. Overall, these developments show the ongoing innovation and passion in the developer community to create and improve tools for more efficient and effective software development.

    • Debate over bundling tools and new alternativesWebpack vs Rust-based tools: performance debate, Webpack improvements, Vite's predicted growth, and CSS discovery's year in 2024

      There's ongoing debate in the web development community about the performance and usage of bundling tools like Webpack versus newer alternatives like Rust-based tools. While some argue that these new tools offer faster performance and will gain more usage due to this advantage, others believe that Webpack's widespread use and steady improvements will keep it relevant. A prediction was made that Vite, a popular unbundled development server, will continue to improve and gain popularity, but may not release a major new feature in 2024. Additionally, several new CSS features, such as contrast color and relative color, are expected to gain widespread support in major browsers, and 2024 is predicted to be the year of CSS discovery due to the large number of new APIs and techniques that are still being explored. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of tooling and the ongoing evolution of web development technologies.

    • Exploring the Future of CSSCSS is evolving with new features like dark and light mode designs, subgrid, animation composition, and linear functions. Browsers continue to add enhancements like progressive web apps and improved sharing capabilities.

      The world of CSS is continuously evolving, and there are numerous exciting new features and APIs that developers can use to create better, more accessible websites. Dark and light mode designs, subgrid, animation composition, and linear functions are just a few examples of the innovative possibilities that lie ahead. Additionally, browsers like Safari are continuing to develop and add features that will enhance the user experience, such as progressive web apps and improved sharing capabilities. However, it's important to note that not all APIs and features are ready for widespread use, and developers may encounter challenges in implementing them. Nevertheless, the potential for creativity and improvement is vast, and the CSS landscape is sure to remain an intriguing and dynamic space for exploration.

    • Debating the merits of different tools in techWhile it's natural to have strong opinions about tech tools, it's important to stay open-minded and adapt to new developments, as different tools work best for different people and use cases.

      While there are ongoing debates about the merits of different web browsers, operating systems, and text editors, the tech industry continues to evolve with new features and trends. For instance, Firefox now supports Apple Pay on iOS, and there's growing excitement about Passkey and WebXR. However, some users can be insufferable about their preferences and may not realize the limitations of their own systems. For example, Android users have long had features that iOS users are only now starting to enjoy, leading to frustration. Similarly, some text editor users can be defensive about their choices and dismissive of others. Ultimately, it's important to remember that different tools work best for different people and use cases, and there's always room for improvement and innovation. So, while it's natural to have strong opinions, it's also crucial to stay open-minded and adapt to new developments in the tech world.

    • Revolutionizing web development with XR and AIXR devices with pass-through capabilities and virtual desktop software enable large-scale monitors and actual keyboards, while AI tools generate websites from prompts or screenshots and run models in the browser for faster processing. Training your own models is becoming more accessible.

      We're witnessing rapid advancements in XR technology and AI tooling, particularly in web development. The XR device mentioned offers good pass-through capabilities and comes with virtual desktop software, allowing for large-scale monitors and the use of actual keyboards. This technology has the potential to revolutionize how we work and interact with digital content. Regarding AI tooling, the past year has seen significant growth in the generation of websites, with tools like Vercel's v0.dev and Galileo AI enabling the conversion of prompts or screenshots into HTML and CSS, or text-to-design, respectively. While these tools have limitations, they represent a significant leap forward in what was previously unimaginable. Furthermore, small models that run in the browser are becoming more commonplace, with libraries like Hugging Face's Transformers.js offering text completion, object detection, and depth detection capabilities. The trend is moving towards running models on the server or in the browser for faster and free processing. Training your own models is also becoming more accessible, with an increasing number of tools and resources available. However, larger companies like OpenAI may eventually dominate the market, much like how Apple did with SHERLOCK. Overall, we can expect another big year for these technologies, with web development seeing significant advancements and the integration of AI and XR becoming more prevalent in our daily lives.

    • Advancements in AI and image comparison technologyAI models can now determine image similarity, making tasks like comparison more efficient. On-premises corporate AI is growing in importance due to privacy concerns.

      Advancements in technology, particularly in the field of AI and image comparison, are making tasks like comparing images more efficient than ever before. Instead of manually learning techniques, users can now simply send images to models that will determine their similarity. Another significant trend is the increasing importance of on-premises corporate AI. As privacy concerns grow, having an AI system trained on a company's documents within their own system can provide a competitive advantage. Wes shared a personal experience with the Roborock S8 Ultra, a robot vacuum that mops and vacuums floors, charging, emptying, and refilling itself. The device's efficiency and convenience have made a noticeable impact on maintaining clean floors. Although some may be concerned about the camera on these devices, the one on the Roborock S8 Ultra is not connected to the Wi-Fi, ensuring privacy. In summary, the future of technology will bring more efficient methods for comparing images and the growing importance of on-premises AI systems. The Roborock S8 Ultra is an excellent example of how technology can simplify everyday tasks while addressing privacy concerns.

    • Speaker's satisfaction with vacuum cleaner's repairability and ease of maintenanceThe speaker is pleased with his high-end vacuum cleaner's excellent performance and ease of repair, which sets it apart from his previous model. Its silicone brushes simplify cleaning and maintenance.

      The speaker is very satisfied with his high-end vacuum cleaner, not only because of its excellent performance but also due to its repairability. Unlike his previous vacuum cleaner, this one's brushes are made of silicone, making it easier to clean and maintain. The speaker appreciates the transparency of the product, as he can easily access and fix any issues himself. Additionally, the speaker shared his excitement about a new hydrolyzed protein powder, ISO 100 by Dymatize, which mixes well and doesn't cause bloating or stomach discomfort. The speaker highly recommends both the vacuum cleaner and the protein powder, and he encourages listeners to check them out. Furthermore, he mentioned the Syntax newsletter, which offers news, interesting finds, and merchandise updates, and invited listeners to sign up for it.

    • Syntax.fm Webmaster Tees Restocked SoonThe Syntax.fm Webmaster Tees are expected to be restocked before Christmas with a discount code for a $10 savings.

      The Webmaster tees, a popular item from the Syntax.fm online store, have sold out quickly in the past and are expected to be restocked any day before Christmas. If you're interested in purchasing one, they can be found on westboss.com/forward/courses with the coupon code "syntax" for a $10 discount. This is a great opportunity to learn something new in the new year and show off your Syntax.fm pride. Keep in mind that these tees have been in high demand, selling out in just a few hours during their previous release. To stay updated on future releases and episodes, be sure to subscribe to Syntax.fm and leave a review if you enjoy the show.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 Who is Paul Copplestone?
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    • 08:42 Simplicity in design.
    • 10:32 How do you take Supabase one step beyond the competition?
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      • 15:17 You don’t need a client library!
    • 16:48 Edge functions for server-side functionality.
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    • 44:15 Supabase’s GA + new features.
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    Vue.js: The Documentary.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 What does the React Compiler do?
    • 05:04 Will React Compiler help with managing Context?
    • 06:39 What happens if you’re not using a React Compiler?
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    • 16:28 Shipping all the data inside an encapsulated component.
    • 20:17 Clearing up the frustrations around retrofitting server components.
    • 23:13 Handing migration.
    • 28:30 Is this just a fetch request with props?
    • 36:41 How closely are the NextJS and React teams working?
    • 41:53 Will we ever get Async Client Components?
    • 43:52 Async Local Storage API.
    • 45:31 Turbopack.
    • 57:51 Sick Picks & Shameless Plugs.

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    Show Notes

    4:30 - The General Idea

    6:20 - Problems

    • It’s not as easy as, “how do we write them”
    • Some of the requirements may need a fundamental change to browser engines
      • May be very impractical and take a long time

    “Did you know, for example, that there are multiple many year long efforts with huge investments underway already aimed at unlocking many new things in CSS? There are - and I don’t mean Houdini!” ~ Brian Kardell

    8:56 - What’s been happening?

    • Lots of conversations
    • Dead ends

    “How do we make this into more solvable problems?” and “How do we actually make some progress, mitigate risk - take a step, and and actually get something to developers?” ~ Brian Kardell

    12:00 - Progress

    • Lot’s of discussion
      • Goog, Moz, Apple, smart people
    • Not there yet
    • Big ideas that could go somewhere

    .foo { display: grid; grid-template-columns: switch( (available-inline-size > 1024px) 1fr 4fr 1fr; (available-inline-size > 400px) 2fr 1fr; (available-inline-size > 100px) 1fr; default 1fr; ); }

    “A whole lot of the problems with existing ideas is that they heave to loop back through (expensive) phases potentially several times and make it (seemingly) impossible to keep CSS rendering in the same frame.” ~ Brian Kardell

    • Or a system based on resizeObserver

    “In the coming months I hope to continue to think about, explore this space and continue discussions with others. I would love to publish some research and maybe some new (functional) experiments with JS that aim to be ‘closer’ to a path that might be paveable.” ~ Brian Kardell


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    756: CSS Is Getting Mixins + Functions

    756: CSS Is Getting Mixins + Functions

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    State In React

    State In React

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    Show Notes

    3:38 - What is state?

    4:58 - What kind of things are kept in state?

    • Data
      • Temporary client side data
        • From forms, button clicks, etc.
      • Cached server data
      • Data from API
    • UI status
      • AKA isModalOpen
      • isToggled

    12:48 - Global state vs. Local state

    • Ask yourself: does the data need to be accessed outside this component?
      • If data does need to be accessed a little higher, you can simply move where that state lives. React calls this “lifting state”.
    • Do you count Apollo API calls as global state?

    21:15 - Managing Local state

    • useState, setState
    • Passing state & update functions down
    • State machines

    31:12 - Approaches to Global state

    • Redux

      • Complicated, hard to learn
      • Very useful, organized and structured
      • Actions, reducers and more
      • Time traveling do to nature of store
      • Immutability
      • Tons of Redux based hooks libs
    • Mobx

      • Based on Observables
        • An Observable is like a Stream and allows to pass zero or more events where the callback is called for each event. Often Observable is preferred over Promise because it provides the features of Promise and more.
    • Context

      • Functions just work and update global state.
      • Downside is there are no fancy tools
    • Apollo

      • Apollo quires for data in global cache
      • Apollo client for global UI state
        • Not quite there, isn’t super elegant


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    Types in JS?

    Types in JS?

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    720: Where Does Time Come From?

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